
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Visual exploration of the spatial patterns in the endings of German town and village names


Moritz Stefaner, as a data visualizer
an independent designer, consultant and Researcher, picked the most interesting suffixes from and cross-referenced them with a list of place names from geonames.

Darker colors indicate a higher proportion of place names with the respective suffix in a geographic cell. Hover over a cell for a while to see a tooltip with the place names.

Please note: his approach is not 100% scientific, as Moritz only matches the letters at the end of the string, not actual syllables. So, Kirchbach matches -ach (!)           

Yet, it's a dataset he always found interesting to explore; plus, this quick experiment gave the opportunity to play a bit with a few new tools and libraries Moritz wanted to learn more about.

Find the code at:

Städtenamen: Itz Osten          

And, here's a few screenshots. Feel free to use them when you report on the project, but please link back to this page.
Moritz Stefaner, 2016

Presentació de les publicacions de la Societat d'Onomàstica a l'IEC

La Societat d'Onomàstica va presentar el 15 de desembre de 2015, a la seu de l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans, les seves noves publicacions, la revista de divulgació Noms i l'anuari Onomàstica, que es poden consultar gratuïtament en aquest web i que són possibles gràcies als seus socis.
L'acte de presentació va comptar amb membres dels respectius equips de redacció. En la fotografia, d'esquerra a dreta, Fèlix Bruguera, Ventura Castellvell, Joan Tort i Albert Turull.

    Friday, January 29, 2016

    Атонимические оппозиции тамбовских прозвищ с семантикой оценки


    • ГРНТИ: 16 — Языкознание
    • ВАК РФ: 10.02.00
    • УДK: 81
    • Указанные автором: УДК:81’23

    Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка:

    Ключевые слова
    • ANTONYMOUS OPPOSITIONS                        

    Аннотация  научной статьипо языкознанию, автор научной работы — МОРОЗОВА МАРИНА ЮРЬЕВНА

    Рассматриваются отличительные признаки прозвищ от имен нарицательных, которые служат основой их формирования. Антропонимическая картина мира, в отличие от языковой картины мира в целом, всегда более образна, конкретна, более детализирована и отличается достаточно субъективным характером. Этот факт объясняется тем, что современные прозвища экспрессивны по причине того, что образуются они на основе метафорических и метонимических переносов от апеллятивов. Дается авторское толкование ономастического термина прозвище, которое понимается как неофициальное экспрессивно-образное или эмоционально-оценочное имя, которое употребляется в дополнение к антропониму или вместо него. Эмоциональный характер оценочности прозвищ обусловливается тем, что в большинстве случаев подчеркивание характеристики человека основывается на выразительности тех или иных качеств человека, в основе которых лежит семантическая контрастность имен нарицательных, лежащих в основе прозвищ. Оценка внешности человека в целом рассматривается на материале тамбовских прозвищ. В качестве примера в оценке человека приводятся оппозиции толстый - худой и сильный - слабый, а также прозвища и данные по отдельным частям человеческого тела, свидетельствующие о том, что в русскую ценностную картину мира входят, во-первых, прозвища, которые характеризуют внешние признаки человека, т. е. его «тело», во-вторых, прозвища, в основе которых лежит оценка внутренних свойств - моральные и интеллектуальные качества или профессиональные характеристики. При общей оценке человеческого тела используются классификаторы типа волосы, голова, глаза, лицо, нос, губы, зубы, шея, рост, эксплицирующие зрительные основания семантики оценки человека.

