
Friday, January 31, 2020

Міжнародная навуковая канферэнцыя «Сучасныя праблемы анамастыкі»

Інстытут мовазнаўства імя Якуба Коласа НАН Беларусі (Мінск, вул. Сурганава, 1/2) запрашае прыняць удзел у Міжнароднай навуковай канферэнцыі «Сучасныя праблемы анамастыкі» (да 85-годдзя прафесара В. П. Лемцюговай), якая адбудзецца 17–18 снежня 2020 года.

Прапануюцца наступныя тэмы для абмеркавання:

• тэорыя і метадалогія анамастычных даследаванняў;
• анамастыкон і нацыянальная культура;
• гарадская анімічная прастора;
• актуальныя пытанні даследавання рэгіянальных анамастыконаў;
• анімічная прастора мастацкага тэксту;
• праблемы вывучэння і стандартызацыі тапаніміі;
• праблемы даследавання і ўпарадкавання антрапаніміі;
• анамастычная тэрміналогія;
• анамастычная лексікаграфія;
• гістарычная анамастыка;
• анамастыка ў адукацыйнай прасторы.

Для ўдзелу ў канферэнцыі просім да 20 сакавіка 2020 года даслаць заяўку на электронны адрас аргкамітэта: Аргкамітэт пакідае за сабой права адбору заявак.

Рабочыя мовы – усе славянскія, англійская. Выданне зборніка матэрыялаў плануецца да пачатку канферэнцыі. Аргунёсак за ўдзел у канферэнцыі і публікацыю не прадугледжаны, зборнік матэрыялаў будзе прадавацца падчас рэгістрацыі.

Праезд, пражыванне і харчаванне ўдзельнікаў – за кошт камандзіруючых арганізацый.

Аўтар фота: Аляксандр Ружачка

Thursday, January 30, 2020

VIII Concurso de Recogida de Toponimia ‘Concha de Lama’ en pueblos de León y Asturias


El Club Xeitu convoca el VIII Concurso de Recogida de Toponimia ‘Concha de Lama’ en pueblos de León y Asturias

Las localidades de los términos municipales de Villablino, Murias de Paredes, Riello, Palacios del Sil, San Emiliano y Cabrillanes son las convocadas en la provincia de León.

El Club Xeitu convoca el VIII Concurso de Recogida de Toponimia 'Concha de Lama', para todos los pueblos de los términos municipales de Villablino, Murias de Paredes, Riello, Palacios del Sil, San Emiliano y Cabrillanes, en la provincia de León, y los de Pola de Somiedo, Cangas del Narcea y Degaña, en Asturias.
La obra ganadora será premiada con 300 euros y la publicación dentro de la colección de toponimia de la asociación, dirigida por el geógrafo Ignacio Prieto Sarro, que ya cuenta con nueve libros y sumará este año el décimo, correspondiente a la obra premiada en una de las últimas ediciones del concurso, dedicada a la localidad de Villaseca de Laciana. Hasta la fecha, han visto la luz trabajos de La Majúa, Vega de Viejos, Montrondo, Rabanal de Abajo, Lumajo, Sabugo, Pinos, Robles de Laciana y Villanueva de Omaña.
La actual convocatoria, cuyo plazo de presentación estará abierto hasta el 15 de julio de 2019, cuenta un año más con la colaboración del Instituto Leonés de Cultura de la Diputación de León. Las bases íntegras están disponibles en la web
El Club Xeitu anima a la participación de cualquier persona interesada en el concurso. La convocatoria tiene como objetivos tanto la recogida de este patrimonio inmaterial de los topónimos de los pueblos como el estímulo a la participación para tal fin por parte de los vecinos y nacidos en estas localidades. La finalidad del concurso, cuya primera edición se convocó en 2012, es recuperar y salvaguardar este legado, en claro riesgo de desaparición.

