
Thursday, October 31, 2024

Monograph "Socioonomastics of Upper Pollog"


In Albanian linguistic studies, especially in dialectology, onomastics, lexicography, and more recently sociolinguistics, there has been a longstanding tradition primarily inherited from national, regional, and international anthropo-geographic research influenced by the French, German, Austro-Hungarian, Serbian, and Italian schools. Notably, in the second half of the 20th century, dialectology and onomastic research underwent substantial specialization, and this research has since deepened in a methodological and interdisciplinary manner, intersecting with various fields of knowledge.

Professor Izmit Durmishi is among the contemporary scholars who has absorbed this extensive body of knowledge from the Albanian, regional, and European schools of thought. His latest work presents an innovative approach to onomastic studies, bringing together complementary areas such as geography and cartography, dialectology and sociolinguistics, phonetics and morphology, word formation and semantics, all structured within the framework of understanding onomastics in a region significant to Albanian ethnicity and language.

In this regard, the monograph opens with an ethno-geographic description of Upper Pollog, detailing the main features of the region's settlements, including geographical position, relief, topographical structure, demographic characteristics, and some population traits. It then extensively examines the ethno-historical, historical-linguistic, and etymological aspects of the origin of the toponym "Pollog," presenting a multidimensional discussion that could stand as a separate chapter.

In the second chapter, as the author explains, a brief overview of the settlements in Upper Pollog is provided, including places like Çegrani, Forina, Korita, Çajla, Balindoll, Little Turçan, Big Turçan, Llakavicë, Sërmnova (a village notably renamed by the Serbo-Yugoslav administration as Sërbinova), Tërnova, Strajani, Patalishta, Upper Banjicë, Lower Banjicë, Lower Gjonovicë, Upper Gjonovicë, Simnicë, Zdunja, Raven, Vrutok, Reçan, Orqush, Lower Jellovcë, Debresh, Vrapçisht, Toplica, Dobërdoll, Llomnicë, Negotin, Kalishte, Sanakos, Gjurgjevisht, Gradec, and Gorjan. The names and naming conventions of these locations evoke the standardization system implemented by Jovan Cvijić and his contemporaries, who explored these areas for strategic, military, and political purposes rather than linguistic ones. Further, reading through the settlement names and especially the microtoponyms of this region, one cannot help but recall Norbert Jokl's remarks on Selishchev’s work in the 1930s. Jokl’s response to Selishchev on the relationship between Slavic oikonyms and Albanian microtoponyms remains relevant to Professor Durmishi’s comments on Serbian and Macedonian studies of Pollog, specifically that village names do not necessarily determine the ethnic identity of the inhabitants, as some propagandistic interpretations have suggested.

The third chapter focuses on the toponyms of Upper Pollog from a lexicosemantic perspective, examining microtoponyms through morphological analysis. This begins with names derived from adjectives that indicate shape, size, position, color, age, temperature, and other attributes, moving on to microtoponyms formed from numerals, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, etc. A unique feature of this chapter is the discussion on the lexical layers within Pollog’s toponymy.

The fourth chapter, titled Phonetic and Morphological Perspectives, addresses a relatively rare subject in Albanian onomastic studies. An expert in the dialect of Pollog and the Albanian spoken in this ethnic region, Professor Izmit Durmishi carefully analyzes microtoponyms from this aspect, noting that “toponyms, first and foremost, are dialectal formations that preserve the oldest forms of spoken language.” The chapter discusses vowel presence and distinctions (a, e, ë, i, o, u, and y), nasalization, diphthongs and vowel groups, the consonant system, phonetic phenomena, morphological features in onomastics, definite nouns, and declensions.

A separate chapter focuses on the registry of microtoponyms, investigating and analyzing the word formation structure of the onomastics of Upper Pollog, with representative examples of suffixes, noun + genitive noun phrases, noun + genitive noun + genitive noun, noun + genitive noun + adjective, and noun + definite adjective. Although the tradition of studying word formation in microtoponymy is not new, Professor Durmishi’s field findings and analysis greatly enrich this area of Albanian linguistics.

Professor Izmit Durmishi’s monograph, Socioonomastics of Upper Pollog, concludes with a corpus of the microtoponym dictionary, a final synthesis, references, abbreviations, and a list of informants. As such, this work presents a rare wealth of field material, precise and detailed descriptions, specific analyses, and syntheses on its phonetic and morphological structure, along with historical-linguistic and etymological efforts to determine the origins of each toponym individually.

Në studimet gjuhësore të shqipes në fushë të dialektologjisë, onomastikës, leksikografisë dhe së fundi sociolinguistikës, ka pasur një traditë të cilën e kemi trashëguar kryesisht nga studimet antropo-gjeografike kombëtare, rajonale dhe ndërkombëtare, ndikuar nga shkolla franceze, gjermane, austro-hungareze, serbe dhe italiane.

Në ndërkohë kryesisht në gjysmën e dytë të shekullit XX, kërkimet në fushë të dialektologjisë dhe të onomastikës u specializuan gjerësisht, ndërsa tani ky kërkim nga aspekti metodologjik e ndërdisiplinor me fusha të tjera të dijes është thelluar gjerësisht.

Profesor Izmit Durmishi është njëri prej studiuesve të kohës sonë, i cili ka trashëguar një njohje të gjithanshme të këtyre shkollave dhe të kësaj literature të dijes shqiptare, të rajonit dhe asaj europiane.

Vepra më e re e Profesor Izmit Durmishit është një kërkim dhe një qasje e re në studimet onomastike, në të cilën janë bashkuar në mënyrë komplementare: gjeografia e hartografia, dialektologjia e sociolinguistika, fonetika e morfologjia, fjalëformimi e semantika, të gjitha të strukturuara brenda dijes për onomastikën e një treve me interes në fushë të etnisë shqiptare e të gjuhës shqipe.

Në këtë rrjedhë monografia hapet me një përshkrim etno-gjeografik për Pollogun e Epërm, brenda të cilit janë sjellë veçoritë kryesore mbi pozitën gjeografike të vendbanimeve, relievit, strukturës topografike, veçorive demografike dhe disa karakteristikave të popullsisë, për t’u ndalur gjerësisht në veçoritë etno-historike, historiko-gjuhësore e etimologjike të prejardhjes së toponimit Pollog, një diskutim ky shumëdimensional, i cili mund të ndahej edhe si kapitull më vete.

Në kapitullin e dytë sikur shprehet autori është dhënë një pasqyrë e shkurtër e vendbanimeve të Pollogut të Epërm: Çegrani t, Forinës, Koritës, Çajlës, Balindollit, Turçanit të Vogël, Turçanit të Madh, Llakavicës, Sërmnovës, një fshati që të bën përshtypje me riemërtimin administrativ të administratës serbo-jugosllave Sërbinova, Tërnovës, Strajanit, Patalishtes, Banjicës së Epërme, Banjicës së Poshtme, Gjonovicës së Poshtme, Gjonovicës së Epërme, Simnicës, Zdunjës, Ravenit, Vrutokut, Reçanit, Orqushit, Jellovcës së Poshtme, Debreshit, Vrapçishtit, Toplicës, Dobërdollit, Llomnicës, Negotinit, Kalishtit, Sanakosit, Gjurgjevishtit, Gradecit dhe Gorjanit. Duke i lexuar emrat dhe trajtat e emërtimit të vendbanimeve të kësaj zone, nuk ka si të mos na kujtohet sistemi i standardizimit të tyre nga Jovan Cvejiqi dhe brezi i tij, të cilët për qëllime strategjike, ushtarake e politike, më parë se sa për qëllime gjuhësore e kanë vizituar, hulumtuar e studiuar jo një herë dhe jo nga një studiues i vetëm. Për më tej, duke lexuar emrat e vendbanimeve dhe sidomos mikrotoponiminë e kësaj zone, nuk ka si të mos na kujtohen vërejtjet e Norbert Joklit për veprën e Selishqevit në vitet ‘30. Përgjigja e Joklit që i dha Selishqevit, mbi raportin e ojkonimisë sllave me mikrotoponiminë shqipe, ka po ato vlera që do të kishin përgjigjet e Profesor Durmishit për studiuesit serbë e maqedonas për Pollogun, e kjo është se emrat e fshatrave nuk e përcaktojnë edhe përkatësinë etnike të banorëve, sikur propagandonin ata.

Kapitulli i tretë merret me toponimet e Pollogut të Epërm, vështruar nga pikëpamja leksiko-semantike, në të cilin toponimia përkatësisht mikrotoponima trajtohet në rrafshin morfologjik, duke filluar nga ata që formohen prej mbiemrave që përcaktojnë formë, madhësi, pozitë, ngjyrë, moshë, temperaturë dhe veçori të tjera, deri te mikrotoponimet që janë formuar prej numërorëve, foljeve, ndajfoljeve, parafjalëve etj. Veçanti e këtij kapitulli është diskutimi mbi shtresat leksikore të toponimisë së Pollogut.

Një kërkim dhe studim njëkohësisht jo shumë i pranishëm në studimet onomastike në fushë të shqipes është bërë objekt më vete dhe ky është kapitulli i katërt me titull: Vështrime fonetike dhe morfologjike. Njohës e studiues i të folmes së Pollogut dhe të shqipes së kësaj treve etnike shqiptare, Profesor Izmit Durmishi është kujdesur që mikrotoponiminë ta trajtojë edhe nga ky aspekt, pasi “toponimet, në radhë të parë, janë formime dialektore që në vete ruajnë trajtat më të vjetra të gjuhës së folur”, shkruan autori. Fjala është për praninë a shquarsinë e zanoreve a, e, ë, i, o, u dhe y. Po në këtë kapitull janë sjellë shembuj relevantë për hundorësinë e zanoreve, diftongjet dhe grupet e zanoreve, sistemin e bashkëtingëlloreve, dukuritë fonetike, dukuritë morfologjike në onomastikë, shquarsinë e emrave dhe lakimin.

Një kapitull më vete dhe një kërkim më vete është regjistri i mikrotoponimeve, hulumtimi dhe studimi i strukturës fjalëformuese të onomastikës së Pollogut të Epërm, brenda të cilit janë sjellë shembuj përfaqësues me prapashtesa, me togfjalësha emër + emër në gjinore, togfjalësha emër + emër në gjinore + gjinore (emër), togfjalësha emër + emër në gjinore + përcaktor (mbiemër), si dhe togfjalësha emër + mbiemër cilësor i nyjshëm. Megjithëse tradita e studimeve të fjalëformimit në fushë të mikrotoponimeve nuk ka munguar, kapitulli studimor i Profesor Durmishit, me prurjet e terrenit dhe me analizat e tij, e përplotëson ndjeshëm këtë fushë të gjuhësisë shqiptare.

Monografia e Profesor Izmi Durmishit, Socioonomastika e Pollogut të Epërm, përmbyllet me korpusin e fjalorit të mikrotoponimeve, një sinteze përfundimtare, literaturën, shkurtesat dhe listën e informatorëve. Si e tillë, kjo vepër sjell një pasuri të rrallë materiale nga tereni, një përshkrim të saktë e të detajuar, analiza të veçanta dhe sinteza mbi strukturën fonetike morfologjike të saj si dhe përpjekje historiko-gjuhësore e etimologjike për të përcaktuar prejardhjen e tyre veç e veç.

Prishtinë, shtator 2024

Izmit DURMISHI, Socioonomastika e Pollogut të Epërm, Gostivar, 2024

Unveiling the Landscape of Onomastics from 1972 to 2022: A Bibliometric Analysis

 I have stumbled upon a study, which mentions my name and many others: 

by Siyue Li (Zhejiang University), Chunyu Kit (City University of Hong Kong), and Le Cheng (Guanghua Law School, Zhejiang University)


Over   the   past   five   decades,   onomastics   has   seen   remarkable   growthwith   fruitful   publications   and interdisciplinary  collaborations.  Despite  the  abundance  of  literature,  a  panoramic  view  of  contribution networks and the evolutionary trajectory of this field has been lacking. To address this issue, this study presents a statistical assessment complemented by visualization clustering, rendering data from 768 journal articles and 28,357  references,  to  unfold  impactful  journals,  influential  scholars,  foundational knowledge,  and  evolving frontiers.  The  outcomes  of  this  research  showcase  the  distribution  of  subtopics  within  each  name  category, depicting  noteworthy  contributors,  focal  trends,  and  cutting-edge  subjects  in  the  area. New  themes  that illuminate  orientations  include online  naming,  multi-identity  construction,  language  processing,  corpus-assisted  approaches,  and  neural-cognitive  experiments. Further  data-driven  exploration  of  name-related themes is foreseen to yield valuable insights. Through this comprehensive assessment, this study elucidates the role  of  names  as  manifestations  of  human  identity,  social  emotions,  aesthetic ingenuity,  and strategic communicative  paradigms.  The  findings  are poised  to  facilitate  the  discernment  of  human  quality,  societal stratification,  interpretative  nuances,  and  relationshipsunderlying  social  issues.  Additionally,  this  research exemplifies  the  efficacy  of  bibliometric  analysis  and  proposes  strategies  to  mitigate  potential  constraints, disclosing how quantitative data from onomastics can be applied in the digital era and beyond.This article is the correctedversionof  the  original  article.    For  more  information  on  thechanges  made,  see  the  erratum:

Keywords: onomastics, bibliometrics, names, socio-onomastics, citation analysis, information visualization, scientific mapping

Taking into consideration that all data are solely retrieved by Web of Sciences (WOS) Core Collection Database (where there are only two onomastic journals), some rankings are disbalanced (f.ex.ranking of institutions does not mirror the onomastic landscape at all). 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Family Names: Origins, History, Anthropology and Sociology


Edited by Harry Parkin and Richard Coates

October 2024

206 pages

ISBN978-3-7258-2232-4 (Hardback)

ISBN978-3-7258-2231-7 (PDF)

Print copies available soon


The topics and methods covered by the papers in this Special Issue reflect the unique interdisciplinarity of the study of family names and names in general. It includes papers related to name origins, linguistic development, distribution, heredity, and sociocultural factors, showing how vibrant and varied the field has become. When considered together, and in the context of previous research on names, the papers in this Special Issue show that the study of family names continues to develop in new and interesting ways, and that they can be acknowledged as a significant site of research from a wide range of perspectives.


