
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Калейдоскоп имен «Людям милая»

Специалист библиотеки познакомит присутствующих с понятиями: ономастика, имя, прозвище, святцы. Будут представлены фотопортреты известных женщин, нареченных именем Людмила – Людмила Марковна Гурченко, Людмила Ивановна Иванова, Людмила Васильевна Максакова, Людмила Алексеевна Пахомова и озвучены интересные факты их деятельности. Выставка-обзор поможет участникам вспомнить любимые с детства книги про Людмил и познакомит с новыми произведениями современных авторов: Людмилы Евгеньевны Улицкой «Медея и ее дети», «Лестница Якова», «Люди нашего царя»; Людмилы Стефановны Петрушевской «Как много знают женщины», «Дочки-матери, или Во что играют взрослые девочки» и другие.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Michael Falk (1931-2022)


Dr. Michael Falk, Canadian onomastician, Holocaust survivor; research chemist; piano, tennis, and Go player, passed away on 2nd August 2022. 

Michael (or just Mike for his friends and colleagues) was born in Warsaw, in 1931; he was almost eight when World War II began. Mike and his wife, Lilian, were both child survivors of the Holocaust; each of them survived the war in hiding, protected by Polish friends. Miraculously, Mike and both of his parents survived; they moved to Montreal in the late 1940s. He enrolled at McGill University, graduating with a degree in chemistry, and went on to earn a PhD at Université Laval. He met his wife in London in 1958, and they were married the following year in Israel. In late 1962 they moved to Halifax, where Mike began a long career as a research chemist at the National Research Council. After retiring, Mike kept busy researching linguistics and onomastics.

At the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, he presented the results of his analysis regarding names of the weekly day of rest in various religions and language, research that he started in 2003. In Onomastica Canadiana, he explained the origin of the demonym ‘Haligonian’ signifying an inhabitant of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and clarified why there are so many matronymics among Jewish surnames. Dr. Falk’s hypothesis can be considered as a significant factor for the explanation of the frequent use of Jewish women's surnames in the Russian Empire. 


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Имена известных казахстанцев получат десятки улиц в Актобе

Имена известных казахстанцев получат десятки улиц в Актобе. По-новому назовут и 20 жилых массивов. Решение приняли на внеочередной сессии городского маслихата, после чего документ направили в Республиканскую ономастическую комиссию. Как только его утвердят, местные власти приступят к реализации плана, рассказывает корреспондент «Хабар 24».

Prize of £1,000 for a research essay on the topography, development or buildings of London



At the suggestion of members, the Council of the London Topographical Society has decided to fund a new prize in honour of the late Dr Ann Saunders (1930-2019). Ann was an enthusiastic and distinguished historian of London and for thirty-five years the Society’s Honorary Editor and in that capacity helped many scholars, both young and old, to achieve publication of their work.

A prize of £1,000 will be awarded annually depending on the response and at the discretion of the Council.

It will be awarded for an original and unpublished research essay on the topography, development or buildings of London in any period.

Submissions are to be no more than 8,000 words including endnotes and should include an additional abstract/summary of about 200 words.

* Entries should be submitted as hard copy and as a Word email attachment.

* They must be accompanied by the name and address/contact details of the author.

Submissions for the prize will be considered for publication by the Society in the London Topographical Record, at the discretion of the Society’s Honorary Editor.

Entries for the prize should be sent to our Hon. Secretary, Mike Wicksteed, by 1 April 2023.  Please email your Word entry to him ( and he will provide an address to which your hard copy version should be sent.

The prize winner will be notified in time to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society in London to be held in the summer of 2023.

Questions relating to entries should be addressed to Council Member Caroline Barron ( )

41st Annual Conference of the Place Names Society of India

 Glad to share the First Circular of 41st Annual Conference of the Place Names Society of India to be held in the Department of A.I.H.C & Archaeology, Banaras Hindu University for 3 days from 4th - 6th November 2022.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

ICOS 2021 Kraków - Opening ceremony

Speakers: Maciej Eder, Jacek Popiel, Jacek Majchrowski, Milan Harvalík, Gabriela Múcsková, Paula Sjöblom, Urszula Bijak

Today I got a bit nostalgic... 