La démultiplication des noms dans la littérature romanesque (XIIe-XIIIe siècles)

Séminaire onomastique du CELLAM :  « Par le nom connaît-on l’homme »

06 février 2020
Dans le cadre du séminaire onomastique du CELLAM, « Par le nom connaît-on l’homme », le jeudi 6 février de 13h30 à 16h00 en salle B 223 nous entendrons une communication donnée par Nathalie Koble (ENS Paris) : « Du double au multiple. La démultiplication des noms dans la littérature romanesque (XIIe-XIIIe siècles) ». 
Entrée libre et ouverte à tous.
Direction : Christine Ferlampin-Acher, Denis Hüe, Fabienne Pomel 
Informations pratiques
Campus de Villejean (Rennes)
B 223
06 février 2020
Christine Ferlampin-Acher -

Материалы Международных ономастических чтений им. Е.С. Отина. Выпуск 5 (2019 г.)


Материалы Международных ономастических чтений им. Е.С. Отина. Выпуск 5 (2019 г.) INS-5

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Scottish Place-Name Society's Spring Day Conference 2020


The Society’s annual Spring Day Conference and AGM will be held at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Isle of Skye, on Saturday 2 May 2020

Offers of papers on Scottish names are welcome. A title and short abstract should be sent to the Convener by 21 February 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

XIII Jornada d'Onomàstica de l’AVL sobre toponímia urbana (Castelló, maig 2020)


Aquest mes de maig l'AVL celebra una jornada d'onomàstica sobre toponímia urbana a Castelló. Consultau el programa provisional i veureu que no hi podeu faltar.

Castelló de la Plana acollirà en maig la XIII Jornada d'Onomàstica, organitzada per l'AVL. Este és l'avanç del programa en esta edició dedicada a la toponímia urbana.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Séminaire "L’anthroponymie lycienne : types morphologiques et éléments lexicaux"


 mardi 21 janvier 2020
EPHE Sorbonne
salle D059, escalier E, 1er étage
14 - 16 h

Dans le cadre du séminaire "Dialectologie et onomastique du grec ancien" (École pratique des Hautes Études / ANHIMA-UMR 8210), Florian Réveilhac (chercheur postdoctoral CNRS, UMR 8167, Projet LGPN-Ling) donnera une conférence sur l’anthroponymie lycienne : types morphologiques et éléments lexicaux

Lecture "Place-names, narratives and the environmental history of Iceland"

In the Northern Scholars Lecture on the 29th January 2020, Dr Emily Lethbridge talks about the origins of place-names and medieval Icelandic sources such as Landnámabók and the sagas of early Icelanders (Íslendingasögur)

This is a FREE event, no booking is required!

New Peace IV funded book captures ‘Placenames and Fieldnames of Culfeightrin’


The community-led project was supported by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Museum Services. The initiative was funded by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, which is managed by the Special EU Programmes Body, under the theme ‘Understanding Our Area – People and Places’ which forms part of the Council’s £3.8m Local Authority Action Plan.

The book will help to preserve many of the unique names which exist in the area and will serve as an important record for generations to come. The launch was attended by members of the local community, including those who made valuable contributions to the project by sharing their knowledge and historical information.

After two years of hard work, a range of cross community projects like this new book are nearing completion in many areas of the Borough. The PEACE IV Funding has encouraged increased expression and understanding of our people and places, through museum collections, historic sites and cultural heritage using interpretation, arts and multimedia to create a peace building legacy.

You can read ‘Placenames and Fieldnames of Culfeightrin’ online now by going to and a reference copy available is available in Causeway Museum Services Resource Area in Ballymoney Town Hall.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Le toponyme et ses implications sociales et géopolitiques - analyse synchronique-contrastive d'exemples d'exonymisation


La prochaine séance de la SFO se déroulera le lundi 20 janvier 2020 à 15 et se tiendra dans la salle d’Albâtre du CARAN (Centre d’accueil et de recherche des Archives nationales), 11 rue des Quatre-Fils, Paris 3e (Métro Rambuteau)
Conférence de Mme Malgorzata Mandola (Université de Rennes-2 / LIDILE EA 3874)
 Le toponyme et ses implications sociales et géopolitiques - analyse synchronique-contrastive d'exemples d'exonymisation
 La conférence aura pour sujet l'observation des structures et des modes d'intégration des toponymes dans une langue étrangère, dite exonymisation, ainsi que leur usage populaire dans les publications courantes (sur Internet, dans les brochures touristiques, dans les applications et réseaux sociaux, etc.), qui diffère de l'usage officiel, censé être politiquement correct (ex. Wrocław / Breslau).
 Le concept de toponymie synchronique-contrastive et les méthodes d'analyse fonctionnelle y seront introduits. Quelques théories concernant les noms propres seront également présentées, mais elles seront adaptées aux toponymes, à leurs fonctions, ainsi qu'à leur statut linguistique dans le contexte de la normalisation internationale des noms géographiques.
 Par ailleurs, à l’issue de cette conférence le prix Albert Dauzat sera remis à M. Stéphane Gendron.
 Toutefois, en fonction de l'évolution de la situation dans les transports, nous pourrions être amenés à déplacer cette séance à une date ultérieure.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The future of the Nordic socio-onomastic network


by Terhi Ainiala, Emilia Aldrin & Birgit Eggert
The NOS-HS workshop-project New Trends in Nordic Socio-onomastics has been completed with really good results, and is now continuing as a network for Nordic scientists working with socio-onomastics.
One of the project results is this website, that will be the center of the network from now on. The network members will regularly publish blog posts with news about research, events and publications with socio-onomastic content. The entries will be written in the Nordic languages ​​or English. The web-blog will be the most dynamic feature on the site, but new information about research ideas and network participants will be added when relevant.
The research project ideas identified through the workshop-project live on in smaller sub-networks. Each of these sub-networks will explore the best ways to bring each idea in to life as concrete research projects, and – possibly – also work with a variation of smaller outcome with different angles on the subjects. The project ideas will be developed over time depending on the concrete resources available.
At the same time, we will try to apply for funding for another NOS-HS workshop series to be able to concretize and sharpen those of the project topics that are best suited for large projects with collaboration between several researchers from different countries. The aim of this will be a concentrated preparation of specific research applications that are strong enough for international competition.
The upcoming Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics / Nordisk Tidskrift för socio-onomastik will soon be presented in more detail here on the blog. It will be a significant publishing channel for future socio-onomastic research both in the Nordic region and in a wider international context.
Our network will present its results and future ideas at the next international onomastic congress in Krákow in August 2020 (ICOS 2020). We encourage all interested in socio-onomastics to contact us there.
We look forward to be acquainted with the many new socio-onomastic initiatives that we hope and expect the future will bring.

"Voprosy Onomastiki" 2019, Volume 16, Issue 4


Book Reviews
Academic Curriculum
In Memoriam

Thursday, January 9, 2020

100 000s of People from 112 Countries Select Names for Exoplanet Systems


On 17 December 2019 the names of 112 sets of exoplanets and host stars named in the IAU100 NameExoWorlds campaigns were announced at a press conference in Paris (France). Within the framework of the International Astronomical Union’s 100th anniversary commemorations (IAU100) in 2019, 112 countries organised national campaigns that stimulated the direct participation of over 780 000 people worldwide, who proposed and selected names for each exoplanet and its host star.

The IAU100 NameExoWorlds project saw massive and widespread participation around the world, as the public eagerly engaged in this exciting opportunity to suggest meaningful, creative and unique names for exoplanet systems for their respective countries. This is only the second time in history that a campaign has led to the naming of stars and exoplanets. Overall, 360 000 proposals for names were received from 112 countries. The National Committee in each country reduced their proposals to a shortlist of national candidates, which were presented to the public for their votes. A total of 420 000 people voted for their preferred candidates. The complete list of names approved by the IAU100 NameExoWorlds Steering Committee can be explored here. This project will have a lasting impact, as the winning names will be used in parallel with the existing scientific nomenclature, credited to the person, group or institution that suggested them.
"Astronomical observations over the past generation have now discovered over 4000 planets orbiting other stars — called exoplanets. The number of discoveries continues to double about every 2½ years, revealing remarkable new planet populations and putting our own Earth and Solar System in perspective. Statistically, most of the stars in the sky are likely to be orbited by their own planets — they are everywhere,” said Eric Mamajek, co-chair of the NameExoWorlds Steering Committee. “While astronomers catalogue their new discoveries using telephone-number-like designations, there has been growing interest amongst astronomers and the public alike in also assigning proper names, as is done for Solar System bodies,” Mamajek continued. 
The IAU100 NameExoWorlds global project was conceived to create awareness of our place in the Universe and to reflect on how the Earth would potentially be perceived by a civilisation on another planet. As the IAU is the authority responsible for assigning official designations and names to celestial bodies, the IAU100 celebrations in 2019 were used as a special occasion to offer every country the chance to name one planetary system, comprising an exoplanet and its host star. IAU100 NameExoWorlds Project Manager, Eduardo Monfardini Penteado said “The IAU100 NameExoWorlds campaign provided the public with the exciting opportunity to help with the naming of over 100 new worlds and their stars, and to help the IAU establish a thoughtful naming theme for naming future discoveries in those systems.” 
Each nation's designated star for naming is visible from that country, and is sufficiently bright to be observed through small telescopes. The respective National Committees, following the methodology and guidelines set up by the IAU100 NameExoWorlds Steering Committee, were the bodies responsible for establishing the conditions for public participation, disseminating the project in the country and developing a voting system. 
The newly named exoplanets are likely to be large gas giants, and all were discovered via one of two discovery methods: the transit method — where planets are observed to pass in front of their star and block a portion of the star’s light; and the radial velocity method — where careful measurement of a star’s spectrum reveals it to be wobbling back and forth under the influence of the gravity of its planets [1]
Some examples of the new IAU names for exoplanets and their stars include: 
  • Ireland: The names of mythological dogs (Bran, Tuiren) from the Irish legend The Birth of Bran, for the planet HAT-P-36b (Bran) orbiting the star HAT-P-36 (Tuiren) in the constellation of Canes Venatici (the Hunting Dogs),
  • Jordan: The names of ancient cities and protected areas in southern Jordan, for the exoplanet WASP-80b (Wadirum) orbiting the star WASP-80 (Petra) in the constellation of Aquila (the Eagle),
  • Malaysia: The names of gemstones in Malay language, for the exoplanet HD 20868 b (Baiduri) orbiting the star HD 20868 (Intan) in the constellation of Fornax (the Furnace),
  • Burkina Faso: The new names for the planet HD 30856 b (Nakambé) and its star HD 30856 (Mouhoun) refer to the local names for prominent rivers in Burkina Faso. Fittingly, the system lies in the river constellation of Eridanus (the River). 
In recognition of the UN 2019 International Year of Indigenous Languages, speakers of indigenous languages were encouraged to propose names from those languages, and a few dozen of the selected names are of indigenous etymology. In Argentina, the winning proposal was submitted by a teacher and community leader in the indigenous Moqoit community. The new names for the planet HD 48265 b (Naqaya) and star HD 48265 (Nosaxa) mean brother-family-relative (referring to all human beings as brothers) and spring (literally, new year), respectively, in Moqoit language. 
“The IAU is delighted to see the broad international interest that this NameExoWorlds campaign has generated,” noted IAU President-elect Debra Elmegreen. “It is gratifying that so many people across the globe have helped create a name for a planetary system that is meaningful to their culture and heritage. This effort helps unite us all in our exploration of the Universe.” 
The NameExoWorlds project was organised within the framework of the IAU’s 100th anniversary in 2019. With over 5000 activities in 140 countries, millions of people around the world are celebrating the astronomical breakthroughs that have shaped science, technology and culture throughout the last century, as well as highlighting the importance of astronomy as a tool for education, development and diplomacy. Find more information on the IAU100 website.
“Throughout the year we have engaged with the public through various astronomy activities for the IAU’s 100th anniversary. The NameExoWorlds Global Project has been the perfect initiative to close a year full of projects engaging with society. It will surely have a lasting impact for years to come,” concludes IAU President Ewine van Dishoeck.

Appel à communications de la Société canadienne d'onomastique pour la 54e réunion annuelle

Appel à communications: 
Société canadienne d'onomastique (SCO) 
54e Réunion annuelle conjointement avec 
le Congrès des sciences humaines du Canada 
Western University, London, ON, Canada 
30 et 31 mai 2020 

Le thème retenu pour 2020 est: «Bâtir des passerelles», mais les communications sur tout autre sujet portant sur l'onomastique sont les bienvenues.

On accorde 20 minutes pour la présentation avec 10 minutes supplémentaires pour les questions et la discussion.

Veuillez soumettre un résumé de 150-200 mots, incluant le titre de votre communication en indiquant si vous souhaitez que votre présentation fasse partie du panel spécial de cette année.

En même temps que votre résumé, veuillez soumettre le nom au complet et l'affiliation de chaque auteur, y compris une adresse courriel pour chacun.

Les salles de présentation son équipées d'un ordinateur et d'un système de projection. Si vous avez des exigences techniques supplémentaires, veuillez l'indiquer dans votre soumission, en tenant compte du fait que la Société pourrait devoir défrayer les coûts d'équipements audio-visuels supplémentaires.

Il n'est pas nécessaire d'être membre de la Société pour soumettre un résumé, mais au moment de l'acceptation de votre communication, vous devez devenir membre pour être inscrit au programme. En outre, tous les participants doivent payer les frais d'inscription au Congrès et à la SCO. On vous fournira des détails supplémentaires lorsque vous serez avisés de l'acceptation de votre communication.

Veuillez envoyer votre résumé par courriel à : Tous les résumés devraient être soumis au plus tard le 1er février 2020.

Jonathan S. Lofft, ThD
Faculty of Divinity
Trinity College
University of Toronto
Larkin Academic Building 324

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Assistant Professor with interests in Croatian dialectology and onomastics is sought


The job includes linguistic research, teaching and administration in the Department of Croatian Language and Literature in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka. The applicant is expected to give lectures and seminars on, as well as set and mark exams, in courses in the field of dialectology of Croatian language and the onomastics.
The applicant should have at least four years of experience and accomplishments in conducting research, writing and publishing research articles, and presenting research results.
In addition, the position requires administrative experience and the active experienced participation in the editorial boards in scientific journals or proceedings as well as the experience in participation in organization in scientific conferences.

    University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

    23/01/2020 23:00 - Europe/Brussels

    Croatia › Rijeka

Onomastica Vol. 63 (2019)

"Onomastica" 2019 is here! Just before the end of the (last) year, the 63th volume of this periodical was released. The issue is accompanied by its new website ( We invite you to read! The full content of the latest issue can be found in open access under

Onomastica 2019 już są! Tuż przed końcem (minionego) roku ukazał się 63 tom tegoż periodyku. Wydaniu kolejnego numeru towarzyszy nowa odsłona strony www czasopisma (dostępnej pod dotychczasowym adresem):

W bieżącym numerze zamieszczono liczne artykuły, omówienia i sprawozdania autorstwa członków PTO:
- Małgorzata Rutkiewicz-Hanczewska: "Nazewnicze powroty w kontekście językowych uniwersaliów. Dawne i współczesne nazwy miejscowe o charakterze internacjonalnym"
- Urszula Bijak: "Potamonimy odantroponimiczne w dorzeczu Wisły (problemy metodologiczne i typologia nazw)"
- Wojciech Włoskowicz: "Nazwy geograficzne Huculszczyzny w „Prawdzie starowieku” S. Vincenza (w świetle badań S. Hrabca)"
- Ewa Młynarczyk: "Tendencje nazwotwórcze w chrematonimii społecznościowej II Rzeczypospolitej (na przykładzie nazw stowarzyszeń)"
- Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa: "Między reklamą a nazwą własną. Przymiotnik tani w nazwach polskich aptek"
- Xiaoqiong Wang, Irena Kałużyńska: "Contemporary By-Names of Chinese Places"
- Paweł Swoboda: Acta Onomastica, Ročník LIX
- Artur Gałkowski: Rivista Italiana di Onomastica (RION), Vol. XXIV, Anno XXIV
- Paweł Swoboda: Folia onomastica Croatica, knj. 27
- Marek Olejnik: XXI Międzynarodowa i Ogólnopolska Konferencja Onomastyczna, Kazimierz Dolny 4−6 października 2018 r.
- Wojciech Włoskowicz: Utworzenie Polskiego Towarzystwa Onomastycznego
Zapraszamy do lektury! Pełna treść najnowszego numeru Onomastików znajduje się w otwartym dostępie pod adresem: