
Sunday, December 29, 2013

On the contemporary tasks of semantic-motivational reconstruction of folk toponymy

A new article in the Vorposy yazykoznaniya (Questions of Linguistics), Nr. 1, 2014, pp. 100-120

written by Prof. Elena Berezovich

Abstract in English:

The article comments on the urgent tasks of semantic-motivational reconstruction of folk toponymy. The research is based on the Russian materials extracted mainly from unpublished field card indexes of toponymic expedition of the Ural University in the territories of the Russian North, the Upper Volga region, the Middle Urals. The features of semantic reconstruction of familiar words (especially multiple-meaning) are viewed relying on toponymy; the study of toponymic pragmatics and situations of interaction between realia and nominator is discussed; the issues of interpretation of specific toponymic models that are not supported by common nouns are addressed; the need for new ways to conceptualize mutual transitions in the areas of proper and apellative names is argued. Attention is given to the auxiliary methods helping to implement semantic reconstruction of place names, to linguostatistical analysis in particular.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Second Meeting "City and its names"

The second conference "The city and its name" at the University of Leipzig led names researchers and historians together to a lively discussion linked with the subject issues. The contentual and geographical spread correspond to the first meeting, although in addition to specific case studies (in alphabetical order: Bayreuth, Basel, Bremen, Leipzig, Lisbon, Lucerne, Moscow, Riga, Straubing, Bohemia, Silesia, Westphalia) the relationship of historical research / naming as well as social aspects of naming, place names in the literature, names books, and above all sources for the naming within the city have been presented.

Table of contents:
Andreas Müller Words of welcome
Enno Bünz (Leipzig) Der Burg-Name in der Stadt
Gabriela Signori (Konstanz) Hausnamen in der spämittelalterlichen Stadt*
Leopold Schütte (Münster) Der "Bauer" in der Satdt
Hans Walther (Leipzig) Leipziger Ratsmitglieder – Namen als Immigrantenzeugnisse im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter
Karlheinz Hengst  (Chemnitz) Die Namen von Städten in Nordwest-Böhmen nördlich der Ohře/Eger vom 12. bis 16. Jahrhundert
Claudia Maria Korsmeier (Münster) Zur lautlichen Entwicklung der Namen früher westfälischer Städte
Christopher Kolbeck (Regensburg) Die Stadt Straubing und ihre Namen im 14. Jahrhundert
Erika Waser (Luzern) Die Türme der Stadtbefestigung in Luzern
Kristin Loga (Bremen) Viertels- und Straßennamen der Stadt Bremen
Rosa Kohlheim (Bayreuth) Das vergangene Erscheinungsbild der Stadt im Spiegel heutiger Straßennamen. Die Stadt Bayreuth als Beispiel
Natalija Vasil’eva (Moskau) Namen auf russischen Stadtplänen unter ethnischem und historischem Aspekt
Renāte Siliņa-Piņķe (Riga) Rufnamen in Riga im 15. Jahrhundert: Überlegungen über eine schichtenspezifische Namengebung
Dieter Kremer (Leipzig) Namen von Personen im Lissabon des 16. Jahrhunderts

Volker Kohlheim (Bayreuth) Die Funktion von Urbanonymen in der Literatur
Monika Choroś /  Łucja Jarczak (Opole) Übernahme der deutschen Straßennamen ins Polnische
Dietlind Kremer (Leipzig) Die ältesten Taufbücher der Stadt Leipzig als  namenkundliche Quelle
Gabriele Rodríguez (Leipzig) Akademische Namen? Universitätsmatrikel als namenkundliche Quelle
Jens Blecher (Leipzig) Matrikel, Edition, Applikation. Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte von akademischen Personaldatenbanken
Inga Siegfried / Jürgen Mischke (Basel) Eine Stadt und ihre Namen: Das Namenbuch der Stadt Basel
Please, feel free to order under:;article_id,1501

