
Saturday, September 30, 2023


"Тіл" оқу-əдістемелік орталығы ономастика мəселесін қолға алды. Бұлай дейтініміз облыс орталығында "Өңір ономастикасы" тақырыбында байқау өтті. Байқауға аудандардан сала мамандары келіп қатысып, күш жігерлерін ортаға салды. Сайыс неше кезеңнен тұрды? Қызығушылығы неде? Толығырақ тілші бейнематериалында...

В Тамбове пройдет Международный конкурс по ономастике


В Тамбове состоится Международный дистанционный ономастический конкурс «В мире имен и названий». Его организатором выступает Тамбовское библиотечное общество в рамках проекта ««Мягкая сила» русского языка».

В конкурсной программе две номинации: «Происхождение топонимов Центрального Черноземья России» и «Происхождение фамилий (антропонимов) известных людей, связанных жизнью и творчеством с Тамбовским краем».

Творческое исследование можно представить в виде видеофильма, фотоматериала, а также эссе, рассказа или презентации.

Председателем жюри выступит известный российский лингвист, доктор филологических наук, профессор кафедры русского языка ТГУ им. Г.Р. Державина, специалист по ономастике Антонина Щербак.

Итоги конкурса «В мире имен и названий» станут известны 15 октября текущего года. Их опубликуют на сайтах «Тамбовского библиотечного общества» и Тамбовской областной универсальной научной библиотеки им. А.С. Пушкина.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Programme of MiOKO23 available


Detailed conference programme of MiOKO 2023 available !

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Book Launch: Glasgow’s Gaelic Place-names



Join us in celebrating the launch of Glasgow's Gaelic Place-names co-written by Alasdair C. Whyte, Katherine Forsyth, and Simon Taylor.

Book info:

It is time to bin – once and for all – the nonsense that Gaelic was never spoken in Glasgow. In fact, Glasgow's place-names tell us that Gaelic has been spoken in Glasgow for around a thousand years. Showcasing new research from the University of Glasgow, this illustrated guide to Glasgow's Gaelic namescape reveals how place-names are a key to unlocking Glasgow's hidden past and takes the reader on a journey of discovery the length and breadth of this great modern city – from Yoker in the west to Daldowie in the east, via Boclair, Carmunnock and many other places in between. The truth about Glasgow's past, present and future dispels myths and throws up countless surprises about Glasgow's deep Gaelic roots.

Please note: this event will take place in-person and online (Zoom), so be sure to make your attendance clear when selecting your tickets. 

Date and time

Tuesday, October 3 · 5:30 - 7:30pm BST


Boyd Orr Building

University Avenue Glasgow G12 8SP United Kingdom

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Place-Names of Dorset: Unlocking Their Secrets


About this event

What’s in a name? You can find out, as Dorset History Centre is thrilled to present an afternoon in discussion with Richard Coates (President of the English Place-Name Society) and David Hinton (member of the English Place-Name Society).

The afternoon will reveal the secrets behind some of the common and unusual place names which surround us and explore some of the issues arising from compiling a definitive account of place names. The completion of Dorset's place names survey has taken 40 years, making this a major academic achievement which has created a wonderful resource for fun and learning.

There will also be a selection of historic and beautiful maps from Dorset’s archives on display for visitors to enjoy during the afternoon.


The afternoon's schedule is:

2.00 A welcome to DHC

2.10 A word from David Mills on the big screen. Tribute to David Mills and his place-names survey by a member of the Council of the English Place-Name Society

2.20 A talk from Richard Coates, President of the English Place-Name Society, University of the West of England: “Treasures and pleasures among Dorset’s place-names”

3.00 Refreshments and a chance to view a selection of maps held at Dorset History Centre

3.30 A talk from David Hinton, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology, University of Southampton: “The place-names of Dorset and the shire's archaeology”

4.15 Brief closing remarks

Date and time

Sat, 14 Oct 2023 14:00 - 16:30 BST


Dorset History Centre

Bridport Road Dorchester DT1 1RP United Kingdom

Monday, September 25, 2023

Die Mainzer Namentagung 2023 "Namen und Politik"

Die Mainzer Namentagung 2023 "Namen und Politik" fand vom 20. bis zum 22. September an der Universität Mainz statt. Barbara Aehnlich und David Brosius hatten die Ehre, den Eröffnungsvortrag mit dem Titel "Vieldiskutierte Benennungsmotive und frequente Fehlinterpretationen: Thüringische Flurnamen mit Bezügen auf das Leben ethnischer Minderheiten" zu halten. Erinnert ihr euch an unseren Aufruf vor einigen Monaten, bei dem wir nach Namen suchten, die auf Juden und/oder Angehörige der Sinti und Roma hinweisen? Ihr habt uns großartig unterstützt und uns 351 (!) Namen zur Verfügung gestellt, die wir zusätzlich zu unserem Archivbestand auswerten konnten. DANKE dafür!

