
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Noms-21, Revista de la Societat d’Onomàstica

 Pots entrar i llegir Noms-21 . I si t’agrada l’estudi dels noms de lloc i de persona guaita al web de la Societat d’onomàstica i fes-te’n soci!

Italian and German Surnames in South America


Distribution of the Italian and German Surnames in South America: 

This map mirrors the amount of immigrants that moved to the region: Italians greatly outnumbered Germans in arriving migrants so Italians show up in a lot more places, specially the already densely populated ones like São Paulo and Buenos Aires, while Germans only show up in significant amounts in the previously sparsely populated territories of the Brazilian and Argentine Pampas.

At least, in Argentina Germans tended to concentrate between them founding colonies and villages while Italians mixed in the already stablished cities: for example, in the province of Entre Ríos, there's hundreds of villages that were founded by German immigrants and the people still looks very German-like, some maintained the language for the first generations and some traditions, this happened in other parts of the country, too.

Besides that, the Germans tended to form closed communities, especially in Argentina. They not only spoke a very different language but also and most importantly had a different faith. Just as an example, Buenos Aires' largest cemetery doesn't have an Italian sector, because they were as Catholic as the locals, but it does have a British and a German secluded area with their own chapel.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Onomastique : le sens de la dénomination du Burkina Faso

Onomastique : le sens de la dénomination du Burkina Faso Invité : Dr. Bamoussa FARMA / Spécialiste des études culturelles Présentation : Baba Ayoub DIARRA

Souscription pour le Dictionnaire des Saints et Saintes de Bretagne de Bernard Tanguy


Les passionnés d’histoire et de patrimoine breton seront ravis d’apprendre que le grand dictionnaire historique des saints et saintes de Bretagne, œuvre magistrale de Bernard Tanguy, est désormais disponible en souscription.   Cet ouvrage de référence, attendu avec impatience par les érudits et amateurs de la culture bretonne, sera publié par les éditions Skol Vreizh au quatrième trimestre de 2024.

Une Œuvre Monumentale

Ce dictionnaire, qui compte 688 pages et couvre les cinq départements bretons, est le fruit du travail acharné de Bernard Tanguy, éminent chercheur et spécialiste en onomastique. Sa rédaction, entreprise avec une rigueur scientifique exceptionnelle, a été poursuivie par une équipe de spécialistes après la disparition de Tanguy en 2015. En résultent près de 800 entrées détaillées sur les saints et saintes de Bretagne, illustrées par Sébastien Monteil dans l’esprit de l’école des “Seiz Breur”.

Un Ouvrage Incontournable

Le dictionnaire se distingue par la richesse de ses références, incluant des dates, des lieux, et des extraits d’hagiographies, offrant ainsi une perspective approfondie sur l’héritage religieux breton. Parmi les éléments notables, le livre couvre :

  • Le nom du saint, la date de célébration du culte
  • Des références archivistiques
  • Des développements détaillés
  • Les lieux cités (monuments, statues, cultes…)
  • Des références bibliographiques

Souscription et Informations Pratiques

Les souscriptions sont ouvertes avec une offre spéciale : 54 € l’exemplaire au lieu de 69 €, avec 5 € de participation aux frais de port. Le port est gratuit pour les retraits à Skol Vreizh, Morlaix ou au CRBC, Brest.

Pour souscrire, il suffit de retourner le bon de souscription accompagné du règlement par chèque ou carte bleue à l’adresse suivante : Éditions Skol Vreizh 41, quai de Léon 29600 Morlaix

Ce dictionnaire promet de devenir une référence incontournable pour les chercheurs et amateurs d’histoire bretonne, offrant une plongée unique dans l’univers des saints et saintes qui ont marqué la Bretagne.

Illustrations  : DR
[cc], 2024, dépêches libres de copie et de diffusion sous réserve de mention et de lien vers la source d’origine

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Index of Biennial International Conferences on Jewish Onomastics (1993–2021)


Index of Participants and Subjects at the fifteen Biennial

International Conferences on Jewish Onomastics (1993–2021)

by Aaron Demsky

Founder and Director of the Project for the Study of Jewish Names

Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry

Bar-Ilan University

Ramat-Gan, Israel

(June 10, 2024)

The primary goal of the Project for the Study of Jewish Names, founded in 1991, was to establish Jewish onomastics as a recognized academic field of study and research. Within the framework of the Koschitsky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry at Bar-Ilan University, we were able to achieve this goal. This project was based on three aspects. Primarily, teaching Jewish onomastics in undergraduate and advanced classes in the department and in the Department of Hebrew Language. Some students went on to do an MA and even a doctorate with honors.

