
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Virtuelle Namen in Videospielen: Gastvortrag Siegwalt Lindenfelser


nOObdOwn und ZornigerVoldemort: Virtuelle Namen in Videospielen: Gastvortrag Siegwalt Lindenfelser

Am 21.06. hält Siegwalt Lindenfelser von 09:15 – 10:45 Uhr einen Gastvortrag im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Namen“ von Barbara Schlücker. Sie sind herzlich zur Teilnahme eingeladen!

Namen in Videospielen stellen eines der jüngsten Stiefkinder der Onomastik dar. Im Vortrag wird zunächst deren Verortung diskutiert und eine eigene Klasse virtueller Namen vorgeschlagen. Im Zentrum steht dann eine graphematische und semantische Fallstudie zu Benutzer-, Gilden- und Städtenamen im browserbasierten Aufbauspiel Forge of Empires.

Der Vortrag findet in Hörsaal 14 statt. Eine digitale Teilnahme via Zoom ist ebenfalls möglich.

Sociální aspekty fungování vlastních jmen


Friday, May 26, 2023

Workshop "Personennamen in Migration"


Internationale Tagung am Germanistischen Institut am 1. und 2. Juni / Anmeldung bis Samstag, 20. Mai 

Schülerinnen und Schüler wie Kevin und Chantal werden tendenziell schlechter bewertet als Maximilian und Charlotte. Im Kontext von Migrationsgeschichten markieren Namenswechsel, etwa aufgrund erfahrener Diskriminierung, eine Zäsur und mitunter einen Identitätswechsel. Diese Beispiele zeigen: Personennamen sind weit mehr als Bezeichnungen, um Individuen voneinander zu unterscheiden. Sie implizieren zugleich soziale Kategorien – etwa Gender und Generation, aber auch Religion, soziale Herkunft und ethnische Zugehörigkeit. Damit kann der Name zu Prestige oder Stigmatisierung führen und Auslöser für Diskriminierung und soziale Ungleichheit sein.

Der Workshop "Personennamen in Migration: Onymische Indizes hybrider sozialer Zugehörigkeiten" am Germanistischen Institut der Universität Münster bringt am 1. und 2. Juni 2023 zu diesem Thema erstmals europäische Sprachwissenschaftlerinnen und Sprachwissenschaftler zusammen, organisiert von den Linguistinnen Prof. Dr. Antje Dammel, Dr. Katharina König und Dr. Theresa Schweden. Er widmet sich sozioonomastischen, variationslinguistischen und kulturanalytisch-linguistischen Fragestellungen. Ziel ist, neben der internationalen Vernetzung der Forschenden, die Entwicklung einer einheitlichen Methodologie. Der Workshop wird gefördert durch den Internationalisierungsfonds des Fachbereichs Philologie und den WWU-Internationalisierungsfonds.

Veranstaltungsorte sind die Räume VSH 116 und 118 am Schlossplatz 34, 48143 Münster. Interessierte können sich noch bis Samstag, 20. Mai, per E-Mail an anmelden.

Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2023

19.00: Warming Up im "Klemens" 

Donnerstag, 1. Juni 2023

09.00-9.30 Uhr

Antje Dammel, Katharina König, Theresa Schweden (Münster)

Begrüßung und fragengeleitete Einführung

Namenwechsel historisch

09.30-10.30 Uhr

Simone Busley (Mainz)

„Von Johann Jakob Müller zu João Müller – Namen und Identität der Deutschstämmigen in Brasilien von der Auswanderung bis heute“

10.30-11.30 Uhr

Anna-Maria Balbach (Münster)

„Namenwechsel bei Auswanderung Deutscher in die USA“

11.30-12.30 Uhr

Eva-Maria Thüne (Bologna)

„Änderung und Anpassung von Namen nach erzwungener Emigration, Fallstudie: die Kinder des Kindertransports (1938/39)”

12.30-14.30 Uhr


14.30-15.30 Uhr

Simona Leonardi (Genua)

„Namenverwendung zwischen Wechsel und Bewahrung unter Einwander*innen aus deutschsprachigen Gebieten in Palästina/Israel“

Namenwechsel heute

15.30-16.30 Uhr

Rita Luppi (Bologna)

