
Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Research grant for the project “Greek divine onomastics and the functioning of polytheism in Asia Minor”



The Scuola Normale Superiore announces a selection, based on work to date and interview, for 1 research contract as part of the research project “Greek divine onomastics and the functioning of polytheism in Asia Minor”.The contract is co-funded by the University of Toulouse, among the research theme “Divine Onomastics in Asia Minor”. The selected researcher will focus on Greek epigraphic material in Asia Minor to collect divine names (theonyms and epithets), record them in the MAP (Mapping Ancient Polytheisms) database and study them as a key to access both the communication strategies between the human and the divine spheres and the structuring of pantheons. The applicant will develop innovative methodologies in the field of Digital Humanities. His/her research will be presented at workshps and conferences, one of which will be organised in Pisa; several scientific publications are planned. 

Duration of the contract: 1 year 

Gross remuneration, inclusive of all taxes: € 25.000 

Deadline for applications: September, 27th at 04:00 PM (Italian time) 

Information about the selection procedure can be found below. Applicants are advised to read the official announcement (Bando) and to follow exclusively its detailed instructions should they decide to apply. 


The selection procedure is open to applicants who have completed a PhD in disciplines related to Ancient sciences or History of religions. Applicants who have completed the aforementioned degrees abroad may also apply, if that degree is recognized as equivalent to the corresponding Italian degree. Knowledge of English and French languages is also required to carry out the research activity.

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