Jewish surnames; Georgia; history of Georgian Jews; etymology of surnames; onomastics; surnames; Jews; Bohemia and Moravia; Iceland; surnames; patronymics; name law; anthroponomastics; feminine surnames; family names; marital status; Lithuanian; Czech; Slovak; Polish; surnames; adoption; name stories; family belonging; identities; family names; surnames; onomastics; name law; name change; slavery; politics; The Netherlands; Suriname; Dutch Antilles; surname; Armenian; France; 19th–20th century; marital surname change; brides-to-be; income; children of marriage; bilateral descent reckoning; Canada; family name; Vietnamese personal name; Kinh people; Nguyễn surname; name model; Akan naming; anthroponym; family name; appellation; circumstantial name; day-name;

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Glossary of Onomastic Units in Nəsimi’s Language Now Available in Uzbek


In an exciting development for linguistics and intercultural exchange, the glossary "Glossary of Onomastic Units Used in Nəsimi’s Language (Religious-Poetic Onomasticon)," authored by Dr. Khadija Heydarova, has now been translated into Uzbek. Dr. Heydarova, Head of the Azerbaijani Language History Department at the Nasimi Institute of Linguistics, originally published this glossary in 2023, and it has since been translated by Dr. Gulsenam Norova, an associate professor at the Uzbek Language and Literature Department of Navoi Pedagogical Institute.

The glossary's launch was celebrated in Navoi, Uzbekistan, with a special event that welcomed Dr. Heydarova and senior researcher Sevinc Safarova from the Institute of Linguistics of Azerbaijan. The presentation began with an address by Dr. Feruza Ruziyeva, who spoke of the productive scholarly exchange between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, noting that this translation emerged as a valuable outcome of her academic visit to Azerbaijan in December 2023.

In her remarks, Dr. Norova highlighted the scholarly importance of the glossary, which explores the religious and philosophical onomastic units that feature prominently in the 14th-century Sufi literature of the celebrated Azerbaijani poet Imadaddin Nasimi. Unlike conventional alphabetical dictionaries, this glossary is arranged according to thematic categories, covering groups such as “Mythonyms” (mythological names), “Anthroponyms” (names of people), “Toponyms” (place names), “Ctematonyms” (names of objects), and “Peripheral Onomastics.” These sections provide new linguistic insights, explaining each term’s meaning and stylistic nuances. Notably, Dr. Heydarova’s work marks the first time in Azerbaijani linguistics that teonyms (names of deities) are studied in depth, shedding light on both monotheistic and polytheistic elements in Nasimi’s writings. The glossary also features interpretive comments on relevant verses, offering readers a nuanced perspective on Nasimi’s philosophy and worldview.

Dr. Nigora Murodova, a professor from the Navoi Pedagogical Institute, praised this translation as an important step in expanding scientific collaboration between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, with plans to incorporate the glossary as a teaching resource in the institute's Uzbek Language and Literature Department.

During her stay in Uzbekistan, Dr. Heydarova participated in conferences at the Navoi Pedagogical Institute and the National University of Uzbekistan, engaging with students in lectures about her work. She also visited the Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Tashkent, where she donated a copy of her other influential work, "The Dictionary of Heydar Aliyev's Political Language."

This new translation not only expands the reach of Azerbaijani scholarship but also underscores the shared cultural and intellectual heritage between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. The glossary will now serve as an invaluable resource for Uzbek students, deepening their understanding of Nasimi’s profound impact on Sufi literature and onomastics.

Bakı, 23 oktyabr, AZƏRTAC

AMEA Nəsimi adına Dilçilik İnstitutunun Azərbaycan dili tarixi şöbəsinin müdiri filologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent Xədicə Heydərovanın 2023-cü ildə nəşr olunmuş “Nəsiminin dilində işlənən onomastik vahidlərin izahlı lüğəti (dini-poetik onomastikon)” adlı əsəri Nəvai Pedaqogika İnstitutunun Özbək dili və ədəbiyyatı kafedrasının dosenti Gülsənəm Norova tərəfindən özbək dilinə tərcümə edilib.

Kitabın Özbəkistanın Nəvai şəhərində keçirilən təqdimat mərasiminə Azərbaycandan əsərin müəllifi Xədicə Heydərova və Dilçilik İnstitutunun böyük elmi işçisi Sevinc Səfərova da dəvət edilib.

AZƏRTAC xəbər verir ki, tədbiri dosent Feruza Ruziyeva açaraq 2023-cü ilin dekabr ayında Azərbaycanda ezamiyyətdə olarkən keçirdikləri görüşlər haqqında məlumat verib və bu ezamiyyətin elmi nəticəsinin Xədicə Heydərovanın əsərinin özbək dilinə tərcümə edilərək dərs vəsaiti kimi istifadə edilməsi olduğunu bildirib.

