
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Conférence "L'onomastique ou la science des noms propres"


Conférence animée par le B. Salques, ethnolinguiste.
Vendredi 8 février 2019 à 16h.

 : tous public
 : Participation libre.
Renseignements sur le site internet de l’Université Populaire du Vivarais.
 : Lamastre
 : Médiathèque
Avenue de Tournon
07270 Lamastre

Spatial onomastic network of China

In December 2018, the article "Regional surname affinity: A spatial network approach" has been published at American Journal of Physical Anthropology (DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23755).

The authors investigate surname affinities among areas of modern‐day China, by constructing a spatial network, and making community detection. It reports a geographical genealogy of the Chinese population that is result of population origins, historical migrations, and societal evolutions.

The researchers acquired data from the census records supplied by China's National Citizen Identity Information System, including the surname and regional information of 1.28 billion registered Chinese citizens. They proposed a multilayer minimum spanning tree (MMST) to construct a spatial network based on the matrix of isonymic distances, which is often used to characterize the dissimilarity of surname structure among areas. They also use the fast unfolding algorithm to detect network communities.

By doing so, the scholars obtained a 10‐layer MMST network of 362 prefecture nodes and 3,610 edges derived from the matrix of the Euclidean distances among these areas. These prefectures are divided into eight groups in the spatial network via community detection. They measured the partition by comparing the inter‐distances and intra‐distances of the communities and obtained meaningful regional ethnicity classification.

The visualization of the resulting communities on the map indicates that the prefectures in the same community are usually geographically adjacent. The formation of this partition is influenced by geographical factors, historic migrations, trade and economic factors, as well as isolation of culture and language. The MMST algorithm proves to be effective in geo‐genealogy and ethnicity classification for it retains essential information about surname affinity and highlights the geographical consanguinity of the population.

link or link

Monday, January 28, 2019

Carte linguistique interactive de la France pour étudier les noms propres


Les Archives nationales viennent de mettre en ligne une carte linguistique interactive de la France.

Cette carte offre une représentation de la situation linguistique et dialectale de la France métropolitaine au XXe siècle.

Elle se fonde principalement sur les travaux du linguiste Walther von Wartburg (1888-1971).

Cette carte a été réalisée par le centre d'onomastique des Archives nationales dans une perspective d'étude des noms propres : les aires linguistiques et dialectales déterminent en effet fortement la forme de ces noms, mais aussi l'emploi de certains d'entre eux dans des zones bien précises.

Best Onomastic Article Award 2018


The winners are Giulia Petitta, Valerie Dively, Mark Halley, Marc Holmes & Brenda Nicodemus, for their article “’My Name is A-on-the-cheek’: Managing Names and Name Signs in American Sign Language-English Team Interpretation” NAMES 66/4 (2018), pp. 205-218.

by Committee: Michael McGoff, Kemp Williams, Dorothy Dodge Robbins

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Papers of the ICOS Congress 2017 in Debrecen have been published


The International Council of Onomastic Studies is happy to inform you that the volumes from the papers presented at the XXVI International Congress of Onomastic Sciences in Debrecen in 2017 have been published (as issues no. 10 to 14 of Onomastica Uralica).
The volumes are available online in Open Access format on the website of the journal:
The volumes are also published in print form.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Research network "New trends in Nordic Socio-onomastics"


The primary objective of establishing the network New Trends in Nordic Socio-onomastics is to stimulate innovative research development within the field. We aim to enable researchers from different Nordic countries to come together to inspire them to make use of recent theoretical and methodological developments within adjacent fields in new, creative ways.
Name research is a small research field and there are few researchers in this field in each Nordic country. Therefore, a joint Nordic network has an important role to play in creating a critical mass and options for a focused thought dividends. The organization of the network workshops encourage the participants to explore new theoretical perspectives relevant for socio-onomastic studies, as well as new methodological tools suitable for contemporary synchronic, historical and diachronic onomastic studies.
Founders of the network are Birgit Eggert, University of Copenhagen, Emilia Aldrin, Halmstad University, and Terhi Ainiala, University of Helsinki.

