Identification of localities mentioned in historical sources is one of the basic components of medieval historians’ daily work. Different types of publications can be exploited in this practice. Above all, specialized gazetteers and works aimed at settlement reconstruction belong to them. However, there is not a tool which would cover the whole territory of the medieval Hungarian kingdom and within it the territory of the present day Slovakia. Furthermore, this group of publications lacks uniformity and unification. As a result, the effective localization of the objects is difficult and slow. The paper presents the basic principles of the CTSM database ( functioning and its system of populating, because the CTSM has the ambition to resolve the outlined fragmentation of gazetteers. The paper also shows the possibilities of its application in other scientific disciplines, especially in linguistics and onomastics.
The scientific project Corpus Toponymicum Slovaciae Mediaevalis (CTSM) – the electronic toponymy database of medieval Slovakia is aimed at the creation of the online electronic free accessible database of the Slovak medieval toponymy on the basis of published and unpublished historical sources. In the form of the online database, it compiles all the known local terms and names from the whole Slovakia. The corpus will serve to historians for the identification of the historical localities. Moreover, the database will also provide the material for the linguistics research of the language used before the standard Slovak was codified (it will amend the Historical dictionary of Slovak language). Finally, the database should help identify the potential archaeological repositories. The project in this form doesn’t exist in the central Europe.
The concept of the project is long-lasting; it overlaps the time period of the available grant schemes. For these reasons, the grant is the medium to start the unique database CTSM which functioning should be long-term.
Corpus Toponymicum Slovaciae Mediaevalis - on-line databáza toponymického materiálu stredovekého Slovenska
Vedecký projekt Corpus Toponymicum Slovaciae Mediaevalis (CTSM) - elektronická databáza toponymického materiálu stredovekého Slovenska je zameraný na vytvorenie elektronickej internetovej voľne dostupnej databázy slovenskej stredovekej toponymie podľa publikovaných a nepublikovaných historických prameňov. Zhromaždí tak formou on-line databázy na jednom mieste všetky známe miestne názvy z celého Slovenska a vytvorený korpus poslúži nielen historikom pri identifikácii historických lokalít, ale zároveň ponúkne materiál na jazykovedný výskum predspisovnej slovenčiny (doplnenie Historického slovníka slovenského jazyka) a tiež pomoc pri vytypovávaní potenciálnych archeologických nálezísk. Projekt v tejto forme neexistuje v strednej Európe.
Koncepcia projektu je dlhodobá, presahuje časové obdobie dostupných grantových schém. Z týchto dôvodov je grant prostriedkom na spustenie unikátnej databázy CTSM, ktorej fungovanie by malo byť dlhodobé.
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