Enjoy the urbanomastics!!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

PhD Research Fellowships in Nordic Onomastics 

LLE - Institutt for lingvistiske, litterære og estetiske studium

The University of Bergen (UiB) is an internationally recognised research university with more than 14,000 students and close to 3,500 employees at six faculties. The university is located in the heart of Bergen. Our main contribution to society is excellent basic research and education across a wide range of disciplines.
PhD Research Fellowships in the Department of Linguistic, Literary, and Aesthetic Studies

A maximum of two PhD fellowships are available at the Department of Linguistic, Literary, and Aesthetic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen from 1 August 2014.

The positions are open in the following subject areas: General Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Comparative Literature, Digital Culture, Greek, Latin, History of Art, Norwegian Literature, Norwegian Didactics, Norwegian Language, Norwegian as a Second Language, Old Norse and Theatre Studies.

The department may under otherwise equal conditions prioritize certain subject areas. Nordic didactics and Nordic onomastics are given priority in this announcement, the same are applications who will analyze extreme utterances on the Internet. The department will in the priority of the applications consider the supervisor capacity and recruitment situation in the subject areas.

About the position

The fellowships are awarded for a period of four years, provided progress is satisfactory. The research and educational part of the fellowships is 75%, while the last 25% is dedicated to teaching and/or other obligations. An agreement concerning the actual work load must be made with the department at the time of employment.

The Fellowships` main goal is to lead to a PhD. degree, which qualifies for independent research activities, and for other work that requires particular competence.

The successful applicant will be expected to relocate to the University of Bergen and conform to the regulations that apply to the positions.

Qualification requirements

Applicants must meet the formal requirements for admission to the PhD. program at the University of Bergen. The University requires the equivalent of a master’s degree (i.e. 3 years bachelor and 2 years master, 300 ECTS altogether). Applicants must have completed their master’s degree at the time of application.

Please note:
-       Applicants must have completed their master’s degree in the actual subject area at the time of application.
-       The applicant’s research project must be connected to one of the research groups within the department. See for an overview.
-       Make sure that the name of the supervisor at University of Bergen is given in your application letter. The candidate’s main supervisor must be permanently employed at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies. Please contact the department’s Head of Research Tor Trolie about this (see below).

Salary will be in accordance with level 50 (code 1017/frame 20.8) on the Norwegian government salary scale, currently NOK 421.000 gross p.a. following ordinary meriting regulations. A compulsory 2% contribution to the State Pension Fund (Statens pensjonskasse) will be deducted from gross salary.

Additional information
The successful applicant will be expected to have her/his main residence in Bergen, and to conform to the regulations that apply to the position.

Further information about these fellowships can be obtained from the department’s Head of Research, Associate Professor Tor Trolie 55 58 29 65, e-mail: or from the department’s PhD-coordinator, Anne Berit Apold tel. 55 58 41 61, e-mail:

State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. We have therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and gender composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.

The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to academic positions. Information about the applicant may be made public even though the applicant has requested not to be named in the list of applicants. In such cases the applicant will be notified.

How to apply for the job
Please apply electronically via the link “APPLY FOR THIS JOB”. The following information must be enclosed (please upload in pdf or Word format):

1. An outline (max. 5 pages) of the proposed PhD research related to the current application
2. A time schedule for the completion of your project
3. A bibliography connected to the planned PhD research project
4. A short summary of the master thesis (max 3 pages)
5. All diplomas achieved in higher education from university/college (scanned version)
6. List of academic publications (if any)

Applicants may request an assessment for up to three scientific works. Three copies of each work has to be submitted to Universitetet i Bergen, Institutt for lingvististiske, litterære og estetiske studium, postboks 7805, 5020 Bergen.

Diplomas and any accompanying scientific work must be in a Scandinavian language or English. Scholarly works and translations of diplomas and academic work must be received by the department within the deadline.

