
Monday, August 30, 2021

Odonymie(s) : les noms de rues disent la ville


Odonymie(s) : les noms de rues disent la ville Hôtel de Cordon, 18 septembre 2021, Chambéry.

Odonymie(s) : les noms de rues disent la ville
du samedi 18 septembre au dimanche 19 septembre à Hôtel de Cordon
Notre environnement est parsemé de signes que parfois l’on ne voit plus : les noms des rues, places, avenues, boulevards… que l’on nomme odonymes. Venez décourvir l’histoire de ces signes si familiers et ce qu’ils nous disent de la ville à travers les âges ! Une exposition du service Ville d’art et d’histoire de Chambéry.
Entrée libre dans la limite de la jauge autorisée.
Venez décourvir l’histoire des noms de nos rues, ces signes si familiers, et ce qu’ils nous disent de la ville à travers les âges !

Hôtel de Cordon 71, rue Saint-Réal, 73000 Chambéry Chambéry Savoie

Sunday, August 29, 2021

В Крыму впервые прошла всероссийская конференция по топонимике

ВПЕРВЫЕ за последние тридцать лет в Крыму состоялась конференция по проблеме восстановления исторической топонимии полуострова «Исторические топонимы – наше общее достояние». Мероприятие проходило 27-28 июля 2021 года при поддержке Московского отделения Русского географического общества, Института географии Российской академии наук, при участии Крымского инженерно-педагогического университета имени Февзи Якубова.

International workshop: Name-based lexical patterns: morphology, phonology, usage


Trier Center for Language and Communication / Patterns Research Group

University of Trier, Germany

October 6- October 7, 2021

The workshop will be held as a hybrid event (in presence and online).

The workshop explores a wide range of phenomena that can be subsumed under the label name-based lexical patterns (NBLPs). These are patterns that emerge by combining lexical units and proper names according to different word-formation patterns such as, for example, name-name blends (Brangelina < Brad and Angelina), name-lexeme-blends (Hitlary < Hitler and Hillary), complex blends (Gerda Schröckel: Gerhard Schröder and Angela Merkel), proper name compounds (Kofferschäuble/suitcase-Schäuble), re-interpretations (Joe Byedon), or derivatives (Selenator < a fan of Selena (Gomez)).

NBLPs have traditionally played a rather marginal role in studies of word-formation. Whereas in some accounts they are considered to be rare and creative, other accounts assume that there is no principled difference between patterns involving names and other patterns (e.g. Ronneberger-Sibold 2015, Bauer et al. 2013). Both approaches raise questions, however. Thus, the idea that such formations are marginal seems difficult to reconcile with recent empirical work claiming that such forms are highly productive (Kotowski et al. 2021, Filatkina 2019, Beliaeva & Knoblock 2020, Fischer & Wochele 2018), something that is especially true for non-standard registers such as those used in social media contexts. Accounts that do not assume that NBLPs are special often consider examples with and without names to be representative for a given word-formation category, but often without theoretical commitment. At the same time, certain patterns have been shown to be different for names than for non-names (cf. e.g. Lappe 2007, Berg 2011 on name truncation, Nübling 2017). Finally, NBLPs present a challenge to empirical research, as patterns involving names are notoriously difficult to track in corpora, and names are often excluded from lexical databases.

The workshop seeks to bring together morphological, phonological, semantic, pragmatic, discourse analytic, and onomastic approaches to the study of NBLPs. We invite empirical, theoretical, and/or methodological contributions that shed new theoretical and empirical light on the role of proper names in word-formation processes and explore the productivity of these patterns across standard and nonstandard corpora, different topics, discourse domains, and languages. 

