
Sunday, May 30, 2021

La carte interactive "Figures marquantes du mouvement patriote" créée par la Commission de toponymie du Québec


Journée nationale des patriotes

L’histoire des patriotes du Québec mise en valeur par une carte interactive

À l’occasion de la Journée nationale des patriotes, le ministre responsable de la Langue française, M. Simon Jolin-Barrette, dévoile la carte interactive Figures marquantes du mouvement patriote.

Cette carte, créée par la Commission de toponymie, met en valeur les noms de lieux qui rappellent le souvenir de douze patriotes du XIXe siècle dont les écrits, les réalisations ou les actions ont marqué une période décisive de l’histoire du Québec.

Il s’agit de la deuxième carte interactive réalisée par la Commission. La première, présentée en mars dernier, porte sur des Femmes remarquables du Québec. Ces deux cartes s’ajoutent aux nombreux outils de la Commission de toponymie qui contribuent à la valorisation des noms de lieux du Québec.


« La Journée nationale des patriotes est un moment privilégié pour honorer ces hommes et ces femmes qui ont lutté avec courage pour la reconnaissance nationale de notre peuple. Au cours du printemps 1837, ce sont 10 000 personnes qui ont réclamé des réformes et un système de gouvernement démocratique. Ces grands rassemblements populaires et les combats menés par les patriotes ont tracé le chemin vers le Québec d’aujourd’hui, et notre gouvernement est fier de pouvoir leur rendre hommage. La carte interactive Figures marquantes du mouvement patriote propose une nouvelle façon de mettre en lumière un moment crucial de la construction de notre nation et de notre identité. »

Simon Jolin-Barrette, ministre responsable de la Langue française

Faits saillants

  • La Commission de toponymie lance une carte interactive qui rend hommage à l’histoire des patriotes et met en valeur le rappel dans la toponymie de douze figures marquantes de ce mouvement.
  • La Commission précise qu’il ne s’agit pas d’un palmarès ordonné de tous les patriotes les plus rappelés dans la toponymie. Elle a cherché à mettre en valeur des figures marquantes du mouvement patriote québécois du XIXe siècle dans différentes sphères d’activités. À cet égard, un équilibre entre des figures politiques, intellectuelles ou engagées dans l’action, rappelées aux quatre coins du Québec, a été recherché.
  • Il s’agit de la deuxième carte interactive réalisée par la Commission, la première porte sur des Femmes remarquables du Québec.
  • Ces cartes s’ajoutent à d’autres outils, comme la Banque de noms de lieux, qui mettent en valeur le patrimoine toponymique et culturel du Québec et s’inscrivent ainsi dans la mission de la Commission.
  • Créée en 1912, la Commission procède à l’inventaire et à la conservation des noms de lieux. Elle les officialise, les diffuse et donne son avis au gouvernement sur toute question touchant la toponymie.

Liens connexes

Carte interactive Figures marquantes du mouvement patriote

Site Web de la Commission de toponymie :

Source :
Chantal Bouchard
Relations avec les médias
Commission de toponymie
514 873-6567 ou, sans frais, 1 888 873-6202






2-3 juin 2021

Pour recevoir le lien de connexion, merci d’écrire à :

Among the multifarious functions that it is possible to ascribe to ancient onomastics and, specifically, to divine epiclesis, the most common are undoubtedly those related to the dissemination of divine attributes and prerogatives, the crystallization of cults linked to distinct toponyms, and the identification of specific rituals and festivals. Much less explored is the field of the epithets derived from more or less extensive social groups (families, gentes, the inhabitants of a city, entire populations, etc.) and, in particular, from individual anthroponyms. If few attempts have been made in this direction with regard to the Greek world (e.g. Wallensten 2008 and Parker 2017), studies on the Latin-speaking Mediterranean remain very occasional.

The aim of this workshop is gathering a small number of specialists, collecting the relevant evidence, and discussing together the results of this investigation from different perspectives (chronological, geographical, thematic). What the workshop is expected to stress is the variety of different strategies of appropriation of divine onomastic formulas in different chronological and topographic contexts (Hellenistic/Imperial, urban/extra-urban, etc.).

