
Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dr. Jan Segers (1942 - 2022)


On April 18, 2022 we received the sad news of the sudden death of Dr. Jan Segers, a well-known Flemish toponymist.

Jan Hendrik Segers was one of the founders of the Limburgian Dialect and Name Society. In him, Limburg's Onomastics loses one of its great representatives. His research interests always included historical micro-toponyms of Belgian settlements (starting from his thesis 'Neeroeterse plaatsnamen' in 1969). 

In 2017, he was awarded the golden medal and a certificate by the Town of Maaseik in recognition of numerous achievements to preserve its toponymic heritage.  

Vereniging voor Limburgse Dialect- en Naamkunde Congres 2022


Congres 2022

De Vereniging voor Limburgse Dialect- en Naamkunde, in samenwerking met de Geschied- en Heemkundige Kring Kinrooi en het gemeentebestuur van Kinrooi, nodigt u uit tot haar


Thema: Taal, namen en geschiedenis in het land van Horn
n.a.v. 50 jaar Fusiegemeente Kinrooi

Plaats: Gemeenschapscentrum De Stegel, Weertersteenweg 363, 3640 Molenbeersel (Kinrooi)
Tel. +32 (0)89 39 08 40

Datum: Zaterdag 30 april 2022


De vereniging rouwt om het plotse heengaan van een van haar oprichters, dhr. Jan Segers (1942-2022). De tekst van zijn lezing De namen van de oude gehuchten in de fusiegemeente Kinrooi zal worden opgenomen in het eerstvolgende jaarboek dat gepland is voor april 2023.

Vanaf 9.30 u.Verwelkoming met koffie/thee in het GC De Stegel
10.00uOpening door burgemeester Jo Brouns en voorzitter Dany Jaspers
Na elke lezing is er ruimte voor een korte discussie
10.10uhist. Thieu WieërsTotstandkoming en historische grenzen van de fusiegemeente Kinrooi
10.40uprof. dr. Ann MarynissenFamilienamen in de fusiegemeente Kinrooi
11.25uprof. dr. Jan GoossensDialectgrondkaarten. Uit de voorgeschiedenis van de gps
12.15uLunch: Limburgse koffietafel
13.30uStatutaire vergadering (voor de VLDN-leden)
14.00uWandeling naar Oud Kevelaer o.l.v. ervaren gidsen, of geleid bezoek aan de Zorgvlietmolen, of rondleiding in het heemkundig documentatiecentrum Slichtenhof
15.30uMA Robin CoolenHet dialect van Molenbeersel
16.15ulic. Veronique De Tier(Limburgse) Dialecten op het internet
17.15uSamenwerkend optreden door Toine & René en dialectdichter Theo Van Dael, gevolgd door een receptie aangeboden door de gemeente (gelegenheid voor een babbel & een borrel in De Stegel)

De lezingen van bovenstaand congres komen in aanmerking voor opname in VLDN-Jaarboek 24 dat in april 2023 zal verschijnen naar aanleiding van het dan geplande congres in Arcen en Velden. Jaarboek 23 (verschenen in november 2021) bevat taalkundige en historische artikels over de beide Limburgen. VLDN-leden ontvangen het jaarboek gratis als compensatie voor hun jaarlijkse contributie.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

I am Human by Name: Onomastic Footprints of Identicide

ANS 2021, January 23, 2021 “I am Human by Name: Onomastic Footprints of Identicide" Diane Allen West (University of West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica) A comprehensive analysis of slave-names as well as principles and patterning of slave naming in 19th century BWI has produced several taxonomies of names with implications for unanswered historical questions such as who named the slaves, how to trace the genesis of slave-names, and what are the socio-psychological ramifications of slave naming. The taxonomies comprising substantial Anglo-typical exonyms: plantation aptronyms, classical, biblical and, hypocoristic anthroponyms, toponymical or provincial types, protonymical or paternalistic types, as well as caconymic or pejorative types which this study classifies as forms of nameshaming; are altogether examined as evidence of New World’s slavery’s systematic identicide and coinciding linguicide, amongst enslaved peoples. Additionally, the endonymic Akan Day Names, herein termed Akanyms, are analysed within the context of African cultural retentions, their specific demographic distribution, and peculiar significance in citing onomastic shifts within the matrices of Caribbean creolization. The study considers these onomastic classifications for the purpose of illustrating, that name-identities are useful indices for measuring the extent to which chattel-slavery represents ‘crimes in perpetuity’ and to further indicate the social costs endured by Afro-Caribbean people and their descendants. The study however, also examines surprising paradoxes in the genesis of shame-names and poses questions as to cultural universalities, purposiveness, and the relative values given to names and naming. It considers ultimately, the elemental place which names occupy for human beings and the existential value of a name in being human. These areas are explored thematically within the colonial experience; within realities where languages and cultures come into contact and finally, where unpredictable linguistic cross-pollination produces dissimilar yet similar onomastic outcomes across the diversely colonized Caribbean. Diane Allen West is the UWI Postgraduate Linguistic Scholar 2018-2020 and Student Special Envoy, who is committed to exploring historical-linguistic Slave Name Phenomena and Caribbean Socio-Onomasics with special focus on the taxonomies of Plantation Onyms. Her research investigates evidence of cultural reproduction and retention of Africanisms within the Caribbean and its diaspora.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Journée toponymie du Centre Occitan


