
Friday, August 31, 2018

ICOS Summer School "Methods of Onomastics" in Helsinki 2019

Dear onomastic students and their supervisors,
We are delighted to announce that the first ever ICOS Summer School "Methods of Onomastics" will be held in Helsinki, Finland in from 26th to 30th August 2019. Summer School is a wonderful opportunity for young onomastic scholars to expand their academic knowledge and to network with their colleagues.

Applications for Summer School have now opened: Send your application by December 14th 2018 at the latest.
For more details, see the information letter (attachment).
Please share this invitation with your students, colleagues and anyone who might be interested.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Lasse Hämäläinen
Postgraduate representative in the ICOS Board of Directors

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Création d’un comité de toponymie dans la ville de Laval


​​Désignation des rues et lieux publics désormais encadrée à Laval

La Ville de Laval a adopté une Politique de dénomination toponymique en avril 2018 afin d’encadrer formellement la façon dont elle nomme ses rues, ses édifices, ses parcs et espaces verts, ses équipements sportifs ou culturels et tout autre lieu ou espace public.

Afin de mettre en œuvre cette politique, un comité de toponymie sera ​mis en place cet automne. Celui-ci sera chargé d’analyser les demandes de dénomination toponymique et de faire des recommandations au comité exécutif sur la base des critères énoncés dans la politique.​

Un comité de toponymie, formé de citoyens lavallois et d’un élu, sera créé pour mettre en oeuvre la Politique de dénomination toponymique.

​Sur la base des critères d’analyse et de choix énoncés dans cette politique, le comité a pour mandat :

  • ​d’analyser toute demande de dénomination toponymique 
  • de faire des recommandations à l’administration lavalloise
  • de répondre à toute question relative à la toponymie qui lui est soumise

Ономастикалық жаңғыру – рухани жаңғыру кепілі


Ахмет Байтұрсынов атындағы Қостанай мемлекеттік университетінде "Ономастикалық жаңғыру – рухани жаңғыру кепілі" атты республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференция өтуде. Оған Қостанай, Астана, Алматы, Павлодар қалаларының тарихшы, филолог ғалымдары мен мамандары қатысып жатыр. Ономастика саласындағы ғылыми-пратикалық мәселелер жөнінде баяндамалар жасалып, пікір-ойлар ортаға салынды.

Шараның басты мақсаты – тарихи топонимдер, өлкенің танымал тұлғалары туралы мәліметтерді жинақтау, жүйелеу және бірізділендіру, елді мекендер мен олардың құрамдас бөліктерін ономастикалық жаңғырту бойынша ұсыныстар әзірлеу.

"Рухани жаңғыру" бағдарламасын жүзеге асырудағы өзекті мәселе – бұрмаланған, ұмыт қалған қазақы атауларды қалпына келтіру, сол арқылы қоғамдық сананы жаңғырту. Латын қарпіне көшуге бел буған ұлт ең әуелі осы ономастиканы ретке келтіріп алуы керек. Ономастика кирилл қарпімен жасалғандықтан, бірізділіктің болмауы – әуелден өзекті проблема. Қазақы атаулардың үндік өзгеріске ұшырауынан көп қателік кездеседі. Бұл дамыған елдердегідей бізде ономастикалық заңды нұсқаулықтардың әлі қалыптаспағанын көрсетеді. Мұны топоним, антропоним, прагматоним түйткілдерін тарқатқан астаналық маман, филология ғылымдарының кандидаты Жазира Ағабекова айтты. Ал ҚМУ профессоры Қалқаман Жақып өз баяндамасында ономастиканың жер мен ел тұтастығының кепілі екенін тілге тиек етті.

"Жер-судың байырғы атауларын қайтаруды жалпыхалықтық мүддеге айналдыру қажет. Сондай-ақ, оны орысшадан қазақшаға емес, мемлекеттік тілге аудару деп түсінетін кез келді. Бұған этностық, саяси тұрғыда емес, азаматтық позициямен араласу керек. Қалай болғанда да, ең бірінші салмақ, жауапкершілік – топтастырушы қазақ ұлтында, сондықтан бұған мақсатты түрде кірісуіміз шарт", — деді ол. Конференция сайын бұрқырап айтылып жататын ұсыныстың ешқайсысы жоғарғы жаққа жетіп, қарауға алынып, шешімін таба бермейтінін де сынға ала өтті ол. 

