
Monday, April 30, 2018

Search more than 2 million place names for Scotland, England and Wales (1888-1913)

History Scotland

A new gazetteer from the National Library of Scotland allows website visitors to search for places or other written text on detailed maps.

This is the first time that names from historic Ordnance Survey six-inch-to-the-mile maps can be searched and it is all thanks to the success of the recent GB1900 transcription project.

Join the History Scotland community  

The new gazetteer allows users to type a chosen place name into a search box. Suggested place names are instantly presented and when you select a name you are then taken to its place on the map.
Parish and county names have been added to make the names easier to tell apart and to provide locational context.

Explore the website.

Call For Abstracts: Toni Morrison, God Help The Child, and the Black Family


We welcome articles that address these important questions about Morrison’s thoughts on the Black family in God Help the Child.  Articles may mention other novels by Morrison but must include engagement of the Black family in God Help the Child.  Proposed topics may include but are not limited to the following as they relate to the Black family in the novel:  urban life versus rural life, colorism, elders and ancestors, double consciousness, violence, materialism, parenting, fathers, mothers, siblings, trauma, shame, mass incarceration, ecocriticism, class, oral tradition, identity, gender, history, religion, literacy, folk culture, “Outraged Mother,” and onomastics.

Abstracts are due by 11:59pm on July 15, 2018 

Send all abstracts and inquiries to and

Conflicts in Comradeship: 

Critical Responses about the Black Family in Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child
Co-editors: Dr. Rhone Fraser and Dr. Natalie King-Pedroso

In her 1981 interview with Charles Ruas, Toni Morrison said, “I remember my parents and my grandparents—I always knew somehow they were comrades. They had something to do together. . . . A woman had a role as important as the man’s and not in any way subservient to his, and he didn’t feel threatened by it.”  Morrison further codifies the significance of elders and their connections to younger members of the community in her landmark essay, “Rootedness: The Ancestor as Foundation,” by indicating those significant cultural residuals found in narratology of the African diaspora, specifically, the writing of African Americans: ancestors, oral tradition, and community.  Black psychologist Kobi Kambon further expounded on matters related to the black family in 1998 when he theorized that the systematic process of cultural miseducation of the African child occurred as a result of “the Black family’s unwitting tendency to willingly submit its children to be . . . culturally victimized by a white supremacist educational system.”  These ideas and others found in earlier works by Morrison resonate in her 2015 novel God Help the Child, her critical response to the challenges—racial, sexual, and cultural—encountered by the Black family in the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries.
Who is Morrison’s audience, why does she feel compelled to speak now, and how does she use this novel to transmit her message? What is her message; and why does she revisit these concerns regarding family, gender, materialism, relationships, and elders at the advent of the twenty-first century?

Call for papers "Ἀρχή and origo: The Power of Origins" 2019

fasti congressuum

Ἀρχή and origo: The Power of Origins

(Newcastle University, 2-4 May, 2019)

Origins have a particular power. Arguments referring back to the first beginnings and relating them to the present tend to be especially attractive. When we’re in a new place or confronted with new phenomena, we have a natural urge to learn about their origins. Stories of this kind – the so-called aitia – can convey a sense of education, of venerable antiquity, of continuity, of religious awe, or they can just be entertaining. In any case, they are as prominent nowadays as they were in antiquity.
In this interdisciplinary conference we want to shed light on the fascination with origins from different perspectives: how is the power of origins employed in historiography, in literature ancient and modern, in art, in religious contexts, in philosophy, or in political debate? We are interested in exploring a wide range of case studies, in order to reflect on our overarching question: what is it that holds the different forms of aitia together? How can we understand this phenomenon in general terms? What is it that makes the origin such a fascinating and powerful form of discourse?
The papers can focus on areas as diverse as rites / cult, language, ktisis-literature, inventions, religion, philosophy, travel literature, toponymics and onomastics et al.

 Possible overarching questions may include, but are by no means limited to the following:
              how does aetiology work as a creative process that collapses temporal categories (present/ past) or forges the past by explaining the present from the past?
              What are the aesthetics involved in creating an origin in different media?
              Which cognitive patterns are involved in this process?
              Which forms can the fascination with origins take?
              What do we know about the temporal and the philosophical notion of ἀρχή?
              Which role do rationalising tendencies play in the aetiological discourse?

If you are interested in participating, we would ask you to send us an abstract of circa 250 words by June 15, 2018. We would like to circulate the papers one month in advance of the conference and envision a 45 min. session per participant, in which she/he will summarize the pre-circulated paper in 10 mins., with 35 mins. of discussion to follow. An application for funding to cover (part of) the travel and lodging expenses is pending, but participants are also encouraged to enquire for funding options at their home institutions. We envision the possibility of publication.

Please send your abstracts to Athanassios Vergados ( and Anke Walter ( by June 15, 2018.

Session "The role of minority toponyms in the linguistic landscape" at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities


Conference on « The use of languages by local and regional authorities » - 31st May 2018 - Covasna county, Romania

To mark 20 years of the application of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages and as part of its preparation of a report on “The use of languages by local and regional authorities”, the Congress will organise a conference on “The use of languages by local and regional authorities” on 31 May 2018, at the Grand Hotel Bálványos conference centre, Covasna county, Romania.
The conference will examine how the language diversity challenge can be addressed by local and regional authorities to the benefit of all concerned: functioning of the organs of local democracy, interaction with the administration, citizen participation, toponymy and access to public services.

Congrès de l'onomastique basque en juin 2019


L’Académie basque fête ses cent ans

Pour son centenaire, Euskaltzaindia organise un programme de plusieurs mois.

L'Académie de la langue basque a cent ans, mais pas une ride. Elle a profité de cet anniversaire particulier pour rajeunir son image et changer de logo et de slogan. Fondée en 1918, Euskaltzaindia, l’institution académique officielle, s'est consacré à la défense de la langue basque et à la définition du basque unifié. Il s'agit d'une communauté scientifique et académique au service de la société. Cent ans plus tard, elle renouvelle son engagement envers la langue, la culture et la société basques.

Pour marquer cette nouvelle étape, Euskaltzaindia a organisé neuf congrès internationaux, de septembre 2018 à septembre 2019. Le programme a été présenté lors d'une conférence de presse à Bayonne, à laquelle ont participé le président de l'institution Andres Urrutia, et les académiciens Xarles Videgain, Jean-Baptiste Coyos, et le responsable de la commission du centenaire Ibon Usarralde. Euskaltzaindia permettra d'ouvrir au grand public les travaux et les réflexions menés par les différentes commissions de l'académie. Les thèmes des congrès seront "l'unification du basque", "les droits linguistiques", "la prononciation", "la dialectologie" , "la littérature", "l'onomastique", "la grammaire" et "les nouvelles technologie et l'euskara".

L'Académie est encore et toujours présente dans l'ensemble du Pays Basque. Profitant de ces 100 années parcourus, ses membres souhaitent redonner vie à leurs buts et à tout les chantiers qu'ils ont menés jusqu’à ce jour : "nous aimerions que tous abordent ce XXIe siècle, compliqué mais plein d’espoir, avec une ardeur rénovée, car nous sommes tous nécessaires dans la rénovation de l’euskara".

Le logo de l'arbre a été modifié, précisément pour représenter les avancées de ces dernières années. Dorénavant, le slogan "100 Euskara ehuntzen" (100 ans à tisser l'euskara, en basque) est écrite en lettres dorées. Les branches sont plus ouvertes vers les extrémités car l’académie basque a encore beaucoup à apprendre, à surveiller et à travailler.


Bayonne, Septembre 2018 : Apport depuis Iparralde à l’unification de l’euskara.
Arantzazu, Octobre 2018 : L’unification de l’euskara.
Iruñea, Janvier 2019 : Droits linguistiques.
Gasteiz, Février 2019 : La prononciation.
Bilbo, Mars 2019 : Dialectologie.
Bilbo, Mai 2019 : Littérature.
Gasteiz, Juin 2019 : Onomastique.
Donostia, Juillet 2019 : Grammaire.
Donostia, Septembre 2019 : Les nouvelles technologies et l'euskara.

Programme of the International Conference in Riga "Onomastic Investigations"


I've stumbled upon the programme of the International Conference in Riga "Onomastic Investigations" on the website of the Latvian Language Institute of the University of Latvia. I hope it's the final version. Lots of great names! I wish I will be there but I am not...

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Putin issues instructions to make World Atlas that will not distort 'geographic truth'



Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued instructions to make a World Atlas that would not distort the "historical and geographic truth" about the real names of certain sites and locations, TASS reported.
"The idea is to draft, with the Russian Geographic Society taking the most active part, a new Russian atlas of the world in which all such cases (of changing originally Russian geographic names) would have the correct interpretation," he said at a meeting of the board of trustees of the Russian Geographic Society. Putin addressed his instructions to the specialists of the Russian Register, Geogrpahic Society and Defense Ministry. "The latter should open its map making-related materials to the Atlas editors and to travelers, hickers and motorists in various forms, including modern computer online technologies."
Putin believes that the secrecy mark on many maps "is obsolete and looks archaic."
In his opinion the issue of geographical names needs special attention.
"These days we see a situation where Russian names that our explorers and travelers gave to certain sites in the past decades and centuries are being erased from the maps of the world. The same happens to the memory of Russia’s contribution to exploring the globe and developing science," he said. In particular, he pointed out, this can be seen in the Antarctic, where toponyms selected by the first discoverers, Mikhail Lazarev and Faddey Bellinsgauzen, are almost out of use."

President Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) to create a new atlas of the world under the guidence of the Russian Defense Ministry.

“With the most active participation of the RGO, it is proposed to prepare a new geographical atlas of the world … I ask the experts of the Russian Geographical Society, with the participation of the Defense Ministry,” Putin said on Friday at a meeting of the Russian Geographical Society’s Board of Trustees.
He noted that the Ministry of Defense should ensure the availability of its cartographic materials for the compilers of the atlas, as well as for travelers, tourists, motorists, including “in the format of modern computer technologies”, online.
The head of state paid special attention to the fact that the classification of secrecy on many maps is now outdated and looks archaic.
Earlier at the meeting, Putin said that Russian-language toponyms were unfairly removed from the world map. According to the president, this is especially noticeable in Antarctica, where some place names given by the discoverers of the continent, Thaddeus Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev, almost ceased to exist.
The head of state noted that today only a few people know that the original historical name of Smith Island in Antarctica is Borodino, that Snow Island is originally Maloyaroslavets, and Livingstone is actually Smolensk.
The President stressed that in 2020 the anniversary of the discovery of Antarctica, made possible by Russian seafarers, will be celebrated.

Путин поручил создать атлас, не искажающий географическую правду

Президент посетовал на то, что русскоязычные топонимы несправедливо удаляются с карт мира.

По словам Владимира Путина, особенно это заметно в Антарктиде, где вытеснены названия, которые когда-то были даны российскими первооткрывателями Фаддеем Беллинсгаузеном и Михаилом Лазаревым. Так, сегодня мало кто знает, что изначально остров Смит назывался Бородино, остров Сноу — Малоярославец, а остров Ливингстон — Смоленск.

В связи с этим президент поручил Росреестру совместно с Русским географическим обществом (РГО) и под контролем Минобороны создать новый географический атлас мира. При этом Путин подчеркнул, что Россия не собирается «никому ничего навязывать», но и не готова мириться с искажением исторических географических данных.

Владимир Путин, президент РФ: «При самом активном участии РГО предлагается подготовить новый российский атлас мира, в котором все подобные случаи будут верно трактоваться».

Президент отметил, что во многом переименование русских топонимов обусловлено отсутствием современных российских карт в открытом доступе, подчеркнув, что гриф секретности на многих картах сегодня устарел и выглядит архаично. Поэтому, заявил президент, Минобороны должно обеспечить доступность своих картографических материалов для составителей атласа, а также для туристов и автолюбителей.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Nouvelle Revue d'Onomastique, n°59-60 : "Noms de lieux, noms de personnes. La question des sources"


Nouvelle Revue d'Onomastique n°59-60
EAN13 : 07557752
Société française d'onomastique, 2018
Chaque volume : 62,50 €.

Les articles publiés ici sont le fruit du XVIIe Colloque d'onomastique. Organisé dans le cadre d’un partenariat entre la Société française d’onomastique et les Archives nationales, ce colloque propose d’approfondir la réflexion sur une question qui intéresse au premier chef les onomasticiens, mais qui, dans un cadre plus large, concerne aussi les historiens, à savoir les sources.
Quels documents peuvent constituer des sources pertinentes pour l’étude des noms propres? Comment peut-on les évaluer en fonction de leur origine et de leur spécificité (inscriptions, documents diplomatiques, listes nominatives, cartes, enquêtes, etc.)? Quelle exploitation en faire, selon les méthodes propres à chaque champ disciplinaire, ou dans une perspective interdisciplinaire (histoire et sciences auxiliaires, cartographie, géographie, linguistique, philologie, etc.)?
Le second thème du colloque, consacré à la toponymie urbaine de Paris et sa banlieue, envisage les problèmes de dénomination toponymique qui résultent des bouleversements provoqués par l’urbanisation depuis le Moyen Âge jusqu’à l’époque contemporaine. Il s’intéresse non seulement à la dénomination des voies urbaines, mais aussi à celle d’autres lieux ou édifices, comme les établissements scolaires, les monuments, dans une perspective historique et culturelle.

Avant-propos par Françoise Banat-Berger, directrice des Archives nationales  5
Survol thématique des colloques de la SFO par Michel Tamine, président de la Société française d’onomastique  7
Introduction par Jean-Pierre Brunterc’h, conservateur général du patrimoine,
président du colloque 17
Monique Dondin-Payre, L’anthroponymie de l’empire romain : spécificité des sources documentaires  21
Lucile Hermay, Abandonner, changer ou conserver son nom : sources et enjeux
sociaux d’une pratique monastique à Byzance (IXe-XIIIe siècle)  31
Arnaud Lestremau, Quo nomine vocaris ? Identifier les noms et les personnes
dans les sources en Angleterre aux Xe–XIe siècles 43
Barbara Bába, A special context for the usage of geographical common words:
medieval charter writing practices 59
Patxi Salaberri, Variations onomastiques basques et romanes au Moyen Âge en
fonction de la langue des sources 69
Ana Zabalza-Seguin et Luis Erneta Altarriba, Au-delà des frontières. Les lignées de Basse-Navarre à la cour du roi  83
Renada-Laura Portet, Sources de la toponymie roussillonnaise : vissicitudes, problèmes et inquiétudes 99
Jean Germain, Les différentes sources au coeur du projet PatRom (PATRONYMICA ROMANICA) 105
Yolanda Guillermina LÓpez Franco, La question des sources dans les études
anthroponymiques contemporaines 125
Marcienne Martin, De la toponymie amérindienne québécoise : étude de quelques
exemples 135
Bernard RÉmy, Épigraphie et onomastique : l’exemple des inscriptions du
territoire des Voconces de Vaison-la-Romaine (Vaucluse)  151
Ludwig Ruault, Les noms des premiers musulmans : le témoignage des graffitis
des premiers siècles de l’Hégire  161
Daniela Fruscione, Noms de lieux, noms de personnes dans les chartes lombardes  179
Cécile Treffort, Les inscriptions funéraires, source ou observatoire des pratiques anthroponymiques médiévales ?  187
Pierre-Henri Billy, Hagiographie et onomastique  203

Sonia Fellous, Les noms des juifs à Paris, XIIe-XIVsiècles 7
Sébastien Nadiras, Réflexions sur la valeur toponymique des pouillés 43
Caroline Simonet, Sceaux, noms de lieux et de personnes en Vexin français (XIIe-XVe siècles) 61
Michel Tamine, Une source peu connue de toponymie frontalière : les ‘penthières’79
Stéphane Gendron, Les sources en ligne : les apports de l’Internet à l’onomastique105
Gérard Taverdet, La dialectologie, source pour l’onomastique 113
Fabrice Bernissan, Microtoponymie et discours oral : vers le tarissement des sources en Gascogne 121
Jean-Claude Bouvier, Intérêt de la source orale pour la toponymie : l’exemple d’une enquête à Lus-la-Croix-Haute (Drôme) 135
Milan Harvalik, Iveta Valentova, Anoikonyms in Czech and Slovak Anoikomical Dictionaries as a Source for the Research into Historical Dialectology 147
Marlène HÉlias-Baron, Mise en place du réseau viaire et des noms de rues sur la rive droite de Paris au cours du XIIIe siècle (à travers les livres d'archives de Saint-Magloire, Saint-Martin-des-Champs, Saint-Antoine-des-Champs, Saint-Éloi et du Temple) 157
Alexis Douchin, Dénommer les rues à Antony au XXe siècle : une commune en transition odonymique 175
Serge Montens, Entre hommage et exemplarité : les noms des établissements scolaires de Paris et sa banlieue 197
Conclusion par Jean-Pierre Brunterc’h, conservateur général du patrimoine, président du colloque 215

Сonférence "L'évolution des noms corses de lieux et de personnes"


Les noms de famille sont une partie importante des éléments qui se transmettent d'une génération à l'autre. Mais ils peuvent connaître des modifications selon les époques. Il en est de même pour les noms de lieux. Depuis une délibération de l'Assemblée de Corse de 1983, un mouvement de corsisation de ces noms existe.  
Mais Jean CHIORBOLI, spécialiste de la toponymie, rappelle que "la corsisation des noms ne s'improvise pas. Il a été interrogé dans "La Provence" par Philippe GALLINI (descendant de l'homme politique vicolais) à l'occasion de la conférence prévue le 28 avril à la Maison de la Corse, à Marseille, à 15  heures, sur "L'évolution des noms corses de lieux et de personnes". Son intervention sera suivie d'un spuntino animé par le groupe de chanteurs corses Culombu au profit de l'association Inseme.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Prof. Thorsten Andersson passed away ...