The second aspect was to organize regular international conferences on this wide field of study. The fifteen biennial gatherings brought together senior scholars as well as young academics. Over the years, hundreds of speakers participated in these conferences, in addition to thousands of interested laymen in attendance, drawing media coverage. The abstract booklets can be found in the sites of and ResearchGate.

The third aspect in creating a new and vibrant academic field of study is to encourage publication. Evolving from the conferences was the peer-reviewed series of collected essays These are the Names: Studies on Jewish Onomastics(TATN) vols. 1–5 featuring articles in Hebrew and English. In addition, a second series of collected essays and monographs in English on specific topics was created, e.g., The Sephardic Diaspora , Yemenite Jewish Names and Rumanian Names during the Old Kingdom. Other publications of articles and books evolved out of these lectures, while some of the lectures were excerpted from larger studies by established scholars in the field.

The origin of every English city's name

Scroll down to see the timecode for your city. But first, go to to stay fully informed and see through the headlines. Save 40% on unlimited access to the Ground News Vantage Plan for one month only. In this video, I delve into the origins of the names of every city in England: from the mysterious story of London to the terrific tale of York. ❓What's so new about Newcastle? ❓What was Nottingham's disgusting former name? ❓Which is the only city named after a woman? Join me as we travel through time to answer these questions and more. CITY TIME CODES BELOW 👇 ==RESOURCES== 📚 Caroline Taggart's book is a tremendous read: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Info from English Heritage: 🌐 Superb work by m@ at The Londonist:

Friday, July 26, 2024

SNSBI Autumn Day Conference

 We're pleased to share the details on our forthcoming SNSBI autumn day conference - which will be held in York on Saturday 19 October as a hybrid event. If you would like to present, please find initial details on the poster attached.

Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland

SNSBI Autumn Day Conference 2024: Names, creativity and innovation

Saturday 19 October 2024, King’s Manor, University of York and online (10 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.)

Call for Papers

The SNSBI’s 2024 autumn day conference will be a hybrid event held at King’s Manor, University of York and online via Zoom. Invited speakers and their titles are:

  • Dr. Harry Parkin (University of Chester): ‘Death by dictionary: a relationship between non-onomastic vocabulary, surnames, and surname death’
  • Dr. Tania Styles (Oxford English Dictionary): ‘Old names, new words: names as etymons of words in the OED’

We invite abstracts for 20-minute papers (with 5–10 minutes for questions) that address the conference theme of creativity and innovation in naming. Papers on any kinds of names and any period of naming are welcome. If you are interested in giving a paper, please email a title and abstract (250–300 words) to: by 23 August 2024. Please also state whether you plan to attend in person or online. There will be no registration fee for speakers.

43rd Annual Congress of The Place Names Society of India

 We are glad to inform you that the 43rd Annual Congress of The Place Names Society of India will be held in the Department of History and Management, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana. 

XLIII Annual Congress of the Place Names Society of India

Chairman: Dr. T. S. Ravishankar
Secretary: Dr. S. Krishnamurthy
Joint Secretary: Dr. D. M. Nagaraju
Treasurer: Sri M. Suresh

Editor: Dr. P. N. Narasimha Murthy
Editorial Board:

  • Dr. E. S. M. Prasad
  • Sri Jai Prakash
  • Dr. Shrinivas V. Padigar
  • Dr. S. Rajavelu
  • Dr. Meka V. Raghavendra Varma (Asst. Editor)

Dated: 19th July 2024

Dear Members,

We are glad to inform you that the XLIII Annual Congress of the Place Names Society of India will be held in the Department of History and Tourism Management, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana.

Date: 7th, 8th & 9th of December 2024
Host: Department of History and Tourism Management, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Telangana.
General President of the Congress: Dr. Susmita Basu Majumdar, Professor and Head, Department of Ancient Indian History and Culture, University of Calcutta, Kolkata

On behalf of the Society, we have great pleasure in inviting you/your Institution/Museum/University to participate in the above conference. Individuals who have not yet become members, but wish to participate in the congress are requested to enrol themselves as members by sending their Life/Annual Membership fee along with duly filled application to the on or before 07th October 2024. Those Institutions which have not already become members are requested to remit the Life/Annual Membership fee and depute not more than two delegates as their representatives.

Life Membership

  • Individual: Rs. 3,000/-
  • Student: Rs. 1000/- (up to Post-Graduate level)
  • Institutional: Rs. 6,000/-

Annual Membership

  • Individual: Rs. 300/-
  • Institutional: Rs. 600/-

GfN Annual Meeting "Names in Context – Sociopragmatic Aspects of Proper Name Usage"


Conference: Names in Context – Sociopragmatic Aspects of Proper Name Usage

Annual Meeting of the Society for Name Studies (GfN) 

Date: April 2-4, 2025 

Location: Archive Center, Uppsala, Sweden 

Organizers: Michael Prinz and Daniel Solling


This conference aims to explore the use of proper names from a socio-onomastic and sociopragmatic perspective. Although the social dimension of name usage has been recognized for a long time, traditional studies focused more on the origin, linguistic value, and lexical status of proper names. It was only from the 1970s onwards that social, pragmatic, and interactional contexts of name usage were more intensively studied, leading to the emergence of socio-onomastics, a field at the intersection of sociolinguistics and onomastics.


The conference seeks to examine names in various contexts, including both traditional pragmatic contexts (linguistic, situational, and knowledge-based) and dynamic sociolinguistic contexts. The focus is on the usage of names in different pragmatic or sociolinguistic settings, encompassing both contemporary and historical perspectives across all classes of names.

Key Themes:

  1. Epistemic Foundations of Name Usage:

    • Investigating onymic competencies, attitudes, and the social knowledge associated with name usage.
  2. Name Variation and Multiple Naming:

    • Exploring variations in names across different dimensions (geographical, social, gender, etc.) and the phenomena of multiple naming practices.
  3. Names and Identity:

    • Examining the role of names in the construction of personal, social, and cultural identities, including issues related to name changes and place identity.
  4. Names and Multilingualism:

    • Analyzing name usage in multilingual contexts, including code-switching, linguistic landscapes, and the impact of societal multilingualism.
  5. Names in Interaction:

    • Studying the role of names in interactional contexts, focusing on how names function in conversational and sequential interactions.

Submission Details:

  • Languages: German and English
  • Abstract Submission: Up to 300 words (excluding references)
  • Deadline: October 15, 2024
  • Email:

The selection of contributions will be made promptly after the submission deadline. The organizers look forward to diverse and engaging presentations at the conference.

Hurry! ICOS 2024 Registration Closes Soon!



Dear all,

We would like to remind you that registration for the ICOS 2024 congress ends on July 31st. Link to the registration form, congress fees and further information can be found on the congress website:

Looking forward to meeting you in Helsinki,

ICOS 2024 Organizing Committee

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Nombres que Cuentan Historias: Los Barrios de Bogotá y su Toponimia

Nombres que Cuentan Historias: Los Barrios de Bogotá y su Toponimia Los nombres de las calles de una ciudad reflejan los procesos históricos, sociales, culturales y geográficos que han moldeado ese espacio urbano. A través del estudio de la toponimia, se investiga el origen de estos nombres, que puede estar relacionado con la religión, características geográficas o eventos significativos que han ocurrido en el lugar. En su tesis titulada 'Dinámicas Toponímicas de los Barrios de Bogotá (1900-1975)', Katerine Carrillo, geógrafa egresada de la UNAL, analiza cómo se han designado los nombres en los diversos barrios de la capital colombiana. Estos nombres no solo les otorgan identidad, sino que también se convierten en símbolos comunitarios que encapsulan significados culturales y sociales profundamente arraigados. Universidad Nacional de Colombia - UNAL © Suscríbete, comenta y comparte. Encuéntranos en redes sociales: @TelevisiónUNAL

CfP "The Dynamics of Anthroponymy: Heritages and Identities in the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa"



The call is open from August 2024 to March 2025 for the dossier "The Dynamics of Anthroponymy: Heritages and Identities in the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa". It is organized by Yamina Taibi-Maghraoui, Nadjia Nehari-Roubai and Warayanssa Mawoune. Authors must create an account on the platform of the journal - Onomastics from Latin America ( - and send their paper to the "Dossier" section. 