Jornada toponimia / Journée toponymie amb Bénédicte Boyrié-Fénié Centre Occitan Rochegude, 14 mai 2022 11:00, Albi.

Samedi 14 mai, 11h00 Sur place 10€ / 5€ (réduit)

Journée toponymie avec Bénédicte Boyrié-Fénié : conférence, exposition, ateliers, table ronde et discussions

11h : Conférence de Bénédicte Boyrié-Fénié

14h : Présentation des travaux des membres du CCOA et de l’exposition “ Toponimia a l’entorn d’Albi ”

15h : Ateliers de recherche et d’approfondissement avec Bénédicte Boyrié-Fénié

16h : Table ronde et discussions

Centre Occitan Rochegude 28 rue Rochegude 81000 81000 Albi Rochegude Tarn
0563462143 Le Centre Occitan Rochegude est le local du Centre Culturel Occitan de l’Albigeois, situé au 28 rue Rochegude à Albi, dans l’aile droite de l’Hôtel Rochegude. C’est à la fois une librairie occitane, une bibliothèque, un centre de ressources et un lieu d’accueil et de partage autour de la langue et de la culture occitanes. Des ateliers et des événements divers se tiennent très régulièrement au COR.

samedi 14 mai – 11h00 à 17h00


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Place-name contest encourages students to explore community history


Attention teachers and kids in all 39 counties: the Washington Secretary of State’s office has launched a new place name contest. Entries are due by Sunday, May 15.

The contest is called “What’s In a Place Name?”It’s underway now, and is open to K-12 students and classes in traditional schools or home schools anywhere in the Evergreen State.

It’s an initiative launched by a part of the Secretary of State’s Office called Legacy Washington, which is a small team that gathers oral histories and then mounts exhibits and publishes books, such as recent biographies of former governor and senator Dan Evans and former US Representative Julia Butler Hansen. Legacy Washington also leads other history-related initiatives, all under the leadership of a former newspaper editor from the Aberdeen area named John Hughes.

“What’s In a Place Name” is new this year, and the 2022 edition is being treated as something of a pilot project. Contest organizer Aaron Peplowski, a senior researcher at Legacy Washington, says the hope is for it to become an annual undertaking.

Peplowski told KIRO Newsradio that the contest’s goal is to “inspire students to look at their neighborhoods and the proper names that are on a street, or a school, or library, or a park or anything like that, and then say, ‘All right, who is this person? Why does this person have a named thing in this neighborhood, and does that name reflect the values of our community?’”

As Peplowski describes it, there’s an element of critical analysis in “What’s In a Place Name?” –they aren’t just looking for a book report about some forgotten person, they want to inspire a deeper level of thought and weighing of what can often be fairly complex factors. Peplowski acknowledges that this research and analysis might even lead to some participants considering further efforts to possibly change a current place name.


The deadline is coming up on Sunday, May 15. Legacy Washington has posted several helpful resources online – including a fascinating sample entry about Israel Road in Olympia. A panel of judges will select five winners who will be awarded $100 grants for their classrooms.

Winning entries will also be featured in a virtual exhibit and in publications from the Washington Secretary of State – and probably right here on a future installment of All Over The Map.

CfP: IV Jornadas Antroponomásticas



As IV Jornadas Antroponomásticas é um evento internacional e interinstitucional destinado a reunir pesquisadores e estudantes interessados nos estudos antroponomásticos. Em 2022, será sediado na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), instituição que organiza o evento em parceria com a Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana (UEFS), Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) e a Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI (UICUI).