"Бұл үшін конференция, дөңгелек үстел форматы түсіндіру-насихаттау форматына ауысуы керек. Сонда ғана қоғамдық пікір қалыптасады" , — деді Ш.Уәлиханов атындағы тарих және этнология институтының директоры, профессор, тарих ғылымдарының докторы Зерек Қабылдинов. Мәртебелі мейман баяндамасында қазақ жеріндегі атауларды славяндық ныспылардың қалай ығыстырғанына тоқталды. Патшалық, отаршылдық саясаттың "сарқынынан", ұлттың басына түскен трагедиялардың табынан батыл түрде арылатын уақыттың жеткенін ол да қадап айтты.

"Мәселен, Мәскеуден Напалеон көшесін, ал Парижден Кутузов көшесін кездестіруіміз мүмкін бе? Бұл деген нағыз нонсенс (ақылға сыйымсыз. — автор) болар еді ғой. Ал мен бізге не тарихи, не басқа жағынан мүлдем қатысы жоқ Суворов, Кутузов сынды көшелерді елімізде ұшырастырғанда жағамды ұстап таң қалғам. Кім қойды? Қашан, не үшін қойды? Міне, барып тұрған нонсенс. Осындай бейсауат атаулар кейбір өңірде әлі бар. Сондықтан да, ономастика мәселелерін шешу рухани жаңғырудың алғышарттарының біріне айналса артық емес", — деді З.Қабылдинов. — Сіздерге айтарым, нақты келісіп-пішілген ұсыныстарыңызбен республикалық ономастикалық комиссияға жүгініңіздер. Үлкен өзгерістерді қажет ететін ұсыныстар жерде қалмауы керек деп ойлаймын. Өздеріңіз білесіздер, тарихи, рухани сипатына байланысты, Түркістан облысы пайда болды. Қандай жарасымды! Тарихшы ретіндегі көзқарасым бойынша, Қостанай қала болып қала берсін, бірақ облыс атауы "Торғай" болып өзгеруі керек сияқты!"

Республикалық мамандар ономастикалық жаңғыру тұрғысында ілгерілеушілік байқалғанымен, Қостанай облысының әлі де кенжелеп тұрғанын жасырмады.  Мұнан кейін жергілікті ғалымдар Қостанай өңірінің топономикасына талдау жүргізіп, оны тану – ата-бабамыздың ділі мен дүниетанымын тану екенін ұғындырды. Сонымен қатар, конференция барысында Ахаңның 145 жылдығына орай Ақкөл ауылына ұлт көсемінің есімі берілгені, Бейімбет Майлиннің 125 жылдығына орай Таран ауданына атын беру, Жеңіс күні қарсаңында Қостанай қаласындағы көшелердің бірін ҰОС ардагері Естай Ещановтың есімімен атау ұсыныстары қаралып жатқаны жария етілді. Материалды толығырақ газеттің алдағы нөмірінен оқи аласыздар.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

UNGEGN Scientific Symposium (October 2018, Brussels)


Concept Note 

The approach to geographical names standardization varies from one country to another in terms of organization, principles, policies and procedures. According to the Manual for the National Standardization of Geographical Names (UNGEGN 2006), no method is better than another, provided each achieves the goal of establishing consistently written names that are nationally accepted and agree with the local and written usages. Where the standardization of geographical names used to be a top-down activity, an increasing number of political, social, economic and commercial actors seek power and influence in the standardization process. In a world where the concept of ‘one language, one people, one state’ is no longer valid, it is not always obvious which name forms are ‘nationally accepted’ and ‘agree with the local and written usages’. Changes in standardization processes present serious challenges which need to be addressed, regarding the use of geographical names within national, regional and global geospatial information frameworks.

This symposium seeks to share knowledge, experiences and thoughts on the role and importance of expert knowledge in all steps towards a standardized name, including the establishment of a national framework for standardization, the selection of name varieties for a given geographical feature, the determination of a written form, and the implementation, promotion and evaluation of authorized name forms to their implementation and integration in geospatial information management systems.