The International Workshop MY NAME IS YOUR NAME is result of the synergy of three different projects simultaneously working on ancient divine epiclesis: EPIDI (“Epítetos divinos: experiencia religiosa y relaciones de poder en Hispania”), based in Madrid (UC3M; PI: Jaime Alvar Ezquerra) and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance (HAR2017-84789-C2-2-P); LARNA (“Lived Ancient Religion in North Africa”), also based in Madrid (UC3M; PI: Valentino Gasparini) and funded by the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Talent Attraction Program (2017-T1/HUM-5709), and MAP (“Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult epithets as ,an interface between religious systems and human agency”), based in Toulouse (Université Jean Jaurès; PI: Corinne Bonnet) and funded by the European Research Council (n° 741182).

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Author of "Computer-Oriented Onomastics" retires after more than 53 years at the Binghamton University


Few people have been actively involved with the Binghamton University community for as long as Michael McGoff ’69, MA ’74, PhD ’80, has.

McGoff’s journey with Binghamton spans more than 53 years, beginning with his time as an undergraduate student and culminating in his role as senior vice provost and chief financial officer of the University.


McGoff’s roots in the Binghamton area run deep. His grandparents came from Ireland in the early 1900s to work at the Endicott-Johnson Shoe Company, and his father was a Binghamton police officer. The eldest of nine children, McGoff started his college career at what is now known as SUNY Broome before enrolling at Binghamton University.

“I had a number of interests that ranged from anthropology to psychology, but I finally settled on linguistics. I fell in love with onomastics,” he says.

His interest in the field of onomastics, which explores the history of how things are named, led McGoff to study languages including Old English, Middle English, Old High German, French, Latin and Old Norse.

Working as a research associate in what was then-Binghamton University’s School of Advanced Technology (SAT), his interest in language merged with his interest in technology.

“I began to study computer languages early on, when people were still using punch cards,” he says. His PhD dissertation, Computer-Oriented Onomastics, was a “wedding” of his dual interests.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Landscape, Nomenclature and Memory: Mapping the shores of Lough Neagh Questionnaire


This questionnaire forms part of a short research project exploring the importance of place in the local history and landscape along the shoreline of Lough Neagh. The information gathered will help inform research of the current position of identity and place-names within local historical studies and explore the role of place names and the methodologies applied by historians. The project is predicated upon the perception that as technology increases its influence on every-day life, so the requirement to locate one’s self by use of a place name is diminished.

In addition to the above perception is a desire to explore the extent to which the place name heritage of the Lough Neagh basin has been lost over time. This project also seeks to gauge how much of that heritage is retained in the form of minor place names, cartography, historical document and memory.

What does the project hope to achieve?

This survey will inform a short paper that will explore the opportunities and limitations presented by cartography and place name studies in creating a fuller understanding of the area along the shores of Lough Neagh. It will seek to direct future research to take account of any information gathered and form the basis for future local studies, particularly in the area of historical geography.

The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

Thank you.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Joan Hugué Rovirosa (1938 - 2021)


We all are very much saddened by the information that Dr. Joan Hugué i Rovirosa passed away on Sunday, May 16 2021. 

Native of Calafell (province of Tarragona, Catalonia), he devote himself utterly to preserving the Catalan toponymic heritage. He compiled a detailed inventory of the farmhouses in his municipality, which also refers to the toponymy and local names. With this research, Hugué defended his doctorate at the University of Barcelona (UB).

Conference 'Els prenoms catalans, entre la tradició antroponímica i la innovació onomàstica'


Conference 4: Wednesday 26th May

4 - 5:30 pm. Conference 'Els prenoms catalans, entre la tradició antroponímica i la innovació onomàstica' (Catalan First Names: From Anthroponymic Tradition to Onomastic Innovation).

Conference given by Albert Turull Rubinat.

Abstract: The presentation will offer a global overview of the historical evolution and current reality of one of the core types or personal names or anthroponyms: first names (also known as forenames, Christian names, etc.). This will include a semantic (transparent and opaque names, etc.) and morpho-lexical (simple, compound, derived names, etc.) linguistic typology, as well as an historical overview (etymology and original meaning of first names according to applicable historical and cultural strata). There will also be a pragmatic overview: origin, expansion and evolution of anthroponymic forms, balance (or imbalance) between historical and more modern names, local and foreign names, without overlooking current standard pet names, newly coined names, adaptations from other languages or areas (including toponymics), ambiguities (in terms of linguistic affiliation or gender), etc. with regard to current first names within Catalan-speaking areas.

Utlysning av stipendiemedel för år 2021


Ortnamnssällskapet i Uppsala utlyser stipendiemedel för år 2021 om 40 000 kronor att användas för namnforskning i vid bemärkelse

Tänkbara ändamål för den sökande kan vara bland annat dessa (utan prioritetsordning):

  • publicering (inkl. tryckbidrag, språkgranskning, översättning),
  • anordnande av konferenser, exkursioner, studiebesök och liknande,
  • resekostnader, t.ex. deltagande i konferenser och symposier,
  • möjliggörande av kortare period av ledighet från annat arbete för att bedriva namnforskning.

Den sökande ska vara medlem i Ortnamnssällskapet och bör vara verksam över grundutbildningsnivå (t.ex. inom ämnet verksamma masterstudenter, doktorander, forskare och handläggare). Ansökan, med obligatoriska uppgifter, ska göras på särskild blankett, som finns tillgänglig på sällskapets hemsida ( Ansökan skickas till sällskapets sekreterare Mats Wahlberg ( och ska vara honom tillhanda senast den 1 juni 2021.

Redovisning för hur de beviljade medlen har använts skall tillställas sällskapet inom ett år efter utbetalning.

Sällskapets styrelse bereder, prioriterar och beslutar om eventuell tilldelning av medel under september månad.

Blankett för ansökan

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Prof. Kwiryna Handke (1932 - 2021)


She is Professor of Humanities specialising in Polish and Slavic linguistics, sociolinguistics and urban toponymy. 

She has headed the Warsaw Urban Names Committee (Zespół Nazewnictwa Miejskiego Warszawy) since its foundation in 1989 and chaired the Committee for Word Culture (Komisja Kultury Słowa) of the Warsaw Scientific Society 

Prof. Handke is a member of the Polish Linguistic Society and Linguistics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. From 2007 to 2010, she was the Academic Council's Chair at the Institute of Slavic Studies (Polish Academy of Sciences). She is author of books and articles in the field of general linguistics, sociology of language, Warsaw's urbanonyms and writers' language.

Best known onomastics-related works: 

Kwiryna Handke: Dzieje Warszawy nazwami pisane. Warszawa: Muzeum Historyczne Warszawy, 2011, s. 576. ISBN 978-83-62189-08-3.

Kwiryna Handke: Polskie nazewnictwo miejskie. Warszawa: Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Slawistyki, 1992, s. 153. ISBN 83-85262-26-1.

Kwiryna Handke: Słownik nazewnictwa Warszawy. Warszawa: 1998, s. 428 + 31 fot. ISBN 83-86619-97-X.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Le double nom de famille à la naissance


Le collectif "Porte mon nom" milite pour une automatisation du double nom de famille pour les enfants à la naissance, ainsi que pour une simplification des démarches administratives lorsque l'un des deux parents souhaite ajouter son nom.

Monday, May 17, 2021

List of Standardised Welsh Place-names is available to download


The List of Standardised Welsh Place-names is temporarily available to download on the BydTermCymru website, whilst they develop their new site. Any placename queries are always welcome. 

The responsibility for advising on the standard forms of Welsh place-names lies with the Welsh Language Commissioner. Temporarily, whilst the Welsh Language Commissioner’s new website is being developed, the Welsh Government is hosting the List of Standardised Welsh Place-names on the BydTermCymru site.

You can search for a whole name or a part of a name by browsing the list in alphabetical order, or by using your computer’s usual search functions. Filtering by local authority may make it easier to find the standard form of a particular name.