São objetivos do evento: a) promover a difusão de resultados de pesquisas da área de Antroponomástica; b) propiciar o intercâmbio de teorias e métodos de pesquisa entre pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros; c) contribuir para a internacionalização das pesquisas realizadas nos programas de pós-graduação envolvidos; d) estimular o desenvolvimento de projetos de pesquisa interinstitucionais, sobretudo aqueles que envolvam instituições latino-americanas.


Las IV Jornadas Antroponomásticas es un evento internacional e interinstitucional destinado a reunir a investigadores y estudiantes interesados en los estudios antroponomásticos. En 2022 se celebrará en la Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), institución que organiza el evento en colaboración con la Universidad de Brasilia (UnB), Universidad del Estado de Mato Grosso (UNEMAT), la Universidad Estatal de Feira de Santana (UEFS), la Universidad Federal de Bahia (UFBA), la Universidad Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) y la Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI (UICUI).

Los objetivos del evento son: a) promover la difusión de los resultados de las investigaciones en el área de la Antroponomástica; b) propiciar el intercambio de teorías y métodos de investigación entre investigadores brasileños y extranjeros; c) contribuir a la internacionalización de las investigaciones realizadas en los programas de postgrado involucrados; d) estimular el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación interinstitucionales, especialmente aquellos que involucren a instituciones latinoamericanas.

Buchvernissage des Solothurnischen Orts- und Flurnamenbuches


Buchvernissage Solothurner Namenbuch Band 5: Die Flur- und Siedlungsnamen der Amtei Solothurn-Lebern

am Donnerstag, 30. Juni 2022 um 18 Uhr 

Schloss Waldegg, Waldeggstrasse 1 4532 Feldbrunnen-St.Niklaus 

Anschliessend Apéro und Büchertisch. Eintritt frei. 

Anmeldung bis 30. Mai 2022 per Mail an oder per Post an Projekt Solothurnisches Orts- und Flurnamenbuch, Waldeggstrasse 1, 4532 Feldbrunnen-St.Niklaus

Tagungen der Gesellschaft für Namenforschung und des Arbeitskreises für bayerisch-österreichische Namenforschung erfolgreich beendet

Die Tagungen der Gesellschaft für Namenforschung (GfN) e. V. "Namen im Sprachgebrauch" (20.04. - 21.04.2022) und des Arbeitskreises für bayerisch-österreichische Namenforschung (ABÖN) "Namen im Sprachgebrauch in Bayern und Österreich" (22.04.2022) fanden an der Universität Innsbruck statt. 

Die Tagung wurde im Rahmen der Kooperation der GfN mit der Mainzer Namenforschung ( veranstaltet. Die ABÖN Tagung adressierte, wie gewohnt, einen auf das bairische Dialektgebiet bezogenen Personenkreis.

27 Vorträger mit Publikum, plus ständig etwa 1.400 Zuschauer online ! 

Hier ein Paar Tweets: 


Friday, April 22, 2022

Grab your spot by registering for the Ulster Place-Name Society's Spring Lecture !

 Registration is now open for the UPNS Spring Lecture. Grab your spot by registering via the link below: link

The Ulster Place-Name Society's annual Deirdre Flanagan Memorial Lecture delivered by Dr Brian Ó Doibhlin

About this event

The Ulster Place-Name Society's Spring Lecture is held in memory of Deirdre Flanagan who was editor of the Bulletin of the Ulster Place-name Society and one of Ireland's leading authorities on place-names. She was senior lecturer in Celtic at Queen's University Belfast at the time of her death.

Dr Brian Ó Doibhlin is a graduate of Queen’s University Belfast (BA 2014, PhD 2021), Ulster University (MRes 2017) and NUI Galway (Diploma 2017), and he also held a position as a previous Fulbright FLTA scholar at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. He recently completed his PhD in the Department of Irish at Queen's University where his research focused on uncovering the origin of townland-names in South-Derry and North-Tyrone (commonly referred to as 'Mid-Ulster'). Dr Ó Doibhlin is currently working as a translator for the Department of Communities within the Northern Ireland Executive.