Acknowledging that the study of geographical names inevitably touches upon the fields of both onomastics and geography, and may include elements of social and other sciences, the theme of the symposium invites participants to critically explore and broaden the understanding of expert knowledge in the context of geographical names standardization. An important aim of the symposium is to enlighten conflicting views and interests in the standardization process today and to discuss how these can be managed and balanced. Presentations scrutinizing the relationship between expert knowledge and local community knowledge are especially welcomed.

The theme of the symposium raises questions such as: What is considered ‘expert knowledge’ in the context of geographical names standardization? How can expert knowledge be gathered and facilitated? How are the experts identified and selected? How can expert knowledge be secured, developed and adjusted in the future?

Topics that may be discussed are:

  • Crowdsourcing and local participation in the standardization process 
  • Quality assurance and securement of toponymic data collection 
  • Access to and utilization of expert knowledge in the production of maps and atlases 
  • Experiences and reflections on the standardization of indigenous and minority group geographical names 
  • The influence of private and commercial companies on geographical name usage; how can we facilitate collaboration? 
  • Increased commodification of geographical names; the use of geographical names in different branding and promotional strategies 
  • The importance of pronunciation and vocal names registration for speech technology


To participate in this event and wish to register please contact Jasper Hogerwerf at Please note that registration closes on 5 th September 2018.

For any further enquiry, please feel free to contact one of the members of the organizing committee: - Ingvil Nordland – , Peder Gammeltoft – , Tjeerd Tichelaar –, Jean-Yves Pirlot – or Jasper Hogerwerf -

Monday, August 20, 2018

Symposium "Minority Names in Oral and Written Contexts in a Multi-Cultural World" in Norway


​Invitation to the 49th NORNA-symposium

Minority Names in Oral and Written Contexts 
in a Multi-Cultural World

24.–25.4.2019 in Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino), Norway

NORNA’s 49. symposium will be held in the middle of the North Sámi area in the town of Guovdageaidnu (Norwegian Kautokeino) in northern Norway, 24.–25. April 2019. The symposium is set to last for two working days, with a provisional starting time of 09.00 on 24.4.2019 and finishing at 16.00 on 25.4.2019. Following the symposium, on 26.4.2019, there will be an optional excursion around the host town of Kautokeino.

The symposium is being hosted in colaboration with Sámi allaskuvla | Sámi University of Applied Sciences and Sámediggi | The Sámi Parliament in Norway, and will be held in the science-building, Diehtosiida, on the premises of Sámi University of Applied Sciences and the Sámi Parliament’s language department.
​Topic of the symposium: 
The central topic of the symposium is to examine questions related to minority language names using various different approaches, as well as from a cross-disciplinary viewpoint. Presentations may deal with all types of name categories in onomastics, such as, e.g. minority language place names, personal names, administrative names, animal, business and artefact names.
The symposium has as its topic, both the oral and written contexts of minority language names, and the thematic of the presentations will therefore include all the various different aspects of minority language
  • names in oral use in all the various linguistic and cultural environments;
  • names in linguistic contact in bi- or multilingual environments;      
  • names and identity;
  • names in written and official contexts;
  • names in linguistic landscapes;
  • names in the context of legal protection and name policy.

Invitasjon til NORNA:s 49. symposium


Invitasjon til NORNA:s 49. symposium

Navn på minoritetsspråk i muntlige og skriftlige sammenhenger i en flerkulturell verden

24.–25.4.2019 i Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino), Norge

 NORNA:s 49. symposium arrangeres midt i det nordsamiske området i Guovdageaidnu (norsk Kautokeino) i Nord-Norge 24.–25. april 2019. Symposiet planlegges å vare to arbeidsdager med oppstart kl 9.00 den 24.4.2019 og avslutning kl 16.00 den 25.4.2019. Etter symposiet, den 26.4.2019, arrangeres det en frivillig ekskursjon omkring symposiestedet Kautokeino.

