
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Onomastique politique : éléments de bibliographie

Mots. Les langages du politique 2008/2

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Onomastique politique. Éléments de bibliographie

parPaul Bacot
Université de Lyon, Institut d’études politiques, CNRS (Triangle)
etLaurent Douzou
Université de Lyon, Institut d’études politiques, CNRS (LAHRA)
etJean-paul Honoré
Université Paris 12 Val-de-Marne, CEDITEC

Onomastique politique : éléments de bibliographie

Résumé : Cette bibliographie (francophone) comporte des références à des travaux utiles à l'étude de la dimension politique des noms propres (chrononymes, toponymes, anthroponymes, praxonymes et ergonymes). À quelques exceptions près, elle ne mentionne pas les travaux de portée générale consacrés aux noms propres, malgré leur évidente utilité en la matière. Elle privilégie les études portant sur des objets de l'histoire moderne et, surtout, contemporaine. Disponible sur Internet : [ ]
Mots-clés : Onomastique politique
Type de document : 
Article dans des revues
Mots. Les langages du politique, 2008, pp.85-95

Database of UK surnames has reached 45,000 entries dating back to the Middle Ages

The ‘Family Names of the United Kingdom Project’, which is being carried out by a team at University of the West of England – Bristol, has reached a key milestone with the completion of the first phase of the database with 45,000 surnames researched and explained. The full dictionary of surnames is due to be published by Oxford University Press in 2016.
list of names
Professor Patrick Hanks and Professor Richard Coates have led a team of researchers which includes historical linguists, medieval historians, lexicographers and expert advisers on Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and recent immigrant names. The team analysed records from published and unpublished sources dating from the 11th to the 19th century to enable new and detailed explanations of names to be provided, which will be more reliable and up to date than those currently available. Each entry includes the frequency of the name, its main location, origins and references to documents in The National Archive, Parish Registers, and other sources, illustrating early occurrences of the name.
Professor Richard Coates explained, “There is widespread interest in family names and their history. Our research uses the most up-to-date evidence and techniques in order to create a more detailed and accurate resource than those currently available. We have paid particular attention, wherever possible, to linking family names to locations. Surnames are part of our identity, so most people are interested in knowing about their names. My main interest is in the linguistic side, in the language of origin and the original meaning of the names, but this research is interdisciplinary, drawing also on history, family history, place-name study, geography and official statistics.”
Professor Patrick Hanks added, “We very much hope that our database will be used in schools as well as by genealogists and the general public. I have found that by studying the origins of their own name and those of their classmates, children can be inspired to want to find out more about language and history in general.” 

Surnames covered in the research range from the very common to less well-known names with unusual origins.
The colourful name of Threadgold, with 730 bearers has its origins in the old English words for ‘thread’ and ‘gold’ for an embroiderer who used golden thread. It was first recorded in 1166 and now has numerous variants including the Norfolk name Trudgill. Most English surnames have several variant spellings. The Family Names project has tracked these down and explained them.
A far more common name, Parkin (Perkin, Parkyn, Parken, Perkins) first recorded in 1309, derives from Middle English Pere(s), from Norman French P(i)ere(s). The name has a wide geographical spread across Great Britain with 12,220 bearers of the name. Parkin is also the name of a popular cake common in Northern England.
One of those bearers is PhD student Harry Parkin, who was one of the team working on the project. Harry says, “It has been a fascinating project to work on. Drawing on linguistic and historical expertise we have been able to track and record the origins of many unusual and common names. Knowing the origins of my own name, gives me a sense of being connected to those other people in the past, even if we are not directly related. I think when it becomes available this database will be an interesting addition to the tools out there for genealogists, family historians, historical linguists, and anyone interested in learning more about their family name”.
The study included not only names of English and Scots origin but also names of Irish, Gaelic, Welsh, and Cornish origin as well as Huguenot and Jewish. Special procedures were developed to study recent immigrant names (i.e. those appearing after 1881) such as Indian, Chinese and a range of Muslim names, with the cooperation of overseas consultants.
The main product of the research will be a database accessible like an online dictionary, to be published by Oxford University Press in 2016, who also intend to publish it in book form. Each entry has separate fields which include: the meaning of the surname, the linguistic origin, the geographical origin, the distribution at the time of the 1881 census, and the modern numbers and distribution.
In January 2014, AHRC awarded UWE a further grant to continue the project so that surnames in the UK with more than 20 current bearers (instead of the present 100) could be included.
Source: UWE Bristol