On the website, you may find the following information: about socio-onomastics, its history, methodology, participants and the forth-coming workshops. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Kazakhstan suggests changing country’s name to Kazakh Republic?


by Almaz Kumenov Jan 24, 2019

The flag is agreed on, but what about the name?

A member of parliament in Kazakhstan has dusted off a recurrent old favorite, proposing that the country’s name be changed — to Kazakh Republic

Speaking on January 23, Azat Peruashev, leader of the government-approved astroturf opposition party Ak-Zhol, said that the name-change would be a suitable way to mark the 100th anniversary of the creation in 1920 of a Kazakh republic with the Soviet Union.  

“We need to call things by their name: black is black and white is white. And Kazakhs are Kazakhs,” he said.

Peruashev said that the new name would “restore historic justice” and “boost unity and amity among all ethnicities.” His strongest argument appeared to be that President Nursultan Nazarbayev is already on record as having made similar suggestions. 

In February 2014, Nazarbayev floated the idea of ditching the -stan and renaming the country Kazak Eli, or Kazakh People. The implication often aired is that the -stan ending, which is derived from a Persian root and means land, leads many outsiders to lump nations like Kazakhstan with perceived hotspots like Afghanistan and Pakistan.

“The ending of our country’s name is -stan, like the other countries in Central Asia. At the same time, many foreigners are drawn to Mongolia, a country of just two million people whose country does not have the -stan ending,” Nazarbayev said.  

Opponents of the idea grumbled that the country had far more pressing matters to deal with. 

The experience of neighboring Kyrgyzstan is potentially useful precedent. Rebranding efforts there in 1993 led to authorities officially adopting the title of the Kyrgyz Republic, which is the country’s correct formal name. This does not sit will with some, however, who feel that the name has baked in an exceptional status for the ethnic Kyrgyz majority at the expense of large but often marginalized minorities, like the Uzbek community. Public talk of reverting to Kyrgyzstan as a way of soothing interethnic tensions has never been granted serious consideration.

As far as Kazakhstan goes, were any name-changing to occur, it could form part of an evolving exercise in asserting ever-stronger Kazakh national identity and, accordingly, shedding the abiding cultural and political legacies of Soviet and Russian imperial rule.

In October 2017, Nazarbayev adopted a decree approving the Kazakh language’s transition away from the Cyrillic alphabet to the Latin alphabet by 2025. This too constituted a reversal to what happened between 1929 and 1940, when Soviet authorities abolished the use of the Arabic script for Kazakh in favor of more secular Latin writing. Cyrillic was only adopted after 1940.

All this has not gone unnoticed by Russia, where chauvinist-inclined commentators have interpreted the shedding of Cyrillic as a hostile anti-Muscovite move. This kind of crypto-irredentist talk is on a semi-regular basis given air in Kremlin-friendly media. 

One Russian newspaper, daily tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda, has already come out against Peruashev’s proposal, suggesting that he might be laying the ground for ethnic tension.

“It is exactly with this sort of talk that many inter-ethnic conflicts began in the post-Soviet space. When Moldavia became Moldova, when Tajikistan became Tojikiston, when Chechnya became Ichkeria, and Yugoslavia became a cluster of warring micro-states,” the newspaper opined.

Almaz Kumenov is an Almaty-based journalist.

Последняя неделя для заявки на участие в XVII конференции "Ономастика Поволжья"

Всем ономатологам мира! 

XVII конференции "Ономастика Поволжья"

Прославленный город Великий Новгород готов принять. 
Начинаем готовиться к конференции. 

Уважаемые коллеги!

Приглашаем вас принять участие в XVII Международной научной конференции «Ономастика Поволжья», которая состоится с 17 по 20 сентября 2019 года в Великом Новгороде на базе Новгородского государственного университета им. Ярослава Мудрого.

