
Thursday, July 28, 2022

Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics Nr. 2

NoSo 2·2022

Nordisk tidskrift för socioonomastik / Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics

Emilia Aldrin (red.), Linnea Gustafsson (red.), Lennart Ryman (red.)

Price from SEK 220

Nordisk tidskrift för socioonomastik / Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics (NoSo) is a platform for research that explores the role of names in societies and in social interaction. The journal has a broad approach, including historical as well as contemporary data, different methods, and both theoretical and practical research questions. The focus is Nordic in the sense that the research presented should be of interest from a Nordic point of view.


Terhi Ainiala, Paula Sjöblom & Ulla Hakala: Kommunens namn i kommunsloganer: perspektiv från lingvistik och marknadsföring / Municipalities’ names in municipal slogans: Linguistic and marketing perspectives

Daniel Duncan: Chronotopes and commodification on the Streets of St. Charles

Linnea Gustafsson: Social aspects of introducing the multiple forename system in Skellefteå, Sweden: 1720–1890

Sofia Kotilainen: Using the concept of onomastic literacy as an analytical tool: A methodological examination of the names of European royal families

Helle Lykke Nielsen, Maria Löfdahl, Tove Rosendal, Johan Järlehed & Tommaso Milani: Moskéer i Göteborg: Självpositionering i det urbana rummet / Mosques in Gothenburg: Self positioning in the urban space

Lennart Ryman: Gamla örtug – ett binamn i det senmedeltida Stockholm? / Gamla örtug – a byname in late medieval Stockholm?

Soft cover
136 pages

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Online symposium "People’s Names: Identities and Inequalities"


People’s Names: Identities and Inequalities


On behalf of the People’s Names Research Network, Associate Professor of Sociology Dr Jane Pilcher of Nottingham Trent University is pleased to present this free online globally available symposium on names, identities and inequalities.


From: Wednesday 14th September 2022, 1.30 pm (GMT)

To: Wednesday 14th September 2022, 5pm (GMT).

Where: online, with booking via Eventbrite


Event details

Personal names are core components of identities – and therefore are also inherently linked to issues of equality and social justice. This free online symposium features a range of international social scientists at different stages of their careers. Their work showcases the opportunities the study of names presents for our understanding of people’s identities and experiences, and how the social science of personal names can help promote social and democratic inclusion and transformation at global, national and local levels.  Contact: Dr.Jane Pilcher, Associate Professor of Sociology (


Keynote speaker - Dr Karen Pennesi, Western University, Canada: (Don't) Say Their Names: Indexing Social Injustice through (Re-)Naming


Karen Pennesi is Associate Professor of Linguistic and Sociocultural Anthropology. Karen’s research explores how language plays an integral part in the processes of constructing individual and group identities. Her current focus is on personal names, and their importance in relation to immigration, social integration and belonging. Karen is particularly interested in the experiences of people whose names do not fit into the legal, institutional and conventional frameworks for the structure, spelling and pronunciation of names in Canada. Her research aims to promote understanding and respect for everyone in linguistically and culturally diverse societies. 


Booking information




13.30 – 13.35 


Jane Pilcher, Nottingham Trent University, UK 

The People’s Names Research Network

13.35 – 13.55 

Paper 1

Emilia Aldrin, Halmstad University, Sweden



Naming Diversity: Textbook name choice as a mirror of evolving cultural & gender constructions in Sweden from the 1920's to the 2010's

13.55 – 14.15 

Paper 2

Julia Sinclair-Palm & Westley Partington, Carleton University, Canada

Finding Joy in a Name: Trans youths’ experiences of names & naming practices


14.15 – 14.35

Paper 3

Hannah Deakin-Smith*, Jane Bryan^ & Jane Pilcher* (*Nottingham Trent University & ^Warwick University, UK

The (Mis)Pronunciation of Names: experiences of university students in England & Wales

14.35 – 14.45

10 min Q & A

Chaired by TBA


14.45 - 14.50

5 mins break

5 mins break

5 mins break

14.50 – 15.10

Paper 4

Francesco Cerchiaro, University of Leuven, Belgium

“What About a Muslim Name?”: religion, ethnicity & family kinship in naming practices among mixed couples with a Muslim partner (in Italy, France and Belgium).