The dossier is expected to be published by July 2025.

The anthroponymy of the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa opens up a fascinating perspective on the diversity and depth of cultures and stories that have permeated these regions over the centuries. These proper names, much more than simple designations, are living testimonies of the complex interplay between the various historical and contemporary civilizations, thus enriching our understanding of collective and individual identity in the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. In the Maghreb, this richness is particularly evidenced by the successive crossing of varied civilizations - Arab, Berber, Ottoman, Andalusian and French. Each civilization has left its distinct mark on the names of the people, thus enriching the anthroponymic heritage of this region. 

The Arabs introduced Islamic names and names, marked by religious and historical references, such as “Mohamed, Khadija, Ibrahim, Seddik, Halima, etc.” (Geoffroy, 2000, p. 326) The Berbers maintained their own nominative traditions, often influenced by the linguistic peculiarities of their different dialects, using prefixes such as “At”, “Ait’ or ‘Nait’ (Khemouche, 2005, p. 63). The Ottoman presence brought Turkish names linked to administrative and military functions, such as "Belkhoudja, Daouadji, Benabadji" or "Bey, Ghazi, Bentobdji". Other anthroponyms mark the ethnicity, such as "Benzmirli, Kasdali, Kourdoughli", integrated into the local social fabric (Taibi-Maghraoui, 2017, p. 176). The Andalusian influence is found in names such as 'Bengharnout, Benkartaba', while French colonisation has frankised many names to adapt them to bureaucratic norms, such as 'Benaoumeur, Benyacko, Azreug, Mokrétar, Kadra' (TaibiMaghraoui, 2020, p. 230). These administrative transformations often simplified or altered the original forms of names, sometimes erasing the subtleties and deep meanings of traditional.

While the Maghreb features a mosaic of names influenced by various civilizations, sub-Saharan Africa offers an equally complex and captivating perspective. In fact, onomastics in sub-Saharan Africa is a virgin land, the bearer of a historical and anthropological depth. The attribution of names obeys identity, social and cultural logics, influenced by historical, sociological and sometimes philosophical factors specific to each people (Ngbesso, 2013).

In Cameroon and Côte d'Ivoire, naming is linked to contextual factors of an individual's birth, informing about their origins, their religion, and the social and cultural interactions of their family (Moreau, 2001). Names also determine social status, informing about the origins and history of individuals and peoples (Warayanssa, 2020). However, for some decades, the attribution of surnames has been undergoing a dynamic driven by intercultural and interethnic mixing, influenced by human mobilities and interactions. This evolution is also impacted by varied sociological and ethnological determinants, often conditioned by the power relations between communities and interethnic alliances.

Thus, Maghreb anthroponymy and African onomastics are not limited to reflecting a simple diversity of names. They tell a rich and dynamic story where each name brings with it the traces of the different cultural and historical influences that shaped these regions, and their role in the construction of the individual and collective identity of the inhabitants of the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa.


Cheriguen F. (2005) « Régularités et variations dans l’anthroponymie algérienne » dans « Des noms et des noms… Etat civil et anthroponymie en Algérie. CRASC. Oran. 

Geoffroy Y. & Geoffroy N. (2000) « Le livre des prénoms arabes » Université de Michigan. Ed, Dar El Bouraq. 

Guillorel H. (2012). « Onomastique, marqueurs identitaires et plurilinguisme. Les enjeux politiques de la toponymie et de l’anthroponymie, in Onomastique, droit et politique, N°2/64, pp. 11-50. 

Khemouche B. (2005) « L’anthroponymie dans la toponymie kabyle : le cas d’Ait Bouaddou » dans « Des noms et des noms… Etat civil et anthroponymie en Algérie. CRASC. Oran. 