Sonra çıxış edən dosent Gülsənəm Norova əsərin elmi dəyərindən söz açıb. O bildirib ki, lüğət XIV əsr Azərbaycan təsəvvüf ədəbiyyatının görkəmli nümayəndəsi olan İmadəddin Nəsiminin dini-fəlsəfi görüşlərini əks etdirən onomastik vahidləri əhatə edir. Lüğət əlifba sırası ilə deyil, predmet-tematik prinsiplə tərtib edilib. Burada onimlər sistemləşdirilərək “Mifonimlər”, “Antroponimlər”, “Toponimlər”, “Ktematonimlər”, “Periferik onimlər” adı altında qruplara ayırır və onlara dilçilik aspektində yeni bir baxış həyata keçirilir, sözün mənası açılır, zəruri üslubi xarakteristikası verilir. Onomastik vahidlərin məna çalarları şərh edilir. Xədicə Heydərova bu əsərində Azərbaycan dilçiliyində ilk dəfə olaraq teonimləri tədqiqata cəlb edib və lüğətə əlavə edib. Bölgüyə əsasən belə məlum olur ki, Nəsimi əsərlərində həm təkallahlılıq, həm də çoxallahlılıqla bağlı teonimlərdən istifadə edib. Lüğət məqalələrində yeri gəldikcə beytin şərhinə də yer verilir. Müəllifin belə bir təcrübəyə əl atması Nəsiminin xüsusi isimlər aləminin təsnifatını, əqidə və düşüncə mənzərəsini yaratmaq məqsədi daşıyır. Təqdim edilən lüğətdən belə aydın olur ki, Nəsimi yaradıcılığının nüvəsini məhz mifoloji leksika təşkil edir. Lüğətin tərtibi nəzəri və praktiki əhəmiyyət kəsb edir.

Tədbirdə çıxış edən professor Nigora Murodova bildirib ki, özbək dilinə tərcümə edilən bu əsər iki ölkə arasında elmi əməkdaşlığın genişlənməsinə, Azərbaycan elminin Özbəkistanda tanınmasına xidmət edir və lüğətdən Nəvai Pedaqogika İnstitutunun Özbək dili və ədəbiyyatı kafedrasında tədris vəsaiti kimi istifadə olunacaq.

Xədicə Heydərova Özbəkistanda olarkən Nəvai Dövlət Pedaqogika İnstitutunda və Özbəkistan Milli Universitetində təşkil olunmuş konfranslarda məruzələrlə çıxış edib. O, bu ali təhsil müəssisələrində tələbələrlə görüşlər keçirib, yazdığı kitablar haqqında mühazirələr oxuyub.

Dilçilik İnstitutunun əməkdaşları Daşkənddə olarkən Heydər Əliyev adına Azərbaycan Mədəniyyət Mərkəzinə də dəvət ediliblər. Xədicə Heydərova müəllifi olduğu “Heydər Əliyevin siyasi dilinin lüğəti” əsərini Mərkəzə hədiyyə edib.

Книжная экспозиция «Главная по именам»

 Ставропольская краевая универсальная научная библиотека им. М. Ю. Лермонтова


В Ставропольской краевой библиотеке им. Лермонтова отрывается новая книжная экспозиция «Главная по именам», посвящённая выдающейся личности советскому и российскому лингвисту — А.В. Суперанской из цикла «Времена и даты».

 Основной областью научной деятельности и исследований доктора филологических наук, профессора Александры Васильевны Суперанской была ономастика (раздел языкознания, изучающий собственные имена).

А.В. Суперанская — автор более 300 научных работ и научно-популярных публикаций, в числе которых: «Словарь русских личных имён», «Лингвистический энциклопедический словарь», «Словарь географических названий», «Справочник личных имён народов РСФСР», выдержавшего четыре издания. Под её редакцией подготовлен «Словарь-справочник личных имён народов Российской Федерации и соседних государств», в составлении которого приняли участие 105 авторов.

Книжная экспозиция познакомит с основными научными трудами А. В. Суперанской, среди которых выделяются её главные работы по топонимике и ономастике: «Имя — через века и страны», «Как вас зовут? Где вы живёте?», «О русских фамилиях», «Структура имени собственного» и другие.

Book Exhibition "The Authority on Names"

Stavropol Regional Scientific Library named after M. Y. Lermontov
October 25–30, 2024

A new book exhibition titled "The Authority on Names" is opening at the M. Y. Lermontov Stavropol Regional Library. This exhibition, part of the "Times and Dates" series, celebrates the life and work of the prominent Soviet and Russian linguist A. V. Superanskaya.

