
Monday, August 4, 2014

"Semantics of Proper Names. The Structure of the Mental Lexicon of Proper Names" by Rutkiewicz-Hanczewska

The next talk, that I advise to take opportunity to come to hear during ICOS 2014, is "Semantics of Proper  Names. The Structure of the Mental Lexicon of Proper Names" by Rutkiewicz-Hanczewska at 12:00 on the 25th August within "Theory/Methodology" session.

Dr. Małgorzata Rutkiewicz-Hanczewska is Polish neurolinguist:

I am sure that her presentation will be of great interest as she also is well-known speech therapist. She is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Polish Philology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.

She leads speech and language therapy at the Centre of Glottotherapy and Glottodidactics "Fazeon".


and she works at the Department of Neurology and Vascular Diseases of the L. Bierkowski Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administraion Health Care Centre in Poznan .

She deals primarily with anomic aphasia (problems with recalling common or proper names), dyspragmatism (inability to adjust the content of an utterance to the context in which it is spoken) and dementia diseases.

Her website:

Thus, I think the subject of mental lexicon of proper names should be considered from anomic, aphasic and neuroonomastic aspects. I like neuroonomastics!!! If you are interested in it, please read:

Neurolinguistic findings on the language lexicon: the special role of proper names

Müller HM (2010) 
Chinese Journal of Physiology 53(6): 351–358.

Müller HM. Neurolinguistic approaches to proper name processing. In: Arcamone MG, ed. Proceedings of the 22. International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Pisa; 2009.

Neurolinguistic and syntactic evidence for basic level meaning in proper names, Willy Van Langendonck  In: Functions of Language 6:1. 1999. (pp. 95–138)

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