Karl Thorsten Gunnar Andersson passed away on April 22, 2018, at the age of 89.
Professor Thorsten Andersson (1929 - 2018) was Swedish linguist, astute thinker and outstanding connoisseur of historical linguistics. He earned his doctorate degree in Uppsala in 1965 and became a lecturer in Nordic languages and toponymy

Since studying in Münster (Germany, 1957-1960), Thorsten Andersson has always been associated with German academic life. From 1971 to 1994, he was Professor at the university of Uppsala. Prof. Andersson was the publisher of the journal "Namn och bygd" (1983 - 2000) and co-publisher of Studia Anthroponymica Scandinavica. Inter alia, he wrote a number of articles about personal names and place names

Thorsten Andersson became a member of the Royal Society of the Humanities at Uppsala in 1971, the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy in 1973, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters in 1986, the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities in 1987 and the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters in Trondheim in 1989. 

Besides that, he was one of the oldest members of ICOS.

Conférence "l'Occitan dans la toponymie narbonnaise"


Des élèves vous invitent à découvrir leur vision de notre territoire, par le biais de photos. Les établissements de Narbonne qui ont participé à ce projet sont le collège  Victor Hugo, le lycée Louise Michel et les écoles élémentaires Jean Jaurès et Montmorency.
Durant l'exposition, trois conférences sur le passé, le présent et le futur de la Narbonnaise vous seront proposées :
  • 29 mai :" L’occitan dans la toponymie narbonnaise", par Ives Séguier.
  • 30 mai : "La photographie plasticienne" par Claudio Isgro.
  • 31 mai : "Le devenir du golfe antique" par Corine Sanchez et Camille Piot.

il y aura également des ateliers permanents ouverts à tous.
Pour plus d'informations :
Merci aux photographes Diane MAZABRAUD, Sylvie ROMIEU et Claudio ISGRO, à la paysagiste-architecte Camille Piot  et à l’archéologue Corinne SANCHEZ pour leur participation à ce projet.
avec l'aide de L’Ostal Occitan, L’Office du Tourisme et la Mairie de Narbonne, les archives de la Ville de Narbonne, les Archives
Départementales et le Parc Naturel Régional de la Narbonnaise.

Monday, April 23, 2018

NAMRIA organized 1st Regional Training Program in Toponymy


by Celeste E. Barile, PhD 
NAMRIA made another worthwhile contribution to the United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM) as it organized the First Regional Training Program in Toponymy including Marine Toponymy, which was held at the Dusit Thani Manila Hotel, Makati City on 19 to 24 March 2018.

NAMRIA Administrator and UNGEGN-ASE Division Chairperson for the Philippines
(2014-2018), Usec. Peter N. Tiangco delivers his opening remarks
The training program was conducted to support capacity building for members of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names for Asia South East (UNGEGN-ASE) Division. This was done in collaboration with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), and NAMRIA.  The program also aimed to enhance the skills of Division member countries on standardization and practices in toponymy (study of place names, their origins, meanings, use, and typology).

UNGEGN Honorary Chair Helen Kerfoot addresses the participants 
during the opening and introduction for the training program

The topics discussed during the training were the following: (1) principles and concepts of geographical naming; (2) geographical names data collection best practices; (3) toponymic database building; (4) the production of gazetters; (5) geographical names servers; and (6) cartographic applications with special focus on marine naming.  Meanwhile, the international and local resource speakers were the following: Ms.  Helen Kerfoot (Honorary Chairperson, UNGEGN), Mr. Ferjan Ormeling (Netherlands), Mr. Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu (Germany), Ms. Sung Hyo Hyun (South Korea), Ms. Mia Lauder (Indonesia), Ms. Cecille Blake (UNDESA), Prof. Meliton Juanico (University of the Philippines), Ltsg.  Dyanna G. Sinsuat (NAMRIA), and Engr. Mary Jane R. Montemor (NAMRIA).

Prof. Dr. Ferjan Ormeling during his lecture
The six-day training was participated in by representatives from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Philippines.  Part of the course was a one-day fieldwork exercise on marine toponymy in the Municipality of Mabini, Batangas where the participants interviewed local residents regarding the place names used to identify marine resources and other geographical features in the area including their pronunciations.  NAMRIA also arranged a fieldwork to determine the cultural background and origins of names of historical sites in the Municipality of Taal, Batangas.

Furthermore, the Sixth Divisional Meeting of the UNGEGN-ASE Division was conducted also at the Dusit Thani Manila Hotel on 26 March 2018.  The Division-member country representatives presented their country reports and proceeded to the election of the country to next chair the UNGEGN-ASE Division. The delegates elected Indonesia as the new head of the division.

Training participants with UN and NAMRIA officials
Readers can email or fax letters to +63-2 884-2855 for their comments and suggestions.