
Monday, May 6, 2019

Interested in Frisian onomastics? Submit your paper!


Frisian Linguistics: call for papers

The Linguistics Circle of the Frisian Academy (Fryske Akademy) organizes its annual meeting in October this year. The tenth Conference on Frisian Linguistics will be of interest to anyone who actively or passively participates in Frisian linguistics: grammar, phonetics/phonology, onomastics, lexicology, sociolinguistics, historical linguistics. Papers may focus on the results of scientific research, but presentations of research plans, of speculations or of language corpora are also welcome. They may be presented in any of the West-Germanic languages.
When:   Friday 25 October 2019
Where:           Fryske Akademy, room Sânwâlden
The time allotted for a paper is 30 minutes (20 minutes talk, 10 minutes discussion). 
We invite everyone to participate. Please send an abstract – as soon as possible, but not later than August 1 – of half A4, with name and address, to Eric Hoekstra (secretary of the Linguistics Circle),  e-mail:
Or by regular mail to:
Fryske Akademy,
Eric Hoekstra, Taalkundich Wurkferbân,
Postbus 54,
8900 AB  Ljouwert/Leeuwarden,
The Netherlands.

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