Es war faszinierend zu erarbeiten, dass Flurnamen mit dem Wortbestandteil "Jude" oft direkt auf jüdisches Leben hinweisen, obwohl historische und teils auch moderne volksetymologische Deutungen regelmäßig versuchen, andere Motive hineinzulesen. Ähnlich verhält es sich mit Begriffen wie "Zigeuner" oder "Tatar", die früher auch für andere Personengruppen verwendet wurden, die nicht unbedingt Angehörige der Sinti und Roma waren. Heute sind diese Namen oft mit Geschichten angereichert, die zwar wissenschaftlich nicht haltbar sind, aber stets Stereotype gegenüber Sinti und Roma transportieren. Es ist daher von großer Bedeutung, dass die wissenschaftliche Flurnamenforschung solche Fehl- und Umdeutungen von Namen aufdeckt.

Neben unserem eigenen Vortrag haben wir auch viele andere spannende Präsentationen gehört. Themen wie Siedlungsumbenennungen während des Nationalsozialismus und zweisprachige Ortsschilder in Norddeutschland haben unsere Perspektiven erweitert. Am zweiten Tag beschäftigten wir uns unter anderem mit Fragen der sprachlichen Diskriminierung auf dem Wohnungsmarkt und hörten eine Expertin zum Thema "First name regulation in Denmark". Der dritte Tag war nicht weniger interessant und befasste sich mit Themen wie der Genese des patriarchalen Ehenamenprinzips. Am Ende hatten wir sogar noch Zeit, die größte Stadt Rheinland-Pfalz, das wunderbare Mainz, näher zu erkunden.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

60,000 names of forgotten slaves rescued in pencil


by ÁNGELES LUCAS New Orleans - 

“FANNY, 22 years old. And her son DAVID, 3 years old, and her daughter, 5 months old. Sold to Eugénie Dupré for $900.” Written in 3H graphite pencil on an extensive white sheet, Fanny without a surname and with the sonority of an affectionate abbreviation of an English name, was one of the African-Americans enslaved in the United States from 1808 to 1860.

We now know that she and her minimal history existed because of the zeal of 75-year-old calligrapher and researcher Phyllis Goodnow to give visibility to 60,000 slaves who were bought, stolen, sold, and sent to the south of the U.S. during that period through her project History Enslaved / History in Bondage. It has taken her eight years to compile and trace every letter of the onomastic list of each of the individuals recorded on 30 rolls of microfilm she found while researching at the National Archives in Washington D. C., titled “Slave Manifests of Coastwise Vessels Filed at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1807-1860.”

Find the full text by following the link above

Do Elephants Have Names?

Friday, September 22, 2023

ONOMASTICS ONLINE | Christian Galinski: Terminology – past, present and future

The lecture series Onomastics Online continued on 21 September 2023 with a presentation given by Ghristian Galinski with the title "Terminology – past, present and future: How to overcome barriers to content interoperability by means of a microcontent approach ". 0:00 - 1:14 Introduction 1:14 - 44:29 Presentation 44:29 - 54:54 Discussion

Thursday, September 21, 2023

VI Xornada da Comisión Especializada de Nomes Xeográficos

21 de setembro 2023, 09:30h. Auditorio Neira Vilas, Cidade da Cultura. Os nomes xeográficos son o reflexo do proceso de humanización e caracterización do territorio, así como da evolución da paisaxe ao longo da historia. Os topónimos son o sangue vital da cartografía, pois describen unhas categorías físicas e culturais a múltiples escalas. Como parte fundamental que son do noso patrimonio cultural inmaterial, é necesario conservalos, normalizalos e difundilos usando as novas tecnoloxías co obxectivo de proxectalos cara ao futuro. A creación de recursos dixitais adaptados aos novos retos da sociedade actual permitirannos fomentar o uso da toponimia normalizada e aproveitala para a investigación en diversas disciplinas ou para a xestión do territorio. Este é o camiño que están a seguir, a distintos ritmos, as comunidades autónomas para a creación dos seus respectivos nomenclátores xeográficos, respectando os estándares establecidos polas autoridades competentes, tanto no ámbito lingüístico coma no xeográfico, e cumprindo co modelo de datos interoperables que esixe a directiva INSPIRE da Comunidade Europea.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

VI Xornada da Comisión Especializada de Nomes Xeográficos


O vindeiro 21 de setembro celebrarase na Cidade da Cultura de Galicia a VI Xornada da Comisión Especializada de Nomes Xeográficos, co título Os nomes xeográficos e o mundo dixital.