    Abstract2015 year, VAK speciality — 10.02.00, author — MOROZOVA MARINA YURIEVNA

    The distinctive features of nicknames from nominal names which serve as the basis of their forming are reviewed. Antroponymic worldview differently from language worldview is always more figurative, specific, more detailed and differs from this one in rather subjective character. This fact is explained by that the modern nicknames are expressive at the reason of their forming at the basis of metaphorical and metonymical division of word from appellatives. The description of onomastic term “прозвище” (nickname) which is understood as non-official expressive-image or emotional-estimating name, which is used to supplement the antroponym or instead of it. Emotional character of estimating of nicknames is caused by that in most cases the underlining the characteristics of a person is based on figurative of some qualities of the person, in the basis of which lies semantic contrast of nominal names lying in the basis of nicknames. Estimation of person’s appearance in general is reviewed on the material of Tambov nicknames. As an example in person’s estimation were given oppositions толстый худой (far thin) and сильный слабый (strong weak) and also nicknames and the data on separate part of human’s body, testifying that in Russian value worldview are included firstly, nicknames which characterize external features of a person, i. e. «тело» (“body”), secondly, nicknames at the basis of which lies the estimating of internal features moral and intellectual qualities or professional characteristics. At general estimating of human’s body were used classificators of that kind волосы, голова, глаза, лицо, нос, губы, зубы, шея, рост (hair, head, eyes, face, nose, lips, teeth, neck, height), expressing visual basis of semantics of human estimating.

    Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка:

    Thursday, January 28, 2016

    Nicknames: Latinate diminutives in -el, -et, -in, -on, -ot

    In this post, the DMNES researchers look at a collection of diminutive suffixes: -el, -et, -in, -on, -ot, and their feminine forms. Withycombe calls them French [1], and while their use in England was certainly strongly influenced by the invading Normans, the suffixes ultimately derived from Latin, and as a result can be found throughout Romance-speaking areas. These diminutive suffixes were used individually but also in combination with each other, as in the name Mathelin, a French diminutive of Matthew formed by adding -el and then -in, or in Arthurian Lancelot, formed from Lance by addition of -el and -ot.

    Many common modern names reflect the use of one or more of these suffixes. For example, Marion and Alison, now often considered independent names in their own rights, derive from Mary and Alice with the addition of -on. Another familiar modern name, Colin, shows the use of -in added to Colas, a French hypocoristic of Nicholas; Col(l)ette is constructed in a similar fashion from Nicole). Harriet derives from Harry, an English spelling of the French pronunciation of Henry, while Charlotte is a feminine form of Charlot, a French diminutive of Charles; the Italian cognate is Carlotta. The same suffix added to Elias gives Eliot.

    The suffix -ot was quite popular in feminine names in both England and France between the 14th and 16th C, when we can find names such as Agnesot (from Agnes), Clarote (from Clara), Em(m)ot (from Emma), Harriot (like Harriet), Margot and Marguerot (from Margaret), Mariot (from Mary), Ph(e)lippote (from Philipa). In England, Wil(l)mot was an incredible popular diminutive of Willelma in the 16th C.

    In the DMNES earlier survey of where diminutive forms are the most popular, they saw that Portugal and Spain were among the regions with the lowest percentage of nicknames. What we do see in Iberia are diminutives formed by these suffixes. In Spain, the most common suffixes are -ino/-ina and -ot (for men) and -eta (for women), with examples such as Angelina (from Angela), Blanquina (from Blanche), Bernardino (from Bernard), Francina (from Frances), Huguet (from Hugh), Johanot (from John), and Loreta (from Laura). We have only two diminutives from Portugal — not enough to draw any conclusions from — and both are examples of Joaninus, an early 13th C diminutive of John.

    Finally, we comment on the use of these suffixes in Italy, in particular in one data set from Imola in 1312 [2]. This dataset has 2165 men bearing a total of 734 distinct name forms, and 326 women bearing a total of 174 distinct name forms; in this data set, nearly half of the names are hypocoristics or diminutives. There are 35 distinct diminutive suffices in the data, ranging from suffixes which appear only once to one which has 105 instances. 26 are used by men, 9 by women, and one is used by both men and women. Seven of the suffixes are compound, as in the examples of Mathelin and Lancelot above. In four cases, the first suffix is -(l)in-, being compounded with -ella, -ell(i)us, and -ucius; two of the remaining three have the same second suffix, -ellus, being compounded with -in- and -con-. As a result, the data shows a strong preference for compounding with -lin- and -ellus, with only one compound suffix containing neither of these (Bertholloctus, from Berthold); and this is the only example of this compound. The penchant the Italians had for stringing together diminutive suffixes results in some rather short names having excessively long nicknames. The most amusing example of this is Ugo, an Italian form of Hugh. The root name is about as short as you can get, but take a look at the variety (and length) of the nicknames!
    • Ugetus
    • Ugucio
    • Ugutio
    • Ugollus
    • Uguitio
    • Ugutius
    • Ugolinus
    • Ugezonus
    • Ugozonus
    • Uguzonus
    • Ugucionus
    • Ugoçonellus
    • Uguçonellus
    • Ugilinellus
    • Ugolinellus
    • Ugolinucius
    • Ugolinutius
    • Ugolinellius
    • Ugunzuyellus
    • Uguitionellus
    These examples put paid to the idea that the nickname is a shorter, easier-to-use form of the name!


    [1] Withycombe, E.G., The Oxford Dictionary of English Christian Names, 3rd ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988), p. xxxii.
    [2] Uckelman, Sara L., “Given Names in Early 14th-Century Imola”, article in preparation.

    Namenforschung nach den Namenbüchern: Mit digitalen Daten und neuen Forschungsfragen in die Zukunft

    Kolloquium #5 in Olten


    Namenforschung nach den Namenbüchern: Mit digitalen Daten und neuen Forschungsfragen in die Zukunft

    Datum: Montag, 1. Februar 2016
    Ort: Fachhochschule Olten, Riggenbachstrasse 16 (Glassaal)
    Zeit: 9.15 - 15.00 Uhr

    Einladung zum Kolloquium Namenforschung Schweiz #5 

    Montag, 1. Februar 2015,

    9:15 – 15:00 Fachhochschule Olten,
    Riggenbachstrasse 16 (Gebäude Nr. 1 auf dem Lageplan) 4600 Olten, Glassaal  

    Liebe Namenforschende der Schweiz 

    Es freut uns, Sie/Euch hiermit zur fünften Auflage des Kolloquiums Namenforschung Schweiz einladen zu dürfen.  
    Die diesjährige Veranstaltung wird von der Forschungsstelle „Solothurnisches Orts- und Flurnamenbuch“ organisiert. Sie steht unter dem Thema ‘Namenforschung nach den Namenbüchern: Mit digitalen Daten und neuen Forschungsfragen in die Zukunft’ und soll wiederum eine Mischung aus Workshop und Mini-Tagung sein, die Gelegenheit zum Austausch, zur Diskussion und auch zum informellen Gespräch bietet. 
    Wir hoffen auf zahlreiche interessierte Teilnahme und bitten um Anmeldung per Mail bis zum 19. Januar 2016 unter folgender Adresse: 

    Wer eine abgeschlossene, laufende oder geplante namenkundliche Arbeit (Ausstellung, Namenbuch, universitäres Forschungsprojekt etc.) auf einem Poster präsentieren möchte, ist freundlich dazu eingeladen (bitte bei der Anmeldung angeben). 

    Bis bald in Olten und mit herzlichen Grüssen 

    Für die Forschungsstelle 

    Jacqueline Reber


    Kolloquium Namenforschung Schweiz #5

    Namenforschung nach den Namenbüchern: Mit digitalen Daten und neuen Forschungsfragen in die Zukunft. 

    Datum: Montag, 1. Februar 2016  Ort: Fachhochschule Olten, Riggenbachstrasse 16, 4600 Olten, Glassaal 

    9:15  Willkommenskaffee 9:45 Begrüssung, Eröffnung 

    10:00-10:35 Kettner, Andreas (Leiter Topografie, Hist. Vermessungswerke Basel) u. Kansy, Lambert (Leiter Archivinformatik Staatsarchiv Basel): „Ortsnamen vernetzt. Digitales Kartenmaterial als Hilfsmittel bei der Erhebung und Visionen der zukünftigen Anwendung“

    10:35-11:10 Mischke, Jürgen u. Siegfried Inga (Namenbuch Basel-Stadt): „Nach der Datensammlung und dem Namenlexikon. Der Auswertungsband des Namenbuchs Basel-Stadt“