A Doctor of Philology and esteemed professor, Alexandra Vasilyevna Superanskaya dedicated her career to the study of onomastics—the field of linguistics that examines names. Over her prolific career, Superanskaya authored more than 300 scholarly and popular works, including her notable "Dictionary of Russian Personal Names," the "Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary," and the "Dictionary of Geographic Names." Her work is foundational, with her "Handbook of Personal Names of the Peoples of the RSFSR" having reached four editions. Moreover, she edited the comprehensive "Dictionary-Handbook of Personal Names of the Peoples of the Russian Federation and Neighboring States," a collaborative effort involving 105 contributing authors.

The exhibition offers an opportunity to explore Superanskaya’s key works in the fields of toponymy (the study of place names) and onomastics, showcasing titles such as "Names Through the Ages and Countries," "What’s Your Name? Where Do You Live?" "On Russian Surnames," and "The Structure of Proper Names." This collection provides a deep dive into the cultural, historical, and linguistic significance of names in Russian and global contexts.

If you're a language enthusiast or simply curious about the stories names tell, this exhibition promises an enlightening journey through the pioneering works of one of Russia's most distinguished linguists.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Exploring the Power of Names in Roman History: A Nottingham Scholar's Award-Winning Research


In the world of historical research, few disciplines blend the nuances of language, culture, and identity as seamlessly as onomastics - the study of names. Dr. George Woudhuysen, an Assistant Professor in Roman History at the University of Nottingham, is leading the way in using this field to revolutionize our understanding of late antiquity. His pioneering work has just earned him the prestigious 2024 Philip Leverhulme Prize, awarded by the Leverhulme Trust in recognition of his groundbreaking research.

Dr. Woudhuysen’s expertise lies in late-Roman history, where he delves deep into ancient manuscripts to unravel the hidden meanings and significance of names. His research doesn’t just focus on names as isolated words but looks at them as powerful indicators of social, political, and cultural dynamics in late antiquity. By studying the names recorded in these ancient texts, Dr. Woudhuysen sheds new light on the identities, relationships, and hierarchies that shaped Roman society during its later years.

Onomastics has become a key tool in Dr. Woudhuysen’s work, helping to break down the traditional boundaries between philology (the study of language in historical texts) and ancient history. While these two disciplines have often been treated separately, his research demonstrates how intertwined they truly are. Names carry immense cultural and historical weight, revealing much more than just personal identity—they offer insight into power structures, familial legacies, and societal norms.

Reflecting on his award, Dr. Woudhuysen said: “I feel deeply honored to have received this prestigious prize and recognition from the Leverhulme Trust. Collaboration is central to my scholarship because it allows us to ask and answer questions that individuals could not on their own—I am very grateful to those I have worked with over the years.” His acknowledgment of collaboration emphasizes how important collective academic inquiry is in fields like onomastics, where expertise from multiple angles is needed to decode the complex layers of ancient texts.

The Philip Leverhulme Prizes, which have been awarded annually since 2001, recognize the achievements of researchers who have already garnered international recognition and show exceptional promise for future breakthroughs. Dr. Woudhuysen’s research certainly fits the bill, offering not only new perspectives on Roman history but also highlighting how names—far more than just labels—carry with them the echoes of history’s power players and everyday citizens alike.

Thanks to the £100,000 prize, Dr. Woudhuysen will be able to further advance his research over the next two to three years. This funding will undoubtedly allow him to continue his exploration of names in late antiquity, opening up new pathways for understanding the intricate social and political networks of the ancient world.

For those intrigued by the intersection of language, history, and identity, Dr. Woudhuysen’s research is a perfect example of how onomastics can reveal hidden histories. The study of names, often overlooked in broader historical narratives, has the potential to reshape how we view the past—and thanks to his work, we are one step closer to unlocking those secrets.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

From Numbers to Names: A New Onomastic Approach to Stone Age Skeletons

The iceman's reconstruction by Alfons & Adrie Kennis
The question of whether researchers should give names to skeletons and mummies from the Stone Age is both fascinating and complex, touching upon scientific, ethical, and cultural considerations. According to the article "Ötzi und Hauna: Ein linguistisches Modell zur Namengebung bei ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Menschenfunden" written by Christina
Sanchez-Stockhammer (
Professor of English and Digital Linguistics at Chemnitz University of Technology), Philipp W. Stockhammer (Professor for Prehistoric Archaeology at Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-University) and Kerstin P. Hofmann (Director of the Romano-Germanic Commission in Frankfurt/Main), this issue has been explored in depth, especially through surveys and the development of models for generating names for prehistoric human remains.

In archaeological research, human remains are often treated like any other object, identified primarily by inventory numbers, locations, and codes. However, the article suggests that there is a growing interest in assigning names to these ancient individuals, which brings about several advantages and potential drawbacks.

The Case for Naming Stone Age Skeletons and Mummies

Musee du Louvre in Paris
One of the primary arguments in favor of naming Stone Age skeletons and mummies is that it humanizes these ancient individuals. Instead of being referred to as objects or mere numbers, giving a name fosters a connection between modern people and these prehistoric humans. As the article notes, names such as "Ötzi" or "Lucy" have created powerful emotional links, allowing the public to relate to these ancient figures on a personal level. The practice of naming also makes it easier for people to remember and discuss specific finds, as numbers can be impersonal and forgettable.

Names can also transform public perception. The example of Ötzi, the famous iceman found in the Alps, demonstrates this well. Initially referred to as "the man from the ice," the adoption of the name Ötzi shifted the public's perception from viewing him as just an archaeological find to seeing him as a person with a story. This change in naming practice can have a significant impact on public engagement with prehistoric findings, driving media attention and aiding museum marketing efforts.

Ethical Considerations

On the other hand, the article points out that there are ethical considerations in naming prehistoric skeletons and mummies. Some archaeologists argue that it might be disrespectful to assign modern names to individuals who lived thousands of years ago, whose original names and cultural contexts are unknown. Additionally, there are concerns that naming could trivialize or commercialize these ancient remains, reducing them to mere objects of curiosity.

The survey cited in the article reveals a split in opinion between archaeologists and linguists. While many archaeologists express concerns about the appropriateness of naming these ancient individuals, linguists tend to be more open to the idea. The public, however, generally favors giving names, finding the current system of numbering too impersonal.

A Balanced Approach

The researchers behind the article propose a balanced approach: developing a systematic model for generating names based on the location of the find. For instance, taking the first syllable of a site name and combining it with appropriate name suffixes (e.g., "Hauna" from Haunstetten). This method aims to create names that are respectful, culturally neutral, and meaningful, allowing for both personalization and preservation of archaeological integrity.

Additionally, the article suggests that names should be carefully chosen to avoid associations with modern cultures or concepts that could be seen as disrespectful. For example, using diminutive suffixes, which might trivialize the remains, should be avoided. The goal is to strike a balance between humanizing these remains and maintaining respect for their ancient origins.


Whether or not to give names to Stone Age skeletons and mummies is a nuanced debate. While naming can foster a deeper connection with the public and help preserve the memory of these ancient individuals, it is essential to approach this practice with sensitivity. A model that generates respectful, culturally appropriate names based on the find's location may offer a solution that honors both scientific and ethical considerations. As the article suggests, naming can offer a way to humanize the distant past, but only if done with care and respect for the individuals and their cultures. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

IX Xornada de Onomástica Galega: os outros nomes | Sesión de tarde.

O ceo, os animais ou a intelixencia artificial son algúns dos eidos abordados na 'IX Xornada de Onomástica. Os outros nomes'. O encontro organizado polo Seminario de Onomástica da Real Academia Galega desenvolverase o sábado 19 de outubro no Edificio Castelao do Museo de Pontevedra. MAÑÁ 10:00 h Inauguración 10:30 h Xurxo Mariño: 'Os nomes do asombro. Da víbora de Seoane á estrela Rosalía' 11:00 h Elisa Fernández Rei, Adina Iona Vladu e Carmen Magariños Iglesias: 'Nomeando a IA: voces artificiais' 11:30 h Anxos García Fonte: 'Amigos entrañables. Unha aproximación aos usos contemporáneos nos nomes de animais desde a escola' 12:00 h Debate 13:00 h Noemi Basanta Llanes: 'Viva o noso bandiño! Achega ás denominacións dos grupos de pandeireteiras en Galicia' 13:30 Ramón Mariño Fernández: A onomástica das marxes. U percorrido sobre as diferentes combinacións ortográficas e as novas denominacións dentro dos fanzines galegos desde 1990 até a actualidade' TARDE 16.30 h Martin Pawley: 'Os nomes do Ceo' 17:00 h Debate 17:30 h Celso Fernández Sanmartín: 'Dicir o nome e esperar o eco' 18:30 h Clausura As Xornadas de Onomástica Galega son unha iniciativa da RAG desenvolvida coa colaboración da Deputación de Pontevedra e o Museo de Pontevedra.

IX Xornada de Onomástica Galega: os outros nomes | Sesión de mañá

O ceo, os animais ou a intelixencia artificial son algúns dos eidos nos que se centrará a IX Xornada de Onomástica. Os outros nomes. O encontro organizado polo Seminario de Onomástica da Real Academia Galega desenvolverase o sábado 19 de outubro no Edificio Castelao do Museo de Pontevedra. MAÑÁ 10:00 h Inauguración 10:30 h Xurxo Mariño: 'Os nomes do asombro. Da víbora de Seoane á estrela Rosalía' 11:00 h Elisa Fernández Rei, Adina Iona Vladu e Carmen Magariños Iglesias: 'Nomeando a IA: voces artificiais' 11:30 h Anxos García Fonte: 'Amigos entrañables. Unha aproximación aos usos contemporáneos nos nomes de animais desde a escola' 12:00 h Debate 13:00 h Noemi Basanta Llanes: 'Viva o noso bandiño! Achega ás denominacións dos grupos de pandeireteiras en Galicia' 13:30 Ramón Mariño Fernández: A onomástica das marxes. U percorrido sobre as diferentes combinacións ortográficas e as novas denominacións dentro dos fanzines galegos desde 1990 até a actualidade' TARDE 16.30 h Martin Pawley: 'Os nomes do Ceo' 17:00 h Debate 17:30 h Celso Fernández Sanmartín: 'Dicir o nome e esperar o eco' 18:30 h Clausura As Xornadas de Onomástica Galega son unha iniciativa da RAG desenvolvida coa colaboración da Deputación de Pontevedra e o Museo de Pontevedra.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Research Fellowship Exploring Water, Climate, and Names in the Medieval Islamic Mediterranean


Research Fellowship in Environmental History in the medieval Islamic Mediterranean, c.650-1050CE


Thursday, October 17, 2024

XХIII Международная научная конференция "Ономастика Поволжья 2025"


По решению постоянно действующего оргкомитета Астрахань была избрана местом проведения «Ономастики Поволжья — 2025». На заключительном заседании выступили руководители всех секций и прошла торжественная передача переходящих знамен конференции представителю Астраханского государственного университета имени В. Н. Татищева — заведующей кафедрой русского языка Марии Лаптевой, которая станет председателем оргкомитета конференции в следующем году.

XХIII Международная научная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья – 2025»

Россия, Астрахань (издание включено в: РИНЦ)

Форма участия: очная

Язык информации:Русский

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в XХIII Международной научной конференции «Ономастика Поволжья».

Конференция пройдёт 1-–3 октября 2025 года в г. Астрахани на базе ФГБОУ ВО «Астраханский государственный университет имени В. Н. Татищева».

Планируется обсуждение широкого круга вопросов, связанных с различными аспектами изучения имени собственного:
- теория и методология современных ономастических исследований;
- ономастическое пространство и ономастическое поле;
- общая топонимика;
- поволжская топонимика, микротопонимика и урбанонимика;
- антропонимика и этнонимика;
- зоонимика;
- теонимы и мифонимы в поволжских этнокультурах;
- диалектная и социолектная ономастика;
- онимы в городской коммуникации;
- онимическая периферия и апеллятивно-онимическое пограничье;
- имя собственное в межъязыковом контексте, проблемы переводоведения;
- литературная и фольклорная ономастика;
- имя собственное в детской речи;
- языковая игра в ономастическом пространстве;
- ономастика и ономастическое краеведение в школе и вузе;
- ономастическое пространство Нижнего Поволжья.

К началу работы конференции планируется издать сборник материалов, который будет размещен в наукометрической базе РИНЦ (Российский индекс научного цитирования).

Условия участия и публикации материалов, а также сроки их предоставления и требования к оформлению будут сообщены в информационном письме № 2, которое будет направлено в феврале 2025 года.

Заявки на участие в конференции просим выслать до 15 февраля 2025 г. по электронному адресу:

При обращении к организаторам мероприятия обязательно ссылайтесь на сайт «Конференции.ru» как на источник информации.

Последний день подачи заявки: 15 февраля 2025 г.

Организаторы: Астраханский государственный университет им. В. Н. Татищева; Волгоградский государственный социально-педагогический университет

Контактная информация: Тел.: +7-903-321-40-27 – Лаптева Мария Леонидовна, +7-905-338-43-45 – Супрун Василий Иванович

Эл. почта:

XXII Международная научная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья» проходила в Саратовском государственном медицинском университете имени В. И. Разумовского. Участниками значимого научного мероприятия, собравшего лингвистов из 34 российских городов и зарубежных стран, стали филологи Астраханского государственного университета имени В. Н. Татищева.

Международная научная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья» была основана в 1967 году и с тех пор проводится ежегодно в разных городах России. В этом году в Саратове Астрахань была представлена и. о. завкафедрой литературы Еленой Завьяловой, которая руководила секцией «Общие вопросы ономастики» и прочла доклад «Фелинонимы как тренд Тик Тока». На секции «Урбанонимика и эргонимика» с докладом «Названия детских образовательных центров в ономастическом пространстве региона» выступила доцент кафедры русского языка Юлия Васильева.

Пленарный доклад представила заведующая кафедрой русского языка Мария Лаптева, которая рассказала собравшимся об инокультурных номинациях астраханских улиц. Из всего годонимического поля учёным выбирались только те названия, которые отражают связь с другой страной, её культурой или каким-либо объектом. Данный аспект изучения онимических знаков позволил рассмотреть, какие образы «чужой» культуры подвергаются языковой рефлексии и отражаются в «своём» ономастиконе.