
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

IX Xornada de Onomástica Galega: os outros nomes

 link (English below)

O ceo, os animais ou a intelixencia artificial son algúns dos eidos nos que se centrará a IX Xornada de Onomástica. Os outros nomes. O encontro organizado polo Seminario de Onomástica da Real Academia Galega desenvolverase o sábado 19 de outubro no Edificio Castelao do Museo de Pontevedra.

Para asistir é necesario formalizar a inscrición enviando un correo electrónico antes do 16 de outubro a cos datos que se indican no programa.

As Xornadas de Onomástica Galega son unha iniciativa da RAG desenvolvida coa colaboración da Deputación de Pontevedra e o Museo de Pontevedra.

9th Conference on Galician Onomastics: Other Names

Sky, animals, or artificial intelligence are some of the fields that will be the focus of the 9th Conference on Galician Onomastics: Other Names. The event, organized by the Onomastics Seminar of the Royal Galician Academy, will take place on Saturday, October 19, at the Castelao Building of the Pontevedra Museum.

To attend, it is necessary to register by sending an email before October 16 to with the information indicated in the program.

The Galician Onomastics Conferences are an initiative of the RAG, developed in collaboration with the Pontevedra Provincial Council and the Pontevedra Museum.

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