    11:10-11:45 Prinz, Michael (Seminaroberassistenz Abteilung Lingustik Deutsches Seminar ZH): „Deutsche Siedlungsnamen digital“ (DSD) – auf dem Weg zu einem toponomastischen Informationssystem“  

    11:45-12:15 Postersession mit Kaffeepause 

    12:15-12:50 Stephanie Hosie (WSL, ETH) u. Philippe Hofmann (Namenbuch BaselLand): „Flurnamen in der Forschung am WSL*: Einsatz des Namenbestands in der Rekonstruktion der ehemaligen Verbreitung von Feuchtgebieten im Kanton Basel-Landschaft“ 

    12:50-15:00 Mittagessen

    L'onomastique comme enjeu : réflexions du point de vue linguistique, sociolinguistique et historique

    L'onomastique comme enjeu : réflexions du point de vue linguistique, sociolinguistique et historique
    Catherine Taine-Cheikh              


    Résumé : L'étude des noms propres ou onomastique constitue un domaine particulier, assez marginal, de la linguistique. Du point de vue de son fonctionnement, le nom propre semble en effet réduit à un rôle univoque de désignateur. Si l'on prend en compte, cependant, le processus de nomination, la simplicité — et la spécificité — du nom propre s'estompe. Derrière la relation de “désignateur rigide”, apparaît une énonciation qui souvent s'entend comme un message adressé par un énonciateur à un destinateur, collectif ou individualisé. Au signifiant s'adjoint un signifié qui traversera, avec plus ou moins de facilité, les années et les siècles. Dans cet article, j'évoque tour à tour les deux grands volets de l'onomastique, la toponymie et l'anthroponymie, avant de suggérer une manière d'inventorier cet important aspect du patrimoine mauritanien. Je montre, à partir d'exemples concrets, que l'étude de ces champs linguistiques particuliers intéresse l'historien et l'anthropologue, tout autant que le géographe et le linguiste.

    Type de document :
    Chapitre d'ouvrage
    Projet Sauvegarde et Valorisation du Patrimoine Culturel Mauritanien. Actes du 1er Colloque International sur « Le patrimoine culturel mauritanien » (Nouakchott les 29, 30 Nov. et 1er déc. 1999), Projet Sauvegarde et Valorisation du Patrimoine Culturel Mauritanien, pp.154-16O, 2000
    Contributeur : Catherine Taine-Cheikh < >
    Soumis le : vendredi 26 février 2010 - 18:29:54
    Dernière modification le : jeudi 21 janvier 2016 - 01:05:36
    Document(s) archivé(s) le : vendredi 18 juin 2010 - 18:57:24