New Book about Brazilian Anthroponymy

 Link to read

Personal Names: an introduction to Brazilian anthroponymy

Eduardo Tadeu Roque Amaral
Márcia Sipavicius Seide

“Personal names: an introduction to Brazilian anthroponymy”, authored by Eduardo Tadeu Roque Amaral and Márcia Sipavicius Seide, Brazilian researchers specialized in the area of lexical studies, specifically focused on the discussion of personal names, fills an existing gap in Linguistics in Brazil, more specifically regarding onomastic studies, since it condenses different epistemological approaches on the subject without disregarding the historical and ideological dimension. Finally, it disseminates theoretical bases and methodological guidelines that support research in the field of Anthroponymy/Antroponomastics.It is also worth mentioning that the work is the result of theoretical reflections of the authors based on the results of research projects developed within the Postgraduate Programs to which they are linked. Most of these reflections were shared and discussed at the annual meetings of the Lexicology, Lexicography and Terminology Work Group (GTLEX), which is linked to the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Literature and Linguistics (ANPOLL), and congregates researchers associated to graduate programs in Linguistics with research lines that contemplate lexical studies in its different perspectives, including onomastic studies.A broader look at the work’s plan shows that, besides the theoretical discussion, there is latent attention to its didactic dimension, which is evident in the book’s structure as a whole, but especially at the end of each chapter through the topic “chapter summary”.
(Aparecida Negri Isquerdo)

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

La Commission de la capitale nationale présente sa politique actualisée sur la toponymie


La Commission de la capitale nationale (CCN) se réjouit de l’entrée en vigueur de sa politique actualisée sur la toponymie, présentée aujourd’hui à son conseil d’administration. La politique actualisée rend plus transparent le processus décisionnel de désignation et de changement de désignation des propriétés dont elle assure la gestion.

Ces dernières années, la CCN a reconnu l’importance que représente le nom des lieux et des installations commémoratives publiques. La politique actualisée procure un cadre représentatif des patrimoines, des cultures, des ethnies et des genres dans la région de la capitale nationale. Dans un esprit de réconciliation, elle incorpore également la perspective de la Nation algonquine et d’autres communautés autochtones.

Comité consultatif sur la toponymie

La CCN vient de former un comité consultatif sur la toponymie chargé d’examiner les propositions de désignation et de changement de désignation des propriétés que gère la CCN. Il est composé de personnel de la CCN, de partenaires de la Première Nation Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg et des Algonquins de la Première Nation Pikwakanagan, ainsi que des spécialistes en histoire locale et nationale. Ce comité pourrait aussi donner des conseils sur d’autres questions relatives à la toponymie. Le premier point à l’étude sera l’examen d’une demande de changement de désignation pour la promenade Sir-John-A.-Macdonald.


En vertu de la politique actualisée, toute personne peut soumettre au comité une proposition de désignation ou de changement de désignation. Pour assurer une bonne cohésion, la politique énonce des critères destinés à guider les demandes et classe les désignations dans quatre catégories : historiques ou patrimoniales; honorifiques; autochtones; et naturelles ou topographiques. Toutes les propositions de changement de désignation d’une propriété gérée par la CCN nécessitent l’approbation de son conseil d’administration.  

« La Politique sur la toponymie de la CCN est le fruit de réflexions actuelles sur la façon dont les sociétés conçoivent le nom des lieux et leur lien avec l’histoire commune. Elle propose un processus clair, transparent et ancré sur des principes de valeur menant à une prise de décision éclairée. »
– Tobi Nussbaum, premier dirigeant, CCN


Renseignements aux médias
Maryam El-Akhrass
Relations avec les médias – CCN   

Interested in Publishing a Book on Names and Naming?

 ANS Newsletter

If you are interested in editing a multi-authored volume on Names and Naming, the "Names" Editor-in-Chief is currently accepting book proposal for a new series on onomastics to be published by Rowman and Littlefield.

Although all areas of onomastics are welcome, book proposals that address novel issues, contemporary problems, or profile new methodological approaches will be preferred. In addition, proposals that have a strong interdisciplinary approach are strongly encouraged. Although this is an English-language only book series, proposals that address names in naming across different languages and within diverse cultures are warmly welcomed.

The DEADLINE for receipt of book proposals is July 15, 2022. Please send all proposals and direct any questions to the Names Editor-in-Chief via Proposals sent to any other address will not be considered.