The Rude British Place Name Quiz

We found some of the rudest, most disturbing place names in Britain, and then made up some of our own. Can you tell the difference?
  1. 2. Correctly identify the former waste tip in Greater Manchester.
  2. 3. Which one of the following is an unfortunately named town in Dorset?
  3. 4. Which of these is a real place in Ross and Cromarty?
  4. 5. Which one of these would you find in the New Forest?
  5. 6. Which one of the following is a residential street in Haydock, Merseyside?
  6. 7. Believe it or not, one of these is a real road in Lincolnshire. But which one?
  7. 8. What do the English call the Welsh village of Aberllynfi?
  8. 9. Richard Whitely was honorary mayor of which town?
  9. 10. Correctly identify the Essex village.
  10. 11. Which of the following is a real place in rural Northamptonshire?
  11. 12. Which one of these is a village located 6 miles from Newcastle?
  12. 13. Which of these is a clifftop valley between Durdle Door and Swyre Head in Dorset?
  13. 14. In which Dorset village did Prince Harry once stay in with his then girlfriend, Chelsy Davy?
  14. 15. Which of these would you find in Stockton-on-Tees?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Looking for French Toponymist / Geospatial Linguist


ABOUT THE ORGANIZATIONMultiLingual Solutions, Inc. (MLS) is a certified minority- and woman-owned business that offers a comprehensive suite of foreign language services to corporate, government and nonprofit clients throughout the world. MLS delivers practical, cost-effective and real-world solutions to its clients' needs, always remaining flexible and responsive to the changing requirements of our customers. After years of steady growth and active involvement in training and supporting our Armed Forces and Intelligence Community, MLS is confident in our ability to solve mission-critical problems quickly and cost effectively.

Utilizing its global network of professional linguists, MLS can assist in meeting a variety of communications objectives through use of both new and traditional media. Our services include:

• Professional placement of linguistic personnel;
• Multilingual transcription and reporting;
• Customized foreign language and cultural instruction;
• Document translation in over 100 languages;
• Interpretation for business meetings, onsite consulting, legal proceedings and conference;
• Multilingual desktop publishing;
• Telephone interpretation;
• Multilingual voiceovers and subtitling;
• Development of software and Web-based training products in clients language of choice; and
• Web site localization.

To complement our linguistic resources, MLS provides audiovisual, graphic design, technical programming and desktop publishing services in manifold languages to create a wide array of materials using the most advanced production tools. Such end-to-end translation and design solutions are carefully customized to match all client specifications.  
OPEN DATE9/30/2013  
REPORTS TOEPASS Program Manager  
Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions of this position.
  • Analyze and combine information associated with feature data while working closely with customer geographic names experts.
  • Follow customer guidance and policies to respond to questions concerning the proper and correct usage of names, various Romanization systems, and the treatment of descriptive information on customer products.
  • Prepare files and maps for work, accurately entering data to maintain and update the associated records.
  • Scan geo-reference, research, and order map sources and commercial imagery that will be used as reference sources as well as verify the proper spelling of names and other metadata.
  • Interpret and apply policies governing the treatment of names as well as general guidelines emanating from the U.S. Board on Geographic Names (U.S. BGN), the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other related organizations.
Required Education:
  • HS/GED is required. Having an AA is preferred.
Required Experience:     
  • 1-3 years of experience working with ArcGIS
  • Interagency Language Round Table (ILR) level 2 in the target language and an advanced working proficiency in English (ILR level 2+ based on the DLPT 4)
  • Experience using ArcGIS or GeoMedia Pro software
  • Experience using common office business software (e.g., Microsoft Office and Internet browsers).
  • Knowledge of research and information gathering tools
  • Knowledge of regularly used NGA GEOINT Sources
  • Experience with native maps, secondary source maps, historic maps used for extraction and comparison, mapping imagery for stereo and mono extraction at various resolutions
  • Experience creating shapefiles, geo-databases, and features including data retrieval/storage. 
  • Knowledge of standard NGA products is also necessary to accomplish these services.
Citizenship:                          US Citizenship required
Clearance:                           TS/SCI (CI poly preferred)