Moreau M-L, (2001). « Le marquage des identités ethniques dans le choix des prénoms en Casamance (Sénégal) », in Cahiers d’Études Africaines, numéro thématique, Entre les langues : identités, politiques et « ethnies », pp. 541-556, article consulté le 18 février 2020 sur le site : 

Ngbesso H. (2013). « Nom propre et quête identitaire : étude de cas pris en Afrique noire », in Revue Baobab, pp. 69-89, consulté sur le site : 

Taibi-Maghraoui Y. (2017) « Etude diachronique des anthroponymes algériens- cas de la ville de Mostaganem » thèse de doctorat. Université de Mostaganem. 

Taibi-Maghraoui Y. (2020) « Transcription graphique et translittération du nom propre » dans la revue Aleph.

Tsofack J. B. (2006) « (Dé) nominations et constructions identitaires au Cameroun » in Cahiers de sociolinguistique, Presses universitaires de Rennes, n° 11 | pp. 101-115, article consulté le 12 février 2020 sur le site : page-101.htm 

Warayanssa Mawoune (2020) « Patronyme, frontière et identité ethnique dans le Mayo-Louti : essai d’analyse onomastique des anthroponymes et de leur origine tribale dans la ville de Figuil » in Multilinguales, Revue Algérienne des Sciences du Langage, vol. 8, n°1, pp. 290-319. Site 


1. Articles must be sent, in Word format, via the journal electronic submission system. 

2. Copyrighted work cannot be used. 

3. The texts should be typed with the following configuration: Times New Roman font, size 12, double space, fully justified and with symmetric margins of 2,5 cm. 

4. Paragraphs must be indicated without space, indented, except in the case of paragraphs which follow titles or subtitles. 

5. It will present uninterrupted page numbers. 

6. The first page will include title (maximum of 10 words) and the name of the author or authors, as well as personal information, they are: a) academic title and university where it was concluded; b) work institution; e-mail address and Orcid number and two abstracts , one written in the language of the article and another in English. If the article is in English the second abstract should be in Spanish, Portuguese and French. 

7.The abstract of articles and works submitted to the journal Onomastics from Latin America must be 300 words long and provide the reader with a complete and concise description of the most important parts of the research reported in the article: context, purpose and/or objectives, methodology, results obtained and contribution of the research to the field of Onomastics. After the abstract, three to five keywords separated by a comma should be included. 

8. The citations and references must be written according to the editorial pattern of the 7 th.Edition American Psychological Association (APA).

9. The articles of the “Works” section must contain, in a footnote included after the title, the full name of the supervisor. 

10. There is no limitation on the number of authors per article, however, in cases where there is more than one author, the first author must inform the editor all authors' role according to the taxonomy provided by LCCRedit - Contributor Roles Taxonomy which can be accessed at

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biblical Anthroponyms in Secular Contexts

 My article is opening the latest issue of the Journal "Onomástica desde América Latina":

Schochenmaier , E. “Biblical Anthroponyms in Secular Contexts”. Onomastics from Latin America, vol. 5, no. 1, July 2024, pp. 1-20, doi:10.48075/odal.v5i1.33666.

Keywords: biblical anthroponymy, proper names, onomastics, religious text, secular context


The dossier on biblical anthroponyms in secular contexts offers an in-depth exploration of how biblical names transcend their religious origins to become integral elements of various cultural and linguistic landscapes. Through an interdisciplinary approach encompassing onomastics, socio-pragmatics, and cultural studies, the reviewed articles collectively underscore the enduring relevance and adaptability of biblical names. The studies reveal that these names have been integrated into everyday language and cultural practices, reflecting broader sociopolitical and cultural shifts. In Cuba, the persistence and adaptation of names like José, Juan, Pedro, and Rafael highlight their significance in shaping cultural identities amidst historical changes. Similarly, in Algeria and Israel, the phonetic adaptations and symbolic meanings of biblical names illustrate the complex interplay between historical, cultural, and religious influences. The studies on Mexico and Ukraine further emphasize the role of these names as markers of cultural continuity and identity, transcending their original religious connotations.

