Monday, June 17, 2024

International workshop "Nomina Omina. Detecting and Preserving Ancient Greek and Latin Proper Names in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"


Deadline Anmeldung

This is the program of the international workshop
Nomina Omina. Detecting and Preserving Ancient Greek and Latin Proper Names in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
to be held at Leipzig University on June 27-29, 2024, thanks to the generous support of the Deutsche Forchungsgemeinschaft.


Thursday, June 27 – Seminargebäude S 420 (Universität Leipzig)


14:30-15:00: Monica Berti (Universität Leipzig), Welcome and Introduction

Session 1a - Named Entities and Linked Open Data for the Ancient World

15:00-15:45: Adam Gitner (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Digitalizing the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae Index Librorum

15:45-16:15: Coffee Break

16:15-17:00: Andrea Beyer (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Daidalos: NER for Literary Studies on Latin and Greek Texts

17:00-17:45: Giuseppe G. A. Celano (Universität Leipzig), Opera Graeca Adnotata: A Multilayer Corpus

Friday, June 28 – Seminargebäude S 420 (Universität Leipzig)

Session 1b - Named Entities and Linked Open Data for the Ancient World

09:30-10:15: Carina Geldhauser (Munich Centre for Machine Learning), Automatic Annotation of Nomina Sacra

10:15-11:00:  Irine Darchia (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University), Greek and Latin Proper Names in Georgian Epigraphic, Lexicographic and  Encyclopaedic Material: Questions and Plans for  Digitization

11:00-11:30: Coffee Break

Session 2 - Onomastics and Prosopography

11:30-12:15: Matilde Garré (Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, UMR 8210 ANHIMA), LGPN-Ling for the Preservation of Greek Personal Names in a Digital Environment

12:15-13:00: Yanne Broux (KU Leuven), Of Gods and Men: Theophoric Names in the Intersection of TM People and TM Gods

13:00-15:00: Lunch (Mensa am Park)

15:00-15:45: Sylvain Lebreton (Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès), Digital Divine Onomastics? About the Mapping Ancient Polytheisms Database

Session 3 - Geography

15:45-16:30: Monica Berti (Universität Leipzig) and Pietro Zaccaria (KU Leuven), Digital Paradoxography: Toponyms in Paradoxographical Texts 

16:30-17:00: Coffee Break

17:00-17:45: Chiara Palladino (Furman University), So Much More than Names: Modeling Geographical Entities in Ancient Texts 

19:30-22:00: Dinner (Auerbachs Keller – Mädler-Passage)

Saturday, June 29 – Hörsaalgebäude HS 8 (Universität Leipzig)

Session 4 - Authors and Works

09:00-09:45: Margherita Fantoli (KU Leuven),The NIKAW Project: Finding and Disambiguating References to People

09:45-10:30: Annette von Stockhausen (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Named Entities in the Patristic Text Archive (PTA)

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break

11:00-11:45: Andrea Balbo and Elisa Della Calce (Università di Torino), Eastern and Western Names in Latin: the SERICA Corpus

11:45-12:30: Ivan Matijašić (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), Detecting Proper Names in Greek Fragmentary Historiography: Between Digital Philology and Prosopography

12:30-13:30: Conclusions

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