Any queries or problems concerning the electronic application procedure should be directed to the Faculty of Humanities e-mail:

Application deadline: 31 January 2014
Reference no.: 13/12821

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!

Newsdetails : Deutscher Familiennamenatlas :

Wir wünschen allen Besucherinnen und Besuchern unserer Internetseite schöne Feiertage und einen guten Start in ein erfolgreiches, glückliches und gesundes Jahr 2014.


HALOGEN - History Archaeology Linguistics Onomastics and GENetics

The Halogen project is part funded by JISC in the Research Data Management theme to implement a cross disciplinary research database to support the Roots of the British collaboration at the University of Leicester.

The cross-disciplinary Roots of the British ( collaboration between scholars in humanities and genetics seeks to interrogate the evidence for the migration and/or continuity of human populations in the British Isles in the distant past. The HALOGEN project supports the data management needs of the researchers involved and is thus helping establish organisational best practice in terms of data management planning and the support of diverse cross-disciplinary research data.

Research Questions:
Project Outputs:
Key Documents:
Project Team:

The University of Leicester issued a press release ( describing the project at launch. The researchers involved have now won a major Leverhulme Trust Programme award for Diasporas to carry out further research utilising the Halogen interdisciplinary database.

Students Speech Culture Development in the Sphere of Onomastics

Students Speech Culture Development in the Sphere of Onomastics

by Assem Aksholakova


With gaining of independence and after emergency of a new country the national onomastic space of Kazakhstan began dynamically to be involved in the global community. Nowadays, we can see active involvement of onomastic units in international official documents. Thus, correct transfer of Kazakh proper names into other languages acquires exceptional value. Consequently, this is a vital problem of modern Kazakh language. Thus, actuality of our work theme specifies social significance of the problem related with development of speech culture acquisition in the same way as conducting of orthological (normative) analysis of Kazakh proper names and conditions of language adaptation in Russian language.

NOMINA - festschrift for Maria Giovanna Arcamone

published by Donatella Bremer, Davide De Camilli and Bruno Porcelli

at the Italian press ETS in Pisa in 2013

in honour of the international famous German philologist Prof. Dr. Maria Giovanna Arcamone

her page at the University of Pisa:

list of publications:

The publication contains the following papers:

Carlo Alberto Mastrelli: Maria Giovanna Arcamone

Giorio Baroni: Onomastica a ruota libera. Sanzin e la nominazione letteraria

Marco Battaglia: Multa Paucic Nominibus. Randbemerkungen über den Matronenkult in der rheinländischen Andachtsepigraphik

Rolf Bergmann: Zur Belegbehandlung in historischen Ortsnamenbüchern

Paola Bianchi De Vecchi: Antropomimi femminili in un cartario medievale

Pierre-Henri Billy: Toponymie et patrimoine

Alberto Borghini: Tecniche della nominazione in Calvino: un presumibile “modello elementare” (Edgar Allan Poe)

Donatella Bremer: L’eleganza del nome nei due romanzi di Muriel Barbery

Richard Brütting: "Il mio nome è ...": nomi precari in alcune novelle del primo Thomas Mann

Enzo Cafarelli: Dial "N" for Naming. Un Colombo chiamato Tenente

Ana-Maria Cano González: La estructura verbo + sustantivo en la antroponimia asturiana

Pasquale Caratù: Germanismi nell’onomastica di Capitanata ù

Laura Cassi - Francesco Zan: Sistemi informativi geografici e ricerca toponomastica

Richard Coates: The Duddon: a river of Cumbria

Anna Cornagliotti: Da procul a Procula? Antroponimi dei vangeli eterodossi

Davide de Camilli: L’onomastica nelle commedie di Molière dedicate all’istruzione

Antonietta Dettori: Strategie di nominazione nella narrativa di Milena Agus

Franco Fanciullo: Il soprannome siciliano (Ucrìa) Ziḍḍulupu: ‘lupo’ o ‘ramarro’?

