
Saturday, January 28, 2017

2017 International Symposium on Place Names

2017 International Symposium on Place Names

Critical toponymy: Place names in political and commercial landscapes
Jointly organised by the Joint IGU/ICA Commission on Toponymy, the UFS, and
UNAM University of Namibia
Windhoek, Namibia, 18-20 September 2017
Photo by Bernhard Saalfeld

Invitation to the International Symposion on Place Names in Windhoek, Namibia

The fourth International Symposium on Place Names (ISPN) will be held 18–20 September 2017 in Windhoek, on the campus of the University of Namibia. The theme of the symposium is Critical toponymy: Place names in political and commercial landscapes. It is jointly organised by the Joint IGU/ICA Commission on Toponymy, the UFS, and UNAM.
The Call for Papers can be found on the conference website. Deadline for abstract submissions is 17 April 2017.

History of the International Symposion on Place Names

Peter E. Raper, one of South Africa’s foremost experts on the Bushman (San) substructures of place names, was appointed as a Professor Extraordinaire in Linguistics in 2011. Subsequently, his host department, then the Department of Language Management and Language Practice at the University of the Free State, together with the Unit for Language Facilitation and Empowerment (ULFE), initiated the Place Name Symposium. His appointment as well as the hosting of the Symposium is now situated within the ULFE. The aim of this event is to provide a platform for the sharing of expertise and knowledge about place names for local as well as international researchers and government officials.
The Symposium became an international occurrence when the Joint IGU/ICA Commission on Toponymy came on board in 2015. Hosted every second year, this symposium is the only one in southern Africa that focuses on toponomy. The 2011 Symposium, entitled “Planning name changes – the quest for authenticity”, was hosted in Bloemfontein, as was the one in 2013 with the theme, “Place names in a multilingual society”. The Symposium in 2015, which focused on “Place names, diversity and heritage”, was held in Clarens. While the first three symposia were hosted in South Africa, the aim is to rotate hosting between southern African countries. As such, the 2017 Symposium will be held in Windhoek, in collaboration with the University of Namibia.
In line with developments in the field of toponomy, the theme for 2017 is “Critical toponomy: Place names in political and commercial landscapes”. The vision of the International Symposium on Place Names is to continue and promote the sharing of international expertise and collaboration on all aspects of place names.
For more information, please visit the conference website:

Pan-American International Symposium on Toponymy

The Pan-American International Symposium on Toponymy will be held from the 3rd to the 5th of May 2017 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  

The main themes of the conference are toponymy in maps; indigenous and minority toponymy; and education and toponymy. 

After the conference, selected papers will be presented in The Brazilian Journal of Cartography and in a book publication. For more information, please contact Paulo Menezes,

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kurs "Haus- und Familiengeschichte erforschen" in Österreich


Auf der Suche nach meiner Herkunft

Haus- und Familiengeschichte erforschen

Das Interesse an der Familien- und Hausgeschichtsforschung erwacht meist durch Fragen zur eigenen Herkunft, zur Geschichte der Familie und des Hofes, zu Lebensbildern von Eltern, Großeltern und anderen Verwandten. Dieser Tageskurs vermittelt Ihnen die Grundkenntnisse und wichtigsten Werkzeuge, um Ihre eigenen Forschungen starten zu können und weist Wege zur Erstellung einer eigenen Hauschronik. Praktische Übungen ergänzen und festigen das erworbene Wissen.

Themen: Einführung in die Hausgeschichts- und Familienforschung, Methodik und Systematik, Quellensuche und Interpretation.

Einleitung: Begriffsdefinition, Abgrenzung, Warum Hausgeschichtsforschung?
Methodik: Wie gehe ich vor, wie sammle und verarbeite ich die Daten am besten (EDV-Programme), Welche Forschungsstrategien machen Sinn?
Quellen: Welche Quellen sind hilfreich (kirchliche Quellen, Grundbücher, Betriebskarten ...), wie komme ich zu diesen (Archive, Internet), was ist beim Lesen und Interpretieren zu beachten?
praktisches Üben: Suchen von (Internet-)quellen, Lesen und Auswerten von konkreten Quelleneinträgen
  • Kursdauer:
    8 Einheiten
  • Zielgruppe:
    Interessierte Personen
  • Kursbeitrag:
    € 60.00  (pro Person)
  • Fachbereich:
    Persönlichkeit & Kreativität

Verfügbare Termine

  • Ort:
    St. Pölten
    14.02.2017, 09:00 Uhr
    • Ende:
      14.02.2017, 17:00 Uhr

