
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Interactive display of surnames distributions in historic and contemporary Great Britain


by Justin van Dijk & Paul A. Longley

To cite this article: Justin van Dijk & Paul A. Longley (2020) Interactive display of surnamesdistributions in historic and contemporary Great Britain, Journal of Maps, 16:1, 68-76, DOI:10.1080/17445647.2020.1746418

To link to this article:

Paul Longley and Justin van Dijk from the University College London introduce a method to calculate and store approximately 1.2 million surname distributions calculated for surnames found in Great Britain for six years of historic population data and 20 years of contemporary population registers compiled from various consumer sources. They subsequently show how this database can be incorporated into an interactive web-environment specifically designed for the public dissemination of detailed surname statistics. Additionally, they argue that the database can be used in the quantitative analysis of surnames in Great Britain and potentially offer valuable insights into processes of contagious and  hierarchical  diffusion  of  populations  as  well  as  the  regional  distinctiveness  of demographic change and stasis

Friday, April 24, 2020

When genetic and surname analyses meet historical sources: ... migration during the Spanish Reconquista


When genetic and surname analyses meet historical sources: The C56R mutation associated with factor XI deficiency as a marker of human migration during the Spanish Reconquista

Authors: F. Bauduer, M.E. de la Morena-Barrio, S. Salloum-Asfar, B. de la Morena-Barrio, J.Padillac, A. Miñano, V. Vicente, P. Carbonell,  J. Corral, J. Esteban

in: Medical Hypotheses (Volume 141, August 2020)


The C56R mutation associated with factor XI deficiency has been first evidenced in individuals from the French Basque Country. Genetic investigations revealed that this mutation occurred about 5400 years ago as a founder effect in this zone. Other cases were subsequently described in Southwestern Europe. Noticeably a cluster of cases was evidenced in Yecla, a small city from the province of Murcia, in Southeastern Spain. In correlation with historical sources our genetic data and surname analysis argue for associating this mutation with the migration of people from Western Pyrenees (and more probably from the Navarra province) toward Southeastern Spain during the Reconquista period.


Factor XI deficiency, Population genetics, Basques, Onomastics, Reconquista

Call for Papers: American Name Society Conference 2021


The American Name Society (ANS) is now inviting proposals for papers for its next annual conference. The 2021 conference will be held in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America. Abstracts in any area of onomastic research are welcome. The deadline for receipt of abstracts is June 30, 2020. To submit a proposal, simply complete the 2021 Author Information Form.
Please email this completed form to ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton using the following address: <>. For organizational purposes, please be sure to include the phrase “ANS 2021” in the subject line of your email.  Presenters who may need additional time to secure international funding and/or travel visas to the United States are urged to submit their proposal as soon as possible.
IMPORTANT: Because of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, it is unclear whether the conference will proceed as planned. If the LSA decides against an in-person meeting, we will consider online alternatives so that scholars may still present their important research. We will provide updates on the conference status at the ANS website and through email.
All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Official notification of proposal acceptances will be sent on or before August 30, 2020. All authors whose papers have been accepted must be current members of the ANS and need to register with both the ANS and the Linguistic Society of America. Please feel free to contact ANS Vice President Laurel Sutton should you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to receiving your submission!

Hard but necessary decision: ICOS 2020 Kraków POSTPONED


Dear Colleagues,
The Organizing Committee of the Congress has been closely observing the global outbreak of the COVID-19 disease and its consequences, including those which might impact international conferences scheduled for the summer months of 2020.
In the face of the pandemic spread of Covid-19, after considering and evaluating all the implications, as well as the forecasts on the progress of the disease, the Organizing Committee in Kraków together with the ICOS Board of Directors believe that it is impossible to hold the Congress on the scheduled date. Therefore, we announce the postponement of the Congress to 22-27th of August 2021.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience and hope to meet all of you in less turbulent times in Kraków next year.
In connection with the decision of the postponement of the ICOS Congress to 22-27th of August, 2021, the Early Bird registration has been extended to the 31st of March, 2021.
The Organizing Committee would like to inform you that all registration fees received, abstracts accepted, and the conference programme already prepared for this year will be carried over to 2021.However, we will understand if someone resigns from the Congress or if he or she wants to update his/her abstract. So please inform us about your decision or any changes till the end of 2020.
More information concerning the Congress will appear successively on our website and on Facebook. In case of any question, please contact us at
Stay safe!
Best wishes,
Maciej Eder, Barbara Czopek-Kopciuch, Urszula Bijak and the Organizing Committee
Paula Sjöblom and the ICOS Board of Directors

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

International Online Conference "Spatiality and Temporality"