Fulvio Ferrari: Inglesi a Rohan: onomastica anglosassone nel Signore degli anelli di J.R.R. Tolkien

Pietro Gibellini: Nomi, cognomi e soprannomi nei sonetti di Belli

Albrecht Greule: Langobardisch *guntja ‘feuchter Boden’ – ein germanisches Hydronym? Zur Etymologie der Toponyme Chinzia und Chinzica

Wolfgang Haubrichs: Gamondio bei Marengo. Westgermanische Ortsnamen in Italien und ihre europäischen Verwandten

Rosa Kohlheim: Die hochmittelalterlichen und frühneuzeitlichen Frauennamen im Nekrolog des oberschwäbischen Klosters Ochsenhausen

Volker Kohlheim: Die Konstituierung von Raum durch Eigennamen in der Literatur. Jean Pauls Roman Siebenkäs als Beispiel

Dieter Kremer: Randglosssen zur mittelalterlichen Sprachdokumentation Italiens

Julia Kuhn: Riflessioni sulla rappresentazione discorsiva di etnie diverse nell’ergonomia attuale. Un’analisi critica del discorso pubblicitario

Simona Leonardi: I nomi delle spade nell’epica del medioevo tedesco

Giovanna Martini: Vendesi nome. Il nome e la legge sulla privacy

Pasquale Marzano: Zoonimi e nomi d’animali nelle novelle di Pirandello

Matteo Milani: Manzoni, Bassani, Chiara: variazioni onomastiche sui Promessi sposi

Maria Serena Mirto: Dal nomen alla fabula: quando il mito si adegua all’interpretazione onomastica

Bruno Porcelli: Gli antroponimi in Canne al vento della Deledda

Wolf-Arnim Frhr. v. Reitzenstein: Lateinische Tierbezeichnungen als mittelalterliche Personenbezeichnungen

Salvatore Riolo: Onomastica cavalleresca dalle Chansons de geste all’Opera dei pupi

Alda Rossebastiano: Il gatto nella cultura e nell’onomastica medievale del Piemonte

Laura Salmoni: Il “potenziale associativo” dei Nomi in Anna Karenina

Luigi Sasso: Il nome e il desiderio. Su Roland Barthes

Grant W. Smith: Shakespeare’s Use of Names in Two Gentlemen of Verona

Leonardo Terrusi: L’onomastica della novella nell’attenzione teorica cinquecentesca

Mats Wahlberg: Italian names in Sweden

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

What’s in a Twitter name?

What’s in a Twitter name or handle? Anything: real names, company names, fancy names, pictograms, … the amount of information produced through Twitter is enormous, but it’s possible to filter this ‘bigdata’ in a way to make sense of it. Elian Carsenat created geographic maps of e-Diasporas, by recognizing the Twitter names of geotagged tweets: Irish, Swedish, Russian, etc. He called this Twitter GEOnomastics, borrowing a term from your obedient servant Dr. Evgeny Shokhenmayer (2010).

How does it work? The software accurately recognizes that ‘NamSor Applied Onomastics’ (@NomTri) is probably a trade mark or a company name, whereas ‘Elian Carsenat’ (@ElianCarsenat) is probably a personal name – and most likely a French name. Fancy names are also recognized and filtered out.

The author sees wide applications of such maps. When Captain James Cook explored the seas in the 18th century, having accurate maps could mean life or death for a ship and its crew. Working out latitude had been known for centuries, but measuring longitude was still tricky and inaccurate. In today’s digital world, he sees latitude as ‘recognizing the semantics’ in a message expressed in a particular language and longitude as ‘recognizing the culture’ of the target audience. He's full of curiosity on how and to whom this map can be useful, possibly Twitter itself. Elian Carsenat is going from Paris to Dublin in two weeks to find out : he aspires to meet people at Twitter European Headquarters. Twitter just issued its IPO but is also not clear how to make its money.