    • Örtlichkeit:
      Landwirtschaftskammer NÖ, Wiener Straße 64, 3100 St. Pölten (Niederösterreich)
    • Information:
      Martin Zauner, 05 0259 26104
    • Referent/in:
      Dr. Gerhard Floßmann
    • Anmeldung bis:
    • Kursnummer:

Arbeitskreis Familienforschung der Emsländischen Landschaft tagt

Samstag, 28. Januar 2017 | 14:00 Uhr

iv: Neues Domizil für alte DokumenteReferat von Heiner Schüpp (Kreisarchiv Emsland) 


Christian Lonnemann (Kreisarchiv Grafschaft Bentheim) zum Thema „Die Personenstandsregister des Emslandes und der Grafschaft Bentheim. Entstehung – Bedeutung – derzeitige Lagerung und Nutzung“. Eintritt frei!

Monday, January 23, 2017

New Species of Moth Named After President Donald Trump

Moth species Neopalpa donaldtrumpi, left, named after Donald Trump, right (Vazrick Nazari/ZooKeys Handout; Alex Wong/Getty Images)

Moth species Neopalpa donaldtrumpi, left, named after Donald Trump, right (Vazrick Nazari/ZooKeys Handout; Alex Wong/Getty Images)

One evolutionary biologist is either openly thumbing his nose at President Trump, or honoring the new Commander, by naming a moth after him.
The new species, now known as Neopalpa donaldtrumpi, was discovered by dissecting samples borrowed from the Bohart University of Entomology at the University of California, Davis. You really can’t argue with the fact that the moth kind of looks like the president.
That swath of light-yellow scales on its head could be mistaken for Trump’s signature comb-over any day. At the end of the day, it’s not altogether that disrespectful of the science community. After all, researchers named nine new species after Obama.
To read Vazrick’s full study, click here.
RealClearLife Staff

With just a few days until the White House gets rebranded with a big fat gold-plated “TRUMP” logo, "the Donald" has received the honor of having a new species of moth officially named after him: Neopalpa donaldtrumpi.
Totally unrelated to the moths’ namesake, the new species has a strange blonde thing on its head and small genitals.
The golden-haired species has been described this week in the online journal ZooKeys. With a wingspan of just 7-12 millimeters, these moths can be found around the future location of the Great-Wall-Of-Trump, Arizona, California, and Mexico’s Baja California.
Evolutionary biologist Dr Vazrick Nazari discovered the new species and named it in honor of the soon-to-be president. After sifting through a collection of moths from the genus Neopalpa, he noticed that a few specimens didn't match the criteria for previously known species. For one, the study notes it has “genitalia comparatively smaller” than its closest relative N. neonata. Using DNA barcoding analysis and catalogs from various natural history institutions, Nazari showed that it was indeed a separate unrecognized species.
Trump won’t be the only US president to have a species named after him. To name but a few, George W Bush has a slime beetle, Ronald Reagan has a wasp, and Bill Clinton has a fish. Obama holds the record for the most, with nine species named after him.
Dr Nazari said he named the moth as such because of its uncanny resemblance to Trump’s iconic hairdo. However, he also stressed that he hopes the name will generate interest in the species and promote conservation efforts for North America’s neglected micro-fauna.
"The discovery of this distinct micro-moth in the densely populated and otherwise zoologically well-studied southern California underscores the importance of conservation of the fragile habitats that still contain undescribed and threatened species, and highlights the paucity of interest in species-level taxonomy of smaller faunal elements in North America," Nazari said in a statement.
Who knows, as expressed by a tweet from the discoverer Nazari (below), perhaps this species’ name could even grab the attention of the tycoon-turned-president himself.

Call for Papers: Charting the Cosmos of Cartography: History, Names, and Atlases

Invitation to the ICA Pre-Conference Workshop Charting the Cosmos of Cartography: History – Names – Atlases


In conjunction with the 28th International Cartographic Conference, held in Washington DC on 2–7 July 2017 (, the Library of Congress’ Geography & Map Division and the three ICA Commissions on the History of CartographyToponymy, and Atlases would like to invite you to attend their joint pre-conference Workshop Charting the Cosmos of Cartography: History – Names – Atlases.
The workshop will be held at the Library of Congress (Madison Building) in Washington DC (USA), from Wednesday, 28 June to Friday, 30 June 2017.

Call for Papers

  • Deadline for submissions: 15 February 2017
  • Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2017
Participants are invited to submit abstracts on any topic of merit addressing at least one of the subjects of the partnering ICA Commissions. The abstracts should be between 200 and 500 words long, written in English and provided as a Word file using this template. A brief biographical note should also be provided at the end of the abstract. Each author, either as sole author or co-author, may only submit one paper proposal; each paper has to be an original contribution that has not been published or presented before.
All submissions must be sent electronically via the online submission system. When submitting, authors will also be asked to indicate their interest to write a full paper after the conference which – if enough authors are interested – will be published in a dedicated conference volume.
Please find more information and updates on the workshop website:

Friday, January 20, 2017

Was geschieht, wenn ein Ort einen Namen bekommt ?

Im Workshop werden wir uns mit theoretischen, pragma- und soziolinguistischen Aspekten der Ortsnamengebung und des Ortsnamengebrauchs beschäftigen. Leiten wird uns die Frage, wie und warum auf Orte bezogene Eigennamen funktionieren und welche kommunikativen Prozesse die Entstehung und Etablierung von Toponymen begleiten. Anhand von historischen Quellen und aktuellen Umfrageergebnissen werden wir analysieren, welche sprachlichen und außersprachlichen Faktoren in der Einigung auf einen räumlichen Ausschnitt und eine von der Gemeinschaft getragene Namenform diskutiert werden und gewinnen auf diese Weise einen tieferen Einblick in die Funktion von Ortsnamen in der Konstruktion von Orten.
Die Referentin, Dr. Inga Siegfried, ist als interne Projektverantwortliche des Forschungsprojekts "Die Siedlungsnamen des Kantons Zürich am Deutschen Seminar der Universität Zürich tätig".
Bisherige Anstellungen:
- 2006-2012 wissenschaftliche Assistentin/Postdoktorandin an der Forschungsstelle für Namenkunde des Instituts für Germanistik, Universität Bern; Arbeit als Redaktorin beim Ortsnamenbuch des Kantons Bern (ab Teilband I/3ff.)
-Mitarbeit am Teilprojekt "Namenbuch des Kantons Basel-Stadt" im SNF-Forschungsprojekt "Namenbuch der Nordwestschweiz" und als Lehrbeauftragte am Deutschen Seminar der Universität Basel (2012 - Projektabschluss 9/2016)
Wissenschaftliche Ausbildung
- seit 2013 Arbeit an der Habilitation (Betreuung Prof. Dr. Annelies Häcki Buhofer, Universität Basel), Thema: Person und Ort. Die kommunikative und soziale Funktion von Eigennamen.
- 2005 Abschluss: Promotion (Dr. phil.) "Historische Sprachbewusstseinsanalyse. Eine exemplarische Untersuchung der deutschen Grammatikographie des 16. Jahrhunderts", Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schellenberg, Prof. Dr. Mechthild Habermann
- 2000-2004 Promotionsstudium in Sprachwissenschaft an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Erfurt; davor Studium der Germanistik und Geschichte an den Universitäten Bamberg und Erfurt.
Mitglieder der GfN und Interessenten sind herzlich willkommen.
Dr. Inga Siegfried: Was geschieht, wenn ein Ort einen Namen bekommt (und behält)? Die soziale und kommunikative Konstruktion von Orten in Toponymen. Mittwoch, den 25.1.2017, 13.00-15.00 Uhr, Universität Leipzig, Seminargebäude, Raum S 126

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Call of papers by Canadian Society for the Study of Names


Toronto, Ontario, Canada

27-May-2017 - 28-May-2017

Sheila Embleton

The Canadian Society for the Study of Names (CSSN) / Société canadienne d’onomastique (SCO) will hold its annual meeting as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 27 and 28, 2017. The theme of the 2017 congress is: “The Next 150, On Indigenous Lands”, but papers on any aspect of names and naming (onomastics) are welcome.

Anthropological Linguistics; General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Lexicography


Авторская программа «Исследование якутских фамилий, как способ привлечения интереса учащихся к антропонимике Якутии»

Автор программы: учитель русского языка и литературы
Аянитова Евдокия Анатольевна




В нашей республике очень много разных имен и фамилий и каждый из них несет хоть малую частичку того времени когда они возникли.
Актуальность нашего доклада в том что, в результате фонетических изменений многие не знают происхождения и значение своих имен и фамилий.
Новизна исследования заключается в том, что изучение происхождения якутских имен и фамилий мало исследовано.
Целью работы является изучение якутских имен и фамилий путем этимологического, фонетического и морфологического исследования.
Для достижения цели предполагается решение следующих задач:
  1. Изучение фонетических изменений якутских фамилий под влиянием русского языка.
  2. Выявление морфологических особенностей якутских фамилий.
  3. Этимологическое исследование якутских имен.
Предметом исследования являются якутские имена и фамилии, распространенные на территории Баягантайского наслега Томпонского района.
Материалом исследования послужили телефонные справочники Баягантайского наслега Томпонского района.
Теоретическая и практическая значимость данного исследования заключается в том, что результаты исследования могут послужить для дальнейшего изучения якутских фамилий в этой области, и могут быть использованы для разработки языковых дисциплин и спецкурсов по ономастике.

Monday, January 16, 2017

16,000 Readers Reflect on Their Surnames

Katherine Yuk from Toronto was one of more than 16,000 readers who responded when The New York Times asked women around the world why they kept or changed their surnames when they married.CreditIan Willms for The New York Times

“Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!” the other children would shout, teasing Katherine Yuk all through elementary school about her Chinese last name.
“When I was a child and a new immigrant in Canada, I longed for the day when I could get married and take someone else’s last name,” she wrote.
Ms. Yuk was one of more than 16,000 readers who responded when The New York Times asked women around the world why they had kept or changed their surnames when they married.
By the time she had the chance, Ms. Yuk wrote, her thinking had come around. She decided to embrace and keep her name, despite the teasing.
“I hadn’t only survived it, but it had defined me — as someone who was different yet proud of those differences, a survivor of childhood bullying, a first-generation immigrant with a funny last name who had found her own skin and found her own opportunities and identity,” said Ms. Yuk, now 45 and living in Toronto. “I didn’t want to lose my identity.”
Women from a variety of nationalities, religions, sexual orientations and ages wrote to The Times about how their names were a core part of who they were. For many, the decision on whether to change their names carried significant weight, and it was shaped by the traditions, the norms and, in some cases, the laws of the societies in which they live. Some looked to their names as badges of cultural identity, others as symbolic links to their fathers that they were eager to preserve, or to sever.
Here are some of the responses. They have been edited and condensed. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Алтайских школьников приглашают принять участие в краеведческой конференции по истории, культуре и природе Сибири

В марте в Иркутске пройдет 10-я межрегиональная краеведческая конференция «Историко-культурное и природное наследие Сибири», посвященная деятельности Русского географического общества. Участие в ней примут специалисты Института географии СО РАН имени Виктора Сочавы, Иркутского государственного университета, Иркутского национального исследовательского технического университета, Педагогического института ИГУ, музея истории ВСЖД - филиала РЖД (Иркутск), Иркутского областного краеведческого музея и музея истории Иркутска имени Александра Сибирякова. Об этом сообщает Министерство образования и науки Алтайского края.

Заявки принимают от учащихся 7-11 классов образовательных организаций общего и дополнительного образования. I (заочный) тур конференции пройдет с 18 января по 20 февраля. По итогам экспертной оценки представленных работ определят участников II (очного) тура. Он состоится в Иркутске с 22 по 25 марта. Справки можно получить по телефону: 8-913-236-9630, по электронной почте

Исследовательские работы принимают до 5 февраля по направлениям:
  • история Сибири (археология, история населенных пунктов, ономастика, топонимика, памятники истории и культуры, история религий);
  • культура Сибири (этнография, традиционная и современная народная культура);
  • природа Сибири (исследования геологических, природных и ландшафтных объектов).
    При цитировании ссылка на Официальный сайт Алтайского края обязательна

La toponymie du Condroz et de la Famenne

Les noms de lieux ont ceci de fascinant qu'on ne les comprend plus guère. Pourtant, nos aïeux ne les utilisaient pas par hasard, ou si peu... Derrière ces mots parfois énigmatiques se cachent de l'eau, des ruisseaux, des cailloux, des vallons et des coteaux, des terres cultivables ou en jachère, des arbres, des plantes et des espèces forestières, des animaux domestiques ou sauvages, et enfin le travail des hommes.
Ces lieux-dits, ces "microtoponymes" scandent nos noms de rues de temps à autre, égaient abondamment les cartes d'état -major, humanisent le cadastre parfois, émerveillent notre imaginaire toujours.

Venez donc percer leurs secrets, sans pour autant briser leur pouvoir évocateur. Jean Germain est secrétaire de la Section wallonne de la Commission royale de Toponymie et de Dialectologie et a été Professeur au Département d'études romanes à l'UCL (dialectologie, littérature wallonne et onomastique) de 1998 à 2010. Il est souvent reconnu comme étant l'un des spécialistes de l'étude des dialectes de Wallonie (wallon namurois en particulier) et de l'onomastique qui y est liée. Il est l'auteur d'une trentaine d'ouvrages sur le sujet.
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