    Nicknames: The diversity of Italy

    The DMNES researchers are going to investigate Italy in a different way!
    While Italy may not have the highest percentage of nicknames of the geographical areas that the Dictionary currently covers, but it definitely has the most diverse. While other cultures tend to form nicknames by either truncating names into hypocoristics or by adding a diminutive suffix, both practices are mixed indiscriminately in Italian names — a name can first be truncated into a hypocoristic form, then augmented with a diminutive suffix, and then truncated again, and maybe augmented again, to the point where tracing from a nickname back to its root form is an exciting, and sometimes impossible, task. For example, take Giovanni, the standard Florentine form of John. In data from Florence and environs between 1282 and 1532 [1], more than 20 different forms of this name can be found, most of the nicknames:
    • Simple hypocoristicsNanniVanni
    • Simple diminutivesGianaccimoGiovannantoGiovannino,Giovannozzo
    • Diminutives of hypocoristics/Hypocoristics of diminutives:NozzoVaccinoVaccioVannozzoVanninoVannuccio
    • Diminutives of diminutivesGiovacchino
    For example, Giovanni > Giovannozzo > Vannozzo > Nozzo, takes the root name, adds a diminutive suffix, truncates it, and truncates it again. Looking at any individual step, the path is clear: But looking at the first and the last, few people who don’t know the interim would believe that Nozzo is a nickname of Giovanni!
    Another name which shows similar complexity in the construction of nicknames is Iacopo or Giacomo (Jacob). From Giacomo you can get to Giacomino, and from there to Mino. From Iacopo or Giacoppo, you can get to Iacopozzo and CoppoPuccio is a hypocoristic of Iacopuccio, a diminutive. But the strangest nickname is one that doesn’t fall neatly into the hypocoristic/diminutive distinction we’ve bee working with: Lapo. It comes from Iacopo by truncating it and then changing the initial consonant/vowel cluster. From Lapo we then getLapaccioLapaccinoLaponeLapuccio (a hypocoristic of which is again Puccio). Just as the route from Giovanni to Nozzo isn’t immediately obviously, neither is the route from Iacopo to Lapaccino!
    Diminutives are generally straightforward to identify the root name of, since all they do is augment another name. Hypocoristics which are formed by cutting off the final part of the name are likewise relatively straightforward. But hypocoristics which are formed by cutting off the first syllable or two of a name often become impossible to identify the root name, for there are many possibilities. The DMNES researchers mention two examples: Rigo and BelloRigo or Rico can be a hypocoristic of ArrigoF(r)edericoRodrigo, etc., while Bello can either be a standalone name in its own right (from Latin bellus ‘beautiful, fair’) or a nickname of any name ending in -b- or -p- augmented by the diminutive suffix -ello, such as Jacobello or Spinalbello. Similar ambiguities show up on the feminine side; Bella can be a standalone name in its own right, or a hypocoristic of Jacobella (Jacoba), IsabellaBellaflor, or any of other various names beginning with Bella-.
    The diversity of Italian nicknames is also evidenced by the variety of diminutive suffixes which are in use — but we will save them for another post as they show up in French and Spanish as well, as they are ultimately from Latin. 


    [1] Online Tratte of Office Holders 1282-1532 (Brown University, Rhode Island),

    Friday, January 15, 2016

    PhD studentship on Berwickshire place-names

    HomeLeverhulme Doctoral Studentship commencing April 2016

    ‘Recovering the earliest English language in Scotland: evidence from place-names’

    The Leverhulme-funded project ‘Recovering the earliest English language in Scotland: evidence from place-names’ seeks a suitably qualified graduate to pursue doctoral research on Scottish place-names. The doctoral work will be on some aspect of the place-names of Berwickshire, and will be carried out under the supervision of Prof Carole Hough and Dr Simon Taylor. The successful candidate will have a strong background in historical linguistics, with a good first degree relevant to the history of English or Scots, and some undergraduate or postgraduate training in place-name study.
    This 3-year project will use place-name evidence to investigate the Old Northumbrian dialect of Old English and its development into Scots. It focuses on the historical county of Berwickshire, the heartland of Anglo-Saxon settlement in Scotland, and aims to collect and analyse all place-names in six parishes along the Anglo-Scottish border, and all major settlement names throughout the historical county of Berwickshire.

    The project is headed by Professor Carole Hough and Dr Simon Taylor, and draws on the University of Glasgow’s considerable and growing strengths in research within Name Studies and on Scotland’s history and languages. The objectives of the research are:

    • to investigate the Old Northumbrian dialect of Old English. As most Old English texts are preserved through the medium of the West Saxon literary dialect, place-names comprise key data for other varieties. The project will use place-name evidence to produce a ground-breaking study of Old Northumbrian, including its lexis, morphology and phonology.
    • to investigate the development of Older Scots in the Scottish borders. Like Middle English, Older Scots is a descendant of Old English, but it is uncertain how far the differences reflect the respective varieties of Old English from which they derive, and how far they result from interaction with other languages, particularly Norse. With no evidence of major Norse settlement in the borders, there is greater continuity of language from Old English to Scots here than elsewhere, so this is the best opportunity to establish which features of Scots derive from Old Northumbrian rather than from Old Norse.
    • to advance understanding of the relationship between place-names on either side of the present Scottish/English border. Cross-border comparison will both assist analysis of the project data, and lead to significant re-interpretations of place-names related to those in the study area.
    • to advance the recently-inaugurated Survey of Scottish Place-Names, making available data for the study of the history of language, settlement, environment, social organisation, and the use and perception of landscape.

    Candidates interested in applying for funded PhD study on this project are encouraged to make informal contact with Professor Hough ( in the first instance.
    Candidates wishing to submit an application should prepare and submit the following documentation:
    • A research proposal of no more than 1,000 words
    • A current CV
    • A transcript of qualifications to date (and anticipated results if you are still studying for your Masters)
    • An example of scholarly work up to 5000 words in length (e.g. a full essay or dissertation chapter)
    • 2 academic references
    The closing date for receipt of complete applications is 12 noon on Monday, 1 February 2016. Applications should be emailed to

    Nomina sunt…? Onomastics between Hermeneutics, Linguistics and Comparative Studies

    Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, 

    Department of Humanities, 

    March 3-4, 2016 

    «Cuatro días se le pasaron en imaginar qué nombre le pondría». 
    Cervantes, Don Quijote 

    Since their appearance, studies in onomastics have contributed to a deeper comprehension of texts, authors and contexts, thanks to their tight links with philology, historical linguistics and glottology. For example, the use of archaic forms crystallized in toponyms or anthroponyms is a key-element when it comes to establish relevant chronological issues regarding vernacular languages and varieties. In literature, one can observe three main options of dealing with proper nouns, sometimes overlapping in the same work: reticence, neutrality, and evident semanticity. When adopting a reticent strategy, the author is to choose between two different paths. One is that of anonymity, for both characters and settings (for example, the protagonist of Pirandello’s Enrico IV, or the unnamed locations of Kafka’s Process). Otherwise, the author might choose to screen or mask real identities through senhal, anagrams or conspicuous transformations (as Sciascia does with Regalpetra, standing for the real Racalmuto). 

    The second option, that of neutrality, consists in the preference for “common” nouns as means to portray both everymen or unconventional characters - such as Fielding’s Tom Jones or Tozzi’s Pietro Rosi; the same can be said for cities and countries actually existing. Finally, some names display a clear semantic depth, even though their meaning is left to the reader’s hypothesis: it is the case of Joyce’s Dedalus, Gadda’s Maradagàl, Márquez’ Macondo. 

    A specific case of study is the use of proper nouns as expression of disapproval or even condemnation - an attitude that might deeply influence the very same nature of the text. This kind of works, addressing specific individuals with specific names, can be either unpublished and not circulating (as is the case of Ariosto’s Satire), or published but not clearly naming the responsible (as Pasolini’s article about massacres in 1974). 

    Another area of research concerns common nouns. These latter can suggest new ideas about an author’s poetics (grounding on the different nuances of a same key-word) or about cultural history: an entire Weltanschauung can be represented by abstract nouns such as ‘gentilezza’, ‘classe’ or ‘nazione’. Neologisms and «lost words», as they are called by Beccaria in his I nomi del mondo, belong to the same field. 

    Obviously, nouns are held to be capable of conveying further meanings about the characters they identify since classical literature. Thus, Telemachos is «he who fights from the distance», Phrasikleia, the well-known character of epigrams, is «she who shows the kleos», and the same can be said for several characters of Greek and Latin comedies. 

    Intersections between onomastics, comparative literature and translation studies are another profitable area of interest, for they allow to compare Italian cases with European tendencies and to face issues such as the loss of meanings (for example, The Importance of Being Earnest is sometimes translated as L’importanza di chiamarsi Franco). 

    Onomastics’ studies can also involve inquiries on eteronyms (Pessoa’s ones are renowned) and pseudonyms. In such cases, different names can lead to nonequivalent works and creative attitudes, but they can also affect the relationship between author and text, or author and reader. The conference aims at gathering Ph.D. students and young researchers (who have completed their Ph.D. in the last 5 years) working in the fields of Classics, Language and Literatures, Linguistics and Comparative Studies. 20 minute talks can be given in either Italian or English. By the end of 2016 the proceedings will be published online by Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. 

    Proposers are invited to submit: 

    - an anonymous abstract (500 words max); 
    - short bio-bibliographical note (500 words max). 