Read his next posts to discover more Twitter GEOnomastics maps showing Irish, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Swedish, Italian, Dutch e-Diasporas (or cultural influence).

NB. The maps are currently interactive, so you can zoom in and out of a particular territory, however this may be shut down in a month or two.

If you are interested in the Twitter onomastic geotagging, read further here:

What’s in a Twitter name? A glance at the Irish digital Diaspora | NameSorts

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Toponymic book of the Basel-City

The first volume of the three-part names book of the Canton of Basel-Stadt includes the names of Basel places in the rural municipalities of Riehen and Bettingen. In two lexicon parts, the names of settlements, roads, waters, mountains, houses and fields within the cantonal municipalities of Riehen and Bettingen are recorded and onomastically discussed. In addition, the book contains an introduction with chapters on the local landscape names, name cards and collection of the householders' family names since the 16th century.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Onomastic poem !

Everything that exists has a name
give me a moment
I'll try to explain

A short introduction to Onomastics
the study of Names by Greek democratics

If you are a Human
it's called an Anthroponym

If it's home to a dolphin
the correct term is Hydronym

Regarding a country
it's known as a Demonym
this can also be referred to as Ethnonym

A name is such a little thing
the first gift you ever receive
hunter, gatherer, priest or king
a name is magic if you can believe

To ensure what sanity I have will remain
in a world obsessed with power and wealth
i choose to go by any other name
other than myself

Onomastics of islands of the North Atlantic

Project IONA is a treasure trove of information about the people and places of these islands of the North Atlantic. Inter alia, a database of names can be found.

Names in Novels: An Experiment in Computational Stylistics

By Karina van Dalen-Oskam

Year: 2013

Published in: Literary and Linguistic Computing, volume 28 issue 2 (Jun 2013), pages 359-370


Proper names in literary texts have different functions. The most important one in real life, identification, is only one of these. Some others are to make the fiction more 'real' or to present ideas about a character by using a name with certain meanings or associations to manipulate the reader's expectations. A description of the functions of a certain name in a certain text becomes relevant when the researcher can point out how it compares to the functions of other names and names in other texts. The article describes how research into names in literary texts needs a quantitative approach to reach a higher level of relevancy. To get a first impression of what may be normal in literary texts, a corpus of twenty-two Dutch and twenty-two English novels and ten translations into the other language in both sets were gathered. The occurrences of all names in these novels have been tagged for those data categories that seemed useful for the literary stylistic research planned. Some first results of the statistics are presented and the use of the approach is illustrated by means of an analysis of the use of geographical names in the Dutch novel Boven is het stil by Gerbrand Bakker and its English translation by David Colmer, The Twin. In the evaluation of the results, special attention is paid to the status of currently available digital tools for named entity recognition and classification, followed by a wish-list for the tools that this kind of research really needs. Adapted from the source document

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Product Naming Manager at Cisco

For years, Cisco's vision has been to change the way the world works, lives, plays, and learns. Our vision is more relevant today than ever. We made the Internet what it is today. First, we focused on creating connectivity. Now, we're entering the Internet of Everything transition—an era where we'll help create unprecedented value by connecting the unconnected.

The Internet of Everything is a global industry phenomenon that is driving the biggest market transition for Cisco and our customers. This includes the intelligent connection of people, process, data, and things. It's where everything is converged on the Internet, making networked connections more relevant and valuable than before.

To help us bring this vision to life, join us in our exciting journey.


Cisco Naming Manager is responsible for providing strategic naming services to a broad community of requestors and clients across Cisco. Each year the brand management team provides ongoing strategic, consultative naming services, and manages the development of over 400 names at Cisco. This is a critical role within the brand management team to help manage and protect our global brand worth over $27 billion by leveraging our Cisco master brand strategy and naming architecture.


• Provide strategic, consultative naming services to a broad community of requestors and clients across Cisco on a day-to-day basis.

Manage legal submittal and approval of naming requests; submit recommendations and manage legal clearance review process, and advise client on final findings and usage.

Update naming guidelines and internal processes for successful adoption; create key usage guidelines as needed.

Monitor and improve online client naming request tool /database.

Develop monthly naming reports and trending information.

• Meet monthly with Legal team to advise of key naming initiatives and stakeholder requests; partner with Cisco’s legal department to manage Cisco’s portfolio of trademarks.

Partner with BAI Managers on naming for all newly acquired companies.

Develop and deliver names in response to naming requests:

1. Prioritize naming request and communicate time lines to client requestor and naming stakeholders

2. Collaborate with client requesters (business units, etc.) to fully understand naming needs and develop overall naming strategy

3. Drive naming development process, acting as strategic lead to guide development and vet list of proposed names

4. Lead naming presentation to client, providing naming strategy, naming options and rationale

5. Collaborate with the client to identify top selections

6. Work with legal team as needed for formal approval of names

7. Communicate name choice to all pertinent stakeholders

8. Manage the implementation of name through all pertinent Cisco groups and processes


• Minimum 5 years of relevant working experience in brand, brand management, naming

• Prefer “brand-oriented” experience in high tech industry

• Strong client liaison abilities

• Proven project management skills

• Strong communication skills: comfort and finesse with PowerPoint as the communication vehicle of choice

Ability to discuss brand strategy/naming strategy and influence key stakeholders

• Ability to lead an initiative, and also be an outstanding team player

• Must have minimum of Bachelors Degree

"Ime i identitet u književnoj teoriji" by Kristina Peternai Andrić

Ime i identitet u književnoj teoriji

The book, whose title in English would be "Name and identity in the literary theory", has been written on the basis of the doctoral thesis of Kristina Peternai Andrić. It makes an attempt to shed light on connections between identifying concepts and personal names within the scope of contemporary literary theory.

in Croation read under:

Onomasticon Arabicum

Onomasticon Arabicum (OA) is a long-living database project. At present, its online-version informs on more than 12000 scholars and celebrities from the first Muslim millenary. Its entries in Arabic are compiled from ancient biographical dictionaries, a veritable treasure of Islamic culture. Crossed search allows separate interrogation on any of the different elements of the Arabo-Muslim names, dates and places, reconstructing the identity of a person, trace ways of knowledge transmission and frame historical contexts.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


The high degree of areal variation of the German surname system is now being made accessible 
by the German Surname Atlas project (Deutscher Familiennamenatlas), a cooperation between 
the universities of Freiburg and Mainz under the direction of Prof. Dr. Konrad Kunze in Freiburg 
and Prof. Dr. Damaris Nübling in Mainz. The project started in 2005 and runs till now.

The database consists of all fixed network telephone lines in the Federal Republic of Germany in the year 2005 as provided by the Deutsche Telekom AG. To come up with the approximate number of people who bear a specific name one multiplies the number of telephone lines by 2.9. In Germany, telephone lines are the only comprehensive and available data basis. They are arranged by postal code districts consisting of five digits each.

They usually do not create maps with a single name on it but rather maps which combine several names with the same characteristics by using so-called regular expressions. 

By courtesy of Professor Kunze, I could generate map localizing various possible spellings of my surname(s). The surname seems to be pretty rare (13 landlines): 5 for SchocHenmAier(s), 4 for SchocHenmEier(s), 2 for SchocKenmEier(s), 1 for SchocKenmAier and 1 for SchoKenmeier. By extrapolating, we'll get about 40 persons for the whole Germany(!).

As I can see, they are mixed up, but there is only one region where all surnames' versions are to be met. The postal code district is 562XX, where lie Koblenz and Urmitz. It's interesting to discover, because one of my relatives explained that we had taken our origin near to Heilbronn. 


Long before I intented to carry out the research on my own surname: SHOKHENMAYER.

The actual "Shokhenmayer" is the translitteration from Russian "ШОХЕНМА(Й)ЕР". I was told that in various documents of my family in the beginning of the XXth century two German versions are to be found:




Theoretically, there could be more:













Post by post I will present everything I found in the archives, documents, maps and on the Internet. If you have some ideas, your help will be appriciated a lot!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

e-Onomastics is 1-year old !!!

It’s November 2013 and yes, I am celebrating my onomastic anniversary. 

We’re 1-year old! 

It was just a year ago that I decided to continually offer an array of onomastic posts to my readers, linguists, onomatologists.

The big number of visitors, gets me excited every time!

Yes, we can see that e-Onomastics has totally changed. 

I am focusing on creating onomastic postings for a wide range of scholars and purposes, from personal bloggers to professional linguists, on promoting and displaying onomastic news, events, products, publications, videos or services.

I have come a long way, but then to ensure a firm footing in the onomastic area, I do need to constantly move forward, bringing innovative ideas to my blog and updating myself in every which way! My onomastic gaze is set on it. So I am fast catching up to this revolutionized market of the applied onomastics. In fact, in a few time, I am looking to establish myself as your ultimate favorite onomastic blogger!

It has been an amazing first year for e-Onomastics… here’s to the next one and many more to come!

I am overwhelmed by the positive response I received from our readers. There has been almost forty thousand of visitors.

In the past one year, several onomastically oriented centers have written about us, featured us and put us up on their list of popular websites.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Тайны и легенды «града Тюменя» / Why Tyumen had been called "Tyumen"

Тайны и легенды «града Тюменя» | Тюменская область сегодня

It seems that the local journalist Yelena Dubovskaya has uncovered the mystery of the toponym "Tyumen", which is known as the first Russian town in the Siberia.

It was assumed that this placename had come
- from the Tatar "tumen" for "ten thousand" (as if a tenthousand army stood there);
- from the Bashkir "tumende" for "underneath" (as if the place was beneath);
- from the Ugric "chemgen" for "borough on the way";
- from the Turkic "tyu" for "belonging" and "myana" for "property" (as if it meant "my property")...

Mrs. Dubovskaya discovered that two voevodas of the Tsar, Vasily Sukin and Ivan Myasnoy, in 1586, whithout a second thought, while building up the stockaded town on the big river, recoursed to a naming centuries-old tradition after the junction where the settlement had started. It's very possible that those trailblazers had used the Ugric hydronym "Tem-enk" for naming the new-built fortress.


В Симферополе презентовали «Словарь географических названий Крыма»

В Симферополе презентовали «Словарь географических названий Крыма» (ФОТО) - - сайт города Симферополя

"Dictionary of toponyms of the Crimea" has been presented in Simferopol by the Ukrainian geographer Denis Bugaev. It's his work of 9 years, he collected new materials and unpublished photos. There are more than 2.300 short encyclopaedic entries about geographical objects and inhabited localities. Alternative names, maps, emblems, blazons, lost governships' lists and author's photos are to be found therein.


Депутаты думы Иркутска предлагают переименовать сквер имени Кирова в площадь графа Сперанского

Депутаты думы Иркутска предлагают переименовать сквер имени Кирова в площадь графа Сперанского | Новости Иркутска: экономика, спорт, медицина, культура, происшествия

Deputies of the Irkutsk Duma put forward to rename the Kirov square, named after a prominent early Bolshevik leader in the Soviet Union, to the Count Speransky Place in the honour of Mikhail Speransky (1772 – 1839) who was a Russian reformist during the reign of Alexander I of Russia, to which he was a close advisor. Speransky is referred to as the father of Russian liberalism.

Top Names in Pakistan

The Beauty of Names: Top Names in Pakistan: Pakistani stamps from 1993 These are the most popular names for Pakistan. Girls: 1. Fatima 2. Fozia 3. Sadia 4. Sobia 5. Nadia 6. M...