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Mérite en toponymie 2022


Située dans la municipalité régionale de comté d’Arthabaska, Victoriaville se trouve au cœur du Centre-du-Québec et à mi-chemin entre Montréal et Québec. La Ville s’est distinguée par l’excellence des réalisations de son comité consultatif de toponymie. Celui-ci s’est doté d’un plan d’action qui inclut, outre les actions à mettre en œuvre, le mandat du comité de toponymie de même qu’un lexique toponymique. Parmi les actions déjà accomplies, on compte la création d’un formulaire de demande de désignation toponymique qui a été mis à la disposition des citoyennes et des citoyens qui souhaitent honorer la mémoire de personnes de la région. Une banque toponymique a aussi été constituée. De plus, l’origine des noms de certaines voies de communication a été ajoutée sur des plaques de rue.

Entre 2019 et 2020, les noms de neuf lieux se trouvant sur le territoire de Victoriaville ont été officialisés par la Commission de toponymie, soit trois noms de parcs publics et six noms de voies de communication. Les nouveaux noms de parcs ont été choisis pour rappeler le souvenir de personnes ayant résidé à Victoriaville et ayant marqué son histoire.

Par exemple, avec le toponyme Parc Jean-Béliveau, attribué en 2018 pour remplacer le nom Parc Victoria, la Ville a tenu à rendre hommage à cette légende des Canadiens de Montréal qui a vécu à Victoriaville durant son enfance, de 1937 à 1949.

De même, le nom Rue de la Manufacture évoque une ancienne manufacture de meubles. Cette manufacture a constitué la principale entreprise industrielle du secteur d’Arthabaska jusqu’en 2005.

Pour sa part, le nom Rue des Vétérans est un hommage aux militaires qui ont participé aux différents efforts de guerre à travers le monde. Il est à noter qu’un bâtiment hébergeant la Légion royale canadienne se trouve sur cette rue.

On peut donc dire que la Ville de Victoriaville a su se doter d’outils pour mettre en valeur avec brio la richesse de son patrimoine toponymique et historique, et c’est la raison pour laquelle elle a été récompensée par l’attribution d’un Mérite en toponymie.

Monday, April 11, 2022

ONOMASTICS ONLINE | Kimberly Klassen: The lexical load of proper names for second language readers

The lecture series Onomastics Online continued on 11 April 2022 with a presentation given by Dr. Kimberly Klassen (Tokyo Woman’s Christian University) with the title "The lexical load of proper names for second language readers of English". 0:00 - 3:21 Introduction 3:21 - 50:55 Presentation 50:55 - 1:10:29 Discussion For more information about the lecture series, please visit ICOS website:

Sunday, April 10, 2022


Саран қаласында «Ұлттық ономастика – ел айнасы» деп аталатын қалалық байқау өтті. Оған шағын шаһардағы мемлекеттік қызметкерлер қатысып, өз бақтарын сынады. Толығырақ тілішіміз Ерік НАРЫН айтсын.

Saturday, April 9, 2022




(May 20-22, 2022) 


The Department of Kazakh Language and Turkic studies of Nazarbayev University (Republic of Kazakhstan) together with the Institute of Turkic World Studies of Ege University (Republic of Turkey) will host the II International Symposium of Onomastics May 20-22, 2022 with the support of International Turkic Academy.

The purpose of the symposium - to discuss topical issues of Turkic world onomastics, to unite scientists working in this field, to stimulate scientists to new scientific research, to resume scientific discussions and debates, to define and bring to a unified system of naming principles in the Turkic world. We urge scholars and researchers working directly with onomastics, young specialists to contribute to the symposium. 

The main directions of the symposium: 

  • all areas of onomastics; 
  • theoretical aspects of onomastics; 
  • onomastic terms and standardization; 
  • onomastics and other sciences. 

Symposium format: online (on the ZOOM platform) 

Main languages of the symposium: all Turkic languages, English and Russian.

Calendar of the symposium: 

  • Announcement of the symposium - February 15, 2022 
  • Last day to send the abstract and application for participation - May 1, 2022 
  • Providing information on the acceptance of the abstract - May 10, 2022 
  • Conducting the symposium - May 20-22, 2022 
  • Sending the latest versions of reports - June 22, 2022 
  • Publication of the Proceedings of the Symposium - November 30, 2022 
  • Please send your abstract and completed application form to 

Contact phone numbers: 

+7 707 895 18 02 (Kazakh, English) Saltanat Boleyeva 

+7 778 935 10 41 (Turkish, Russian) Bek Kongilkosh.

«Els topònims de s’Arenal sorgits arran del boom turístic i la nova toponímia» (2022)


Ja s'ha publicat la comunicació que vàrem fer n'Omar Trujillo i jo a la XXIX Jornada d'Antroponímia i Toponímia de la UIB (2019): «Els topònims de s'Arenal sorgits arran del boom turístic i la nova toponímia»

Trujillo Hernández, Omar i Martorell Paquier, Dídac (2022): «Els topònims de s’Arenal sorgits arran del boom turístic i la nova toponímia», a XXIX Jornada d’Antroponímia i Toponímia. Casal Pere Capellà, Algaida, 4 d’octubre de 2019: 209-272. Palma; Universitat de les Illes Balears. Servei Lingüístic

Toponímia d'Almassora. Patrimoni, paisatge i territori


Col·lecció: Humanitats  Núm.Serie: 66
   ISBN: 978-84-18951-24-4

Títol:Toponímia d'Almassora. Patrimoni, paisatge i territori
Autoria:Soriano Martí, Francisco Javier (coord.)
 Rosselló I Verger, Vicenç M.
 Guardiola Noguera, Ferran
 Mateu I Beltran, Cèsar
 Bernat Agut, Jesús
Dimensions:15 X 21
Edició:1 (2022)
Preu:12,00 €
Enquadernació:Rústica cosida amb solapa

The lexical load of proper names for second language readers of English


Onomastics Online

11 April 2022, 10:00 AM (UTC)
Dr. Kimberly Klassen (Tokyo Woman’s Christian University)

It is widely assumed by vocabulary researchers of English as a second language (L2) that proper names do not present a burden to L2 readers: the initial capital letter and the sentential context will indicate to the reader that the item is a proper name. This assumption that L2 readers can easily recognise and understand proper names in context has led to the standard practices of either categorising proper names as ‘known’ vocabulary, or eliminating them altogether from lexical analyses. However, empirical research is limited as to how L2 users respond to proper names. This presentation begins with a few examples of the difficulties that L2 readers, in particular those whose first language has a different orthography than English, can have with proper names. Then, some perspectives from linguistics and lexicography are presented to explore the extent to which proper names might be treated as part of the L2 reader’s lexical knowledge, as opposed to encyclopaedic knowledge. Finally, research is presented which looks at how L2 users respond to proper names, and how cultural familiarity affects reading comprehension.

Link to the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 694 0191 2363
Passcode: 179589

Friday, April 8, 2022

Society for Name Studies Spring Day Conference exploring place-names and personal names in Britain, Ireland, and beyond


Date and time

The SNSBI spring conference will be held on Saturday 9 April 2022, via Zoom. The programme incorporates papers on personal names, major and minor place-names, and comparative research from a range of speakers in Britain and Ireland and beyond.

For more information and a full programme, including abstracts, please visit the SNSBI website.

The event is free for SNSBI members, but is open to anyone to attend, and non-members are very welcome! If you are interested in joining the Society, please visit our website to find out more.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Seminar "Personal Names from Ancient Greek Novels"


Nikoletta Kanavou (Université d’Athènes)

The naming of the heroes and heroines in the five extant romantic novels (Chariton’s Callirhoe, Xenophon Ephesius’ Anthia and Habrocomes, Achilles Tatius’ Leucippe and Clitophon, Longus’ Daphnis and Chloe, Heliodorus’ Aethiopica) suggests typification: the personal names are chosen – mostly from historical nomenclature – to express positive features such as beauty and noble birth. However, the numerous fictitious narratives of romantic interest that survive in a fragmentary state (included in such collections as S.A. Stephens and J.J. Winkler, Ancient Greek Novels: The Fragments. Princeton, NJ 1995; M.P. López Martínez, Fragmentos papiráceos de novela griega, Alicante 1998) paint a much more complex picture – the fragments indeed reflect a greater variety of onomastic tendencies than seen in the extant works. To demonstrate this, I will offer a survey of names of main heroes and heroines in the relevant texts, including recently published fictitious narratives on papyri (e.g. P.Oxy. LXXI 4811, LXXXIII 5356), and discuss meanings of names, their relationship to historical onomastics and the motivation that may lie behind their use. The study of personal names emerges as an important tool for establishing literary patterns, historical connections, as well as the individuality of the works that form the rich literary tradition of the novel.