4-5 July 2020

organised by 

London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the upcoming "Spatiality and Temporality" International Online Conference. The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and professionals with a particular interest related to the conference topic. We invite proposals from various disciplines including philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology, culture studies, literature and architecture.
The conference will explore spatiality and temporality as fundamental categories of human experience and cognition and it will discuss various interpretations of these categories and complex relations between them. The conference will examine conceptions and perceptions of time and space in relation to memory, historical and social change, technological innovations, interactivity and cultural differentiation.
Papers are invited on topics related, but not limited, to:
  • time and space boundaries
  • monuments and historical sites
  • globalization and urban spaces
  • places made by nature
  • ruins and forgotten places
  • heterotopias and heterochronies
  • toponymy and topoanalysis
  • cartography and mapmaking
Proposals up to 250 words should be sent by 15 May 2020 to: Download paper proposal formPresented papers will be published in a post-conference volume.
Registration fee – 90 GBP    

История переименования городов и сёл в Крыму

Советская власть переименовала Ялту в Красноармейск, а после выселения крымских татар новые названия давали даже горам и рекам. Бахчисарай сейчас мог бы быть Пушкиным или Садовском, Алушта – Кутузовском, Судак – Сурожем, а Белогорск –Чернореченском.
За последние 250 лет Крым перепахали четыре (!) кампании по переименованию городов и сел. Такого не было ни в одном регионе мира. История прошлась по карте полуострова ластиком и чернилами, стирая старые названия и вписывая новые. Иногда они были удачными, но чаще – искусственными, придуманными наспех и без души. О деталях этого бурного и хаотичного процесса рассказали соавтор сборника «Топонимика Крыма 2011» Владимир Санжаровец и историк Гульнара Бекирова.
Первая волна: 18 век
Первое целенаправленное переименование населенных пунктов и других географических объектов Крыма случилось в конце 18 века – после присоединения полуострова к Российской империи. Первыми стали населенные пункты, которым была уготована особая роль: деревушка Ак-Яр стала Севастополем, городок Ак-Меджит – Симферополем. Переименовали и крупнейшие портовые, торговые города: Гезлёв нарекли Евпаторией, Кафе вернули имя Феодосия.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Anthroponomy and Toponymy (Corpus) of Hesperia project


This section deals with Hispanic onomastic testimonies which have come to us sometimes in the indigenous epigraphic documents, but more often through texts written in Latin. It is beyond all doubt that the data which provide us with proper names, whether of people (anthroponyms), divinity (theonyms) or place (toponyms), have implications in several disciplines, and constitute an important basis for the understanding of ancient languages.

The Hesperia project includes, within its onomastic data base, a table we have termed “Anthroponymy and Theonymy (Corpus)”. In each of its nearly 5900 entries, this table includes data of one individual whose onomastic sequence includes an indigenous name, whether in the form of an idionym, filiation or supra-familial unity. These entries include 7000 name occurrences, since the oldest Iberian texts until the latest Latin inscriptions of the Late Roman Empire. All anthroponyms of Latin, Greek, Celtiberian, Iberian, Turdetan and Lusitanian inscriptions are included. Also included are literary names transmitted through Greco-Latin sources, and the names of individuals found outside the peninsula which point to a Hispanic origin.

The onomastics page is divided into two tabs: “Anthroponomy and Theonomy (Corpus)” and “Toponymy”. Each of these corresponds to a separate table, although they are all interrelated. The first contains a register of each single inscription, with its onomastic formula and location information, including the coordinates which are used to make up the distribution maps. One button generates a map with the location point of the inscription on the same page. This same page also contains the dedications to indigenous gods, made by both individuals and collectives.


In the future a further two tabs will open up, “Anthroponomy (Analysis)” and “Theonomy (Analysis)”, with different separate tables that include linguistic analyses about names and families which appear in the Corpus of the first table.

The “Toponymy” tab will note the place names conveyed in classical sources and the epigraph; there will be a linguistic analysis of the toponyms and a discussion of their location in each entry.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Der Namenforscher Robert Nedoma zum Vollmitglied der Norwegischen Akademie der Wissenschaften gewählt


Die Norwegische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi) hat Robert Nedoma, Professor an der Abteilung Skandinavistik des Instituts für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, als Vollmitglied gewählt. Die Akademie wurde 1857 gegründet und versteht sich als Förderin der Humaniora und Sozialwissenschaften einerseits sowie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften andererseits.

Robert Nedoma hat bislang über 120 Arbeiten zur altnordischen Sprache und Literatur, Kulturgeschichte des alten Nordens und vergleichende germanische Sprachwissenschaft vorgelegt. Besondere Schwerpunkte seiner Forschung sind Runeninschriften sowie altgermanische Onomastik. Innerhalb der Norwegischen Akademie der Wissenschaften repräsentiert er die Fächer Skandinavistik und Germanistik. Nedoma ist bereits Mitglied der Kungliga Gustav Adolfs Akademien för svensk folkkultur (Schweden) sowie der Agder Vitenskapsakademi (Norwegen): "Über diese Mitgliedschaft freue ich mich besonders, denn sie ist ein Beweis für die hohe Wertschätzung, die Leistungen der Universität Wien im Norden genießen. Die Kooperation mit Kolleg*innen dieser renommierten Akademie wird meine wissenschaftliche Arbeit bereichern."