Обращение Донецкой ономастической школы к филологическому сообществу

Фонд гуманитарных исследований и инициатив «Азбука», его редакционно-издательский совет обращаются к Вам с предложением финансово поддержать осуществление двух некоммерческих проектов, связанных с сохранением памяти о выдающемся учёном, основателе Донецкой ономастической школы Евгении Степановиче Отине.

1. Практически завершившаяся работа Е. С. Отина и издательской группы ФГИИ «Азбука» над шеститомным собранием избранных сочинений, прерванная форсмажорными обстоятельствами – смертью автора и экономической блокадой Донбасса – при Вашей поддержке может быть продолжена и доведена до логического завершения: издания и распространения по университетским и крупным городским и областным библиотекам, центрам ономастических исследований и, адресно, специалистам-ономатологам России, Украины и Белоруссии собрания сочинений одного из выдающихся филологов ХХ – начала ХХІ века.

В собрание вошли избранные работы, посвящённые истории русского языка, этимологии и ономастики, проблемам грамматики, итоговые словарные материалы: последняя, удвоившаяся в объёме, редакция словаря «Коннотативных собственных имён», крупное исследование субстандартной лексики «Русский жаргон», уникальный труд «Гидронимия Дона», полный каталог гидронимов северного побережья Азовского моря от Таганрогского залива до Сиваша «Топонимия Приазовья» и другие работы.

2. Фонд гуманитарных исследований и инициатив «Азбука» приступил к созданию сборника работ памяти Е. С. Отина. При любых, даже самых неблагоприятных, обстоятельствах электронный вариант сборника будет размещён на сайте Донецкой ономастической школы ко дню рождения Евгения Степановича – 13 апреля 2015 года. Ваша финансовая поддержка поможет обеспечить своевременное издание книги и её распространение. 

Для финансового обеспечения проектов открыты счета, о состоянии которых Донецкая ономастическая школа на сайте ФГИИ «Азбука» один раз в месяц будет информировать спонсоров проекта и филологов Славии. Имена спонсоров будут опубликованы в книгах независимо от сумм пожертвований.

1. Реквизиты для дене
жных переводов в рублях:ОАО «Сбербанк России»
Московский банк
Дополнительный офис № 0107
к/с 30101810400000000225
р/сч. 30301810800006003800
БИК 044525225, КПП 775003035, 
ИНН 7707083893
ул. Серпуховский вал, д. 5,
Москва, 115191
Логвинова Ирина Владимировна
тел. (495) 952-52-98, (495) 954-39-95
После оплаты отсканированную копию квитанции высылайте с пометой «Сборник памяти Е. С. Отина. Оплата публикации» или «Издание сочинений Е. С. Отина в 6-ти томах. Помощь» на адрес:

2. Реквизиты для денежных переводов в гривнях:
4405 8858 2775 5080
Маторин Борис Иванович
После оплаты отсканированную копию квитанции высылайте с пометой «Сборник памяти Е. С. Отина. Оплата публикации» или «Издание сочинений Е. С. Отина в 6-ти томах. Помощь» на адрес: