
Saturday, July 28, 2018

Les noms des rues parisiennes à la base anthroponymique

Le Figaro

Inter alia le projet de "Le Figaro" présente le pourcentage de noms des rues selon l'aspect chronologique et historique. Le Figaro a analysé la toponymie des rues et a pu identifier près de 2500 personnalités qui avaient donné leurs noms aux lieux de Paris:

- 550 - 1700: 15 % des figures historiques où Leonidas Ier le roi de Sparte est le personnage le plus ancien;

- 1700 - 1850: 56 % des figures historiques présentes sur les plaques bleues et vertes parmi lesquelles les héros de la 1ère et 2e République sont les plus fréquents;

- 1850 - 2000: 29 % de personnalités sont nées pendant cette récente période de temps.

Ci-dessous la distibution du nombre de figures historiques sur l'échelle temporelle:

Le Figaro a également étudié les activités de ces figures historiques. Ce sont les personnalités politiques qui sont les plus représentées. Suivent les écrivains, les militaires et les poètes. 

C'est fort intéressant!!! Merci à Le Figaro!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Primeras Jornadas Antroponomásticas


Las Primeras Jornadas Antroponomásticas se llevarán a cabo en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, UNAM, los días 26 y 27 de julio de 2018
Agradecemos su apoyo en la difusión del evento
Selene Jiménez Segura

146 населённым пунктам Актюбинской области возвращены исконные названия


Мероприятия на тему «Ономастика: ұлттық танымға бетбұрыс» проводятся в Мартукском, Кобдинском, Каргалинском и Айтекебийском районах в рамках проекта «Туған жер» с участием известных политиков республики, местных активистов, краеведов и жителей.
Об этом в ходе пресс-конференции в Региональной службе коммуникаций сообщила руководитель областного управления по развитию языков Гюлайым Тюлебаева.
«Проект предусматривает обсуждение идеи сохранения наследия казахского народа, разъяснение языковой политики в сфере ономастики, а также позволит дать определение по идеологически устаревшим названиям», — подчеркнула спикер.
По словам Гюлайым Тюлебаевой, в информационной системе «Адресный регистр», в рамках которой ведется топонимический словарь области, зарегистрированы 1 город областного, 7 городов районного значения, 141 сельский округ, 393 населенных пункта, 2912 улицы. Так, 95% названий сельских округов, 93 % -населенных пунктов, 91% — улиц отвечают национальной идентичности.
Удельный вес устаревших наименований колеблется от 2 до 4,5 %. За годы независимости исконные названия возвращены 146 населенным пунктам, причем увеличилось количество традиционно-национальных названий (Қарабұлақ, Көкпекті, Қаратоғай, Құмсай, Аққайын, Бөзтөбе, Ақжайық, Сарыбұлақ т.т.).

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Creative Name Developer


Have you ever dreamed of creating names for a living? Naming drugs, consumer products, medical devices, or companies? Now's your chance to become the brain behind the name.

Brand Institute, Inc., the global leader in name development, seeks a creative, driven and dedicated individual for an entry level position on our in-house creative team.
Our clients are mostly pharmaceutical companies, but we also have a significant presence in the consumer/B2B space. Potential candidates should have excellent communication skills, a strong knowledge of the English language (knowledge of etymology and linguistics is a plus) and must be able to work in the downtown Miami area.
Since this position includes the creation of pharmaceutical brand names, a degree, background or propensity for science, biology or chemistry is potentially beneficial, but not a position requirement.

Creative Name Developer Responsibilities:
  • Create compelling names for products, services, companies, etc. on deadline.
  • Act as leader for an assigned region, managing regional project work and functioning as liaison between regional directors and the creative team
  • Develop creative briefs, prepare naming deliverables, and handle any other branding requests as assigned.
Requirements for Creative Name Developer:
  • A minimum of a bachelor's degree in one of the following fields: Creative Writing, English, Advertising, Marketing, Journalism, Linguistics, Copywriting, Communication, or related field
  • A working knowledge of Microsoft Office
  • Creativity
Helpful but Not Required:
- An understanding of creative strategy, brand positioning and/or a fundamental knowledge of the Pharmaceutical / Medical Industry
- Bilingual (English + French or Portuguese)
Brand Institute offers excellent benefits and a 401(k) package.

Location Brand Institute, inc.- Miami  
Position Requirements  
Open Date 5/8/2018  
Full-Time/Part-Time Full-Time

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Call for Papers "Colonial and postcolonial toponomastics" (Germany, 2019)

pdf + website

Call for Papers 

DGfS-Jahrestagung 2019 

| Universität Bremen | 06. – 08.03.2019 

Colonial and postcolonial toponomastics 

Koloniale und postkoloniale Toponomastik (AG 9) 

Matthias Schulz (Universität Würzburg) / Doris Stolberg (Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim) 

Toponymische (Um-)Benennungen waren Teil des Sprachhandelns der Kolonisatoren sowohl im kolonisierten Raum als auch in den sog. kolonialen Metropolen. Dort fanden auch nach dem Ende der faktischen Kolonialzeit kommemorative (Um-)Benennungen mit kolonialem Bezug statt (vgl. Schulz & Ebert 2017). Es entstanden zeitlich und räumlich differenzierbare toponymische Inventare. Aktuell werden in gesellschaftlichen Umbenennungsdebatten toponymische Einheiten aus den historischen Inventaren herausgelöst und kontrovers diskutiert.

In empirischen system- und diskurslinguistischen Zugriffen werden gegenwärtig Namen-Inventare, deren morphologische Strukturen und ihre Verwendung analysiert. Ansätze der - Koloniallinguistik, der Toponomastik, der Diskurslinguistik, der (historischen) Soziolinguistik und der Sprachkontaktforschung werden dabei innovativ verbunden.

Die Kurz-AG setzt den Fokus auf deutschsprachige mikrotoponymische Inventare (z. B. kolonial motivierte Straßen-, Hotel- oder Apothekennamen). Erbeten werden Beiträge, die Aspekte der inventarbezogenen strukturellen Systematizität (vgl. Stolz & Warnke 2015), Oppositionsbildungen unterschiedlicher Inventare oder systematische Kontrastierungen (z. B. Benennungen – Umbenennungen) behandeln. Auch die Erhebung diskursbezogener sprachlicher Praktiken in Bezug auf einzelne Einheiten oder ganze Inventare ist von Interesse. Systemlinguistische oder diskurslinguistische Konstrastierungen mit kolonialen Mikrotoponymen anderer Sprachen sind ausdrücklich erwünscht.

Wir laden dazu ein, Abstracts für 20-minütige Vorträge (plus 10 Minuten Diskussion) auf Deutsch oder Englisch einzureichen. Einreichungen dürfen den Umfang von zwei Seiten (inkl. Daten, Abbildungen und Literaturangaben) nicht überschreiten (Schriftgröße 12pt, angemessener Seitenrand).

Die Einreichung der Abstracts erfolgt an die Emailadressen der Organisatoren:

Die Einreichungsfrist für Abstracts ist der 15.08.2018. Eine Rückmeldung über die Annahme / Ablehnung des Abstracts erfolgt bis zum 15.09.2018.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Lecture 'The other millennium: English place-naming after the Norman conquest'

2015's Cameron Lecture was delivered by Prof. Diana Whaley of Newcastle University.  

The lecture, 'The other millennium: English place-naming after the Norman conquest', can be viewed below.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Australian Aboriginal Place Names Project


The Place Names Project aims to involve language communities in the renaming processes in their regions. To achieve this goal, First Languages Australia will be working at two levels.

Firstly, it will support the work that Aboriginal communities and Torres Strait Islander communities are doing in documenting and publishing place names and associated information. First Languages Australia will invite language communities to identify the place names they would like recognised and submit them to a national map. Developing and maintaining the map will be an ongoing project to be promoted as a reference tool for local councils, schools, parks and wildlife, and tourism ventures. The map will specify the preferred geographical name/s and identify a community point of contact for the appropriate use of that name in the region.
Secondly, First Languages Australia will work with the Permanent Committee on Place Names and other relevant agencies to promote the appropriate use of Aboriginal place names and Torres Strait Islander place names throughout Australia. Where possible, the meanings of these place names will be included on signage.
Support from local agencies and cultural involvement from communities is crucial to the outcome. This will include developing a set of guidelines with local government agencies and federal and state tourism authorities regarding:
  • the inclusion of traditional place names information in shire and tourism publications
  • providing support to local place name committees responsible for defining meanings of current place names and recommending changes and additions
  • changes to signage to reflect the new information
  • encouragement for the use of this material on roadside information boards, and historical markers, where appropriate
  • consideration of local Aboriginal organisations and Torres Strait Islander organisations as contractors for the design, construction, and erection of new signage and changes to old signs
  • exploratory place names projects designed and distributed to schools to encourage young Australians to see place names as an exciting and unique part of their identity
  • employment of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in the project.
As the naming and renaming of significant places increases, there will be an increasing need for the local cultural knowledge of Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islander people. This will lead to further employment opportunities in industries such as tourism, local government, and state government departments such as Lands, Main Roads, Fisheries, Parks and Wildlife.
"Over 60% of Australian place names are of Aboriginal origin but the meanings of very few are known to the public. Australians seem uninterested in this part of their heritage but overseas tourists always put Aboriginal cultural engagement in the top two of their travel wish lists."  Bruce Pascoe
 Download the Place Names Project here: Australian_Place_Names_Project.pdf

Conférence sur la toponymie des hameaux de Peyremale



15-16 septembre 2018

Samedi 15 septembre à 18:00, la Conférence sur la toponymie des hameaux de Peyremale Conférence de Pierre Mazodier sur la toponymie des hameaux de Peyremale aura lieu à la salle communale.

Monday, July 9, 2018

NOMEN recherche un(e) assistant(e) chef de projets août/septembre 2018

, agence de communication spécialisée dans la création de noms de marques, recherche un(e) assistant(e) chef de projets en pour un an à partir d’août/septembre 2018.

Research Fellow at the Institute for Name-Studies


Research Fellow - Institute for Name-Studies (fixed-term, part-time)

Closing Date
Friday, 20th July 2018
Job Type
£29799 to £38833 per annum pro-rata depending on skills and experience. Salary progression beyond this scale is subject to performance.
Applications are invited for the above post in the School of English.  The successful applicant will work under the direction of Dr Jayne Carroll with her and with other colleagues to support research impact activity within the Institute for Name-Studies and contribute to research and publication on the place-names of Shropshire and Staffordshire. He or she will also support grant-writing to fund further research in this area.

Candidates must have a successfully completed PhD in onomastics, English or another language, history, linguistics, archaeology, historical geography or other appropriate subject.  Candidates should also have proven research skills in onomastics or a closely related historical discipline and skills in medieval and early modern palaeography.
Further information about the School is available at:
Further information about the Institute for Name-Studies is available at
This part time post, 18 hours per week, will be offered on a fixed term contract from 01 August 2018 (or as soon as possible thereafter) to 31 July 2019.

Selection Process
The interview process will include a presentation of research and a formal interview.
The University of Nottingham is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.The University strongly endorses Athena SWAN principles, with commitment from all levels of the organisation in furthering gender equality. It is our mission to ensure equal opportunity, best working practices and fair policies for all.

Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Jayne Carroll ( Please note that applications sent directly to this email address will not be accepted.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Zomrel jazykovedec Milan Majtán


Majtán pracoval hlavne v oblasti výskumu dejín slovenského jazyka a dialektológie.

BRATISLAVA. Významný slovenský jazykovedec, nestor systematického výskumu vlastných mien na Slovensku a dlhoročný pracovník Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra Slovenskej akadémie vied (SAV) PhDr. Milan Majtán, DrSc. (nar. 3. 5. 1934 vo Vrútkach), zomrel 30. júna v Bratislave vo veku 84 rokov.

TASR o tom informoval predseda Slovenskej onomastickej komisie pri Jazykovednom ústave Ľudovíta Štúra SAV a vedúci Katedry slovenského jazyka a literatúry na Trnavskej univerzite Juraj Hladký.
Milan Majtán pracoval hlavne v oblasti onomastiky, výskumu dejín slovenského jazyka a dialektológie.
Verejnosť ho pozná najmä vďaka publikáciám o vlastných menách Vyberte si meno pre vaše dieťa, Názvy obcí na Slovensku - Vývin v rokoch 1773 - 1997 a popularizačnej publikácii Slovenské priezviská.
Bol vedeckým redaktorom Historického slovníka slovenského jazyka, spoluautorom ďalších vedeckých publikácií o názvoch riek (Hydronymia povodia Oravy, Hydronymia povodia Ipľa) a desiatok odborných článkov o vlastných menách.
Rozlúčka s Milanom Majtánom sa uskutočnila 4. júla v úzkom kruhu rodiny v Bratislave.

Vážené kolegyne, vážení kolegovia, milí priatelia,

dnes sme dostali správu, ktorá nás hlboko zasiahla.  V pondelok 30. 6. nás navždy opustil významný jazykovedec, dlhoročný kolega a vzácny priateľ, PhDr. Milan Majtán, DrSc. Posledná rozlúčka so zosnulým sa konala v úzkom rodinnom kruhu. 

