
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The place names of the city Bielefeld

translated by me from

Die Ortsnamen der Stadt Bielefeld

Westphalian place names book, Volume 5

by Birgit Meineke

Gütersloh S. 2013, 325 ISBN-13: 978-3895349355

The area of ​​the urban district of Bielefeld includes about 140 names of villages which have been testified for the first time in written form before 1600 (including original farm names kept by the oral tradition prior to 1340). To interpret this names' collection, placenames have been documented through selected historical evidence and scientifically explained.

This volume provides herewith a further contribution to the Westphalian placenames serie that is of great interest as fundamental work of Westphalia landscape not only for the name research, but also for national and local history, cultural geography and genealogical investigations.

You can purchase it here:

2014 Geographic Names Conference,_tx.htm

Planning is Underway for the
2014 Geographic Names Conference
of the
Council of Geographic Names Authorities
in the United States

at the
Holiday Inn Town Lake (Lady Bird Lake)

Austin, TX
April 29--May 4, 2014

Hosted by the Texas Committee on Geographic Names
Richard Wade, Chairman
Claire DeVaughan, Conference Coordinator
Wayne Furr, Executive Secretary

For additional information contact

Mr. T. Wayne Furr, Executive Secretary
Council of Geographic Names Authorities
3400 36th Avenue NE
Norman, Oklahoma 73026-7809
Telephone: 405-364-7278

2013 Geographic Names Conference

Mark your calendars for April 30 – May 4, 2013

2013 Geographic Names Conference

Call for Papers

Opportunity / Goal
The 2013 conference will provide the opportunity to share the combined knowledge of the United States Board on Geographic Names (US-BGN), its staff, State Geographic Names Authority experts, and other State and Federal partners with anyone who has a vested interest in the inner workings of geographic names and the process by which they are made official for Federal use.

We invite anyone who uses geographic names in their work, and persons who would like to share their experiences in geographic names, standardization, policies, and practices to submit proposals for individual presentations (30 min), panel sessions (up to 1.5 hrs), or a roundtable discussion topic.  Any individual or organization working with geographic names and map production is encouraged to apply.  Proposals are welcome from university scholars, community leaders, or anyone with a personal or professional interest in geographic names and their application to maps.

As official State Geographic Names Authorities, we are often made aware of efforts by State Legislators to create new geographic names or change existing names. How does this impact the official naming process at the Federal level? What happens when State, County, City, or Town officials and mapping departments apply geographic names that have not been through the official naming process? These individuals may apply names with good intentions, but are unaware of the official approval process. During the 2013 COGNA conference we will explore ways to improve the communication among all levels of government. This topic can sometimes create as much tension as well as lead to more questions.  Who is the authority that decides what is official? Does the process change if the geographic feature is within the boundaries of a local jurisdiction? Or, on Federally administered lands?  How do the Federal Government’s policies affect naming practices at the State and local level?  How do name changes affect the emergency preparedness community? We hope to provide answers to these and many other questions.

Program Highlights
The conference is open to the public for a small registration fee, which includes all conference materials, attendance at the Conference Opening with Federal cartographers’ reports (formerly the reception), and admission to all daytime conference sessions.  Optional activities include a Friday evening Banquet and Saturday Toponymic Tour, which require separate fees.  Each year the conference hosts a State-Federal Roundtable Discussion, a meeting of the US-BGN Domestic Names Committee, and several academic presentations.  The 2013 conference will also include workshops by the Forest Service regional cartographers and the U.S. Geological Survey geospatial liaisons on their geographic names roles, responsibilities, and recent activities.

Submission details:
Please send a 250-word abstract to Wayne Furr at  Indicate what type of presentation and abstract you are sending – individual or panel discussion.  For panel discussion provide the names of all people involved and their affiliation.  In addition to presentations and panel discussions, we are requesting topics for the State-Federal Roundtable discussion. We hope that you will save the dates and join us at the 2013 Council of Geographic Names Conference April 30—May 4, 2013 in Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Dr. Donna L. Lillian Named President of American Name Society