„Namenswechsel in der 2. Generation der Israel-Migrantinnen“

16.30-17.00 Uhr

Lea Beck (Münster, studentischer Vortrag)

„Namenwechsel in Island“

20.15 Uhr: Abendessen im "Töddenhoek"

Freitag, 2. Juni 2023

Theoretische und methodische Perspektiven auf Namenwechsel

09.00-10.00 Uhr

Mirjam Schmuck (Kopenhagen)

Namenwechsel von Migrant:innen in Dänemark

10.00-10:30 Uhr

Evelyn Ziegler (Duisburg-Essen)

 „Zugewanderte und ihre Namen: zwischen Authentizitätsmarker und sozialer Exklusion‘“

10:30-11.00 Uhr

Miriam Lind (Mainz)

 „Onymische Staatsbürgerschaft? Die Gouvernementalität von Personennamen im Nationalstaat“

11.00-12.00 Uhr

Antje Dammel, Katharina König, Theresa Schweden (Münster), Eva Thüne (Bologna)

 „Namen in Migration: Konzepte und Methoden, Perspektiven und Herausforderungen“

12.00-14.00 Uhr


14.00-16.00 Uhr

Abschlussdiskussion und Ergebnissicherung

Diskutantin: Evelyn Ziegler (Duisburg-Essen)

Anschlussvorhaben: Vernetzung und Publikation

XXVIII Jornadas de Historia de Jerez


El lunes 29 de mayo tendrá lugar en el Museo Arqueológico de Jerez la inauguración de la XXVIII edición de las Jornadas de Historia de Jerez que organizan el Centro de Estudios Históricos Jerezanos (CEHJ), junto al Centro del Profesorado de Jerez, y cuentan con la colaboración una vez más del Ayuntamiento y de Diario de Jerez. Tituladas 'Todos los nombres de Jerez. Hasta Regia-Astah, Cerit- Seritium-Xerez… La historia a través de la toponimia', se desarrollarán hasta el 2 de junio. 

Programa de las Jornadas

• Lunes 29 de mayo
19:00 horas
Presentación y entrega de documentación a los inscritos.19:30 horas
José Antonio Correa Rodríguez(Universidad de Sevilla. Filología latina. Profesor Emérito)Ponencia: 'La lengua tartesoturdetana y los topónimos Asta y Jerez'. 
• Martes 30 de mayo
19:30 horas
José Ángel Zamora López (CSIC. Instituto de Lenguas y Culturasdel Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo). Ponencia: 'Lengua y epigrafía fenicia en el Suroeste peninsular'.
• Miércoles 31 de mayo
19:30 horas
Agustín García Lázaro (Centro de Estudios Históricos Jerezanos.Profesor). Ponencia/Visita guiada: 'Toponimia del marco de Jerez'.(La organización pondrá a disposición de los inscritos un autobúspara el desplazamiento. Se facilitará previamente datos de la ruta,hora de salida y otros detalles de la misma).
• Jueves 1 de junio
19:30 horas
Alicia Arévalo González (Universidad de Cádiz. Arqueología). Ponencia: 'Leyendas monetales y toponimia en las emisiones antiguas de Iberia/Hispania'.
• Viernes 2 de junio
19:30 horas
Elena Moreno Pulido (Universidad de Cádiz. Arqueología). Ponencia: 'Monedas romanas. Su aporte para el conocimiento de la toponimia hispana'.
Inscripciones: para el profesorado de centros públicos se harán en la sede del profesorado de Jerez (CEP), en la Alameda de Cristina, o bien a través del teléfono: 671599619 o mail:mbarbuz758@g.educaand.esPara el resto de interesados, hay que dirigirse al Museo Arqueológico de Jerez: 956 149560 o mail:
Las Jornadas cuentan con la coordinación del CEP: Miguel Barrones Buzón/ CEHJ: Ramón Clavijo Provencio. La sede de las Jornadas será la Sala Julián Cuadra del Museo Arqueológico Municipal.

II Premio de Investigación 

Además, el CEHJ ha abierto el plazo para la segunda convocatoria del Premio de Investigación Centro de Estudios Históricos Jerezanos. Podrán optar al premio todos aquellos trabajos de investigación que, con rigor y método científicos, versen sobre temas relevantes de Historia de la ciudad de Jerez de la Frontera y sucomarca. La fecha máxima de recepción de los trabajos será el 9 de octubre de 2023, y el fallo se hará público dentro del año de la convocatoria.

Podcast OnomastikOn


"Onomastik on", so heißt der Podcast, den die Studierenden der Universität Leipzig heute gestartet haben. Ein Semesterprojekt zum Thema "Personennamen in der Gesellschaft" .

OnomastikOn ist ein Student*innen-Podcast. Ihr dreizehn Personenkurs kommt aus den verschiedenen Studiengängen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften und belegt im Wahlbereich Onomastik (Namenforschung). Ihre Dozentin ist Frau Dr. Dietlind Kremer. Podcast wird von Lina Voigtsberger moderiert.
Worum soll es hier gehen? Podcast beschäftigt sich mit aktuellen Themen rund um Personennamen und Gesellschaft.

Welcome to the English Place-Name Society bookshop


Welcome to the EPNS bookshop

The English Place-Name Society (EPNS) was established in 1923 to conduct a county-by-county survey of the place-names of England. The first county survey of Buckinghamshire appeared in 1925. To date, the Survey has produced 91 volumes, the most recent being The Place-Names of Shropshire part 9, published in 2020.

Besides the Survey of English Place‑Names, the EPNS publishes and distributes various other titles. These include the Your City's Place-Names series, the Popular Series, the Regional Series, the Supplementary Series, and Field-Name Studies, as well as a number of other publications.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Ukrainian Onomastic Conference with International Participation 2023

 A two-day remote conference on Ukrainian names has been ended today: 82 papers presented by 87 researchers from Ukraine, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany and Hungary.


I am very thankful for being allowed to present to you our Reference Dictionary of Ukrainian Names



Aufzeichnung des Roland-Online-Vortragsabends "Hof- und Familiennamen in Westfalen" mit dem Referenten Gisbert Strotdrees vom 9. Mai 2023.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Call for ICOS 2024 workshop proposals


The call for workshop proposals for the ICOS 2024 congress in Helsinki is closing on 31 May. 

Thematic workshops, either 90 or 180 min long, include several thematically connected presentations. A workshop can also have an introduction and/or a final discussion. The workshop convenors decide on the length of presentations in the workshop.
The convenors are asked to submit a description (max 500 words) of the workshop theme. The convenors should also decide whether they want to invite the workshop presenters themselves, or whether any congress participant can offer their paper to the workshop during the call for individual abstracts. If the presenters are invited, the description should include a list of the invited contributors and the titles of their presentations in the order in which the presentations will be given. All workshop contributors are required to submit individual abstracts, following the timetable and guidelines for individual presentations.
Workshop proposals should be submitted using an online form at the following link.

Proposal submission deadline: 31 May 2023

Notification of acceptance: by 30 June 2023.

The workshop proposals will be evaluated according to their quality, originality and impact.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Teaching Names in School History


ANS 2023, January 21, 2023 "Teaching Names in School History: A Decolonial Possibility for the Zambian Society" by Chanda Penda (University of Zambia), Yvonne Malambo Kabombwe (University of Zambia), & Martha Kayuni (University of Zambia) Education in the colonial period concentrated on narratives of great men in society and the history of ordinary men and women were neglected. This paper proposes the study of names (anthroponyms) of ordinary men and women in the school history curriculum in Zambia as a way of countering the teaching of narratives of great men in the postcolonial period and promoting “history from below”. This study will be guided by the decolonial theory and paradigm. The study will use the qualitative approach methodology and the historical research design will be used in this study. The study will purposively sample five names of the ordinary men and women who made a great contribution in Zambia but their contribution is missing in the school history curriculum these people include Alick Nkhata, Maina Soko, Nakatindi Yeta Nganga, Zanco Mpundu Mutembo and Levabhai “Kanjombe” Patel. The data will be collected using the archival method and interviews and analysed using content analysis to show the contribution of these ordinary men and women. Recommendations will be given based on findings of the study. CHANDA PENDA is an Onomastician, Cultural Heritage specialist and founder/series editor of Encyclopedia of Zambian Names™, a serial publication since January 2011. Chanda teaches Intangible Cultural Heritage at the University of Zambia and has presented papers at several conferences. His current emphasis is on promotion of indigenous heritage through names. YVONNE MALAMBO KABOMBWE teaches History Teaching methods at the University of Zambia. She has published several articles on curriculum implementation in Zambia. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. Her research interests are in History, History Education, Curriculum Development and Implementation.