Invited speakers

Natalia Beliaeva (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)

Natalia Filatkina (University of Hamburg, Germany)

Barbara Schlücker (University of Leipzig, Germany)


Abstract submission & notification of acceptance

Abstracts must not exceed 300 words (excl. references) and should be submitted as an email attachment to

Sabine Arndt-Lappe ( and Milena Belosevic (

Extended deadline for abstract submission: Aug 15, 2021

Notification of acceptance: Aug 30, 2021



The workshop will be held as a hybrid event, offering participants to take part virtually or in presence (the latter of course only under the precondition that a face-to-face workshop is compatible with health regulations at the time of the workshop). Depending on the health situation we will also be able to move the workshop fully into virtual space. Please indicate in your application email in which mode you would like to participate (virtual or in presence) and, if applicable, for which nights you will need accomodation. You will not have to make your decision definite until Aug. 15, however. If the health situation changes, later cancellations will of course also be possible.

There will be no conference fees; travel costs and accomodation for presenters will be covered.


Trier Center for Language and Communication / Patterns Research Group,

Sabine Arndt-Lappe (Trier University, Germany)

Milena Belosevic (Trier University, Germany)


For inquiries about the workshop, please contact: Sabine Arndt-Lappe ( or Milena Belosevic (

XХ Международная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья» (2022)


Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации

Калмыцкий государственный университет имени Б.Б. Городовикова

Волгоградский государственный социально-педагогический университет


XХ Международная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья»

Информационное письмо № 1


Глубокоуважаемые коллеги!

            Приглашаем Вас принять участие в XХ Международной научной конференции «Ономастика Поволжья».

Конференция пройдёт 5-7 октября 2022 года в Элисте на базе ФГБОУ ВО «Калмыцкий государственный университет имени Б.Б. Городовикова».

            Планируется обсуждение широкого круга вопросов, связанных с различными аспектами изучения имени собственного:

·         теория и методология современных ономастических исследований;

·         ономастическое пространство и ономастическое поле;

·         общая топонимика;

·         поволжская топонимика, микротопонимика и урбанонимика;

·         антропонимика и этнонимика;

·         зоонимика;

·         теонимы и мифонимы в поволжских этнокультурах;

·         диалектная и социолектная ономастика;

·         онимы в городской коммуникации;

·         онимическая периферия и апеллятивно-онимическое пограничье;

·         имя собственное в межъязыковом контексте, проблемы переводоведения;

·         литературная и фольклорная ономастика;

·         имя собственное в детской речи;

·         языковая игра в ономастическом пространстве;

·         ономастика и ономастическое краеведение в школе и вузе.


К началу работы конференции планируется издать сборник материалов, который будет размещен в наукометрической базе РИНЦ (Российский индекс научного цитирования).

            Условия участия и публикации материалов, а также сроки их предоставления и требования к оформлению будут сообщены в информационном письме № 2, которое будет направлено в марте 2022 года.

            Заявки на участие в конференции просим выслать до 1 марта 2022 г. по электронным адресам:

Если через 3 дня после отправки материалов Вы не получите ответного письма, повторите, пожалуйста, заявку или позвоните.

Программный комитет: д.ф.н., проф. Супрун Василий Иванович, д.ф.н., проф. Есенова Тамара Саранговна, к.ф.н., доц. Кичикова Надежда Андреевна, к.ф.н., доц. Манджиева Элина Борисовна.

Телефоны для справок:

                                          +7-906-176-01-69 Кичикова Надежда Андреевна

+7-905-338-43-45 Супрун Василий Иванович


Предполагается культурная программа:

·     экскурсия по Элисте;

·     посещение центрального буддийского храма «Золотая обитель Будды Шакьямуни»;

·     посещение Шахматного городка.

Оргкомитет конференции

Saturday, August 28, 2021

New Board of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences


Executive Committee

  • President: Katalin Részegi (Hungary) 

  • Vice-President: Yolanda Guillermina López Franco (Mexico)

  • Vice-President: Peter Jordan (Austria)

  • Secretary: Vladislav Alpatov (Russia)

  • Treasurer: Alexandra Petrulevich (Sweden)

  • Vice-Treasurer: Daniel Solling (Sweden)

  • Web Officer: Eugen Schochenmaier (Germany)

Non-executive Members

  • Brittnee Leysen (UK) (Postgraduate Representative)

  • Fatemeh Akbari (Austria)

  • Artur Gałkowski (Poland)

  • Lasse Hämäläinen (Finland)

  • Márcia Sipavicius Seide (Brazil) 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Polish Surnames at the crossroads between East and West

 Tomorrow, it's my turn to talk and to present at 12:00 in the Room C for ICOS2021 ! See you there)

Monday, August 23, 2021

Opening Ceremony of the 27th ICOS Congress !

 more than 150 participants at the same time! just wonderful to see many near and dear faces!

