
Friday, February 22, 2013

Goodbye Mr Chips as study highlights surnames facing 'extinction'

The title of the book and film “Goodbye Mr Chips” could prove to be prophetic after genealogists singled it out as a surname on the brink of “extinction”.

Hatman, Rummage, and Harred are among other names now used by only a few people in Britain, according to a study by the family history website

But even some seemingly high profile names are in danger of “dying out” in the UK, it claims.
The Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg’s surname is among those which were once among the most common in Britain but now increasingly rare.

As many as 200,000 surnames found in the 1901 census could not be detected in a survey of names a century later.

Among those which had apparently disappeared in the intervening century were Jarsdel, Nithercott, Raynott and Woodbead.

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