Poland reverts to historic name for Russia’s Kaliningrad


The Commission on Geographical Names Standardisation Outside of Poland, which operates under the country's main geodetic service, has decided to no longer call the Russian city of Kaliningrad by its Russian name, but instead to use the Polish name Królewiec.
According to Rzeczpospolita, the Commission also recommends using the Polish name Królewiecka oblast instead of Kaliningradskaya oblast for the administrative unit where the city is located. It entered into force on May 9, 2023.
It also considered that the current Russian name is artificial and not related to the city or the region. The city is traditionally known in Poland as Królewiec.

Poland is reverting to using its historical name for Kaliningrad, the Russian city and administrative region that sits on its border. The Kremlin has reacted angrily, calling it a "process bordering on insanity". The city was formerly known as Koenigsberg and was renamed Kaliningrad after Mikhail Kalinin, one of the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution. There has been some talk in Russia about changing the city's name back, but there are no plans currently.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Topohodonyms: what are they, why study them, and how to?


"Topohodonyms: what are they, why study them, and how to?" by Justyna B. Walkowiak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) The objective of my paper is to posit as legitimate objects of onomastic research what I propose to call topohodonyms – the names of streets (and similar urban features, like squares, roundabouts, bridges, etc.) that reference geographical objects, e.g. Oxford Street, Waterloo Bridge, Michigan Avenue, Kongostrasse, Place des Alpes, or Via Trento. Seldom perceived as a separate category in linguistically-culturally oriented, traditional onomastics that appears to prevail in Europe, they are not fully appreciated by critical toponymy either, especially that hodonyms commemorating people seem the more obvious tool of power struggles. Yet their study might offer novel insight into intricate power relations and competing geopolitical narratives that seem ideologyinnocent and therefore frequently go unnoticed, as evidenced by many topohodonyms remaining intact in turbulent times marked by urban renamings. On the other hand, a city's changing hands may, conversely, occasion a radical shift in the foci established by its topohodonyms. Contemporary topohodonyms collectively reflect a city’s imagined geographies, define their location, distance and relationship. They help draw a line between what is “ours”, featured in the cityscape, and what belongs to “the other’ and is therefore ignored. They may form thematic clusters, mirroring national or regional geography; they can also identify the nation’s allies (in the case of streets named for particular countries). Not to be overlooked are hodonyms that stake claims to lost or conquered territories, including “colonial” names. Amply illustrated with examples mostly from Europe, the paper will also offer suggestions for topohodonymic research, employing both descriptive and statistical methods. JUSTYNA WALKOWIAK, Ph.D., Hab., linguist and onomastician, works as Associate Professor at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Co-edited four volumes; authored two monographs, two university coursebooks, and over forty journal articles and book chapters. Section Editor of the Polish journal Onomastica; co-editor of the proceedings of the 27th ICOS.

Journal «Ονόματα» Vol. 24


The new issue of the Journal has been

The volume Nr. 24 contains 17 original onomastic studies that were presented by 20 researchers during the 7th Panhellenic Onomastic Congress organized by the Greek Onomastic Society and held with great success (in hybrid form) in Naxos (October 2021) under the general topic "Onomastics of Naxos & Lesser Cyclades".