Túto smutnú správu Vám posielame s presvedčením, že sa spolu s nami, pracovníkmi JÚĽŠ SAV, pristavíte na chvíľu pri spomienke na Milana Majtána, človeka s výnimočným vedeckým i ľudským rozmerom.

S úctou,

Gabriela Múcsková

Jazykovedný ústav Ľ. Štúra SAV

Friday, July 6, 2018

Call for Papers: Personal names and cultural reconstructions (Finland, 2019)


Date: 21–23 August 2019
Place: University of Helsinki, Finland

Host: University of Helsinki and the research project: Personal name systems in Finnic and beyond: Reconstructing the concepts of name giving in cultural layers of prehistory (funded by The Academy of Finland)
Deadline: 15 December 2018

We invite paper and poster proposals for this international conference, which will take place 21–23 August 2019 at the University of Helsinki. Papers of the conference should address anthroponymic systems and cultural reconstructions, broadly speaking, and contributions to various names and naming systems in different languages and cultures are welcome. Especially papers with a specific emphasis on reconstructing the historical strata and cultural contacts reflected in personal names are encouraged.

This conference creates and facilitates new research openings and cooperation in the interdisciplinary field of anthroponymic systems by bringing together scholars from different countries and universities worldwide to discuss and debate a range of topics.
The theme of the conference draws increased international attention: the issues of personal names in various historical and cultural settings are increasingly addressed by researchers in linguistics, onomastics, history, ethnology and other disciplines.

Keynote speakers:
- Ellen Bramwell, University of Glasgow
- Frog, University of Helsinki
- Aleksandar Loma, University of Belgrade and Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Guidelines for ses­sions
- Paper sessions
A paper session consists of presentations where each participant presents preferably about 15-20 minutes, which is followed by a 10-minute general discussion. Every paper session has a chairperson who is initiating a discussion and posing questions about the presentation.
- Poster sessions
During poster sessions each presenter will be given 5 minutes to present his/her poster. Afterwards, the delegates can walk around, ask questions or start an in-depth discussion with the presenters. The posters will be spread all over the hallway.

How to sub­mit a pro­posal: Open the e-form and follow the guidelines.

The deadline for submitting paper, panel, and roundtable proposals is 15 December 2018.
Notification of acceptance for paper, panel, and roundtable proposals will be sent by email by 15 February 2019. The abstracts of accepted papers and/or posters will be published on the conference website.

For more information:

Organisation committee: Terhi Ainiala, Denis Kuzmin, Jaakko Raunamaa, Janne Saarikivi and Johanna Virkkula.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Research Associate for the project ‘The Place-Names of the Galloway Glens’


Research Associate

University of Glasgow - School of Humanities

Job PurposeTo make a (leading) contribution to the project: ‘The Place-Names of the Galloway Glens’ working with Prof. Thomas Clancy and Dr Simon Taylor. Specifically, the job requires expert knowledge in the areas of Scottish place-names, and place-name survey. The successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to the formulation and submission of research publications and research proposals as well as help to successfully deliver this project as opportunities allow.
Standard Terms & ConditionsSalary will be on the University’s Research and Teaching Grade, level 7, £34,520 - £38,833 pro rata per annum.
This position is part time at 17.5 hours per week and has funding until 31 May 2019.
New entrants to the University will be required to serve a probationary period of 6 months.
The successful applicant will be eligible to join the Universities' Superannuation Scheme. Further information regarding the scheme is available from the Superannuation Officer, who is also prepared to advise on questions relating to the transfer of Superannuation benefits.
All research and related activities, including grants, donations, clinical trials, contract research, consultancy and commercialisation are required to be managed through the University’s relevant processes (e.g. contractual and financial), in accordance with the University Court’s policies.
It is the University of Glasgow’s mission to foster an inclusive climate, which ensures equality in our working, learning, research and teaching environment.
We strongly endorse the principles of Athena SWAN, including a supportive and flexible working environment, with commitment from all levels of the organisation in promoting gender equity.
The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Cameron Lecture 2017 "Highways and byways to the English Place-Name Society"

2017’s lecture, on Friday 1st December, was delivered by Prof. Gillian Fellows-Jensen of the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen. The lecture, 'Highways and byways to the English Place-Name Society through more than fifty years', can be viewed below.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics) Vol. 15/2 (2018)


Dear colleagues,

The editorial board of the journal Voprosy onomastiki (Problems of Onomastics) is pleased to inform you of the publication of Vol. 15 (2018), Issue 2.

2018, Volume 15, Issue 2

Issues in Applied Onomastics
Book Reviews