    Both files shall be sent to before January 17th, 2016. Communication of acceptance will be delivered via email on January 25 th, 2016.

    Nomina sunt…? L’onomastica tra ermeneutica, storia della lingua e comparatistica

    Nomina sunt…? 

    L’onomastica tra ermeneutica, storia della lingua e


    Giornata di studi, Venezia, 3-4 marzo 2016 

    Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di 
    Studi Umanistici 

    Dottorato di Ricerca in Italianistica 

    Deadline extended: January 17th 

    «Cuatro días se le pasaron en imaginar qué nombre le pondría». 

    Cervantes, Don Chisciotte 

    Fin dalla loro comparsa gli studi di onomastica, spesso coadiuvati da quelli filologici, hanno dimostrato la loro vitalità ed efficacia per una comprensione più profonda delle opere letterarie, dei loro autori e del loro contesto, senza dimenticare l’apporto alle discipline storico-linguistiche e glottologiche, nelle quali, per esempio, la cristallizzazione di una forma arcaica in un toponimo o in un antroponimo si rivela fondamentale per stabilire la cronologia evolutiva di un volgare. 

    Scorrendo diacronicamente la storia della letteratura italiana, in lingua e in dialetto, si possono individuare tre opzioni principali (a volte compresenti in uno stesso testo) riguardanti i nomi propri: reticenza, medietà e semanticità esplicita. La prima può portare l’autore a scegliere l’anonimato per i propri personaggi o per i luoghi in cui si svolge la storia (pensiamo al protagonista dell’Enrico IV di Pirandello, indicato solo con tre asterischi, o ai non-luoghi del Processo kafkiano), oppure a volerne proteggere l’identità reale tramite schermature (come nei senhal due e trecenteschi, negli anagrammi, o nei cambi trasparenti come la Regalpetra di Sciascia, mutuata da Racalmuto); la seconda fa privilegiare scelte ‘comuni’ che consentono di tratteggiare caratteristiche non stereotipate: personaggi dai nomi semplici, come Tom Jones o Pietro Rosi, o città e paesi realmente esistenti e ordinari; infine, la terza invita esplicitamente il lettore a interrogarsi sul significato dei nomi stessi: Dedalus in Joyce e, per i luoghi, Maradagàl in Gadda e Macondo in Marquez. 

    Un caso particolare è rappresentato dai nomi propri di persona fatti oggetto di critica o persino denuncia, celati o messi in chiaro, comunque determinanti la natura di tutto il testo: la loro presenza può aver indotto l’autore a evitarne la circolazione (come fece Ariosto con le proprie Satire) oppure la pubblicazione ne è il primo obiettivo, ma può restare inattuabile (è il caso del celebre articolo di Pasolini sulle stragi). 

    Un discorso di altra natura meritano invece i nomi comuni, che possono fornire spunti d’indagine sulla poetica di un autore (a seconda delle diverse sfumature che uno stesso termine chiave può assumere) o alla storia della cultura e del costume (nomi astratti come ‘gentilezza’, ‘classe’ o ‘nazione’ si fanno portavoce di Weltanschauung che la letteratura sa raccontare con efficacia). Rientrano in quest’ambito anche i neologismi e le primi attestazioni di una parola, ma anche quelle «parole perdute» con l’avvento della nuova età industriale, di cui parla Beccaria nel volume I nomi del mondo

    Quanto detto finora sui nomi parlanti, che racchiudono in sé le prerogative, le virtù o le azioni dei personaggi cui sono applicati, è valido anche per l’antichità classica: si pensi a Telemachos, «colui che combatte da lontano», o a Phrasikleia, la giovane defunta «che mostra il kleos» del celebre epigramma, o ai protagonisti delle commedie greche e latine. 

    Un altro filone di ricerca approfondisce le intersezioni dell’onomastica con gli studi di comparatistica, che permettono di raffrontare i casi italiani con le tendenze europee, e di traduttologia (come non perdere significati e allusioni nel passaggio da una lingua all’altra? Accade, ad esempio, con The Importance of Being Earnest). 

