
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Names, History, Future: How Onomastics in Kazakhstan is Changing


A republican seminar titled “Ұлттық ономастика: Ізденіс пен тәжірибе” (National Onomastics: Research and Practice) was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, in the end of September. Organized by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the event focused on pressing issues within the field of onomastics, which deals with the study of names, and explored ways to improve regional efforts in this area.

The seminar’s agenda covered a range of key topics, including updates to methodological guidelines and legislative changes regarding the centralization of onomastic processes. One of the most important discussions centered around updated lists of significant historical figures (“Тарихи тұлғалар”), geographical names (“Жер-су атаулары”), and traditional names (“Дәстүрлі атаулар”), reflecting the country’s ongoing efforts to preserve and enhance its cultural identity through its naming conventions.

Attended by a diverse group of professionals, including Members of Parliament, renowned scholars, and regional leaders in the field of onomastics, the seminar highlighted the importance of names not just as identifiers, but as integral parts of Kazakhstan’s historical and cultural legacy. Among the key participants was Rustam Ali, Chairman of the Committee on Archives, Documentation, and Book Affairs, who emphasized the significance of standardizing naming practices across the country.

As Kazakhstan continues to evolve, the field of onomastics plays a crucial role in maintaining a connection between the past, present, and future. The updates and discussions from this seminar are expected to contribute significantly to the ongoing work of preserving historical memory while modernizing the country's approach to name-related issues. Whether it’s the naming of places, figures, or traditional objects, onomastics remains a key cultural marker that will guide Kazakhstan’s future identity.

This event serves as a reminder that names are much more than mere labels—they are a reflection of heritage, culture, and history, and play a vital role in shaping national consciousness.

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