Conference: Shifting Landscapes of the Medieval World, 14 – 15 September 2022


Conference: Shifting Landscapes of the Medieval World, CRASSH, University of Cambridge, 14 – 15 September 2022



Although the word ‘landscape’ entered English in the sixteenth century, the concept of the land as it shapes and is shaped by human activity is much, much older. Much more than a backdrop to narrative, much more than a passive object of knowledge, much more than patches of space to be allocated and appropriated, landscape is revealed as playing an active part in narrative, power, and knowledge. A focus on landscape allows us to ask questions about the division between culture and nature; the boundaries between countries and cultures; the agency of the nonhuman and more than human; the role of the supernatural and the imagination in shaping history; and the ethics of landscape management, naming, and ownership.

This seminar series and follow-on conference comes at a time in which we are all, individually and collectively, rethinking our relationship to the spaces we live in and with, and our responsibility to them: we therefore anticipate a dynamic and stimulating series of conversations.


Our conference focuses on reading medieval landscapes in their multiple manifestations. We will explore themes emerging in the series of preceding seminars, as well as broadening the discussion to include aspects of other dimensions, spatial, temporal and theoretical.

Broad-ranging conceptually focussed papers, as well as explorations of specific case studies are welcomed, addressing the multifarious ways in which landscapes in the Middle Ages were read then and now. Issues addressed will include (but not be limited to):

  • the importance of shared cultural concerns in understanding landscapes;
  • the continual reconfiguration of landscapes through time and space;
  • the centrality of land in their conceptualisation;
  • the local and the cosmos;
  • the rural and urban;
  • the sacred and profane.

Methodologies will be informed by history and archaeology, texts and theory, languages and literatures, ecocriticism and ecologies, disability studies and onomastics (to name but some approaches).

One aim will be to illuminate the relationship between humans of the past and their environment in complementary ways. Another will be an interrogation of the affordances of different kinds of landscapes. The importance of various perspectives, simultaneous and continuous, will also be to the fore, included those occluded, deliberately erased and obscured. In discussing these and other subjects critically and in an open, nuanced manner, we seek to open up new ways of thinking about the shifting landscapes of the medieval world.

For information on topics discussed in the seminar series, see the blogs on the various sessions:

Monday, August 8, 2022

Volkmar Hellfritzsch (1935-2022)


We mourn the loss of our colleague, who passed away unexpectedly a week ago. After graduation from the University of Leipzig, Volkmar Hellfritzsch worked as a teacher for about thirty years. 

Along the way, he conducted studies on a wide variety of onomastic topics, especially on the development of personal names in southwestern Saxony. Two dissertations resulted from this research. From 1992 to 1998 he was a research fellow at the Institute for Slavic Studies at the University of Leipzig for the DFG project "Historical Place Name Register of Saxony" headed by Ernst Eichler and Hans Walther.

Wiki-Page about Volkmar Hellfritzsch 

His most important works: 

  • Vogtländische Personennamen. Untersuchungen am Material der Kreise Plauen und Oelsnitz. Berlin 1969 (= DS 23).
  • mit Ernst Eichler und Johannes Richter: Die Ortsnamen des sächsischen Vogtlandes. I, II. Plauen 1983 u. 1985 (= Vogtlandmuseum Plauen. Schriftenreihe Heft 50 u. 53).
  • mit Gunter Bergmann: Kleines vogtländisches Wörterbuch. Leipzig 1990.
  • Familiennamenbuch des sächsischen Vogtlandes. Berlin 1992 (= DS 37), Reprint im Verlag Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-05-001827-0.
  • Das Terminierbuch der Zwickauer Franziskaner (um 1460) als anthroponomastische Quelle. Institut für Slavistik. Universität Leipzig 1998.
  • Personennamen Südwestsachsens: Die Personennamen der Städte Zwickau und Chemnitz bis zum Jahre 1500 und ihre sprachgeschichtliche Bedeutung. Leipzig : Leipziger Univ.-Verl., 2007, ISBN 978-3-86583-162-0. (PDF)
  • (Ostmittel-)Deutsche Namenkunde. Hamburg: Baar, 2010, ISBN 978-3-935536-75-2.
  • Die Personen- und Ortsnamen im Terminierbuch (Liber Benefactorum) des Zwickauer Franziskanerklosters (um 1460). Leipzig : Leipziger Univ.-Verl., 2011, ISBN 978-3-86583-545-1.