    Ancora diverso è il caso del nome che l’autore può inventare per sé, quando esso diventa cruciale per la composizione dell’opera: alle eteronimie di Pessoa, ad esempio, corrispondono testi sorti da stati diversi dell’‘io’ e dunque da differenti modalità creative. Anche l’uso di pseudonimi modifica in modo irreversibile il rapporto dell’autore col proprio testo e col potenziale lettore, e può fornire utili indicazioni storico-culturali e sociologiche. 

    La giornata di studi si rivolge a dottorandi e giovani ricercatori (entro 5 anni dal conseguimento del dottorato) di letteratura e filologia greca, latina, romanza, italiana e di letterature comparate; sono ammessi interventi in lingua italiana e inglese, della durata di 20 minuti. Entro la fine del 2016 gli atti del convegno saranno pubblicati in formato digitale presso Edizioni Ca’ Foscari. 

    Si prega di inviare: 
    - il titolo della proposta seguito da un abstract di max 500 parole non firmato
    - una breve nota bio-bibliografica (max 500 parole). 

    I due file andranno spediti all’indirizzo entro il 17 gennaio 2016. Poiché le proposte saranno valutate in forma anonima, si raccomanda di non specificare il nome del proponente nel file che contiene l’abstract. Gli esiti della valutazione saranno comunicati via email entro il 25 gennaio 2016

    Pogranicza słowiańskie w opisach językoznawczych

    F. Czyżewski, M. Olejnik, A. Pihan-Kijasowa red., Pogranicza słowiańskie w opisach językoznawczych. W 110 rocznicę urodzin Profesora Władysława Kuraszkiewicza (1905-1997)
    F. Czyżewski, M. Olejnik, A. Pihan-Kijasowa red., <i>Pogranicza słowiańskie w opisach językoznawczych. W 110 rocznicę urodzin Profesora Władysława Kuraszkiewicza (1905-1997)</i>
    producent: Polihymnia
    brutto: 40.00 zł
    netto: 40.00 zł

    w magazynie: jest:
    brak ocen

     Praca zawiera teksty, które w części są pokłosiem dwóch konferencji, w części zaś powstały na zamówienie. Pierwsza konferencja odbyła się w Woli Uhruskiej w roku 2014 w serii „Onomastyka na pograniczach”, druga w czerwcu 2015 we Włodawie. Organizatorami naukowymi obu konferencji były: Zakład Filologii Ukraińskiej UMCS, Katedra Dialektologii Polskiej i Logopedii UŁ, Wschodnioeuropejski Uniwersytet im. Łesi Ukrainki w Łucku. Współorganizatorami zaś ostatniej konferencji, pro memoria Profesor Władysław Kuraszkiewicz, którą zorganizowano we Włodawie, były także – Instytut Filologii Polskiej UAM i Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ziemi Włodawskiej.
    Zebrane w niniejszym tomie artykuły ujęto w trzy grupy tematyczne: pierwsza jest poświęcona osobie Profesora Władysława Kuraszkiewicza; do drugiej weszły prace dotyczące słowiańskich pograniczy językowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pogranicza polsko-wschodniosłowiańskiego: zamieszczono tu teksty przedstawiające koncepcję pogranicza, historię pogranicza polsko-wschodniosłowiańskiego oraz teksty z zakresu leksyki gwarowej pogranicza polsko-ukraińskiego; trzecią grupę tworzą artykuły o tematyce onomastycznej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem antroponimii, toponimii, mikrotoponimii, zoonimii, urbanonimii oraz chrematonimii.
    W publikacji zamieszczono teksty językoznawców z Ukrainy, Białorusi oraz Polski. Książka zawiera artykuły zarówno uczonych o znanym dorobku, jak i młodych badaczy. Wszystkie teksty nawiązują do bogatej problematyki slawistycznej Profesora Władysława Kuraszkiewicza – językoznawcy i filologa, polonisty i slawisty – postaci wielkiej i niezwykłej.

    Data wydania
    Red. Feliks Czyżewski, Marek Olejnik, Alicja Pihan-Kijasowa
    Liczba stron

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