Metaphorical personal names in Mabia languages of Ghana


"Metaphorical personal names in Mabia languages of Ghana" by Hasiyatu Abubakari (University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana) & Samuel Alhassan Issah (University of Education, Winneba, Ghana) Personal names provide a rich inventory of the use of metaphors in names and naming practices among speakers of Mabia (Gur) languages of Ghana. This study examines the use of figurative and non-figurative personal names that express concepts, opinions, world views, and belief systems of speakers of Dagbani, Kusaal, Likpapkaln and Sisali languages. The source domains of these names include flora and fauna terms, innuendos, death preventions names, circumstances surrounding the birth of the name bearer among others. Below is the use of flora and fauna terms for personal names: Names from Kusaal Adoonr [meaning] 'named after the African locust bean tree' Akugur [meaning]'named after a stone' Awaaf [meaning] ‘named after a snake’ The sociocultural and ethnolinguistic factors that influence the use of these names will equally be central to this study. The main research objectives are to (i) identify the various categories of metaphorical names in the four selected Mabia languages (ii) map these names to their respective source domains (iii) examine the sociocultural and ethnolinguistic underpinnings of these metaphorical names by discussing the impact of metaphorical names on both the name bearers and the culture of the people. It will be observed that experiences, belief systems, 'death weapons', flora and fauna, deities, are used as personal names. This work will be carried using both primary and secondary data. The conceptual metaphor theory (Lakoff and Johnson 1980, 1993, Croft and Cruse 2004 among others) will be used for the analysis. DR. HASIYATU ABUBAKARI is a Research Fellow at the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. Her research focuses on minority languages and cultures of Northern Ghana. Her interest covers both descriptive and theoretical linguistics in areas including Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics, Information Structure, Onomastics, Sociolinguistics, folklore, among others. DR. SAMUEL ALHASSAN ISSAH is a Senior Lecturer in linguistics and indigenous languages at the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. His research focuses on the syntax and literature of Dagbani and related languages. He focuses on information structure, the syntax of anaphoric elements, the expression of negation, among others.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Friedhelm Ludwig Debus (1932-2023)

Friedhelm Debus was a German scholar and university professor. He is best known for his contributions to the onomastics.  

Debus studied German and French at the universities of Marburg, Tübingen, Dijon and Sorbonne. He defended his doctorate thesis in 1957 in Marburg (Die deutschen Bezeichnungen für die Heiratsverwandtschaft). 

Between 1959 and 1965 he worked on the German Language Atlas, first as a scientific assistant, then as a scientific advisor. 

After his habilitation in 1965, he took up a professorship in medieval German literature and German linguistics at the University of Groningen. 

In 1969, he was appointed to the University of Kiel, where he remained until his retirement in 1997. 

From 1995 to 1997, he was President of the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim.

Prof. Debus was editor of the series "Documenta onomastica litteralia medii aevi (Dolma)"

His most cited names-related works are: 

Reclams Namenbuch. Reclam, Stuttgart 2014.

Namenkunde und Namengeschichte. Erich Schmidt, Berlin 2012.

Namen in literarischen Werken. Steiner, Stuttgart 2002.

als Hrsg. mit Wilfried Seibicke: Reader zur Namenkunde III,2 – Toponymie. In: Germanistische Linguistik. 131–133, 1996.

Madonna to Madame X: Naming & Discursive Construction of Identity in Pop Culture


ANS 2023, January 21, 2023 "From Madonna to Madame X: Naming and the Discursive Construction of Identity in Pop Culture" by Mirko Casagranda (Università della Calabria, Italy) In the entertainment industry, names play a fundamental role in the representations of the public persona of performers as they function both as identity markers and forms of branding (Lieb 2018). Occasionally their social influence is so pervasive that names are used as paragons of the qualities embodied by the artists bearing them (Bergien 2013). When it comes to music, the names of singers and musicians are sometimes used to give a title to their albums, which results in an overlapping between art and cultural identity (van der Hoeven 2018) that is particularly interesting to investigate. Madonna is a case in point of these practices since throughout her 40-year career she has often played with names not only to identify herself and her music but also to link her manyfold postmodern personae (Guilbert 2002) to the exploration of gender, sexuality, race, politics and religion (Blanco 2014; Schwichtenberg 1993) in a process in which the private and the public inextricably intertwine. Adopting a cultural studies perspective to the analysis of pop music (Clayton 2003; Storey 2010), this presentation focuses on names in Madonna’s production – from the titles of albums like Madonna (1983), I’m Breathless (1990), MDNA (2012), Madame X (2019) to the personifications (like Dita and Veronica Electronica) she employs to mark a shift in the theme of her lyrics or in the genre of her music – so as to demonstrate how she frequently resorts to naming as a productive strategy to construct a broader cultural discourse and disseminate it across the media. MIRKO CASAGRANDA (PhD) is Associate Professor of English at the University of Calabria, Italy. His areas of interest include onomastics, critical discourse analysis and translation studies. He has edited the volume Names and Naming in the Postcolonial English-Speaking World (2018) and published articles on toponyms and trade names, gender and translation, and ecocritical discourse analysis.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Conférence de Christophe GIRAUD "Ouverture sur la toponymie"


Conférence de Christophe GIRAUD (Docteur en géographie, cartographe, conférencier) intitulée ; "Ouverture sur la toponymie."

La toponymie est l’étude des noms de lieux.
Elle relève d’un domaine plus vaste, l’onomastique, qui a pour objet l’examen et la compréhension des noms propres (toponymes et anthroponymes).
Depuis les travaux d’A. Dauzat, la France bénéficie de l’analyse d’éminents spécialistes.

Les noms de lieux ne cessent d’étonner qui parcourt du regard la carte géographique.
Dans l’Hexagone l’abondance et la signification de certains suffixes (noms en -ac, en -y, en -ville…) suscitent des questionnements légitimes.
Ailleurs, ce sont les noms en -grad ou -gorod (monde slave) qui interpellent,
ou bien des noms de lieux aux consonances françaises et espagnoles sur le sol des Etats-Unis.

C’est que les toponymes sont aussi le reflet et les produits d’une histoire et, bien souvent, l’objet d’enjeux politiques.
Istanbul, Saint-Petersbourg, Raguse, Karlovy Vary… illustrent la longue litanie de villes porteuses de noms différents.
États et idéologies remodèlent à l’envi certains emplacements chargés de symboles…

Digital Mapping of Special Ethnic Minority Toponyms in Southwest China


"Dragon Street and Tiger Market: Digital Mapping of Special Ethnic Minority Toponyms in Southwest China" by Jiehai Liu (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China) and Xing Zhao (Leiden University, Netherlands) A particular category of highly reused toponyms exists in southwest China, composed of two naming templates— “12 earthly branches (Chinese Zodiac) + street/market”—with 24 variants, such as Dragon Street and Tiger Market. Previous studies have largely focused on the cultural and historical origins of this naming template, but there is a lack of quantitative research on their spatial distribution and the relationships between them. This study will extract data on this category of toponyms from the National Database for Geographical Names of China (2021) and analyse their geographical distribution and the spatial relationships between them using the CARTO GIS platform and a network analysis tool (Gephi). The article aims to answer two questions: (1) How are such place names spatially distributed in various provinces (Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangxi) of southwest China? (2) What are the spatial relationships between locations with such place names? This article will explore and provide visual information on the location distribution and frequency of appearance of the 24 place name variants, thus verifying the two major propositions about the origin of the naming pattern, expressly, that it is either of Yi cultural origin or Miao cultural origin. This article will also explore and provide visual information on the spatial relationship between, and administrative hierarchy of, locations with these place names, thus explaining why they mostly appear in villages and towns and the cycle pattern of rural fairs they display. Map Link: JIEHAI LIU is an associate professor of English Language and Linguistics at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China. He is now a postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University, the Netherlands. His research interests include cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, onomastics and digital humanities. XING ZHAO is a PhD candidate in Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Her research interests include education and child studies, social statistics, onomastics and digital humanities.

Communications et table ronde « Les noms propres »


Journée d’échange onomastique
entre l’ADELFY et la SFO à Joigny
le 19 mai 2023


 14 h 30 Communications

  • Michel TAMINE : Joigny des lettres et des sons. Prononciations locales du nom, étymologie, comparaison des deux Joigny, Ardennes / Yonne.
  • Jacques LACROIX : Toponymes d’origine gauloise dans l’Yonne.
  • Philippe BRUN : Les hydronymes du nord de l’Yonne.
  • Stéphane GENDRON et Ange BIZET : Les gentilés de communes.

En intermèdes, un diaporama des plaques de signalisation erronées, étonnantes, amusantes. (Photos de Francis Chabanis, Pierre Dérat et Ange Bizet).

17 h - Table ronde

Les noms des communes nouvelles regroupées

  • Sébastien NADIRAS : Les aspects administratifs et légaux.
  • Jean-Claude MALSY : Commune nouvelle ou nouvelle France. Analyse critique du choix de certains noms.
  • Ange BIZET : Toponyme et politonyme. Nécessité de distinguer le nom de la réalitégéographique et celui de l’entité abstraite, administrative et politique.
  • Stéphane GENDRON : L’exemple du Maine-et-Loire.