Планируется обсуждение широкого круга вопросов, связанных с различными аспектами изучения имени собственного:

• теория и методология ономастических исследований;
• социоономастические, психоономастические, этноономастические исследования;
• ономастическое (онимическое) пространство и ономастическое (онимическое) поле;
• историческая и архивная ономастика;
• диалектная ономастика;
• общая топонимика;
• поволжская топонимика, микротопонимика и урбанонимика;
• антропонимика и этнонимика;
• зоонимика;
• теонимы и мифонимы в поволжских этнокультурах;
• городское онимическое пространство;
• ономастическая периферия и апеллятивно-ономастическое пограничье;
• имя собственное в межъязыковом контексте;
• литературная и фольклорная ономастика (поэтонимология);
• имя собственное в детской речи;
• языковая игра в ономастическом пространстве;
• ономастика и ономастическое краеведение в школе и вузе.

К началу работы конференции будет издан сборник материалов, который будет размещен в наукометрической базе РИНЦ (Российский индекс научного цитирования).
Условия участия и публикации материалов, а также требования к их оформлению будут сообщены в информационном письме № 2 (возможна грантовая поддержка), которое будет направлено в феврале-марте 2019 года.

Заявки на участие в конференции просим выслать до 1 февраля 2019 г. по электронным адресам: и

Если через 3 дня после отправки материалов Вы не получите ответного письма, повторите, пожалуйста, заявку или позвоните.
Почтовый адрес: 173020, Великий Новгород, Антоново, 1, Гуманитарный институт, кафедра русского языка, проф. Валерию Леонидовичу Васильеву.
Телефоны для справок: +7(905)338-43-45 (Василий Иванович Супрун) или +7(911)6420511 (Васильев Валерий Леонидович).

Предполагается культурная программа: посещение Рюрикова Городища, Новгородского музея-заповедника (Детинца), Новгородского музея изобразительных искусств, пешеходная экскурсия по Антоново (бывшему Антониеву монастырю) и др.
Оргкомитет конференции

Place Name recording day at Llanberis

Diwrnod casglu ewnau yn Llanberis. 

Place Name recording day at Llanberis in February 2, 2019

CHW-Vortrag: Weidnitz nach den Weiden benannt

Über „Fränkische Ortsnamen als Leitfossilien der Besiedlungsgeschichte“ referierte Dr. Joachim Andraschke bei der CHW-Bezirksgruppe Burgkunstadt/Altenkunstadt im voll besetzten Pfarrheim in Burgkunstadt. Der Referent studierte in Bamberg Geschichte und hat eine Magisterarbeit über Wüstungen in Oberfranken geschrieben. Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt ist die fränkische Namenskunde. Kürzlich stellte er sein Buch zu den „germanisch-frühdeutschen Ortsnamen des Regnitz- und Obermaingebietes“ vor.
Der Begriff „Leitfossilien“ bezeichnet im übertragenen Sinne die Tatsache, dass man anhand der Fundplätze von vorzeitlicher Keramik an verschiedenen Fundorten eine gemeinsame Herkunft ableiten kann. So wurde anhand archäologischer Funde nachgewiesen, dass Germanen ab 80 vor Christus an der Elbmündung aufbrachen, nach Süden an den Obermain zogen und hier siedelten. Zu den Elbgermanen zählt man die Semnonen, Hermunduren, Quaden, Markomannen und Langobarden. Eine elbgermanische Landnahme durch die Markomannen lässt sich im Maingebiet zwischen 40 vor bis 12 nach Christus nachweisen und wird mit der Großromstedter Kultur in Verbindung gebracht.
auf den Link klicken, um mehr über das Thema zu lesen: Link

Onomastique et poétique dans les mondes grec et latin


3e Séance L'atelier des poètes
Onomastique et poétique dans les mondes grec et latin
Discutants : D. VallatP. Luccioni

Séance commune avec le séminaire Nommer les hommes dans les mondes anciens

- vendredi 25 janvier 2019 - de 14h à 17h - salle 308 - MILC - 35 rue Raulin - Lyon 7e

Programme du 8ème Colloque Onomastique Suisse


8e Colloque Onomastique Suisse : Néotoponymie et toponymie politique
05.02.2019 09:30 – 15:00
Cette année le colloque d'onomastique suisse est organisé à Genève et est principalement consacré à la toponymie politique.