​NORNA-symposiet arrangeres i samarbeid med Sámi allaskuvla | Samisk høgskole og          Sámediggi | Sametinget i Norge. Symposiet holdes i vitenskapsbygget Diehtosiida i lokalene til Samisk høgskole og språkavdelingen i Sametinget.
Symposiets tema
Det sentrale temaet på symposiet er å drøfte minoritetsspråklige navn utfra forskjellige navnefaglige og tverrfaglige perspektiver. Presentasjoner kan dreie seg om forskjellige typer navnekategorier, som f.eks. minoritetsspråklige stedsnavn, personnavn, administrative navn, kommersielle navn eller navn på dyr og artefakter.
NORNA-symposiets tema handler om både muntlige og skriftlige kontekster av minoritetsspråklige navn, og derfor kan presentasjonenes tematikk dekke forskjellige aspekter som f.eks.​minoritetsspråklige
  • navn i muntlig bruk i forskjellige språklige og kulturelle miljøer;
  • navn og språkkontakter i to- og flerspråklige miljøer;
  • navn og identitet;
  • navn i skriftlige og offentlige sammenhenger;
  • navn i språklige landskaper;
  • navns rettsvern og rolle i navnepolitikken.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Webinar "My Italian Surname Study" August 21, 2018

One-Name Study

2018 Webinar Series – No 9

My Italian One-Name Study
with Michael Cassara and Julie Goucher

Benvenuto! This is the ninth webinar in the Guild’s 2018 ten-part webinar series. My Italian One-Name Study will focus on how two of our Guild members approach working on a foreign one-name study. In this case, we are traveling to Italy!
Is the surname that you want to research and make your one-name study a “foreign” one? Perhaps you don’t speak the language or you wonder how you will handle translations, foreign record offices and websites, or putting your study together for a world-wide audience. This month Michael Cassara and Julie Goucher will explain how they each do Italian surname research and work on  their Italian one-name studies.
Perhaps your surname of interest is not Italian – no worries! You can apply their tips and suggestions to your own “foreign” one-name study. So wherever your surname originated and wherever it has traveled to, there is something for everyone to learn from My Italian One-Name Study.
Let’s meet the presenters

Michael Cassara is a professional genealogist and lecturer, based in New York City, with specialties in Italian/Sicilian genealogical research and genealogical technology. He holds a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University and serves on the board of the Italian Genealogical Group.
As a speaker, he has given multiple talks at RootsTech, the world’s largest family history conference, as well as to societies nationwide. In October, 2018, he will speak at the Association of Professional Genealogists’ Professional Management Conference in Kansas City, MO, and he’ll be speaking once again at RootsTech in February, 2019.
Michael blogs about his research and genealogy topics at and can be found on social media at @DigiRoots and @MichaelCassara.

Julie Goucher has been researching her family history since the late 1980’s and has always been a history lover. A change in career path from the pharmacy industry had Julie returning to education and she undertook an Honours degree in history. Over the last decade or so Julie has focused more on the historical and genealogical aspects. Julie is half Sicilian and half English and has two one-name studies representing surnames from her parents. The Orlando study was registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies in 2002 and the Butcher study in 2016, although it had been a quiet work in progress for more than a decade.
Julie, a writer and presenter, is a Trustee for the Guild of One-Name Studies and is the Tutor for the Introduction to One-Name Studies course offered by Pharos Tutors.
Please join us on Tuesday, August 21st at 7:00 pm British Summer Time (once you register at the GoToWebinar platform, the correct time should show up in your confirmation – based on the local time shown your computer/tablet/mobile – however you have registered). A registration link is provided here My Italian One-Name Study as well as over at the right-hand side of this page (why not sign up for the two remaining webinars in this series while you are at it!). We look forward to seeing you on August 21st.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Expert on British surnames Dr George Redmonds of Lepton has died

Examiner byRobert Sutcliffe

He had a wonderful gift for languages and study says former Wakefield MP David Hinchliffe

An internationally recognised historian who specialised in the origin of surnames and place names has died aged 82.
Dr George Redmonds, of Lepton, died in Huddersfield Royal Infirmary on Friday, August 10. The funeral service will be held at St John’s Church, Lepton, on Wednesday, August 29, at 2pm.
He was born in Bradford, and taught for several years at Huddersfield New College and gave up his secure job as a senior lecturer at the former Huddersfield Polytechnic to become a freelance historian in 1974, earning a living through his local history publications.
His widow, Ann-marie, nee Burke, recalls them determining at the time that if they could earn £40 a week they would manage and she helped the family income through a pottery shop. The couple met at a jazz club in Northumberland Street in October 1962 and got married at LindleyMethodist Church, on 27 July 1963.
They went on to have three children and two grandchildren. Ann-marie said: “We know that he is well-known in the academic world, but we knew him as a wonderful husband, dad and grandad and however much he is missed by others, we will miss him more.”
George studied at Birmingham University before teaching modern languages in London, Nairobi, West Germany, (as was), and his native Yorkshire. He was awarded a PhD at Leicester University in 1970 for his research into Yorkshire surnames , and in 1973 his work was published as Volume 1 of the English Surnames Series.
David Hinchliffe, who was MP for Wakefield between 1987 and 2005, said: “Dr Redmonds’ family and place name work was based on the apparently simple proposition that the only way to find real meaning and understanding was to look at their very earliest written appearances. “His language skills enabled him to master the complexities of medieval Latin to remarkable effect, from which came significant findings on the origins of family names.
“Along with his good friend, Dr David Hey, Prof Stanley Ellis and others, George Redmonds was arguably one of the scholars who, in the late 20th century, helped validate the study of Yorkshire’s local history as a serious and important activity. “He lectured extensively to local history classes and societies and family historians, travelling to Australia, New Zealand and the USA to speak on the origins of English surnames. He enjoyed showing visitors to this country from abroad the locations from where their surnames came.
“Along with other local historians, Cyril Pearce and Jennifer Stead, he helped to produce many editions of the journal Old West Riding which ran from 1981-1995. It was seen as a vehicle for the growing number of amateur historians to publish their work.
“In 2001 he presented the BBC Radio 4 Series Surnames Genes and Genealogy.
“His many published works included Surnames and Genealogy: a New Approach (1997), Names and History (2004), Christian Names in Local and Family History (2004) and, along with Turi King and David Hey, Surnames, DNA and Family History (2011). “In 2015, Dr Redmonds produced his extensive Dictionary Of Yorkshire Surnames with thousands of entries, giving the names’ linguistic meanings, geographic origins and distribution.

“Throughout his many years researching records, often from the medieval period, he kept meticulous notes of what he found, which enabled him also to produce The Vocabulary of Coal Mining In Yorkshire, 1250-1850 in 2016 and A Vocabulary of Wood, Wood Workers and Wood Management in Yorkshire last year. His Yorkshire Historic Dictionary is also due to be published in the near future.
“Away from his research work, Dr Redmonds and his wife were staunch supporters of the Huddersfield Giants rugby league team.”

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Краткий этимологический топонимический словарь

2-е издание словаря можно приобрести в издательстве URSS: Москва, Нахимовский проспект, 56. Метро Профсоюзная. Тел. +7 (499) 724 25 45.

В словаре в доступной форме с позиций современной топонимической науки рассмотрено происхождение географических названий (топонимов). Проанализировано их употребление в памятниках письменности русского языка и других исторических источниках. Критически оценена трактовка топонимов в различных словарях и специальной литературе. Пересмотрено или уточнено происхождение ряда географических названий. Предложены этимологии для топонимов, не имевших до сих пор убедительного объяснения. Даны рекомендации, касающиеся правильного употребления топонимов в широкой речевой практике. Показана локализация топонимов на древних и современных картах. Словарь адресован как специалистам - филологам, историкам, географам, топонимистам, краеведам, так и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся происхождением географических названий, в том числе студентам и аспирантам, преподавателям школ и вузов.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Conférence : "Les noms de lieux du pays de Concarneau"

Le Télégramme

Conférence donnée par Lukian Kergoat. 

Objectif : faire découvrir quelles traces de l’histoire sont véhiculées par les noms de lieu. Des exemples spécifiques de la toponymie du territoire de la communauté de communes de Concarneau seront traités en détail. Organisée dans le cadre du Festival des Filets Bleus.


Date                le samedi 18 août à 17h30.
Tarifs               Gratuit
Organisateur  Tud Bro Konk
Adresse           quai de la Croix, pôle nautique, Espace Guy Cotten à Concarneau

© Le Télégramme

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Lecture "The relationship between Welsh and English place names in Cardiff"



Dr Dylan Foster Evans is delivering the Hedley Gibbard Memorial Lecture, organised by Cymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru - the association of Welsh translators and interpreters.
Translation, adaptation and displacement: The relationship between Welsh and English place names in Cardiff takes place in the Societies 1 tent from 13:00 to 13:45 on Thursday 9 August 2018.
“Some historical Welsh names, such as Y Mynydd Bychan (the Heath), were more or less forgotten, so much so that in the mid-20th century a new Welsh name was created for the area by translating Heath as Y Waun,” said Dr Evans.
“Later on, the original name came back into use, gradually replacing Y Waun. But it’s not to everyone’s taste.”
One recent development is Welsh names being created for places such as Grangetown that do not have historic Welsh names. The late historian Dr John Davies coined the name Trelluest, which is now gaining popularity.
“Although without official status, such names are increasingly evident online and on social media,” said Dr Foster Evans.
“And with new suburbs being built as we speak, the relationship between the two languages in place names is more important than ever.”
This year’s Eisteddfod takes place in Cardiff from 3-11 August.

Biblioteca de Onomástica Ricardo Cierbide


La Biblioteca de Onomástica Ricardo Cierbide Onomastika Biblioteka es una biblioteca especializada que tiene como gérmen el fondo bibliográfico de quien fuera uno de los socios fundadores y primer presidente de la Sociedad Vasca de Onomástica Ricardo Cierbide, aumentada con las aportaciones y el trabajo de los socios de la SOV. En tanto no adquiera una estructura más firme y la podamos abrir al gran público, tienen acceso a ella y al servicio de prestamo los miembros de la SOV y los colaboradores y protectores de la biblioteca. Una biblioteca es un tesoro que jamás acaba de colmatarse y nuestros medios económicos muy limitados. Por tanto, no hace falta decir que cualquier donación será siempre recibida con suma gratitud.

Ricardo Cierbide Onomastika Biblioteka Onomastika Elkartearen fundatzaileetakoa eta lehen elkarteburua izan zen Ricardo Cierbide zenaren liburu funtsa oinarri hartuta, eta Onomastika Elkarteko bazkideen lanaz eta ekarriez osatuta, osatzen ari den biblioteka berezitua dugu. Egitura sendoagoa izan eta publiko zabalari zabaldu bitartean, OEko kideek eta bibliotekaren laguntzaile eta babesleek dute horretara sarbidea eta mailegu-zerbitzuaz baliatzeko aukera. Biblioteka bat sekula guztiz osatzen ez den altxorra dugu eta gure diru-bitartekoak oso mugatuak. Esan gabe doa, beraz, edozein emari esker onez hartua izango dela beti.

Friday, August 3, 2018

The 2018 Medium Ævum Day Conference: Names and Identity in the Medieval World


Saturday, October 27, 2018 (All day)
University of Glasgow

Provisional Programme

9:15am to 9:45am                 Registration and Tea/Coffee
9:45am to 10:00am               Welcome
10:00am to 12:15pm             Morning Papers

10:00am to 10:45am         John Hines        Cardiff University

Two names in context: what we can do with two short runic inscriptions of the mid-ninth century

10:45am to 11:30am        Kelly Kilpatrick    University of Wales

Place, water and identity in medieval Wales

11:30am to 12:15pm      Dauvit Broun         University of Glasgow

A scribal perspective on names and identity in Scotland c.1125–c.1225

12:15pm to 1:45pm           Lunch and visit to Hunterian Museum Exhibition
1:45pm to 3:15pm              Afternoon Papers

1:45pm to 2:30pm           John Baker           University of Nottingham

Names and identities on the Anglo-Welsh border

2:30pm to 3:15pm         Carole Hough         University of Glasgow

Place-names, languages and identity on the Anglo-Scottish border

3:15pm to 3:45pm           Tea / Coffee
3:45pm to 4:45pm           Round Table: Names and identity in the medieval world
4:45pm to 5:00pm             Summing Up and Close