
Monday, February 7, 2022



As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to prevent face-to-face scientific meetings, ICOS wants to support sharing onomastic ideas by introducing a new initiative: Onomastics Online. Onomastics Online is a series of lectures dealing with important timely topics related to names and naming. Given by distinguished scholars from various academic backgrounds, the lectures demonstrate the importance and the multidisciplinary nature of onomastic research. For more information, see the ICOS website

The series start with four lectures during spring 2022, first of them given by Derek Alderman on 15 February, 3:00 PM (UTC). You can follow the lectures in real time via Zoom or watch their recordings afterwards on the recently founded ICOS YouTube channel. The schedule and the Zoom links can be found at the bottom of this message. The lecture abstracts can be found in the attached file. 


The aim of the series is also to improve the visibility of ICOS and onomastic research, so please share this information to colleagues and friends who might be interested. If you have any questions or want to suggest improvements to this concept, you may contact ICOS President Katalin Reszegi ( In questions related to Zoom events and YouTube, please contact Lasse Hämäläinen (, the chair of the ICOS PR Group. 

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