Le programme est le suivant:
9h40 Jacques Moeschler (Unige) : Pragmatique des noms propres. Implications pour les toponymes
10h00 Frédéric Giraut (Unige) : Néotoponymie et toponymie politique comme champ émergent
10h25 Myriam Houssay-Holzschuch (Université de Grenoble-Alpes) : Eléments pour une théorie de la production des noms de lieux
10h50-11h50 Table Ronde « La production des noms de lieux dans le canton de Genève » Thierry Tanquerel (Unige), Vincent Galley (Dpt du Territoire, Canton de Genève)
11h50 Francesco Screti (UniFri) : Réécrire la Galice : l’orthographe et la construction de l’espace social
12h10 Repas
13h45 Sebastien Boillat (Unibe) : Le rôle de la microtoponymie dans la reconnaissance des savoirs autochtones 
14h15 Julia Villette (UniZurich) : Des microtoponymes au paysage à partir de la sémantique, de la localisation et de la topographie
14h40 Federica Dièmoz , Jérémie Delorme (UniNe), Thomas Franz Schneider (Unibe) : Le Fichier Muret numérisé une ressource en microtoponymie et dialectologie
15h Clôture 

Friday, January 18, 2019

Vortrag mit Prof. Dr. Jürgen Udolph in Wienhausen


Schall und Rauch – was verraten Familiennamen wirklich?

WIENHAUSEN. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Udolph, Deutschlands bekanntester Namensforscher ist am 25. Januar 2019 um 20.00 Uhr zu Gast beim Kulturkreis Wienhausen im Sommerrefektorium des Klosters. Familiennamen sind Zeugen der Geschichte. Und sie interessieren die Menschen ganz besonders, vor allem natürlich ihr eigener Name.
Woher kommt er? Was bedeutet er eigentlich? Warum verstehen wir ihn nicht? Es ist von besonderem Reiz herauszufinden, woher der eigene Familienname kommt. Gerade das macht die Namenforschung so spannend. Prof. Jürgen Udolph wird die Besucher mitnehmen in die geheimnisvolle Welt der Namen.

Spécialiste belge de noms propres est honoré par la Société Française d'Onomastique


Ciney: le spécialiste des noms propres Jean Germain distingué en France

Jean Germain recevra le prix Dauzat le 21 janvier, à Paris!!!

Colloque à Genève "La néotoponymie et la toponymie politique"


Kolloquium Nr. 8 in Genf "La néotoponymie et la toponymie politique"
Datum: Montag, 5. Februar 2019

Ort: Université de Genève, Bâtiment Unimail, salle MR060
Zeit: 9.30 – 15.00 Uhr
Die diesjährige Veranstaltung wird von der Département de Géographie et Environnement der Universität Genf organisiert. Das Kolloquium steht unter dem Thema NeuOrtsnamen und politische Ortsnamen und soll wiederum eine Mischung aus Workshop und Mini-Tagung sein, die Gelegenheit zum Austausch, zur Diskussion und auch zum informellen Gespräch bietet.
Wir hoffen auf viele interessierte TeilnehmerInnen und bitten um Anmeldung per Mail bis zum 25. Januar 2019 unter folgender Adresse:
Wer eine abgeschlossene, laufende oder geplante onomastische Arbeit (Ausstellung, Namenbuch, universitäres Forschungsprojekt etc.) auf einem Poster präsentieren möchte, ist freundlich dazu eingeladen (bitte bei der Anmeldung angeben).

Special Issue "Urban Place Names: Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions"


Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
The proposed Special Issue of Urban Science (ISSN 2413-8851) aims to contribute to the vigorous field of urban studies by exploring modern city landscapes through the prism of the interdisciplinary field of toponymy. The main goal is to bring together contemporary urban toponymic studies scholarship, both from the traditional onomastic perspective and the recently emerged critical toponymy perspective, to examine new areas of spatial relationships between people, language, culture, urban landscapes, development, and political power in different regions of the world. The original research papers and systematic critical reviews that reflect the theoretical development, contemporary condition, and future challenges of urban place names studies from various disciplinary perspectives will be welcomed.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 December 2019
In particular, the topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following themes:
- globalization and transformation of urban toponymic systems;
- urban place naming as a political tool;
- place names and urban culture;
- vernacular urban place names and community everyday life;
- new trends in urban place naming and contemporary toponymic practices;
- typology of modern urban place names;
- tourism and commodification of urban toponymic landscape;
- urban place names as markers of gentrification;
- toponymic systems of suburbs;
- place names and place making;
- GIS and urban toponymic studies
Dr. Sergei Basik
Guest Editor
Manuscript Submission Information
Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website. Once you are registered, click here to go to the submission form. Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website.
Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a single-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instructions for Authors page. Urban Science is an international peer-reviewed open access quarterly journal published by MDPI.
* urban place names
* political toponymy
* critical place names studies
* socio-onomastics
* globalization
* tourism
* gentrification
* toponymic commodification
* urban cultural landscapes
* place making
* vernacular urban place names

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Nimisampo – paikannimistön tutkijan työpöytä



Helsingin yliopiston digitaalisten ihmistieteiden keskus HELDIG ja humanistinen tiedekunta sekä Kotimaisten kielten keskus Kotus kutsuvat Teidät julkistustilaisuuteen:
Nimisampo –
paikannimistön tutkijan

Perjantaina 1.2.2019, klo 14:00–16:00
Tiedekulma, Think Lounge, Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki,

Tilaisuudessa avataan ja esitellään uusi, linkitettyyn avoimeen dataan perustuva data- ja verkkopalvelu Nimisampo – paikannimistön tutkijan työpöytä
paikka-aineistojen nimien julkaisemiseksi ja tutkimiseksi verkossa digitaalisten ihmistieteiden keinoin.
Järjestelmä on toteutettu Aalto-yliopiston ja Helsingin yliopiston HELDIG-keskuksen Semanttisen laskennan tutkimusryhmässä (SeCo).

Ohjelma 14:00–16:00

  • Nimisampo – idea ja sen toteutus. Eero Hyvönen, Helsingin yliopisto (HELDIG) ja Aalto-yliopisto
  • Kotuksen nimiarkisto-hanke: data ja sen digitointi. Helinä Uusitalo, Kotus
  • Paikkatyyppiontologian luominen. Tiina Aalto, Helsingin yliopisto
  • Nimisampo-sovellus. Esko Ikkala, Helsingin yliopisto (HELDIG) ja Aalto-yliopisto
  • Nimisammon datapalvelu Linked Data Finland -alustalla. Jouni Tuominen, Helsingin yliopisto (HELDIG)
  • Aiempien vuosikymmenten nimistöntutkimusta Nimisammon taonnassa. Jaakko Raunamaa, Helsingin yliopisto
  • Nimisammon käyttö nimistöntutkimuksessa: esimerkkinä paikannimien variaatio. Terhi Ainiala, Helsingin yliopisto
  • Kuohuviiniä ja verkostoitumista

Monday, January 14, 2019

Webinar "Exploring Geo-Text Data: Place Names, Place Relations, and Place Sentiments"

Tuesday, January 29, 20191:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Category: Webinars

Recent years have witnessed an exponential growth of data that link geographic locations with natural language texts (geo-text data for short). Examples include geotagged tweets, geotagged Wikipedia articles, as well as news articles and online reviews that contain place names. These geo-text data offer unique opportunities for discovering a variety of
knowledge. In this webinar, I present three studies that discover different knowledge by analyzing three types of geo-text data. The discovered knowledge can support disaster response, urban planning, and other applications that benefit our society.

Presenter:  Yingjie Hu, University at Buffalo.
This is a UCGIS Members-Only presentation. Click here to confirm that your institution is a UCGIS member, then register for the webinar at  Registrations by individuals at non-member institutions will only be permitted on a space-available basis. 

A New Dictionary of English Field-Names (2018)

by Paul Cavill, with an introduction by Rebecca Gregory, has been published just before Christmas.

It's a substantial update of John Field's classic work, incorporating material he had collected for a second edition that never appeared, but also drawing on the hugely expanded and now digitised resources of the English Place Names Survey. A definite 'must' for every student of English place-names. Prices vary for EPNS members/ non-members, hb and pb, and are very reasonable for the sturdy hardback.

Here is profile of Dr. Paul Cavill (Assistant Professor in Early English at the University of Nottingham, Member of the Council of the English Place-Name Society).

Paul works mainly in the fields of historical language and place-name studies; he is Lecturer in Early English in the School of English at Nottingham university. He completed his PhD in 1996 and has worked with the English Place-Name Society and the Institute for Name-Studies at Nottingham for over twenty years. In that time he has edited and published eighteen volumes of the prestigious English Place-Name Survey which collects and analyses the place-names of the English counties. He now edits the Journal of the English Place-Name Society and is working on the AHRC-funded Shropshire Place-Names project (2013–2017). Alongside this he has published books and articles relating to the culture and literature of the Anglo-Saxons. Paul enjoys interdisciplinary research and is particularly interested in the interactions between place-names and historical geography including medieval settlement and land-use.

Novas rúas, vella toponimia

link by AGOn

O Concello de Tomiño puxo en marcha unha iniciativa para darlle nome a unha nova avenida. Dende a AGOn defendemos que as novas entidades leven nomes tradicionais do lugar.
Así o recolle tamén o propio concello na súa Ordenanza para o impulso social da lingua galega, que no artigo 17.2 di:
“O Concello de Tomiño promoverá a recuperación, historia, orixe, coñecemento e uso da toponimia do territorio municipal, e preservará as formas tradicionais dos lugares como parte integrante da memoria colectiva do patrimonio cultural”.
É por iso que vos pedimos que accedades á páxina do concello de Tomiño e enviedes a proposta da AGOn antes do día 15 de xaneiro. Unha das frases que suxerimos para lembrarlle ó concello a obriga que adquiriu é a seguinte:
Buscar un nome novo e sepultar un topónimo tradicional é dar ao esquecemento unha parte da historia do territorio.
Podedes facelo neste enderezo web:

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Юбилей основателя научной школы ономастики Азербайджана Афада Гурбанова


Выдающийся ученый-языковед, тюрколог и общественный деятель акадмик Афад Гурбанов отличился научной продуктивностью и в процессе своей научной деятельности охватил все сферы языкознания. Под авторством А.Гурбанова было опубликовано более 70 фундаментальных и многотомных трудов по Азербайджанскому, общему и тюркскому зыкознанию, свыше 500 научно-методических статей. Такие труды как "Литературный и разговорный азербайджанский язык" (1965), "Современный Азербайджанский литературный язык" (1967, 2 тома), "Общее языкознание" (1977, 2 тома), "Основы азербайджанской ономалогии" (1988, 2 тома), "Тюркское языкознание" (5 томов), "Проблемы азербайджанского языкознания" (3 тома), "Теория антропонимии" и др. внесли большой вклад в развитии направлений развития азербайджанского языкознания, исследованию и изучению актуальных проблем языкознания.
В 70-80 годах прошлого века Афад Гурбанов был одним из единственных ученых, который создал научную школу в науке. Формирование научной школы ономастики непосредственно связано с именем академика Афада Гурбанова. Самое большое достижение ученого это двухтомная монография "Основы азербайджанской ономалогии", которая была удостоена государственной премии Азербайджанской ССР. А.Гурбанов этой фундаментальной книгой заложил научные основы ономастики.

Важную часть деятельности каждого научного деятеля составляет воспитание научных кадров в области его специализации. Наряду с воспитанием десятка тысяч высококвалифицированных преподавателей для своей страны, академик А.Гурбанов, уделявший большое внимание вопросу формирования ученых-филологов, подготовил более 60 кандидатов и докторов наук.

А.Гурбанов являлся автором концепции "Азербайджанских фамилий", подготовленной в рамках работы в специальной комиссии по именам и фамилиям Национальной академии наук Азербайджана.

В 90 года прошлого века велики заслуги А.Гурбанова как Председателя Комиссии по азербайджанскому алфавиту и автора нового алфавита на латинской графике в проведении алфавитной реформы в Азербайджане. Талантливый ученый и умелый организатор, А.Гурбанов посвятил все свои силы и способности этой важной работе, отражающей чаяния и желания народа – переходу азербайджанского алфавита на латинскую графику. Именно он был первым ученым, обосновавшим научными фактами необходимость перехода на алфавит с латинской графикой.