15.10 - 15.30

Paper 5

Federica Guccini, Western University, Canada

Conceptualizing a Decolonial Framework for Language & Naming Practices: A translanguaging approach to names


15.30 - 15.50

Paper 6

Ayokunmi Ojebode, University of Nottingham, UK 


Connecting Worlds, Performing Identities: Peeking Through Lens of British-Nigerian Actors’ Names in Hollywood


15.50 – 16.00

10 min Q & A

Chaired by TBA


16.00 - 16.10

10 mins break

10 mins break

10 mins break

16.10 – 16.45

Keynote address

Karen Pennesi, Western University, Canada

(Don't) Say Their Names: Indexing social injustice through (re-)naming


16.45 – 16.55

10 min Q & A

Chaired by Jane Pilcher


16.55 – 17.00

Closing remarks

Jane Pilcher




Friday, July 15, 2022

VII Xornada de Onomástica Galega


A onomástica literaria

A onomástica literaria, que estuda a función e a significación dos nomes propios na literatura, é un campo pouco explorado no ámbito galego, pese ó grande rendemento que moitos dos nosos escritores lle teñen tirado. A VII Xornada de Onomástica Galega, organizada pola Real Academia Galega co apoio da Deputación de Pontevedra, centrarase nesta cuestión para examinar o seu uso en determinados autores e para explorar novos camiños de pescuda.

Para asistir é necesario formalizar a inscrición enviando un correo electrónico antes do 12 de outubro a

Programa da VII Xornada de Onomástica Galega. A onomástica literaria

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Postgraduate degree in Hispanic and Catalan-Valencian Onomastics


The Continuing Education Center of the University of Lleida offers a Postgraduate Degree in Hispanic and Catalan-Valencian Onomastics. 

Please, find the calendar, content program, teachers, admission requirements and so… You can also pre-register or request more information.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Geographical Names as Indicators of the Environment


Read and enjoy the Information Bulletin of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (formerly UNGEGN Newsletter) Nr. 63 (June 2022)

This release of the Bulletin makes significant contributions to this guideline, focusing on one particular aspect of these "connections of geographical names to the natural environment". It makes clear that these connections are neither automatic nor direct. A place name results from specific initial
conditions, such as the absence of a prior name or the significance of what it describes or evokes. Its durability then depends on its resistance to other motivations encountered in the history of the place.

A toponymy cannot therefore constitute a scientific inventory of environmental conditions – or of anything else, by the way. On the other hand, it enriches such an inventory with the testimony of a whole collective memory. It thus integrates technical and political elements into a synthesis of deeply human value that naturally concerns the United Nations.

Le patrimoine toponymique autochtone mis en valeur dans une nouvelle carte interactive


À l’occasion de la Journée nationale des peuples autochtones, le ministre de la Langue française, M. Simon Jolin-Barrette, dévoile la carte interactive Éléments du patrimoine toponymique autochtone du Québec.

Cette carte, diffusée par la Commission de toponymie, met en lumière des noms de lieux abénakis, innus, naskapis et wendat particulièrement significatifs. Ces noms ont été retenus par des représentants de communautés autochtones en raison de leur valeur sur le plan culturel, que ce soit parce qu’ils désignent des entités géographiques importantes dans l’histoire des communautés ou encore parce qu’ils revêtent une symbolique forte pour elles.

Des extraits sonores, enregistrés par des membres des communautés représentées, permettent d’entendre la prononciation des toponymes.

Cette carte s’ajoute aux nombreux outils de la Commission de toponymie qui contribuent à la valorisation des noms de lieux du Québec.


« La Commission de toponymie reconnaît l’importance de la toponymie autochtone en tant que partie intégrante du patrimoine toponymique québécois et elle souhaite contribuer à sa sauvegarde et à sa diffusion. »

Simon Jolin-Barrette, ministre de la Langue française

« Je salue l’initiative de la Commission de toponymie, qui permet de mettre en relief les noms autochtones qui font partie de notre héritage collectif. Cet outil contribuera à mieux faire connaître la richesse de cet héritage et permettra de se rapprocher. »

Ian Lafrenière, ministre responsable des Affaires autochtones

Faits saillants

  • La Commission de toponymie lance une carte interactive qui met en valeur le patrimoine toponymique autochtone.
  • La carte présente les noms de lieux choisis par sept communautés appartenant à quatre des onze nations autochtones du Québec. Les noms de lieux retenus par d’autres communautés seront progressivement ajoutés.
  • La toponymie officielle du Québec compte plus de 14 000 noms de lieux d’origine autochtone. La Commission de toponymie reconnaît et diffuse en outre plus de 2 000 noms de lieux traditionnels des Premières Nations et des Inuits.
  • Cette quatrième carte interactive s’ajoute à d’autres outils qui mettent en valeur le patrimoine toponymique et culturel du Québec, comme la Banque de noms de lieux du Québec, et s’inscrit ainsi dans la mission de la Commission.
  • Créée en 1912, la Commission procède à l’inventaire et à la conservation des noms de lieux. Elle les officialise, les diffuse et donne son avis au gouvernement sur toute question touchant la toponymie.

Liens connexes


Chantal Bouchard
Relations avec les médias
Commission de toponymie
514 873-6567 ou, sans frais, 1 888 873-6202

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Ландшафтни термини за назоваване на водни обекти в микротопоними

Секция: Българска ономастика Надежда Данчева (Институт за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, Българска академия на науките) Ландшафтни термини за назоваване на водни обекти в микротопоними от Западна България

New Chair of the National Authority on Gaelic place-names in Scotland


A Gaelic linguist from South Uist has been appointed as Chair of Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (AÀA), the national authority on Gaelic place-names in Scotland.

Lexicographer, translator and Gaelic singer Ruaraidh MacIntyre has taken over the position from Roy Pedersen, author of the first comprehensive Gaelic map of Scotland, who served as Chair for AÀA for eight and a half years.

AÀA provides guidance to a wide variety of organisations for various purposes including bilingual and Gaelic road signs, commercial signs, maps, presentation and research, and receives core funding from Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Ruaraidh has a life-long passion for Gaelic language and culture and studied Gaelic at the University of Glasgow, where he developed his interest in place-names, researching the Gaelic place-names of Benbecula for his dissertation.  On graduating in 2014, he took up a post in Gaelic policy at the Scottish Government, through which he represented the Government on AÀA’s committee and provided invaluable support. Ruaraidh left the Scottish Government in 2020 to train as a lexicographer for Faclair na Gàidhlig, and was invited to remain on AÀA’s committee as independent Vice-chair.

Ruaraidh’s experience serving on AÀA’s committee for seven and a half years, and his passion for and knowledge of Gaelic language and linguistics, make him the ideal candidate for Chair.

(Read more by following link above)

Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d’origine arabe dans la Péninsule Ibérique


Volume 5 Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d’origine arabe dans la Péninsule Ibérique

Federico CorrienteChristophe Pereira and Ángeles Vicente
    Part of the multi-volume work Encyclopédie linguistique d’Al-Andalus
    • Languages: French, Arabic
    • Publisher: De Gruyter
    • Copyright year: 2022
    • Audience: Researchers (Arabic Studies, Romance Studies, Contact Linguistics)
    • Pages
      • Front matter: 15
      • Main content: 125
    • Illustrations
      • Coloured Illustrations: 1
    • Keywords: Andalusi ArabicToponymsAnthroponymsLoanwords

    About this book

    This volume is dedicated to the study of names of places and people on the Iberian peninsula that are of Arabic origin. These names are among the most evident traces that Andalusi Arabic was spoken there for centuries. The volume provides two separate inventories (of toponyms and anthroponyms), although it must be recognized that the establishment of exhaustive catalogs is impossible today. Therefore the goal is to improve our knowledge in this area of Hispanic linguistics.

    This fifth volume of the Encyclopédie Linguistique d’Al-Andalus can also be used as research material for Romance historical linguistics and, of course, as a source to find new dialect isoglosses and grammatical, phonetic, and morphological features within the Andalusian Arabic bundle.

    Author information

    Federico Corriente  and Ángeles Vicente, Zaragoza, Spain; Christophe Pereira, Paris, France.

    Saturday, July 2, 2022

    XV Jornada d’Onomàstica de l’AVL


    XV Jornada d’Onomàstica de l’AVL 

    Toponímia i excursionisme. 

    Toponímia de l’Alcoià i del Comtat LLOC

    Alcoi, 18 i 19 de novembre del 2022 

    Seu de la UA d’Alcoi 

    Cambra de Comerç i Indústria d’Alcoi 

    Carrer de Sant Francesc, 10

    Es poden presentar propostes de comunicació, que han d’abordar alguna qüestió relacionada amb els temes proposats, abans del pròxim 31 de juliol. S’ha d’enviar un correu electrònic a, en què s’incloga el títol de la comunicació i un breu resum. Les exposicions de les comunicacions seran de 15 minuts aproximadament i, posteriorment, està previst que es publiquen en les actes de la Jornada.

    Congreso Internacional de Toponimia no Camiño de Santiago


    The Ways of Saint James from Europe to Galicia

    Places, names and heritage

    Faculty of Philology. USC
    Santiago de Compostela
    21, 22 and 23 September 2022

    In recent decades, Galicia has become a reference point for onomastic studies in Europe, both in toponymy and anthroponymy. Toponymic studies have a long tradition in Galicia (since the pioneering work of Martín Sarmiento, in the 18th century) and were boosted by the work of the Comisión de Toponimia of the Xunta de Galicia, which undertook the task of reviewing the Nomenclátor de Galicia.

    Following this line, we believe that the time has come to hold an international conference in which Galicia will showcase this research work, focusing on a crucial aspect of our culture and European culture: the Way of St. James.

    The pilgrimage way (or rather, the ways) that lead to Santiago are an inexhaustible source of toponymy in many countries and many languages. The places that mark the start and end of the different stretches that can be travelled on a day’s journey have well-known geographical names. However, many places and spots (roads, springs, mills, farmhouses…) located between such points have little visibility and are not well known by wayfarers nor by toponymists. In many cases, they are only preserved in local memory and risk disappearing from memory because as the rural territory suffers from increasing depopulation, there is no need for their transmission.

    The institutions involved, the Real Academia Galega (RAG), the University of Santiago de Compostela, and the Asociación Galega de Onomástica (AGOn) are providers of pioneering tools in the field of onomastics: the RAG promoted Galicia Nomeada, the extinct Proxecto Toponimia de Galicia, the portal Toponimia de Galicia, the Cartografía dos Apelidos Galegos (together with the Instituto da Lingua Galega, which also supports a section of Onomastics issuing from its participation in the international project PatRom to study Romance names since the 1990s) and, together with AGOn, the collection Terra Nomeada, which studies the toponymy of Galician municipalities. AGOn has also promoted two international conferences on Galician onomastics, in Santiago (2002) and Pontevedra (2006). This conference will be the third in line. The Instituto da Lingua Galega, belonging to the University of Santiago de Compostela, hosts the researchers who elaborated the Nomenclátor de Galicia and many members of the Comisión de Toponimia of the Xunta de Galicia; it is also the headquarters of a research project on the toponymy of the whole Iberian Peninsula that brings together the leading specialists in the field.

    All this experience enables these institutions to become the backbone and promoters of new toponymic studies in Europe, through this meeting dedicated to scientific studies on the toponymy of the Pilgrims’ Ways to Santiago de Compostela. Thus, researchers from different Galician, Spanish, and European universities; as well as other institutions, such as the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), the Euskaltzaindia, the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, the Academia Valenciana de la Llengua, the Instituto Geográfico Nacional (Madrid), and the Dirección Xeral de Política Lingüística and the Instituto de Estudos de Territorio da Xunta da Galicia answered the call, both as participants in the scientific committee and as presenters of their work. The aim is mainly philosophical, but not only. Our aim is for Europeanism and multidisciplinarity to be the main themes of this conference: geography, history, and cartography will be other different aspects addressed there.