
Monday, June 28, 2021

The Second Pan American International Symposium on Toponymy


We now propose the II SIPAT - Pan American International Symposium on toponymy (Simpósio Internacional Pan-Americano de Toponímia). 


Registrations are now open for the II Pan American International Symposium on Toponymy!

Full Papers and Abstracts can be submitted until  01 SEP  2021.

Selected Full Papers will be published in the Revista Brasileira de Geografia (Brazilian Magazine of Geography)!

General objective of II SIPAT 

The general aim of the SIPAT is to gather researchers, technicians and users of diverse areas of knowledge, not only from Brazil and the Americas, but from all over the globe, in order to promote an extensive exchange of information and to bring different perspectives and point of views to the discussions of issues concerning toponymy and geographical names 


Place: Virtual Session 

Organization: Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil 

Date: 17 - 19 November 2021 Hours: 9 a.m to 6 p.m GMT-3 (Brasilia Time) 

Official languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish 



Centro de Referência em Cartografia Histórica -UFMG (Reference Center for Historical Cartography) Joint ICA/IGU Commission on Toponymy Fundação Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE (The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) GeoCart – Laboratório de Cartografia (GeoCart – Cartography Laboratory) Instituto Pan-americano de Geografia e História - IPGH (Pan-American Institute of Geography and History – PAIGH) International Cartographic Association – ICA International Geographic Union – IGU Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia – SBC (Brazilian Cartographic Society) UNGEGN – United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names

Учитель географии издал "Топонимический словарь Чувашии"


Как сообщает пресс-служба мэрии Чебоксар, ко Дню республики вышел в свет "Топонимический словарь Чувашии".

Его автор Иван Дубанов – учитель географии в школе №38. Издание выпущено малым тиражом, всего 150 экземпляров. Оно содержит в себе материалы, которые собирались свыше 30 лет, о географических названиях и терминах.

В словарь вошли примерно 4 тыс. топонимических названий – населённые пункты, реки, озёра, овраги, урочищ и т.д. Есть и исчезнувшие.

Также в книгу добавлены многочисленные легенды, истории, предания, объясняющие этимологию названий географических объектов. В основу издания положены материалы многолетних научно-исследовательских экспедиций школьников с участием автора книги.

Иван Степанович Дубанов заслуженный учитель Чувашии,  действительный член ЧРОО "Чувашская народная академия искусств", награжден Почетной грамотой Министерства образования Российской Федерации, медалью "За служение образованию", памятной медалью "300 лет М.В. Ломоносову", медалью "За особые успехи в изучении родного края" им. С.М. Михайлова.

На счету Ивана Дубанова 15 книг и ряд научных статей. Наиболее известные издания – "Водоёмы Чувашии", "Краеведческий словарь Чувашской Республики", "Озера Чувашии", "Озёра, реки и родники Чувашии" и другие.


Friday, June 25, 2021

Margit Harsson (1943-2021)

 It is with great sadness that I learned of the recent death of Professor Margit Harsson. She passed away on the 3rd June, just a few days before her 78th birthday.

She worked in the Department of Onomastics (Seksjon for navnegransking) at the University of Oslo from 1989 until her retirement in 2013. From the 1990s, she published the series Bustadnavn i Østfold together with her colleague Tom Schmidt. In that project, they examined the building and house names in Østfold county. In 2010, she published her large Encyclopaedia of Street Names with ending -rud, a work based on the longstanding Harsson's study of place names.

In 2011, Margit Harsson received an honorary prize of SEK 70 000 from the Jöran Sahlgren Prize Fund. The latter rewards outstanding scholarly achievements in Nordic place-name, dialect or folklore research. The fund is running under the aegis of the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy for Swedish Folk Culture. This supreme prize was given for an outstanding contribution of Margit to the Norwegian Onomastics and Toponymy.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

La transmission du prénom du père pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale

Résumé rapide d'un article paru dans le Journal of Interdisciplinary History en juin 2021 : lien vers l'article : lien vers le blog lien vers le depo Github : Références complètes de l'article : Todd, Nicolas & Coulmont, Baptiste. Naming for Kin during World War I: Baby Names as Markers for War *Journal of Interdisciplinary History* 52(1), June 2021

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Toponym-based maps in the Atlas of Poland's Political Geography


The toponyms to be mapped in the Atlas of Poland's Political Geography are the place names formed from personal names (first names, surnames or nicknames). They constitute the most numerous group of toponyms occurring in Poland. These names comprise in their base an anthroponym indicating the first owner, settler, founder of a given locality or a person closely related to that locality.

Characteristic endings of such place names correspond to possessive forms of Slavonic adjectives: -ow, -ów, -ew, -owo, -owa, -ewo, -ewa. The List records 7645 names ending in -ów, 704 in -ew, 4957 in -owo, 1644 in -owa, 1938 in -ewo, and 18 names ending in -ewa.

Localities that belonged to women were usually named in such a way that the suffix -in was added to the basis of the woman's personal name (e.g. Adelin). This kind of suffixes include -ina, -ino, -yna, -yno (e.g. Biedulina, Smęcino, Niemierzyno) - they often occur in the northwestern part of the country, especially those ending in -ino, -yno.

In Poland, we can find 1468 names ending in -ina, -yna and 842 ending in -ino, -yno. Place names ending in -ina, -yna are scattered throughout Poland, with the highest concentration in the Lesser Poland region, similarly to toponyms ending in -owa. On the other hand, as can be seen on the presented maps, names with the suffix -ów are concentrated mainly in the southern part of Poland, while names ending in -owo, -ewo are distributed in the northern part of the country.

El número 15 de la revista "Noms"


Ja es pot consultar gratuïtament en línia el número 15 de la revista Noms disponible a 
Nou número de la revista Noms

Österreichische Namenforschung 48


Österreichische Namenforschung 48 (2020). Themenheft: Namen digital

Herausgegeben vom Verein zu Erforschung von Sprache und Name in Österreich (VESNA)

2021, ISSN 1028-1495, 202 S., brosch.

Die Zeitschrift „Österreichische Namenforschung“ besteht seit 1973 und macht sich zur Aufgabe, das sprachlich vielschichtige Namengut insbesondere Österreichs in seinen europäischen Kontexten theoretisch und empirisch zu erforschen. Die Ergebnisse sollen der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht und zur Diskussion gestellt werden. Die ÖNf will auf diese Weise die Onomastik in Österreich fördern und zu weiterer Forschung anregen.



Казахском национальном университете имени Аль-Фараби прошла научная конференция, посвященная 95-летнему юбилею известного тюрколога, видного представителя казахского языкознания, профессора Жанузака Телгожа, организатором которого выступила Международная Тюркская академия.

Президент Международной Тюркской академии Дархан Кыдырали в своей речи раскрыл суть и значение научного творчества известного ученого.

В своем выступлении руководитель организации отметил, что крылатая фраза «Названия земных и водных географических объектов – это письма истории» посвящена глубокому содержанию фундаментальных научных трудов мастера языкознания Телгожа Жанузака. Будучи одним из основоположников отечественной ономастической науки, он внес большой вклад в развитие данной отрасли как отдельной дисциплины».

Во время встречи и. о. проректора КазНУ им. Аль-Фараби по социальному развитию Алия Масалимова поздравила ученого с юбилеем и вручила специальный приз. Она отметила, что лауреат Государственной премии РК, лауреат премии АН РК имени Шокана Уалиханова, академик Академии гуманитарных наук РК Телгожа Сейдинулы сформировал фундаментальную школу в языкознании.

О неоценимом вкладе известного ученого в развитие казахского языкознания размышляли видные общественные деятели и интеллектуалы нации, такие как: известный ученый-абаевед Мекемтас Мырзахметов, директор Института литературы и искусства им. М. Ауэзова Кенжехан Матыжанов, директор Института истории и этнологии им. Ш. Уалиханова Зиябек Кабульдинов, директор Института языкознания им. А. Байтурсынова Анар Фазылжанова, директор Абайского научно-исследовательского института при КазНУ Жангара Дадебаев.

Также было отмечено, что выдающийся ученый провел углубленные исследования в таких областях науки, как: лексикология, лексикография, терминология, ономастика, орфография, устное народное творчество и искусство перевода, написав около 500 работ. В завершение мероприятия юбиляр поблагодарил всех собравшихся за теплые слова и выразил сердечную благодарность.

К слову, ученый в 1989 году направил письмо в высшие правительственные учреждения и поставил вопрос о создании Государственной ономастической комиссии. В 1990-1998 гг. он был ученым-секретарем, в 1999-2003 гг. – членом этой комиссии, проделал большую работу на общественных началах. Фундаментальные труды Тельгожа Жанузака сегодня востребованы обществом, многие исследовательские работы стали ценным инструментом, который служит национальным интересам и широко используется в паспортных органах и учреждениях регистрации актов гражданского состояния.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Conference 'Inventaris onomàstics als Països Catalans. Estat de la qüestió'


Conference 5: Wednesday 23rd June

4 - 5:30 pm. Conference 'Inventaris onomàstics als Països Catalans. Estat de la qüestió' (Onomastic Inventories in Catalan-speaking Regions: State of Play).

Conference given by Pere Navarro Gómez.

Abstract: Comprehensive municipal onomastic inventories include current and past toponyms and anthroponyms for a specific location with a view to safeguarding intangible heritage represented by the place and personal names of an area linked to specific human settlements. Comprehensive inventories come from both oral sources (through fieldwork with interviewees) and from consulting handwritten and printed documents.

Over two hundred municipal onomastic works from around Catalan-speaking regions have been put together, from the first on Sant Pere de Ribes in 1936 by Cristòfor Cardús, to the most recent on Torre de l'Espanyol in 2020 by Sílvia Veà.

The Vallès Oriental, Camp de Tarragona and Priorat stand out for their published municipal onomastic inventories. To date, all territories have municipal onomastic inventories, from Alghero to La Franja in Aragón, and from Roussillon to southern Valencia.

Research Assistant for the Students Names in Higher Education Project is sought


Nottingham Trent University - School of Social Sciences

Location:Home Based
Salary:Grade E (£22,417 - £24,461 pro rata)*
Hours:Part Time
Contract Type:Fixed-Term/Contract
Placed On:17th June 2021
Closes:14th July 2021
Job Ref:008998

Closing date:

Employment type: Fixed-term contract

13.4 hours per week, fixed term for 22 weeks.

We are deeply proud of our academic community. Nottingham Trent University (NTU) is a diverse and dynamic learning environment, defined by a shared sense of respect for all its people. Our mission is to be bold, to do the right things and to change lives, and our academics are key to realising those goals. Their work continues to reinforce our credentials as an award-winning university, and a research centre of excellence.

Our continued success — underpinned by the number of prestigious national awards we’ve won — has hinged on two commitments: forging excellent partnerships around the world and harnessing the talents of all our people. We secured a ‘Gold’ rating in the government’s Teaching Excellence Framework; received the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for our pioneering research; and in 2018, we were the first UK university to sign the Social Mobility Pledge, further demonstrating our commitment to ensuring ‘success for all’. NTU is a university at the peak of its powers, but we know we can still go even further. That’s why we’re now looking for new, passionate, ambitious people to join our community.

The department of Social and Political Sciences are looking for a Research Assistant in Students’ Names in Higher Education Project. The part-time hours of this post are in excess of 10 hours per week. Under the regulations of the project's funder (The British Academy), this means that PhD. students are not eligible for the post.

Interview Date: 28th July 2021

If you have any queries about this role, please contact Dr Jane Pilcher, Associate Professor of Sociology via

Sunday, June 20, 2021

"Onomastics - the basis of state ideology"


In order to clarify the goals and interests of the state onomastic policy, to study onomastic formations in the region and explain the main tasks and directions for the restoration of names in the country on June 7-10, 2021, complex meetings and lectures on the topic "Onomastics - the basis of state ideology" with the participation of the famous political scientist, linguist-scientist Dos Kushim.The event was attended by representatives of the local community and residents of the villages of Yanvartsev, Trekin, Сhapov, Yanaikin of the Baiterek district, in the Terekty district of the villages of Prirechnoye, Pokatilovka, Aksuat, Podstepnoye and the villages of Priural, Dmitrovo, Uspenka, Burlinsky district.

NatureScot has launched a new guide to the place-names of Inverness and the surrounding area


16 June 2021

NatureScot has today launched a new guide to the place-names of Inverness and the surrounding area. 

The publication celebrates the cultural and natural heritage of the Highland capital by identifying and explaining the meaning behind many of the area’s place-names.

Building on NatureScot’s successful Gaelic in the Landscape series, it draws on local knowledge to gain a richer understanding of the names that connect people to the land, environment and community.

The guide was researched and written by the award-winning local broadcaster and storyteller Roddy (Ruairidh) Maclean, whose work centres on the connections between the Gaelic language and Scotland’s environment. Roddy said: “The place-names of Inverness and its surrounds reflect the area’s variety of habitat and topography, ranging from peat-clad moorlands to gentle shorelines, and including farms, villages and features within the city’s urban landscape. As in most of the Highlands, the Gaelic language is dominant and I have attempted in the book to explain how Gaelic place-names work and to encourage locals and visitors alike to explore the language in order to appreciate the richness of our cultural heritage.”

The project also received support from Bòrd na Gàidhlig, the principal public body for promoting Gaelic development in Scotland. Steven Kellow, Funding and Projects Officer, said:  “Gaelic placenames are an important part of the heritage of the language and often what sparks an interest for people to start learning Gaelic.  We were delighted to support this project to promote the Gaelic heritage around Inverness and we are sure that this will inspire those in the area to learn the language.”

The publication can be downloaded from NatureScot’s website and a limited number of printed copies are available via the Gaelic Books Council’s website. A free virtual lecture of the research findings is scheduled for September and will be publicised in due course.

Read the full Gaelic version.

Kolokvium "Názvosloví veřejných prostranství ve městech"

Kolokvium „Od Velkého tržiště k náměstí Jana Palacha. Názvosloví veřejných prostranství ve městech střední Evropy“

Friday, June 18, 2021

The Outer Banks Gazetteer: The History of Place Names from Carova to Emerald Isle

 by Roger L. Payne

The rich history of North Carolina's Outer Banks is reflected in the names of its towns, geographic features, and waterways. A book over twenty years in the making, The Outer Banks Gazetteer is a comprehensive reference guide to the region's place names—over 3,000 entries in all. Along the way, Roger L. Payne has cataloged an incredible history of beaches, inlets, towns and communities, islands, rivers, and even sand dunes. There are also many entries for locations that no longer exist—inlets that have disappeared due to erosion or storms, abandoned towns, and Native American villages—which highlight important and nearly forgotten places in North Carolina's history. Going beyond simply recounting the facts behind the names, Payne offers information-packed and entertainingly written stories of North Carolina, its coastal geography, and its people.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ The University of North Carolina Press (March 8, 2021)
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 352 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1469662272
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1469662275

Perfect for anyone interested in the North Carolina coast, this invaluable reference guide uncovers the history of one of the most-visited areas in the Southeast.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The New Nordic Cooperative Committee for Onomastic Research (NORNA) has been elected for 2021-2025

 The 17th Nordic Congress of Onomastic Research was organised as a digital event at the University of Helsinki and was held on June 8-10, 2021. Over 90 onomasticians participated in the congress during three days, 35 section lectures and 2 invited plenary lectures (by Johanna Isosävi and Guy Puzey) were given. A congress report will traditionally be published in the NORNA Reports Series. 

During the congress, a new NORNA Committee was elected for the 2021-2025 term. NORNA members voted for Linnea Gustafsson from Sweden as the new Chairperson. The names of the other committee members for each country can be found on the NORNA Committee page.

NORNA Committee 2021-2025:

Chair: Linnea Gustafsson

Vice Chair: Line Sandst

Secretary and Editor: Väinö Syrjälä

Treasurer: Elin Pihl

Countries' representatives:

Denmark: Line Sandst & Birgit Eggert

Finland: Unni Leino & Lasse Hämäläinen

Faroe Islands: Anfinnur Johansen & Kristin Magnussen

Greenland: vacant

Iceland: Aðalsteinn Hákonarson & Birna Lárusdóttir

Norway: Gunnstein Akselberg & Aud-Kirsti Pedersen

Sweden: Linnea Gustafsson & Josefin Devine

We congratulate the new members and wish them a fruitful Nordic cooperation ahead!!! 

Juli Moll Gómez de la Tia (1947-2021)


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our dear friend and colleague Juli Moll Gómez de la Tia, at the age of 74. 

Juli Moll, an expert in toponomastics, was born in Mercadal in 1947. He graduated in Roman philology and focused his research on toponymy. He was editor of the Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana. Juli Moll made fundamental contributions to the establishment of Nomenclàtor Oficial de Toponímia Major de Catalunya (Official Toponymic Nomenclature of Catalonia) at the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia which has been collecting the toponyms of Catalonia since 2003 thanks to the involvement of Generalitat and Institut d'Estudis Catalans


Conférence "Toponymie : Les Mots De La Montagne Gasconne"



  • Le 23 juillet 2021 à 17:30

Conférence animée par Jean-Louis LAVIT membre de l'association Aigaberdenc et proposée par l'association Montagne Culture Avenir.
Place de la Bergère
Centre de découverte et d'interprétation Millaris

Proceedings of the International Onomastic Conference “Anthroponyms and Anthroponymic Researches in the Beginning of 21st Century”

 Dear colleagues,

We are glad to inform you that the e-edition of the Proceedings of the International Onomastic Conference “Anthroponyms and Anthroponymic Researches in the Beginning of 21stCentury”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of prof. Yordan Zaimov, Dr. Sc. (1921-1987) 20-22 April 2021 has been published on the official web-site of Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences:

Organizing committee

Уважаеми колеги,

Имаме удоволствието да Ви съобщим, че електронното издание на сборника "СЛέДОВАТИ  ДОСТОИТЪ.   Доклади от Международна научна конференция „Антропоними и антропонимни изследвания в началото на XXI век“, посветена на 100-годишнината от рождението на проф. д.ф.н. Йордан Заимов (1921 – 1987), 20 – 22 април 2021 г." вече е публикувано и може да бъде видяно на сайта на издателството на Българската академия на науките "Проф. Марин Дринов":

С уважение,
Организационният комитет

Friday, June 11, 2021

Episode 26: L'Onomastique

Bonjour, La chaîne de la c.h.a.t.t.e à laquelle vous vous êtes abonnés, propose une fois par semaine une Chansonnette Humoristique à Tendance Télé- Educative. Autrement dit: des chansons courtes, qui véhiculent un message culturel profond (ou non) interprétées avec la dérision nécéssaire pour égayer un peu le quotidien parfois trop morose et anxyiogène de notre époque. A écouter sans arrière-pensées et avec le recul indispensable pour rire ou sourire de tout et de rien! N'hésitez pas à vous abonner, à la chaîne de la c.h.a.t.t.e pour recevoir toutes les semaines un bref clip vidéo de bonne humeur et qui ne se prend surtout pas au sérieux. Bonne écoute.

Международный форум «Русский язык и ономастика в поликультурном и образовательном пространстве Юга России и Северного Кавказа»


Кафедра русского языка Адыгейского государственного университета совместно с Лабораторией региональной ономастики АГУ и Дагестанским государственным университетом приглашают студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей принять участие в Международном форуме «Русский язык в поликультурном и образовательном пространстве Юга России и Северного Кавказа», который состоится с 20 по 22 мая 2021 года в г. Майкопе.

21 мая профессор Волгоградского социально-педагогического  университета Ирина Васильевна Крюкова представит свое выступление на тему «Коннотативные имена собственные постсоветского периода: процедура отбора материала и методика анализа». Лекция состоится в 14:00 в аудитории №305a.

Также в рамках форума будет проведена лекция профессора Кубанского государственного технологического университета Сергея Григорьевича Воркачева.

21 мая состоится заседание круглого стола «Проект Словообразовательно-этимологического словаря топонимов Северного Кавказа», в котором примут участие ведущие языковеды России.

Ключевым событием форума станут  Намитоковские  чтения: Международная научная конференция «Проблемы общей и региональной ономастики». Данная конференция проводится кафедрой русского языка филологического факультета АГУ с 1998 года.

Программа мероприятия:

1. XII Международная конференция «Проблемы общей и региональной ономастики» – ПОРО-2021 (проводится раз в два года, начиная с 1998 г., издана коллективная монография, 11 сборников материалов, более 1100 научных статей):

Актуальные проблемы теории ономастики

Литературная ономастика

Имя собственное в рекламе и новые объекты ономастики

Фольклорная ономастика народов Юга России и Северного Кавказа: теонимы и мифонимы в различных этнокультурах

Проблемы экологии топонимики, микротопонимики и урбанонимики

Онимное и отонимное словообразование: динамика развития системы и способов номинации

Актуальные проблемы медиалингвистики

Инновационное и традиционное в преподавании русского языка в школе и вузе

2. Обучающий семинар по лингвокультурологии для студентов «Концептуализация имени собственного». Руководители: Воркачев С.Г., доктор филологических наук, профессор, Кубанский государственный технологический университет, Крюкова И.В., доктор филологических наук, профессор, Волгоградский социально-педагогический университет.

3. Круглый стол «Проект Словобразовательно-этимологического словаря топонимов Северного Кавказа» Руководитель: Абрегов А.Н., доктор филологических наук, профессор, Адыгейский госуниверситет.

4. Заседание молодёжной секции «Имя рода – история народа» Руководитель: Багомедов М.Р., доктор филологических наук, профессор, Дагестанский госуниверситет.

5. Открытый заочный конкурс творческих работ «Моя родословная»

6. Открытый заочный конкурс научных разработок для молодых ученых «Концептуализация имени собственного»

Video showcasing the history & heritage of Cooley placenames

 Thanks to The Heritage Council (Republic of Ireland) funding, the Cooley Place Names report will find new life as a video beautifully showcasing the history & heritage of Cooley placenames, helping to preserve them for future generations.

This is a great way to highlight importance of the minor placenames.

Monday, June 7, 2021

Will Nigeria Change Its Name To United African Republic?

A proposal has been submitted to change Nigeria’s name to the 'United Africa Republic' Elizabeth tells us more on this and of course what Nigerians had to say about this development on today's trend wave.

Do You Agree That Nigeria Changes Name To United African Republic?

Adeleye Jotoyoko, a tax consultant presented the proposal to the House of Reps’ Special Committee on Constitutional Review at the South West Zonal Public Hearing in Lagos,stating that the name ‘Nigeria’ was imposed on us by the past colonial masters. According to Jokotoye, he chose the ‘United African Republic’ because Nigeria is made up of hundreds of ethnic groups that need to be united.

The United African Republic - Nigeria's proposed new name

 link + link

The house of representatives committee on the review of the constitution has received a proposal to rename Nigeria to the “United Africans Republic (UAR)”.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

The American Name Society Emerging Scholar Award


In 2007, the American Name Society established the ANS Emerging Scholar Award (ANSESA) which recognizes the outstanding scholarship of a names researcher in the early stages of their academic or professional career. This special distinction is given to a young scholar whose work is judged by a panel of onomastic researchers to be of superior academic quality. This year’s selection committee is made up of Drs. Jan Tent (the ESA Committee Chair), Luisa Caiazzo, Dorothy Dodge Robbins, and Maggie Scott. 

To be eligible for the ANSESA award, applicants must be an entry-level professional, an untenured academic, or a student, and have their singleauthored abstract accepted for presentation at the ANS annual conference. They must also be a member of the ANS. Winners of the ANSESA will not only receive a cash prize, but will also be mentored by a senior onomastics scholar who will assist the awardee in preparing his/her paper for submission and possible publication in the ANS journal, Names: A Journal of Onomastics. The paper will also be designated as the prize-winning student paper in the ANS annual meeting program. 

How to Apply 

To be considered for this award, applicants must submit the full text of their paper by midnight (E.S.T.) the 15th of October 2021 to both ANS President Laurel Sutton ( and this year’s ESA Chair, Dr. Jan Tent (

Submissions must be sent as an email attachment in either a .doc or .docx format. For ease of processing, please be sure to include the keyword “ESA2021” in the subject line of your email. 

Papers previously published are not eligible for consideration. However, papers based on unpublished theses or dissertations are eligible. The Emerging Scholar Award Selection Committee will judge all submissions for their methodological soundness, innovation, and potential contribution to the field of onomastic research. Past recipients of the Emerging Scholar award are eligible to re-apply for this award for an entirely new piece of scholarship. However, preference will be given to applicants who have not yet received the award. In addition, the Selection Committee reserves the right to refrain from giving this award in those years when no submission is deemed to have met the above-mentioned requirements.

Deadline for submissions: October 15, 2021 

ANSESA: Submission Guidelines All submissions should be prepared according to the guidelines provided at ( Authors are asked to use the formatting rules listed in the official style sheet of Names, the journal of the American Name Society. This information is available at the journal website: ( 

Submissions will not only be judged upon the quality of the writing and the scientific merit of the study presented, but also on their adherence to these formatting regulations.