Thank you, Paula Sjöblom (Finland) for having started our long-awaited and much needed Congress of Onomastics !!! 

Monday, August 16, 2021

Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in im Akademievorhaben „Digitales Familiennamenwörterbuch Deutschlands“


Die Akademie sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt und zunächst befristet auf 3 Jahre eine/einen Wissenschaftliche/n Mitarbeiter/in (m/w/d) 1,0 EG 13 TV-L mit Schwerpunkt Digitale Lexikografie und Research Software Engineering

Ihre Aufgaben 

• Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaufgaben im Bereich lexikographischer Forschungsanwendungen z.B. im Akademievorhaben „Digitales Familiennamenwörterbuch Deutschlands“ ( und weiteren Forschungsvorhaben 

• Evaluierung, Implementierung und Pflege generischer computerlinguistischer Dienste, Architektur und Entwicklung webbasierter APIs, Modellierung und Anbindung der lexikographischen Systeme an Linked Data Anwendungen 

• Interdisziplinäre Kooperation mit national und international tätigen Forschungsteams 

• Präsentationen auf nationalen und internationalen Tagungen und Publikation der Forschungssoftware und Arbeitsergebnisse auf einschlägigen Plattformen


Bewerbungen sind bitte ausschließlich in elektronischer Form (eine PDF-Datei) mit aussagekräftigen Unterlagen bis zum 13.09.2021 zu richten an den: Generalsekretär der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 2 55131 Mainz

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Toponyms are of greatest interest for "Stories of Spaces and Places" Project


Do you have a place or space that is special to you? Is there a particular story or experience that you associate with it? How does it make you feel? Our new Stories of Spaces and Places project is an opportunity to share thoughts, memories and responses to your favourite place with us through our interactive map.

We would like you to get creative and celebrate your chosen place by sharing a photo, or some text. You might like to take a picture of a specific feature, share an image of some art or craft it has inspired, a poem, a piece of creative writing or an experience. You might be inspired by a piece of architecture, landscape, or a memory of an experience you had there.

By exploring the Stories of Spaces and Places map you will help us create a giant collage of memories, meanings and effects of the places we cherish and love. You will be able to find out about others’ experiences in or near your chosen place and discover or be inspired to think about your own and other places from a different perspective. It will be interesting to see if people respond to places in similar ways or if it is unique to you!

Stories of Spaces and Places has been developed by the Council for British Archaeology working with the University of Southampton and Patrick Gibbs of Heritage360 at the University of York.

To add your place to the project, log in using your Festival of Archaeology account, or register for a new account.

To help get you started we've put together a simple step by step guide to show you how to register with the Festival website and upload your story.

Download the guide here:

You can also help us find out how different kinds of places may contribute to feelings of wellbeing by filling in a short questionnaire about how your special place makes you feel. Access the survey by logging in and going to your place page on this website. The information from the questionnaire will not be shared on the map.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Historical Implications of Jewish Surnames in the Old Kingdom of Romania


by Alexander Avram

Historical Implications of Jewish Surnames in the Old Kingdom of Romania represents an important contribution to the domains of onomastics and history. On the one hand, with scholarly rigor, the author analyzes Jewish Romanian–based and Romanianized surnames. On the other hand, the book is an exemplary study illustrating how onomastics can be used as a major tool to study the social history of a population group.” 

 Linguistic and semantic features in names—and surnames in particular—reveal evidence of historical phenomena, such as migrations, occupational structure, and acculturation. In this book, Alexander Avram assembles and analyzes a corpus of more than 28,000 surnames, including phonetic and graphic variants, used by Jews in Romanian-speaking lands from the sixteenth century until 1944, the end of World War II in Romania.

Mining published and unpublished sources, including Holocaust-period material in the Yad Vashem Archives and the Pages of Testimony collection, Avram makes the case that through a careful analysis of the surnames used by Jews in the Old Kingdom of Romania, we can better understand and corroborate different sociohistorical trends and even help resolve disputed historical and historiographical issues. Using onomastic methodology to substantiate and complement historical research, Avram examines the historical development of these surnames, their geographic patterns, and the ways in which they reflect Romanian Jews’ interactions with their surroundings. The resulting surnames dictionary brings to light a lesser-known chapter of Jewish onomastics. It documents and preserves local naming patterns and specific surnames, many of which disappeared in the Holocaust along with their bearers.

Historical Implications of Jewish Surnames in the Old Kingdom of Romania is the third volume in a series that includes Pleasant Are Their Names: Jewish Names in the Sephardi Diaspora and The Names of Yemenite Jewry: A Social and Cultural History, both of which are available from Penn State University Press. This installment will be especially welcomed by scholars working in Holocaust studies.

Northern Ireland Place-Name Project will contribute its expertise to digitally remapping Ireland's Ordnance Survey Heritage of 19th century


Queen's University Belfast researchers have been awarded €740,000 (£630,000) to lead a cross-border digital humanities research project which will follow the footsteps of the surveyors who mapped Ireland 200 years ago.

The funding has been made available from the Irish Research Council, and Arts and Humanities Research Council, part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), for Queen’s to lead a three-year project called OS200 in partnership with the University of Limerick. 

It will use 21st century technologies to analyse and visualise how Ordnance Survey staff operated on the ground in the 19th century and will create a free online resource revealing hidden and forgotten aspects of life and work from across Britain and Ireland. 

It has been announced as part of a 6.5m euro programme which is funding 11 projectsbringing together world-leading expertise in the digital humanities across the UK and Ireland. 

Researchers in the faculties of Engineering and Physical Sciences and Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at Queen’s will work on the project, led by Professor Keith Lilley, an historical geographer in the School of Natural and Built Environment. Staff from the Centre for Data Digitisation and Analysis (CDDA), the Heritage Hub, the Institute of Irish Studies, and the Northern Ireland Place-Name Project at Queen’s will also contribute their expertise. 

Other partners include the Department for Communities and Public Record Office in Northernthe Royal Irish Academy, the Digital Repository of Ireland, Logainm at Dublin City University, and the Irish Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media. 

A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Indian Christian Names: The Case of Telugu Catholics and Syrian Christians


by Smita Joseph (The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India)

This book gives a sociolinguistic account of Syrian Christian and Telugu Catholic personal names. Unlike previous works on the linguistic or sociolinguistic analysis of the personal names of Indian Christians, which have mainly used a reflexive approach to analyse names, this book takes a constitutive approach by analysing the personal names of two Indian Christian communities (Telugu Catholics and Syrian Christians) from the perspective of community members. This novel approach provides greater insights into individuals’ motivations for naming and how names are used to create social identities.

'A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Indian Christian Names: The Case of Telugu Catholics and Syrian Christians' also provides a historical background of how names have evolved in these communities and explores the adaptation strategies used by Indian Christians through the act of naming (e.g., appending caste titles to Christian names, the use of Sanskrit personal names and Christian surnames) as well as the role of culture in naming (e.g., the use of other names, the role of caste titles in indicating one’s identity).

This book paves the way for more qualitative studies to arise in the analysis of first names and will be valuable to graduate students and academics in the fields of onomastics, linguistics, religious studies, and history. It will also appeal to those interested in Indian Christianity in general.

Attention: Fake conferences on toponymy or onomastics

 Attention, WASET is still active and the group is at the moment announcing – also in our onomastic community – the "International Conference on Urban Place Names and Socio-Onomastics" scheduled on August 30-31, 2021 in Moscow

It's absolutely FAKE!!! This conference will never be held!!! 

The “World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET)” was already mentioned on the original Beall´s List, a – now archived – list of potential predatory scholarly open-access publishers. WASET is also mentioned in the successor list Stop Predatory Journals, and WASET also organizes fake conferences.

Several newspaper publishers – such as The New York Times (“One of those meetings, held in New York in June by a group called the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, seemed more like a Potemkin village”, open access, 30.10.2017), Süddeutsche Zeitung (“Dubious entrepreneurs infiltrate science and earn millions. Researchers, companies and public authorities use this system, damaging not only their credibility but also society”, in German, restricted access, 19.07.2018) and Le Monde (“Dozens of scientific journals produce and publish unscrupulous studies, which then end up in databases used by experts”, in French, open access, 19.07.2018) – published already in 2017 and 2018 a series of articles about predatory journals, fake conferences and WASET´s practices.

Philippines' 100 Most Common Surnames

Here you can find the list of the 100 most common surnames in the Philippines and how they are distributed throughout the country.

Maître assistant-e suppléant-e dans un projet de Chaire Unesco en toponymie


Maître assistant-e suppléant-e au Département de géographie et environnement

Description du poste

La Faculté des Sciences de la Société et son Département de Géographie et Environnement ouvrent une inscription pour un poste temporaire (3 mois) de Maître Assistant-e suppléant-e à 100%. Les champs concernés par ce poste temporaire en géographie sont la toponymie politique et les border studies.

Ce poste est principalement dédié à la conception et au développement d'un Mooc de niveau Master bilingue dédié aux « dénominations du Monde » et prévu dans le cadre d'un projet de Chaire Unesco en toponymie. Le poste vient également en appui au Master en Géographie politique et culturelle.

Le/la candidat-e séléctionné-e sera appelé-e à:

  • Préparer et développer un Mooc Bilingue (Anglais-Français) sur les « Dénominations du Monde ».
    Prise de contact avec tous les intervenants internes et externes, définition du déroulé, des contenus (en collaboration avec la direction de la chaire), des sous-titrages, des illustrations (avec obtention des droits), des évaluations.
  • Appui au Master en Géographie politique et culturelle sous forme d'interventions ponctuelles sur les cours en géographie politique (3 interventions de 2 heures) et notamment le cours Territoires et Frontières.
  • Personne ressource pour l'appui à la définition étudiante de sujets de mémoire de master de la volée de deuxième année 2021.
  • Réalisation en collaboration avec la chaire en toponymie inclusive d'une proposition de recherche au FNS sur le croisement Borderlands et toponymie politique.


Titre et compétences exigés

Doctorat et recherches en géographie politique ou titre jugé équivalent.
Expérience d'enseignement au niveau universitaire.
Avoir effectué un séjour doctoral ou post-doctoral d'au moins un an dans une autre université étrangère ou pouvoir justifier d'une insertion active dans un réseau de recherche international dans le domaine des border studies et/ou de la toponymie politique.

Entrée en fonction

1er octobre 2021


Les dossiers de candidature comprenant une lettre de motivation, un curriculum vitae, une copie des diplômes, une liste des publications, ainsi qu'un résumé des recherches personnelles envisagées doivent être déposés exclusivement en ligne en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous "Postuler/Apply now", avant le délai indiqué ci-dessus (23h59 heure de Genève).

Des renseignements sur le poste peuvent être obtenus auprès du Professeur Frédéric Giraut, directeur du Département de géographie et environnement.

Informations complémentaires

La durée de l'engagement est de trois mois non renouvelable. Engagement sur fonds du Département de l'Instruction Publique (DIP).

L'Université de Genève offre des conditions d'engagement motivantes dans un cadre de travail stimulant. En nous rejoignant, vous aurez l'occasion de mettre en valeur vos compétences ainsi que votre personnalité et contribuer activement au rayonnement d'une Institution fondée en 1559.

Dans une perspective de parité, l'Université encourage les candidatures du sexe sous-représenté.

Université de Genève
66 boulevard Carl Vogt
1211 Genève