Despite the comprehensive insights provided, several limitations were identified across the reviewed articles. Geographically, many studies focus on specific regions, limiting the generalizability of their findings. Temporally, the narrow scope of some studies based on specific periods may not capture long-term trends. There is a notable gender imbalance with a greater focus on male names, potentially overlooking gender-specific trends. An over-reliance on specific theoretical frameworks and secondary data sources may introduce biases, limiting the consideration of other perspectives. To address these gaps, future research should expand geographic and temporal scopes, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of naming practices. Diversifying theoretical frameworks and incorporating comparative studies with other cultural contexts will offer broader insights. Detailed phonetic and pragmatic analyses, along with the use of visual aids, will enhance accessibility and richness of findings. Lastly, discussing the broader implications of these findings for other languages and cultural contexts will enhance the relevance and impact of the research. This comprehensive approach will enrich the field of onomastics and contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamic interplay between religious heritage and secular adaptation of biblical names.


Butnaru, Daniela and Prisacaru, Ana-Maria. (2024). La présence de déonymes religieux dans le vocabulaire de la langue roumaine. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Campo Yumar, Luis Ramón. (2024). Los nombres bíblicos en los estudios antroponomásticos cubanos. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Eckert, Kleber and Röhrig, Maiquel. (2024). O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo, de Saramago: uma leitura antroponímica. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Landman, Shlomit. (2024). Looking into Israeli Prevalent Girls’ Names: Revealing Ideologies According to Foucauldian Discourse Analysis. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Nasakina, Svitlana. (2024). Biblical names in Ukraine: regional aspects. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Odebode, Idowu; Shittu Ayodeji; Adeleke-Adeniji, Comfort. (2024). Biblical Names in Selected Plays of Wole Soyinka: A Sociolinguistic Study. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Peral Rabasa, Francisco J. (2024). Jesús, María y José. La Sagrada Familia en San Pablito (1874-1970): resultados y perspectivas. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Taibi-Maghraoui, Yamina. (2024). L’usage des prénoms bibliques en Algérie. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Zaldivar Aguilera, Betsabeth Mariam. (2024). Particularidades sobre el uso de nombres bíblicos en el repertorio cubano del siglo XIX. Onomástica desde América Latina, v.5.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Stergios Manouras (1934-2024)

Dear all,

It is with sadness that we learned of the loss of the founding member of the Greek Onomastic Society, Stergios Manouras, who passed away last Friday. Stergios Manouras was a pillar of the Society, a key contributor to its Statute, and an enthusiastic member in all its activities. The Onomastic Society mourns the loss of such a beloved member and esteemed onomastician.

May his memory be eternal!

Our heartfelt condolences to his family.

Αγαπητά μέλη της ΕΟΕ,

με θλίψη πληροφορηθήκαμε την απώλεια του ιδρυτικού μέλους μας Στέργιου Μανουρά, ο οποίος απεβίωσε την περασμένη Παρασκευή. Ο Στέργιος Μανουράς υπήρξε στυλοβάτης της Ελληνικής Ονοματολογικής Εταιρείας, βασικός συντάκτης του Καταστατικού της και ένθερμο μέλος της σε όλες τις δράσεις της, ενώ με ζέση και αποφασιστικότητα, λειτουργούσε πάντα ως πυλώνας στήριξης, μεταξύ άλλων, των οργανωτικών και διοικητικών θεμάτων. Η Εταιρεία μας θρηνεί την απώλεια ενός τόσο αγαπητού της μέλους και άξιου ονοματολόγου. Η εξόδιος ακολουθία θα λάβει χώρα αύριο στις 10.00 π.μ. στο κοιμητήριο Χολαργού. Η ΕΟΕ έχει φροντίσει να κατατεθεί συλλυπητήριο στεφάνι εκ μέρους όλων των μελών της.
Αιωνία του η μνήμη!

Θερμά συλλυπητήρια στους οικείους του

Saturday, July 6, 2024

I Seminário Internacional de Toponímia e Antroponímia

 Até o dia 7 de julho, estão abertas as inscrições com submissão de trabalhos (comunicações orais) para o I Seminário Internacional de Toponímia e Antroponímia, evento on-line que acontece nos dias 15 e 16 de agosto de 2024.

As inscrições são gratuitas e haverá certificação para os participantes.  O Seminário é organizado pelos editores da revista Revista Njinga & Sepé – vinculada à Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (Unilab) – e apoiado pelo Grupo de Pesquisa África-Brasil: produção de conhecimento, sociedade civil, desenvolvimento e cidadania global.

Os interessados em apresentar comunicações orais de 20 minutos deverão enviar seus resumos simples (com 200 a 250 palavras) para o e-mail, com as temáticas referentes à Toponímia e Antroponímia. Esses resumos serão publicados nos anais do evento.

O Seminário tem como objetivo reunir pesquisadores para que se promovam debates que visam sistematizar, aprofundar e compartilhar estudos e pesquisas sobre essas temáticas do evento. O Seminário será transmitido pelo canal da Revista Revista Njinga & Sepé no YouTube.

Call for Papers: ANS Organized Session at the Linguistic Society of America annual meeting


Names and World-building in Fantasy & Science Fictional Universes
an organized session at the 2025 annual meeting of the
Linguistic Society of America
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

9-12 January 2025


The American Name Society is now inviting proposals for an organized session at the 2025 annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. The theme of this session is “Names and World-building in Fantasy & Science Fictional Universes.” The organizing committee is especially interested in papers that address how names impact the creation of worlds in works of literature, music, film, and games (table-top role-playing games, board games, video games, and others). Sample topics might include, but are not limited to:
  • Names and their function in world-building
  • Naming conventions of fantasy and science fiction authors
  • Personal names in literary worlds: how the names of protagonists and antagonists contribute to the overall story told
  • Place names in created universes
  • Names and naming in games and gaming: whether video games, table top role-playing games, board games, or others
Abstracts in any area of onomastic research on the session theme are welcome.
Proposals require these elements:
•          Name and affiliation of presenter(s)
•          Title of proposed paper
•          Up to 250-word abstract
Proposals should be submitted to the American Name Society via email at: For organizational purposes, place “LSA2025” in the subject of your email.
The DEADLINE for receipt of abstracts is August 15, 2024.
All proposals will be subjected to blind review. Notification of proposal acceptances will be sent by September 1, 2024. Following acceptance, authors must be current members of the ANS and register for the Linguistic Society of America annual meeting. Please contact us at the above email address if you have any questions or concerns. 
Scheduling of the symposium by the LSA will be announced in October. Pre-registration for the meeting will open in late September.

Download a PDF copy of this Call for Papers by clicking here.

Friday, July 5, 2024

CfP: 5th Czech Onomastic Conference (COK 2025)


We would like to invite you to the 5th Czech Onomastic Conference, which will be held in Prague from April 7 to 10, 2025. More detailed information can be found on the conference website available at

Conference Theme and Sections:

Onomastics is usually considered a linguistic area overlapping markedly with other disciplines. Most frequently, the connections with history, geography, sociology and ethnology are mentioned. However, the link of onomastics to archaeology and history of settlement is also of importance. Literary onomastics is closely intertwined with literary studies. The links between onomastics and natural sciences, e.g. botany or geology, have not been fully established yet.

Conference contributions focused on the relationships between onomastics and other sciences and studies are welcomed. Attention will also be paid to the interdisciplinary nature of onomastics within linguistics, which means the cooperation and linkage between onomastics and linguistic areas such as dialectology, diachronic linguistics and etymology, corpus linguistics, grammar, and stylistics.

Depending on the interest of the participants and the submitted contributions, the preliminary suggestion of the conference sections is following:

  • Onomastics and Natural Sciences
  • Onomastics and Informatics
  • Onomastics and Cartography
  • Onomastics and Social Sciences (Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy, Political Science, Ethnology and Cultural and Social Anthropology, Demography and Social Geography, Economics, Law and Legislation)
  • Onomastics and History + Archeology
  • Onomastics and Literary Studies
  • Onomastics and Stylistics
  • Onomastics and Grammar (in the broad sense, incl. Lexicology and Phonology)
  • Onomastics and Orthography + Orthoepy
  • Onomastics and Corpus Linguistics + Quantitative Linguistics
  • Onomastics and Diachronic Linguistics + Etymology
  • Onomastics and Dialectology

Conference languages: English, Czech and other West Slavic languages (Slovak, Polish, Sorbian)

Participation: in-person only


Registration and abstract submission 1 July – 15 October 15, 2024

Notification of acceptance 15 December, 2024

Payment of the registration fee 1 January – 28 February, 2025