Сегодняшний алфавит, являющийся общенародным богатством – это самый большой дар азербайджанскому народу от активного гражданина, глубоко любящего свой народ, выдающегося языковеда Афада Магомед оглы Гурбанова, как результат его научной и общественной деятельности.

Onomastika Elmi Məktəbinin banisi Afad Qurbanovun anadan olmasının 90 illik yubileyi

Azərbaycan dilçiliyinin elə bir sahəsi olmamışdır ki, bu məhsuldar və əməksevər alim oraya nüfuz etməsin. Azərbaycanın görkəmli dilçi-alimi Afad Qurbanovun müəllifliyi ilə dilçilik elminə dair 70-dən çox irihəcmli və fundamental (çoxcildlik) əsərlər yazılmış, 500-dən çox elmi-metodiki məqalələr hazırlanmışdır. Azərbaycan dilçiliyinin istiqamətlərinin müəyyənləşdirilməsində, dilçiliyin aktual problemlərinin tədqiqində və tədrisində böyük xidmətləri olan A.Qurbanov "Azərbaycan ədəbi və danışıq dili (1965), "Müasir Azərbaycan ədəbi dili (2 cildlik, 1967), "Ümumi dilçilik" (2 cildlik, 1977), "Azərbaycan onomalogiyasının əsasları, (2 cildlik, 1988), "Türkoloji dilçilik" (5 cildlik), "Azərbaycan dilçiliyinin problemləri" (3 cildlik), "Antroponim nəzəriyyəsi və s. monoqrafiya və dərsliklərin müəllifidir.
Akademik Afad Qurbanov XX əsrin 70-80-ci illərində yeganə dilçi-alim olmuşdur ki, Azərbaycan dilçiliyində müstəqil nəzəri şöbəsini yaratmağa nail oldu. "Onomastika Elmi Məktəbi"nin formalaşması bilavasitə professor Afad Qurbanovun fəaliyyəti ilə bağlıdır. Alimin bu sahə ilə bağlı ən böyük uğuru Dövlət mükafatına layiq görülmüş ikicildlik "Azərbaycan dilinin onomalogiyası" adlı fundamental monoqrafiyasıdır. Professor A.Qurbanov bu əsərində fundamental onomastik təlimin nəzəri əsaslarını yaratmış, Azərbaycan dilində və bütövlükdə dünya dillərində xüsusi adların qruplarını müəyyənləşdirməyə nail olmuşdur.
Hər bir elm xadiminin fəaliyyətinin vacib sahəsini çalışdığı ixtisas üzrə elmi kadrlar yetişdirmək işi təşkil edir. Görkəmli dilçi-alim və mahir pedaqoq Afad Qurbanov ölkəmiz üçün minlərdə yüksək ixtisaslı müəllim hazırlamış, habelə çox sayda filoloq-alimlərin formalaşdırılması məsələsinə xüsusi diqqət yetirərək 60-dan çox elmlər namizədi və elmlər doktoru yetişdirmişdir.
Məlumat üçün bildirilməlidir ki, AMEA-nın Adlar və soyadlar üzrə xüsusi komissiyasının üzvü olan A.Qurbanov "Azərbaycanlı soyadları haqqında" konsepsiyasının müəllifi olmuşdur.
Görkəmli dilçimiz Afad Qurbanovun keçmiş əsrin 90-cı illərində Azərbaycan Əlifba Komissiyasının sədri və hazırkı Azərbaycan əlifbasının müəllifi kimi böyük xidmətləri olmuşdur. O dövrdə latın qrafikalı əlifbaya keçməyin zəruriliyini elmi faktlarla əsaslandıran ilk alim məhz Afad Qurbanov olmuşdur. Ümumxalq sərvəti olan bügünkü əlifba bu yorulmaz insanın, xalqın dərindən sevən fəal vətəndaşın Afad Qurbanovun elmi və ictimai fəaliyyətinin bəhrəsi kimi Azərbaycan xalqına ən böyük töhfələrindən biridir.