Le public aura la possibilité de participer aux discussions.

Les élus municipaux ayant eu l’expérience de la fusion de communes pourront témoigner de leur expérience, les autres susceptibles d’être confrontés à la question pourront échanger avec leurs confrères expérimentés et avec des spécialistes.

Possibilité de vous faire dédicacer les ouvrages des spécialistes présents.


Ange BIZET : Administrateur de la SFO, et de DLF, président de l’ADELFY, membre du Haut-Conseil international de la langue française et de la Francophonie, membre du Collège d’experts du ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères, spécialiste des dictionnaires de noms propres, spécialiste d’ethnonymie et de politonymie.

Philippe BRUN : Administrateur de la SFO, spécialiste de la toponymie de l’Aube, auteur de Voyage dans l’origine des noms de lieux et de rivières du département de l’Aube.

Stéphane GENDRON : Président de la Société française d’onomastique, spécialiste de la toponymie de la région Centre-Val de Loire. Auteur d’une vingtaine d’ouvrages, de nombreux articles de toponymie générale et régionale et de chroniques radiophoniques sur le sujet. Prix Albert-Dauzat 2020.

Jacques LACROIX : Spécialiste de la langue et de la civilisation des anciens Celtes. Il est l’auteur des Irréductibles mots gaulois dans la langue française, et de plusieurs autres ouvrages ainsi que de vidéos sur le sujet.

Jean-Claude MALSY : Administrateur de la SFO, spécialiste de la toponymie du nord de la France. Il a donné le dictionnaire toponymique de l’Aisne en trois volumes, le monumental dictionnaire du Pas-de-Calais avec ses 17 000 pages d’annexes sur CD, et celui de l’Oise en cours de publication.

Sébastien NADIRAS : Secrétaire de la Société française d’onomastique, conservateur, responsable du centre d’onomastique aux Archives nationales, auteur avec P.-H. Billy de Les noms de lieux et de personnes en France, Guide bibliographique.

Michel TAMINE : Ancien président de la Société française d’onomastique, directeur de publication de la nouvelle revue d’onomastique, auteur de nombreux articles et d’ouvrages de dialectologie et spécialiste de la toponymie de la région Champagne-Ardenne.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

International Training on Toponymy "Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage"


  • Overview

  • The International Training on Toponymy is one of the goals set out in the UNGEGN Asia South-East (ASE) Division Work Plan 2019-2022 to be achieved during Indonesia's chairmanship. Initially, the training should have been held in conjunction with the 8th Divisional Meeting of the UNGEGN ASE Division in 2020. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the training had to be postponed for safety reasons.

    Indonesia's chairmanship ended in April 2022 during the 10th Divisional Meeting of the UNGEGN ASE Division. However, Indonesia is still committed to convening the International Training on Toponymy in 2023, as discussed with the UNGEGN Secretariat and the UNGEGN Working Group on Training Courses in Toponymy.

    The International Training on Toponymy is open to all UNGEGN member countries, with a limit of up to 75 international participants. The training is co-organized by the Indonesian Geospatial Information Agency (Badan Informasi Geospasial - BIG), the UNGEGN Secretariat, and the UNGEGN Working Group on Training Courses in Toponymy. The training will be held face-to-face in Bali, as it has a rich tangible and intangible cultural heritage that would suit the theme of the training: Geographical Names as Cultural Heritage. As part of the training activities, Indonesia designed a one-day visit to several cultural geographical features, which will offer participants a full immersion into the field collection of geographical names.

  • Trainers
  • Module 1: Peder Gammeltoft (Norway)
  • Module 2: Cecille Blake (USA) and Ade Komara Mulyana (Indonesia)
  • Module 3: Tjeerd Tichelaar (The Netherlands)
  • Module 4: Ni Komang Aniek Purniti (Indonesia)
  • Module 5: Peder Gammeltoft (Norway) and Harry Ferdiansyah (Indonesia)
  • Module 6: Jasper Hogerwerf (The Netherlands).