repost from

Lillian Named President of American Name Society - Can You Say 'Onomastics'?
Dr. Donna L. Lillian, director of the women’s studies program at Appalachian State University and an associate professor of English, is an onomastician and has begun a two-year term as president of the American Name Society (ANS), the oldest scholarly society devoted to the study of names in the United States.
Lillian took office earlier this month during the society’s annual meeting held in Boston in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America.
“Names have a lot to do with identity,” Lillian said. “So if we want to know who we are, then one way of exploring that is what we call ourselves, all the things we do and interact with.”
Onomastics also encompasses a range of academic areas of interest, Lillian explained. For example, areas of interest to researchers include names in politics, religion and literature. Society members who are geographers study names of cities, towns, streets, mountains or rivers.
“If you look at the place names of North America, you can learn a lot about history, migration patterns and values,” Lillian said. “Scholars of literature will often study names in favorite pieces of literature or those used by certain authors, such as Dickens who did interesting things with his characters’ names,” Lillian said.
Dickens’ colorful and character-defining include Mr. Sloppy, Artful Dodger and of course, Scrooge. Others study trade names.
“Trends in name choices for children can say something about what we as a society are preoccupied with,” Lillian said. “If a particular individual such as an athlete, actor or politician gains quite a bit of popularity, then a lot of people start naming their child after that person. Historically you can look back and see what were some of those preoccupations.”  
Each year during its annual meeting, the American Name Society votes on the preceding year’s top personal name, place name, trade name and fictional name.  Winners were Malala, Gangman, fiscal cliff and Downton Abbey, respectively.  Malala was selected because the name has become associated with a cause – advocating for education of Pakistani girls, particularly in an area controlled by the Taliban.
The society’s overall name of the year was Sandy for its association with Hurricane Sandy and Sandy Hook Elementary School, Lillian said.
Lillian’s interest in names was fueled while teaching a language and gender course while a master’s degree candidate at the University of Toronto. “I began thinking about women’s marital name choices, our naming practices in general and how the family surname is virtually always the father’s surname,” she said. “For my master’s thesis, I did an empirical study on patterns of women’s naming choices and the courtesy title Ms.”
She has continued her research on women’s use of surnames when they marry and their use of the courtesy titles Miss, Ms. or Mrs. and how those trends have changed during the past 30 years.
“There have been some interesting shifts,” Lillian said. “In the mid-80s, there was a growing trend toward women keeping their surname when they married. Professional women and younger women were more likely to keep their name. Women who had married before the mid-70s changed their name.”
That trend began changing in the mid-90s. “The trend is reversing itself now among younger women. Fewer women under 30 are keeping their name when they marry,” Lillian said. Some of the women Lillian surveyed recounted the hassles their mother encountered by keeping her surname and didn’t want a similar experience. “There was also a big connection with a return to conservative values including a family all having the same surname.”
When it comes to the use of Ms., the trends are also interesting. Originally used to eliminate the distinction between Miss and Mrs., Lillian said that by the 1980s many people had a negative association with Ms., equating it with feminism or radical overtones, or a title used by divorced women.
“By 2006, people assumed it was a third title, not associated with feminism, and they are surprised to learn it was meant to replace Miss or Mrs. The women I surveyed thought it was a handy third term to indicate someone who is separated or divorced or to use as a placeholder if you don’t know their marital status. It has undergone quite a shift.”
Lillian recently has been researching the various names of the 750 college and university women’s studies programs in the U.S., any changes that have occurred over the years and why. “Within my field now, that’s a big topic of discussion,” she said.  Program names range from women’s studies to gender studies or gender and sexuality studies.
In addition to her duties as president of the American Name Society, Lillian, with the help of Dr. Cheryl Claassen from Appalachian’s Department of Anthropology, hopes to revive the Blue Ridge Names Society and hold a conference in the fall. 

Program of "Name and Naming 2"

We have already informed you about the conference in Rumania, May 9-11 2013: 

Now we publish the program of this conference. Plenty of great onomastic scholars! Enjoy it!!!

Programul conferinței / Paper presentations / Programme de la conférence:

JOI, 9 MAI / THURSDAY, 9 MAY 2013 / JEUDI, 9 MAI 2013

8.00 – 8.45 Secretariat tehnic. Primirea participanților. Înmânarea mapei conferinței /
Registration / Secrétariat technique. Accueil des participants. Remise des documents de la conférence

8.45– 10.30 Deschiderea oficială / Official Opening / Ouverture officielle

Conferinţe în plen / Plenary lectures / Conférences plénières

Gheorghe Chivu, membru corespondent al Academiei Române, Universitatea din Bucureşti,
Facultatea de Litere, Nume de plante în texte vechi românești

Leo Loveday, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan, Five Innovative Strategies in Japanese
Anthroponomastics Today

Jean-Louis Vaxelaire, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), France,
Les noms de l’espace public : la diversité des types de noms propres au service de la théorie

Emili Casanova, Univesité de Valencia-Academia Valenciana de la Llengua, Espagna, Topónimos y
antropónimos entre dos lenguas: el caso valenciano

11.00– 13.15 Conferinţe în plen / Plenary lectures / Conférences plénières

Pierre-Henri Billy, CNRS (Paris-I Sorbonne), France, La réception du Moyen Âge dans l’odonymie
contemporaine en France

Alda Rossebastiano, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia, Dalla Tofeja al Sambrasil attraverso
il Papillon, con ritorno: i nomi dei ristoranti all’alba del Duemila

Milan Harvalík, The Institute for the Czech Language of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, Czechia, The Dynamism of the Development of Contemporary Czech Onymic Systems

Angelika Bergien, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany, Names as frames in
current-day media discourse

Mats Wahlberg, Institute for Language and Folklore, Uppsala, Sweden, Urban names – identity,
emotion, prestige

Lucrări pe secțiuni / Paper presentations / Communications par sections:

15.00 – 17.00 Antroponomastică (germană) / Anthroponomastics (German) / Anthroponomastique

Bernd Spillner, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germania, Changing names of streets and places
for political reasons (chairperson of the session)

Rodica Ţurcanu, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare,
România, Namen, Namengebung und kollektives Gedächtnis im öffentlichen Raum am Beispiel Baia
Mare/RumänienNames, Name giving and Collective Memory in the Public Space : Baia Mare / Romania

Daniela Feistmantl, University of Innsbruck, Austria, HOFa: Onymische Beziehungen zwischen
Hof-, Orts- und Familiennamen: Ein Werkstattbericht

Daniela-Elena Vladu, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sprechende Namen in
deutschen und rumanischen Kindergeschichten

15.00 – 17.00 Numele în societate (italiană, spaniolă) / Names in society (Italian, Spanish) / Le Nom dans la société (italien, espagnol)

Enzo Caffarelli, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, “Rivista Italiana di Onomastica” (RIOn), Italia
(chairperson of the session)

Alda Rossebastiano, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia (chairperson of the session)

Davide Astori, Universita degli Studi di Parma, Italia, Nome proprio e identità nazionale: il caso
dei Curdi di Turchia

Alfonso Germani, Centro Inchieste Dialettali “La Ciocia” Arce, Italia, I nomi delle acque minerali

Aleksandra Proninska, Università Pedagogica di Cracovia, Polonia, La dimensione linguistica
dello spazio pubblico

Maria Célia Lima-Hernandes, Patricia Carvalhinhos, University of Sao Paulo – Brazil, Ma Lei
A: cambio de concepción antroponímica en Macao

Francesca Bertonazzi, l’Università degli Studi di Parma, Italia, L’onomastica indiana nell’Europa
moderna: alcuni esempi dal primo capitolo della Bhagavadgītā.

15.00 – 17.00 Numele în societate, Antroponomastică (română) / Names in society,
Anthroponomastics (Romanian) / Le Nom dans la société, Anthroponomastique (roumain)

Margareta Manu-Magda, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” al Academiei
Române, Bucureşti, Procedee ale intertextualităţii în evocarea sensurilor contextuale ale unor
antroponime convenţionale în spaţiul public românesc (moderator)

Daiana Felecan, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare,
România, Antroponimie neconvențională – perspectivă lingvistică și culturală (moderator)

Nicolae Suciu, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare,
Romania, Repere semantice in onomastica picturii contemporane

Loredana Hoban, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare,
Romania, Nume de partide politice românești

Patricia Achim, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare,
Romania, Nume de formații muzicale în spațiul românesc și în cel anglo-saxon

Roxana Pașca, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare,
Romania, Poreclele într-o comunitate de ţigani din Nord-Vestul României

15.00 – 17.00 Antroponimie, Toponimie, Numele în societate (engleză) / Anthroponomastics,
Toponomastics, Names in society (English) / Anthroponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (anglais)

Irina Kryukova, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University, Russia, Semantic modifications of
global onyms in Russian lingvoculture (chairperson of the session)

Katharina Leibring, Institute for language and folklore, Uppsala, Sweden, Estelle - reactions to a
royal name-giving in Sweden (chairperson of the session)

Riemer Reinsma, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Comparing self-attributed carnival place nicknames
with nicknames attributed by neighboring towns: do they refer to the same spatial unit?

Claudia Pisoschi, Universitatea din Craiova, Romania, On the Current Perception of Proper Names

Veronika ŠTĚPÁNOVÁ, Institute of the Czech Language, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague,
Czech Republic, Some Remarks on the Pronunciation of Foreign Proper Names in Czech

17.30 – 19.30 Antroponimie, Numele în societate (engleză) / Anthroponomastics, Names in society
(English) / Anthroponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (anglais)

Leo Loveday, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan (chairperson of the session)

Sergey Goryaev, Ural State Medicine Academy, Ural Federal University, Russia, Anthroponyms
in commercial name models (chairperson of the session)

Claudia Posch, University of Innsbruck, Austria, Projekt „Gib dem Kind einen Namen!
Vornamengebung in einer globalisierten Welt - das Innsbrucker Sprachtelefon“ – ein Werkstattbericht

Patryk Borowiak, Stoyno Spasov, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland & Paisii
Hilendarski University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Historical and legal aspects of the names and surnames in
Poland and Bulgaria

Eija-Helena Kettunen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland, The Given Names and the Naming
of the Orthodox Christians in North Karelia before 1950s

Ephraim Nissan, Goldsmiths College, London & University of Manchester, United Kingdom,
Iterative personal names other than in Italian: A brief sample prosopography, organised per language

Ephraim Nissan, Goldsmiths College, London & University of Manchester, United Kingdom,
Persistence of iterative personal names in Italian: Medieval to early modern vs. the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries

17.30 – 19.30 Numele în societate (franceză) / Names in society (French) / Le Nom dans la société

Pierre Darlu, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Museum national d’histoire naturelle,
France (modérateur)

Jean-Louis Vaxelaire, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), France

Mihaela Munteanu Siserman, Université Technique Cluj-Napoca, Centre Universitaire Nord Baia
Mare, Roumanie, Noms de vins roumains

Marcienne Martin, Université de La Réunion, France, La vocation plurielle du pseudonyme sur

Elvira Oroian, Université des Sciences Agricoles et Médecine Vétérinaire, Cluj, Roumanie, De la
dénomination des fleurs aux anthroponymes roumains

Georgeta Rus, Université Technique Cluj-Napoca, Centre Universitaire Nord Baia Mare,
Roumanie, Questions sur la traduction anthroponymique. Étude de cas : l’espace public franco-roumain.

17.30 – 19.30 Toponomastică, Numele în societate (engleză) / Toponomastics, Names in society
(English) / Toponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (anglais)

Mats Wahlberg, Institute for Language and Folklore, Uppsala, Sweden (chairperson of the session)

Marie Antoinette Rieger, Università di Bologna, Italy, Naming patterns in Tanzanian
Accommodation Names (chairperson of the session)

Ndlovu Sambulo, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe, Transphonologised Zimbabwean

Francia Medina, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Shirian traditional knowledge and
toponyms associated to the Paragua River

Mirko Casagranda, University of Naples L'Orientale, Italia, From Empire Avenue to Bulwara
Road: (Post)colonial Naming Practices in the Toronto and Sydney Street Indexes
Akua Agyeiwaa Manieson, Central University College, Accra-Ghana, Farm Names in Adomfe

17.30 – 19.30 Numele în societate, Toponimie urbană (română) / Names in society, Urban
Toponomastics, (Romanian) / Le Nom dans la société, Toponomastique (roumain)

Adriana Stoichitoiu Ichim, Universitatea din București, Facultatea de Litere (moderator)

Oliviu Felecan, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare,
România, Hodonimie românească – între autohtonism și cosmopolitism (moderator)

Lazăr Avram, Gheorghe Calcan, Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiești, România, Industria
petrolieră şi reprezentanţii acesteia în spaţiul public ploieştean: numele şi numirea, instituţii şi străzi

Magdalena Kiss, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Eötvös Loránd, Budapesta, Ungaria, Analiza funcţionalsemantică
a hidronimelor române din bazinul Crişurilor

Gheorghe Calcan, Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploiești, România, Nume de străzi ale localităților
din Comuna Săgeata, județul Buzău

Rodika Ursulesku-Miličić, Facultatea de Filosofie, Universitatea din Novi Sad, Serbia, Nume de
firme la Novi Sad - rezultat al fenomenelor sociale urbane

VINERI, 10 MAI / FRIDAY, 10 MAY 2013 / VENDREDI, 10 MAI 2013

8.45– 10.45 Conferinţe în plen / Plenary lectures / Conférences plénières

Shawn M. Clankie, Otaru University of Commerce, Center for Language Studies, Japan, An
Overview of Genericization in Brand Names

Ioana Vintilă-Rădulescu, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” al Academiei
Române, Bucureşti, Nume de locuitori. Substantive referitoare la numele statelor lumii

Staffan Nyström , Uppsala University, Sweden, Metaphorical and metonymical place-names in

Enzo Caffarelli, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, “Rivista Italiana di Onomastica” (RIOn), Italia, Il
(gustoso) repertorio delle denominazioni delle pizze in Italia

Michel Rateau, Président / Chairman CEEHGFAA, Société Française d'Onomastique, France, De la
notion de grammaire dans l'acte de dénomination : le cas des Sud-Africains donnant des noms d'origine
française à des lieux commerciaux

Lucrări pe secţiuni / Paper presentations / Communications par sections

11.15 – 13.15 Antroponimie, Numele în societate (română) / Anthroponomastics, Names in society
(Romanian) / Anthroponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (roumain)

Vladimir Zagaevschi, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Chisinau, RM, Nume de familie românesti
basarabene, deformate de functionari alolingvi in context diglosic (moderator)

Iulia Mărgărit Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” din Bucureşti, Perspectivă
dialectologică asupra unui dicţionar onomastic (moderator)

Elena-Camelia Zăbavă, Universitatea din Craiova, Universul înrudirii reflectat în antroponimie
Viorica Răileanu, Institutul de Filologie al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei, Republica Moldova,
Antroponime devenite nume generice

Adelina Emilia Mihali, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare,
România, Relația limbaj-gândire în numele festivalurilor din România

11.15 – 13.15 Numele în societate, Antroponomastică, Toponomastică (franceză) /
Anthroponomastics, Toponomastics, Names in society (French) / Anthroponomastique, Toponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (français)

Ioana Vintilă-Rădulescu, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti” al Academiei
Române, Bucureşti (modérateur)

Pierre-Henri Billy, CNRS (Paris-I Sorbonne), France (modérateur)

Domnița Emilia Tomescu, Adriana Stoichitoiu Ichim, Université Ovidius Constanta, Université
de Bucarest, Roumanie, Noms de publications périodiques dans l’espace public roumain d’aujourd’hui

Pierre Darlu, Pascal Chareille, CNRS / MNHN & Université de Tours, France, Identification et
localisation des noms monophylétiques par comparaison de sources médiévales et actuelles : Essai

Jérémie Delorme, FNRS et Université de Liège, Belgique, Odonymisation in statu nascendi :
institutionnalisation et réinvention des désignations viaires dans une commune de montagne en 2012 (Le
Grand-Bornand, France)

Silvia-Ioana Dimănescu, Université Technique Cluj-Napoca, Centre Universitaire Nord Baia Mare,
Roumanie, Les noms de scène dans l’espace roumain et francophone - une perspective sociolinguistique

11.15 – 13.15 Numele în societate, Antroponimie (română) / Names in society, Anthroponomastics
(Romanian) / Le Nom dans la société, Anthroponomastique (roumain)

Gheorghe Chivu, Academia Română, Universitatea din Bucureşti (moderator)

Nicolae Felecan, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare,
România Sacru și profan în denumirea mănăstirilor din România (moderator)

Florina-Maria Băcilă, Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, România, Nume ale Fecioarei
Maria în volumul MINUNE ŞI TAINĂ, de Traian Dorz

Maria-Cătălina Muraru, Universitatea din Bucureşti, Epitete grecești ale Maicii Domnului.
Indici onomastici din câmpul semantic nosologic, al bolii și al vindecării

Dana Covaci Pușcaș, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Names of wooden
churches in Codru area, Maramures county

Marin Grigorean, Mihaela Grigorean, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca; Liceul
Teoretic Negresti-Oas, Satu-Mare, Ioan Scărarul și scara ca antroponim transtoponimic din perspectiva
unei abordări transdisciplinare

11.15 – 13.15 Numele în societate Antroponimie literară (engleză) / Names in society Literary
Anthroponomastics (English) / Le Nom dans la société Anthroponomastique littéraire (anglais)

Angelika Bergien, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, Germany (chairperson of the

Vincent Tao-Hsun Chang, National Chengchi University, Taiwan, Knowledge is beauty: doing
naming rhetoric in advertising discourse (chairperson of the session)

Anna Tsepkova, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Russia, Nicknames and Culture:
Analysing Antroponymic Nicknames, Reflecting Cultural Realia

Mariann Sliz, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, The role of the type of sources in historical
family name studies

Leszek Szymański, University of Zielona Góra, Poland, Chatroom nickname construction.

Alina Bughesiu, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare,
Romania, A sociolinguistic approach to names of Romanian magazines

Ephraim Nissan, Goldsmiths College, London & University of Manchester, United Kingdom,
Categories of modern occurrences of the personal name type 'Samson'

Gergana Petkova, Plovdiv University, "Paisii Hilendarski", Bulgaria, The System of Roman
Personal Names in Comparison with Bulgarian and Romanian Anthroponimical Systems

15.00 – 17.00 Numele în societate, Toponimie (engleză) / Names in society, Toponymy (English) / Le Nom dans la société, Toponymie (anglais)

Staffan Nyström, Uppsala University, Sweden (chairperson of the session)

Shawn M. Clankie, Otaru University of Commerce, Center for Language Studies, Japan
(chairperson of the session)

Tatiana Sokolova, Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy, Russia, Naming expertise of Moscow

Pavel ŠTĚPÁN, Institute of the Czech Language, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech
Republic, Towards Analogy in Toponyms

Ayar Rodriguez de Castro, Technical University of Madrid, Spain, Role of geographic names in
mental maps

David Vaculík, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, Three parts of the city Ostrava –
The past and the current state of street names

Bardh Rugova, University of Prishtina, Kosovo, Toponyms of Albania as given names among
Kosovo Albanians

15.00 – 17.00 Antroponomastică literară (română) / Literary Anthroponomastics (Romanian) /
Anthroponomastique littéraire (roumain)

Domnița Tomescu, Universitatea Ovidius Constanta, România (moderator)

Gheorghe Glodeanu, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia
Mare, România Măștile identităților în opera lui Marcel-Mihail Avramescu (Ionathan X. Uranus)

Carmen Dărăbuș, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare,
România, Masque et société – valeurs onomastiques chez Miroslav Krleža

Virginia Popović, Ivana Janjić, Universitatea din Novi Sad, Facultatea de Filosofie, Novi Sad,
Serbia, O posibilă investigaţie fabuloasă în lumea numelor de păpuşi

Monica Adriana Ionescu, Colegiul National "Gheorghe Lazar" din Bucuresti, Romania, Numele
in romanul sadovenian „Creanga de aur”

Otilia Chindriş, Sighetu Marmației, România, Valori simbolice ale onomasticii personajelor

15.00 – 17.00 Antroponimie, Toponimie, Numele în societate (germană) /
Anthroponomastics, Toponomastics, Names in society (German) / Anthroponomastique,
Toponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (allemand)

Sigrid Haldenwang, Institutul de cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu, România, Zu Taufnamen, die
auch Heiligennamen sind, als Datumsbestimmung, in Bauernregeln und Redewendungen (chairperson of
the session)

Petar Rokai, Fakultät der Philosophie, Novi Sad, Serbien, Dazien/ Dakien als Name für Ungarn
in den byzantinischen Quellen (chairperson of the session)

Daniela-Elena Vladu, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Sprechende Namen in
deutschen und rumanischen Kindergeschichten

Yanev Boryan, Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski", Bulgaria, Modenamen und „neue“
Rufnamen in Bulgarien /Beobachtungen zu der gegenwärtigen Namenwahl in den Großstädten – Sofia,
Plovdiv und Varna/

Ruff Csilla, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare,
România, Zipser Familiennamen im Spiegel der Geschichte / Zipser Family Names in the Mirror of

15.00 – 17.00 Antroponimie, Numele în societate (engleză) / Anthroponomastics, Names in society
(English) / Anthroponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (anglais)

Gerhard Rampl, University of Innsbruck, Austria, GIS supported field name research in the
Wipptal-area (Tyrol, Austria) (chairperson of the session)

Ligia Tomoiaga, TUCN, North University Centre Baia Mare, Romania, When "Lost" Names
Mean Lost Identities: David Dabydeen's Challenge of The European Sense of Guilt (chairperson of the

Tamás N. Farkas, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, Surnames Developed from
Ethnonyms in the Hungarian Language

Mangena Tendai & Sambulo Ndlovu, Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe, Decolonization
– Oriented Naming of Selected ‘Satellite’ Schools in Masvingo Region of Zimbabwe

Silvia Corino Rovano, University of Turin, Italy, I nomi delle scuole tra tradizione e modernità

17.30 – 19.30 Numele în societate (română) / Names in society (Romanian) / Le Nom dans la
société (roumain)

Georgeta Corniță, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare,
Stilistica numelui și a numirii. Un punct de vedere (moderator)

Mihaela Munteanu Siserman, Université Technique Cluj-Napoca, Centre Universitaire Nord
Baia Mare, Roumanie (moderator)

Delia-Anamaria Răchișan, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord
Baia Mare, România, Stilistica antroponimelor în universul ludic, în balade, în basme

Anca Minodora Hendea, Mihai Hendea, Colegiul Național "Gheorghe Șincai" Baia Mare,
Universitatea Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Numele proprii din sociolectul adolescenților

Helga-Anna Haindrich, Universitatea Eötvös Loránd, Facultatea de Litere, Ungaria, Relațiile
intre nivelul școlarizării și alegerea numelor în comuna Ciumești

Iustina Burci, Academia Română, Institutul de Cercetări Socio-Umane „C.S. Nicolăescu-
Plopşor”, Craiova, România, Nume actuale de firme, înregistrate în judeţele Olteniei

17.30 – 19.30 Toponomastică, Numele în societate (italiană, spaniolă) / Toponomastics, Names in
society (Italian, Spanish) / Toponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (italien, espagnol)

Emili Casanova, Univesité de Valencia-Academia Valenciana de la Llengua, Espagna (chairperson
of the session)

Patricia Carvalhinhos, Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brazil (chairperson of the session)

Patricia Carvalhinhos, Adriana Lima, Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brazil, Los pueblos de
Portugal y el modelo denominativo medieval

Ana Zabalza-Seguin, University of Navarre, Spain, One kingdom, two languages:
Anthroponomastics in Navarre

Elena Papa, Daniela Cacia, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italia, Erika ha gli occhi a mandorla:
l’integrazione attraverso i nomi

Patricia Carvalhinhos, Adriana Lima, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, Denominaciones en el
espacio público brasileño: algunas palabras sobre São Paulo

Edlira Troplini (Abdurahmani), Durrazzo- Albania, Teoria del deficit linguistica all'interno dello
scontro di mentalità e culture

17.30 – 19.30 Toponomastică, Numele în societate (engleză) / Toponomastics, Names in society
(English) / Toponomastique, Le Nom dans la société (anglais)

Milan Harvalík, The Institute for the Czech Language of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech
Republic, Czechia (chairperson of the session)

Michel Rateau, Chairman CEEHGFAA, Société Française d'Onomastique, France (chairperson
of the session)

János N. Fodor, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary, About geolinguistic research of
historical personal names of Carpathian Basin

Luminita Todea, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Center of Baia Mare,
Romania, Eponyms and the language of technology

Andrea Bölcskei, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Contemporary
Hungarian settlement names reflecting former ecclesiastical possession

Marit Alas, Tiina Laansalu, The Institute of the Estonian Language, Estonia, Intercultural
influences in Estonian contemporary settlement names

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The late Herb Caen, venerable San Francisco columnist and inventor of three dot journalism (do kids today even know who he is?), would often run stories about people whose names happened to be suggestive of their job or situation in life.

Like the guy who called up my Aunt Karen (back when she worked selling fixtures such as fasteners and knobs) to buy 6 gross brass knobs, whose name was Watanabe (pronounced Want-A-Knobbie).


In the paper this morning, story about the two skiers from San Francisco who were rescued two days after being reported missing, and who were found seven miles away from the ski resort, suffering from minor frostbite, using survival techniques they learned from the Discovery channel.

One of them had the last name of “Frost.”

Dun dun dun.

Good thing his name wasn’t “Frozetodeath.”

Aptronym, aponym, apronym, namephreaks

An aptronym (also: aptonym) or charactonym is a name aptly suited to its owner. Fictional examples of aptronyms include Mr. Talkative and Mr. Worldly Wiseman in John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress (1678),

Truman Burbank (true-man), the lead character in the 1998 film The Truman Show,

the principal cast of the Mr. Men (1971), and all the characters in Marc Blitzstein's 1937 play The Cradle Will Rock.

Nominative determinism

Nominative determinism (ND) is the theory that a person's name can have a significant role in determining key aspects of job, profession or even character. 

It was a commonly held notion in the ancient world.

Synonyms and/or related concepts include: aptronym, apronym, aptonym, jobonyms, 'namephreaks', onomastic determinism, 'perfect fit last names' (PFLNs), psychonymics and, classically, the notion that nomen est omen, or όνομα ορίζοντας. Tom Stoppard in his play Jumpers labelled the phenomenon cognomen syndrome.

A related term, to refer to a name peculiarly suited to its owner, is aptronym, said to have been coined by the US newspaper columnist Franklin P. Adams.
The distinction between cognitive determinacy and a mere aptronym is seen as subtle but fundamental: i.e. post hoc vs propter hoc. ND researchers are sometimes referred to as comiconomenclaturists — connoisseurs of humorous names.

Research into nominative determinism

Bennett, HJ. (1992-12-02). "A piece of my mind. Calling Dr Doctor". JAMA 268 (21): 3060. doi:10.1001/jama.268.21.3060. PMID 1306061.

Balestra, DJ. (1993-04-07). "Dr Doctor calls back". JAMA 269 (13): 1637. doi:10.1001/jama.269.13.1637c. PMID 8455293.

Hug, Hr. (1993-04-07). "Dr Doctor calls back". JAMA 269 (13): 1637. doi:10.1001/jama.269.13.1637b. PMID 8455294.

Casler, L. (1975). "Put the Blame on Name". Psychol Rep 36 (2): 467–472. doi:10.2466/pr0.1975.36.2.467.

Christenfeld, N; Phillips DP, Glynn LM (September 1999). "What's in a name: Mortality and the power of symbols". J Psychsom Res 47 (3): 241–254. doi:10.1016/S0022-3999(99)00035-5. PMID 10576473.

Cole, C (2001-02-09). "Is work calling your name?". George Street Journal 25.

Dickson, P. (1996). What's in a name?. Springfield MA.: Merriam-Webster. ISBN 0-87779-613-0.

Joubert, CE. (1985). "Factors Related To Individuals Attitudes Toward Their Names". Psychol Rep 57 (3): 983–986. doi:10.2466/pr0.1985.57.3.983.

Luscri, G; Mohr PB (June 1998). "Surname effects in judgments of mock jurors". Psychol Rep 82 (3): 1023–1026. doi:10.2466/PR0.82.3.1023-1026.

Michalos, Christina (2009-04-02). "In the Name of the Law". Counsel Magazine - the Journal of the Bar Council: 16–18.

Murphy, WF (1957). "A Note on the Significance of Names". The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 26: 91–106.

Nuessel, F (1994). The Study of Names. Greenwood Press. ISBN 0-313-28356-7.

Slovenko, R (1983). "The Destiny Of A Name". Journal of Psychiatry and Law 11 (2): 227–270.

Slovenko, R (April 1980). "On naming". Am J Psychother 34 (2): 208–219. PMID 7386692.

Strumpfer, DJW (1978). "Relationship Between Attitudes Toward Ones Names And Self-Esteem". Psychol Rep 43 (3): 699–702. doi:10.2466/pr0.1978.43.3.699.

Pelham, B; Mirenberg, Matthew C.; Jones, John T. (2002). "Why Susie sells seashells by the seashore: Implicit egotism and major life decisions". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 82 (4): 469–487. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.82.4.469. PMID 11999918.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

3000 visits

Our blog has had 3000 visits!

Thank you to everyone who has visited our blog.  I have really appreciated you coming and having a look at what we have been doing with onomastics.

Onomasticously yours!!!

Postgraduate Workshop, Glasgow, 4–5 April 2013

An International Workshop for Postgraduate Students of Onomastics will be held at the University of Glasgow from 4–5 April 2013,

prior to the annual Weekend Conference of the Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland (SNSBI).

The schedule is as follows:

Thursday 4 April

13.00: Registration and refreshments

14.00-16.30: Visit to Special Collections and Maps Department, Glasgow University Library

16.30-18.00: Networking and discussion of own research

19:00: Dinner

Friday 5 April

8.30: Meet for place-name walk

12.30-14.00: Pub lunch

15.00-17.00: Session on data collection and organization led by editors of Scottish Language Dictionaries

17.00-18.00: Wine reception

18.00: Join delegates arriving for SNSBI conference

18.30: Dinner

20.00-21.00: Presentations by workshop participants at SNSBI conference

The workshop is free to postgraduate students, including meals and overnight accommodation on Thursday 4 April. However, participants will be expected to pay their own travel expenses, as well as the standard fee for the following SNSBI conference if they decide to stay on for it (not obligatory). For more information or to book a place, please email:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Uncommon first names: ‘Europa’

As the launch of a new online database exploring the origins of strange surnames is announced in the UK, we think of the Scarletts, Nikes and Solidarities in this EU world

War of words over English name for Holyhead estate

A WAR of words has erupted in Holyhead, after using an English name for a new housing estate was rejected by Anglesey County Council.
The right of naming new housing estates has been handed over from the local authority to community councils, but they are only supposed to use “Welsh” names.
At last Monday night’s meeting Holyhead Town councillors were forced to re-visit the naming of the 12 house estate in Llaingoch that has been built by DU Construction.

Find out what happened next here:  War of words over English name for Holyhead estate

Friday, February 22, 2013

Popular place names in Börde, Harz and Holzland

The centuries-old custom to give distinctive names to the neighboring villages is almost forgotten. The bitter  folk humor of the past quickly "encapsulates" peculiarities of the place and its inhabitants. At the turn of the millennium, there are only a few of them in Börde and Harz that can provide that information.

The abandonment of this tradition of regional culture and language is so persistent that the source of oral tradition dries slowly up. To record testimonies of regional dialect from Börde, Harz and the fore-Harz area for future generations, Thomas Kruse collated names, stories and sayings in their original form.

With its lexicographically oriented exposition he also makes an important contribution to the research of local names in the Saxony-Anhalt.

translated by me from 

You can purchase it here:;article_id,1391

Goodbye Mr Chips as study highlights surnames facing 'extinction'

The title of the book and film “Goodbye Mr Chips” could prove to be prophetic after genealogists singled it out as a surname on the brink of “extinction”.

Hatman, Rummage, and Harred are among other names now used by only a few people in Britain, according to a study by the family history website

But even some seemingly high profile names are in danger of “dying out” in the UK, it claims.
The Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg’s surname is among those which were once among the most common in Britain but now increasingly rare.

As many as 200,000 surnames found in the 1901 census could not be detected in a survey of names a century later.

Among those which had apparently disappeared in the intervening century were Jarsdel, Nithercott, Raynott and Woodbead.

Keep reading under

Naming patients or healthy onomastics

At work recently I felt like a broken record. “What’s their name?” I said again and again with increasing frustration as I received calls about patients who were referred to as “bed 3,” “side room 1,” and “bed 9.”

Of course, at times it is convenient and even desirable to omit a patient’s name in a conversation. It was suggested on Twitter that it may be better to overhear what ‘bed 9′ needs rather than ‘John Doe is ready for his haemorrhoidectomy,’ and in this case I agree! My worry is that in most cases there is no explicit intent to maintain confidentiality. Instead the convenience of referring to people by their bed number slips into routine communication. I have certainly been guilty of this myself. I worry that this is not merely disrespectful, but that it contributes to the dehumanising experience of being a patient, and negatively impacts on the doctor-patient relationship.

Go on under:
Posted on January 29, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sephardic onomastics

Surnames hold many secrets - watch as they are decoded .Learn how surnames hold codes to Jewish heritage and watch people revealing their Sephardic roots in this documentary.

Naming Nemo: How the Storm Got Its Name

Back in October 2012, everybody was poohooing The Weather Channel’s (TWC) plan to start giving names to significant winter storms. Now it looks like a large number of reports on the storm, dubbed Nemo by TWC, have adopted the name (not all, by any means, but lots, including Discovery News).

What happened? I’ll say it in three words: search engine optimization. Despite very reasonable arguments against the naming of winter storms by many meteorologists, we are seeing them adopted anyway.

Keep reading here: 

Onomastics goes business. Role and relevance of brand, company and other names in economic contexts

A new collection has been edited by

Holger Wochele, Julia Kuhn, Martin Stegu (Hrsg.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-3153-9
297 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Preis: 42.00 EUR

Stichworte/keywords: Angewandte Linguistik, Namenkunde, Marketing, Wirtschaft, Sprachwissenschaft

reposted from

In the last few decades, onomastics has widened its research focus, from a largely theoretical and often historical approach to a more synchronic and 'applied' orientation. This re-orientation has also brought about a growing interest in name types, such as brand, product and company names, which play an important role in business and the economy.

Not only in the special sections on conferences of the International Council of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS), but also elsewhere a certain tradition has been established organising independent symposia devoted to names in business and the economy. In October 2005 took place the workshop ''Wirtschaft, Kommunikation und Sprache'' (''Economy, Communication, and Language'') held during the Austrian Linguistics Conference in Graz. The series of symposia ''Names in the Economy'' started officially at Antwerp in 2006. The second symposium was organised in Vienna in 2007, a third symposium was held in Amsterdam in June 2009 and a fourth in June 2012, in Turku/Finland.

The present volume contains most of the papers given at the international symposium on Names in the Economy, held at the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien from 15 to 16 June 2007. Most of these correspond to presentations given there, but some develop ideas that emerged in discussion at the conference. As regards editorial policy, it was our conscious decision not to follow the general tendency to use English as the sole academic language, but rather to publish in a variety of different languages. The contributors to this volume come from different academic and non-academic backgrounds and are at different stages of their careers.

The book is divided into four sections: after various general studies (1) come contributions on the genesis and structure of brand names (2) and on diachronic aspects of brand names (3). The volume concludes with a number of case studies (4).

Monday, February 18, 2013

Le nom propre - Fonctions logiques et inconscientes

A new book on proper names has appeared recently:

PUF COLLECTION : philosophie d'aujourd'hui 
ISBN : 978-2-13-061730-3 
EAN : 9782130617303 
321 p.

Proper name, a major linguistic mistery has acquired the status of a philosophical problem since the time of Bertrand Russell. Nothing more alive than a proper name, despite its look of "rigid indicator" (Kripke). That's all what certifies its history of three subsets (byname, forename and surname), be it patrilineal or matrilineal. The proper name draws its symbolic function and this book makes a contribution to the "logics of names" with the resources of psychoanalysis.

The "unconscious life" of the proper name appears in various functions (identifying, erotic, etc.) and impose itself as a condition of consciousness, as an indicator of the speech. Its role concerns finally the psychopathology, whether an ordinary amnesia of the name or its foreclosure in the psychoses. Thus we see how the major languistic stake for the contemporary "analytic philosophy" is showing up.  And beyond, it also concerns the issues related to writing, what this book investigates as well.

Gérard Pommier is a psychoanalyst in Paris, a psychiatrist and professor emeritus, a member of "Analytic Space". He currently teaches at Paris VII. He is the author of "Birth and Rebirth of writing" (PUF, 1993) and "What does it mean "make" love"? (Flammarion, 2010).

His interview can be found here:

Saturday, February 16, 2013

French Onomastician Sarah Leroy crossed a Great Divide (((

I deeply regret to announce that a famous  and young French onomatologist Sarah Leroy has been found dead at her Paris home more than one week ago. The police could not give any details yet...

That most distressing news can be already read on the website of Praxiling at the University Montpellier 3 where she had studied:

Sarah has been a student there, she has successfully defended her PhD thesis " Entre identification et catégorisation, l'antonomase du nom propre en français" (2001)

in that lab under the direction of Prof. Paul Siblot, who was working among others on the socionomastics:

Dr. Sarah Leroy forged her linguistic thought in the school of Montpellier. I do honour to Madam Leroy and I am proud for having known her personally for a couple of years during my doctoral research at Paris X. She was very kind to me and gave me to read her PhD thesis and this work on modified proper names:

I am in mourning and extend my sincere condolences to the family and relatives. Toutes mes condoléances

As a commemoration I would like to evoke her exciting manuscript, which I keep and use like a reference work till now:

Her personal page in the lab MoDyCo where I am a member "jeune chercheur associé":

She researched on:

- discursive phenomena of categorization (operations of linguistic (re)categorization, of identity attribution in the intersubjective negociation carried out by proper nouns, comparisons and reformulations);
- delimitation and construction of categories (category of proper names envisaged purely as a linguistic subject or category of deonomastic forms);
- categorial shifts and contacts within the lexicon (derrivatives, loanwords) and other languages.

One video can be found under:
It's "Un exemple d’annotation sur corpus oral transcrit : PFC".

Another can be seen here: It's about "Parangon et identité: les constructions comparatives".

I would like to enumerate some of her works on onomastics:

"Des patrons morpho-syntaxiques pour le repérage automatique de l'antonomase du nom propre" //
Morin A. & Sébillot P. (éd.), JADT 2002 - 6es Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles, Saint-Malo. - Morin A. & Sébillot P. (éd.), JADT 2002 - 6es Journées internationales d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles, Saint-Malo., France (2002)

"L'emploi exemplaire, un premier pas vers la métaphorisation ?" // Langue Française, 146 (2005) pp. 84-98.

"Une date dans la description linguistique du nom propre : l'Essai de grammaire de la langue française de Damourette et Pichon" ( with Muni Toke V.) // Lalies, 27 (2007) pp. 115-190.

"Des Vanessa, des José Bové : dénominations éphémères et dynamique de la lexicalisation" // Revue Romane, 42-1 (2007) pp. 65-82.

Thank you, Sarah! Sleep tight...