Os nomes xeográficos son o reflexo do proceso de humanización e caracterización do territorio, así como da evolución da paisaxe ao longo da historia. Os topónimos son o sangue vital da cartografía, pois describen unhas categorías físicas e culturais a múltiples escalas. Como parte fundamental que son do noso patrimonio cultural inmaterial, é necesario conservalos, normalizalos e difundilos usando as novas tecnoloxías co obxectivo de proxectalos cara ao futuro. A creación de recursos dixitais adaptados aos novos retos da sociedade actual permitiranos fomentar o uso da toponimia normalizada e aproveitala para a investigación en diversas disciplinas ou para a xestión do territorio. Este é o camiño que están a seguir, a distintos ritmos, as comunidades autónomas para a creación dos seus respectivos nomenclátores xeográficos, respectando os estándares establecidos polas autoridades competentes, tanto no ámbito lingüístico coma no xeográfico, e cumprindo co modelo de datos interoperables que esixe a directiva INSPIRE da Comunidade Europea.

A Xornada está organizada pola Comisión Especializada de Nombres Xeográficos e o  Instituto Xeográfico Nacional en colaboración coa Xunta de Galicia e a Real Academia Galega (RAG).


Xornada de mañá

9:00 Recepción de asistentes

9:30 Presentación da Xornada. Autoridades

10:00 “El nuevo visor del Nomenclátor Geográfico Nacional”, por Angélica Castaño Suárez. Instituto Geográfico Nacional.

10:30 “Galicia Nomeada: toponimia colaborativa”, por Vicente Feijoo Ares. Real Academia Galega – Xunta de Galicia

11:00 "Conexión entre Nomenclátor y cartografía oficial. Retos en el tránsito de nombre a rótulo", por Oihana Mitxelena. Diputación Foral de Guipuzkoa.


12:00 “Elaboración de la segunda edición de las Directrices toponímicas de uso internacional para editores de mapas, cartas náuticas y otras publicaciones”, por Maite Mollà Villaplana. Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.

12:30 "Innovaciones en el Nomenclátor del INE", por Mª Natalia Fojo Diaz. Instituto Nacional de Estadística.

13:00 “La toponimia en mapas antiguos como herramienta para trazar su linaje: A transmisión del topónimo Elcano en la cartografía de los siglos XVI-XVII”, por Marcos F. Pavo López. Instituto Geográfico Nacional.

Xornada de tarde

16:00 “Proceso de normalización de la toponimia geográfica en el Principado de Asturias”, por Juncal Mónica García Velasco. Principado de Asturias.

16:30 “Últimos avances en el Nomenclátor Xeográfico de Andalucía”, por Mª Teresa Garrido Borrego. Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía.

17:00 “El nomenclátor xeográfico de las Illes Balears y el visor de gestión, actualización y consulta”, por Eulàlia Fons Carbonell. Institut Cartogràfic i Geogràfic de les Illes Balears.

17:30 Clausura


Esta Xornada está dirixida ao público en xeral co interese no tratamento dos nomes xeográficos. A asistencia é gratuíta previa inscrición, ata completar a capacidade da sala. O prazo para anotarse remata o 11 de setembro de 2023.

Formulario de inscrición

Retransmisión enstreaming

As persoas que desexen seguir a xornada a distancia poderán conectarse para a emisión en streaming na seguinte ligazón:


Cidade da Cultura

Monte Gaiás s/n

15707 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña

Transporte público


Workshop "Non-bare Proper Names. Proper Names with Determiners and Modifiers in a Cross-linguistic Perspective"



Cologne, Germany, May 16-17, 2024

Proper names have been widely studied from a philosophical and a linguistic perspective (Frege, 1892; Russell, 1905; Strawson, 1950; Searle, 1958; Donnellan, 1970; Kripke, 1980; Soames, 2002; Elbourne, 2005; Fara, 2015; Matushansky, 2006, 2008, 2014, 2015, among others). Over the last decades, they have become an important subject of investigation with respect to the semantics of reference and the syntax of the nominal phrase and, more specifically, to the different types of determiners and modifiers they can combine with, such as indefinite and definite articles (von Heusinger & Wespel, 2007; Gomeshi & Massam, 2009; Bernstein et al., 2019; Camacho, 2019; Saab, 2021; Oggiani & Aguilar-Guevara, forthcoming), honorific particles (Saab, 2021), and adjectives (Sigurdsson, 2006; Bernstein et al., 2019). There is also a growing interest in the cross-linguistic perspective (e.g. Caro Reina, 2020, 2022; Becker, 2021; Caro Reina & Helmbrecht, 2022).

