
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d’origine arabe dans la Péninsule Ibérique


Volume 5 Les toponymes et les anthroponymes d’origine arabe dans la Péninsule Ibérique

Federico CorrienteChristophe Pereira and Ángeles Vicente
    Part of the multi-volume work Encyclopédie linguistique d’Al-Andalus
    • Languages: French, Arabic
    • Publisher: De Gruyter
    • Copyright year: 2022
    • Audience: Researchers (Arabic Studies, Romance Studies, Contact Linguistics)
    • Pages
      • Front matter: 15
      • Main content: 125
    • Illustrations
      • Coloured Illustrations: 1
    • Keywords: Andalusi ArabicToponymsAnthroponymsLoanwords

    About this book

    This volume is dedicated to the study of names of places and people on the Iberian peninsula that are of Arabic origin. These names are among the most evident traces that Andalusi Arabic was spoken there for centuries. The volume provides two separate inventories (of toponyms and anthroponyms), although it must be recognized that the establishment of exhaustive catalogs is impossible today. Therefore the goal is to improve our knowledge in this area of Hispanic linguistics.

    This fifth volume of the Encyclopédie Linguistique d’Al-Andalus can also be used as research material for Romance historical linguistics and, of course, as a source to find new dialect isoglosses and grammatical, phonetic, and morphological features within the Andalusian Arabic bundle.

    Author information

    Federico Corriente  and Ángeles Vicente, Zaragoza, Spain; Christophe Pereira, Paris, France.

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