You can download the list under an open licence agreement. Further information about the licence and the copyright may be found at the bottom of this page.

The Commissioner’s Place-names Standardisation Panel uses these National Standardisation Guidelines to help it form its recommendations:

If you have not managed to find the name you or searching for, or if you have a question about standardising place-names or any related matters, please send a message to:

Note that the Welsh Government Translation Service is not responsible for this resource.

The licence and copyright

© Welsh Language Commissioner (2018)

This list is licensed under the Open Government Licence 3.0 except where otherwise stated.

Contains OS data © Crown copyright and database right 2018.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Русская топонимия как источник историко-культурной информации (18 мая)


Будет доклад об историко-культурной информации, которую несет топонимия (с новыми и старыми сюжетами, поскольку аудитория далеко не только филологическая). 

Это 18 мая в 16:00 по Москве. Ссылочку на зум можно получить вот по этому адресу:

Friday, May 14, 2021

Course "Com treballar l'onomàstica, matèria transversal en secundària"


The Valencian Language Academy and the Centre of Training, Innovation and Educational Resources (CEFIRE) will organise a course for teachers under the title: "How to work with onomastics, a transversal subject in secondary school". 

The course will be held in July 6-16, during 30 hours and will take place at Casa Fuster, in Sueca.

Registration start: 3 May 2021
Registration deadline: 17 June 2021
Confirmation: 24 June 2021


Pura Santacreu Berenguer
Emili Casanova Herrero
Jesus Bernat Agut
Antonio Garcia Osuna
Josep Palomero Almela
Maria Josep Arayo Sola
Marc Gandia Silvestre
Adrià Castells Ferrando
M. Teresa Molla Villaplana
Immaculada Cerdà Sanchis
Josep Sanchis Carbonell

1. Acostar als docents les eines que l'Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua crea per a estudiar i difondre la nostra onomàstica.
2. Incloure experiències pràctiques per a treballar la toponímia en l'aula com una millora del treball docent.
3. Contribuir a difusió de la fixació toponímica en l'àmbit de l'ensenyament secundari.
4. Mostrar recursos metodològics específics per treballar l'onomàstica

1. Eines per treballar i difondre l'onomàstica i la toponímia
2. Etimologia, gramàtica històrica, dialectologia en el camp de la toponímia
3. Legislació i normalització toponímica
4. Recursos pràctics per a treballar la toponímia a l'aula


06/07/2021 - 09:30 a 14:00
07/07/2021 - 09:30 a 14:00
08/07/2021 - 09:30 a 14:00
09/07/2021 - 09:30 a 13:00
13/07/2021 - 09:30 a 14:00
14/07/2021 - 09:30 a 14:00
15/07/2021 - 09:30 a 13:00
16/07/2021 - 09:30 a 14:00

Etymology of Chinese provinces' names

 link + comment from forum

As a native Chinese there are several (minor) mistakes I found.

  1. The word “Zhou” is usually translated to prefectures, not states or regions (Guizhou and Gansu), unless it refers to states in a federal country like the US.

  2. Although the word “川” means river in most contexts, it is not the case in the etymology of Sichuan. Sichuan is an abbreviation of “Chuanxia si lu/川峡四路”, (lit. the four circuits of plain and gorge) that merged to form the province. The four circuits themselves were part of a larger “Chuanxia lu/川峡路”(lit. the plain and gorge circuit) before it split in four. The “Chuanxia circuit” was itself a merger of Xichuan circuit (西川路 (lit. Western plain circuit, centered around Chengdu) and Xia circuit (峡路, lit. Gorge circuit, referring to the famous Three Gorges of Yangtze River).

  3. The Chinese name for Tibet, Xizang, is the transliteration of the Tibetan region of Ü-Tsang (although the modern-day Tibet AR extends beyond that particular region). The Ü-Tsang includes modern day Lhasa and Shigaze.

  4. The “廣”/Guang in Guangdong and Guangxi doesn’t mean wide, but Grand. The name of the two sister provinces are abbreviations of Guangnan East/West circuit/廣南東/西路. The “Guang” here refers to the Han Dynasty county of Guangxin (廣信, which is an abbreviation of the phrase 廣布恩信, lit. Grand propagation of virtue).

  5. The Yun/雲 within Yunnan derived from the Han Dynasty county of the same name. Where the county received its name is disputed.

  6. There aren’t errors in this part per se, just some additional contexts: Jiangxi is an abbreviation of Song Dynasty’s Jiangnan West Circuit. Jiangnan means to the south of Yangtze. Hubei and Hunan are abbreviations of Jinghu North/South circuits. The Jinghu region includes but is greater than just the lake.

If you noticed, there are a lot of abbreviations of circuits (Song/Liao/Jin/Western Xia Dynasty administrative division) in Chinese province names. That’s because provinces first appeared after the Mongol conquest.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Welsh Place Name Society's Bulletin has just been published


The latest issue of the Welsh Place Name Society's Bulletin has just been published, full of interesting and varied articles. It is distributed free of charge to members biannually. Membership costs £10 annually - a bargain! Membership form can be downloaded from their website:

Friday, May 7, 2021

Journal "Acta Onomastica" Vol. 62 (2021)


Acta Onomastica

Publishing House: Ústav pro jazyk český Akademie věd České republiky
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies
Frequency: 2 issues
Print ISSN: 1211-4413
Online-ISSN: 2571-0907
Status: Active

Articles list
The polyonymy in the baptismal records of the Deanery Łunna (the north-eastern territory of the former Poland) in a cultural and sociological context
Z historie našeho onomastického časopisu
Mexican inhabitant names (demonyms) as a lingua-cultural entity
Nazwy ludowych zespołów tanecznych Województwa Podkarpackiego. Charakterystyka językowo-kulturowa
Iz srpske literarne onomastike: imena mužjaka govečeta (Bos taurus) u zbirci pesama Živo blago Radenka Stanića
Варіантність власного особового імені Žofie в чеській антропонімії
Názvy sborů Církve československé husitské
Name creation as an interpretation of the incomprehensible. Traditional popular names of cave art sites in Spanish speech communities
Formální a motivační aspekty moravských a slezských anoikonym obsahujících osobní jméno Jan
Ziel und Gestaltung eines slawischen Ortsnamenatlasses
Przekład nazw własnych austro-węgierskich jednostek i instytucji wojskowych na język polski
Zum Ortsnamen Schirnaidel (Lkr. Forchheim) und zu den Flurnamen Dölnitz (Gem. Weismain, Lkr. Lichtenfels und Gem. Uetzing, Lkr. Lichtenfels)
Rudolf Steffens: Die Familiennamen der Reichsstadt Frankfurt am Main im 15. Jahrhundert
Petr Čornej: Jan Žižka. Život a doba husitského válečníka
Jan Malura ‒ Jakub Ivánek: Horo krásná, spanilá! Poutní písně na Moravě (1600‒1850)
Alena Jaklová ‒ Rüdiger Harnisch (eds.): Od tradice k budoucnosti. Jazykově-literární dědictví východního Bavorska a jižních Čech jako fokus univerzitní spolupráce
Silvo Torkar: Zgodovinska antroponimija in toponimija vzhodne Tolminske
Terhi Ainiala ‒ Janne Saarikivi (eds.): Personal name systems in Finnic and beyond
Turistika s tátou aneb po třiceti letech znovu na Slovensku
Pamięci profesor Barbary Czopek-Kopciuch (1952‒2020)
Vzpomínka na Svatopluka Pastyříka
Rozhovor s Miloslavou Knappovou
Onomastické zprávy a poznámky
On-line přednášky
Podzimní půldenní on-line konference SNSBI (Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland) 17. 10. 2020
Den onomastiky na Helsinské univerzitě (Nimistötutkimuksen päivä). Celodenní konference 29. 10. 2020
Podzimní půldenní on-line konference SPNS (Scottish Place-name Society) 7. 11. 2020
XXIX. kolokvium mladých jazykovedcov
Hlavní data ve vývoji české onomastiky od roku 1975