In this context, the research project “Proper Names with Determiners and Modifiers in a Cross-linguistic Perspective” aims to contribute to this discussion by bringing together researchers working on proper names with determiners and/or means of modification from a morphological, syntactic, semantic, or pragmatic perspective. The starting event of this research group will be the workshop “Non-Bare Proper Names: Proper Names with Determiners and Modifiers in Cross-Linguistic Perspective”. The workshop will take place in Cologne, Germany, in May 2024, and will be followed by later academic events in Mexico and Uruguay.

Invited Speakers

  • Javier Caro Reina (Universität zu Köln)
  • Hans Kamp (University of Stuttgart)
  • Ora Matushansky (CNRS, Paris)


  • Ana Aguilar Guevara (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
  • Timo Buchholz (Universität zu Köln)
  • Klaus von Heusinger (Universität zu Köln)
  • Carolina Oggiani (Universidad de la República, Uruguay)
  • Julia Pozas Loyo (El Colegio de México)

Call for papers

We invite contributions on proper names with determiners, quantifiers and/or any means of modification, as well as honorifics, diminutives, classifiers, and other affixes, from a morphological, syntactic, semantic, or pragmatic perspective. The main questions this Workshop seeks to answer are:

  1. What categories can accompany proper names in natural language?
  2. What is the meaning contribution of these categories? How does it combine with that of proper names?
  3. What kind of syntax do determined and modified proper names project?

The Workshop will take place at Universität zu Köln, Germany, on May 16-17, 2024.


We invite submissions for 30 min presentations (plus 15 min for discussion) in English. Abstracts should be anonymous and not longer than two pages (Times New Roman 12 pt., single space, 2,4 cm margins). They should be submitted in pdf format to the EasyChair site.

Important dates

  • Deadline for submissions: December 11, 2023
  • Notification of authors: January 15, 2024
  • Workshop: May 16-17, 2024

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Is India changing its name to Bharat?

Speculation is rife that the Indian government might want to OFFICIALLY change the country's name to 'Bharat'. The cause of the speculation - an official dinner invite to G20 delegates from the country's President, mentioned 'President of Bharat', instead of 'President of India'.



Claves en la investigación toponímica

2, 3 y 4 de octubre de 2023

Miraflores de la Sierra & Alcalá de Henares




Date:       Saturday 18th November 2023

Time:       10.00am - 4.00pm

Venue:     Royal Engineers Museum, Prince Arthur Road, Gillingham, ME7 1UR

The Place-Names Group of Kent Archaeological Society is delighted to announce its 2023 conference on Kent Names, which will be held at the Royal Engineers Museum, Gillingham, on 18 November.

In line with previous Kent Names conferences, toponymy (the meaning and origins of names), takes centre stage, with supporting studies of the source materials for name study. There is gentle focus this year on north west Kent, with Paul Cullen speaking on the place-names of the Gillingham area, John Death the Anglo Saxon charter boundary of Meopham, and Nigel Price the Huguenot surnames of the Rochester area. The other papers will range more broadly. Abigail Lloyd introduces her research using GIS to interpret Kentish hill-names. James Lloyd discusses heraldic sources for names. And Linda Taylor considers the famous 1598 map of Kent by Philip Symondson. Finally, in his second paper, Paul will detect some patterns and attempt to solve some puzzles in Kentish surnames. Hopefully family historians, historical geographers and local historians, as well as those interested in toponymy, and anyone interested in Kent’s history and heritage, will enjoy our latest celebration of Kent names!

Tickets are £20 each and more details can be found via this EventBrite link:

10.00am - 4.00pm
Contact email
Mark Bateson
Event Location: Gillingham
Event Type

Friday, September 8, 2023

1.5 Million Visits on the e-Onomastics Odyssey

 Dear Visitors,

I am immensely grateful for the incredible support and enthusiasm you have shown for my blog on proper names and onomastics. It is with great joy that I announce we have reached 1.5 million visits, and it wouldn't have been possible without each and every one of you.

Your curiosity and interest in the world of names have been the driving force behind this journey, which is 3.970 blogposts long and 11 years old. Thank you for being a part of our thriving community and for sharing this passion with me.

Here's to many more exciting explorations into the fascinating realm of names!

With heartfelt gratitude,

Dr. Eugen Schochenmaier

English Place-Name Society is having a birthday party tomorrow!

 English Place-Name Society is having a birthday party! 🎂

Join them on 9 September in Jubilee Conference Centre for a jam-packed day of place-names papers celebrating their centenary, all topped off with a lecture from Prof. David Crystal.

Last chance to join EPNS for Professor David Crystal's lecture at 6.30pm tomorrow!

’O brave new world, that has such toponyms in it’ is the closing lecture of the centenary celebration, and bookings will close at 1pm today.

Registration and info at: