Organised by the ERC Advanced Grant “Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency” (MAP - 741182), the conference Naming and Mapping the gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries hopes to bring together the competences and specialties of multiple disciplines – archaeology, history, geography, anthropology, history of religions, philology, reception, social network analysis – in order to consider new documentation corpora concerning the intersection between the divine and space. Among other things, the conference aims to propose an innovative angle of approach: the intersection between the spaces and designations of the gods.
The Antiquity is a world full of gods. Far from being confined to their sanctuaries, the gods are rooted in the human environment in multiple ways: the towns, the crossroads, the borders and boundaries, the forests, the mountains, the sea and many other spaces where they continue to dwell. Equally, they colonise imagined spaces, when poets and authors evoke their living areas or those that they move through on their different adventures. It is therefore logical that specialists on the Antiquity have studied the inscription of the divine in space for a long time already. In this perspective, the conference Naming and Mapping the gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries hopes to bring together the competences and specialties of multiple disciplines – archaeology, history, geography, anthropology, history of religions, philology, reception, social network analysis – in order to consider new documentation corpora concerning the intersection between the divine and space. Subsequently, this intersection invokes a multitude of questions, which are given in the lines of approach below. Furthermore, the conference aims to differentiate itself by proposing an innovative angle of approach, inspired by the themes of the ERC MAP project: the intersection between the spaces and designations of the gods. The ways of naming the divine powers, given that they are envisaged as ways to define, characterise, differentiate, but also to connect, effectively constitute many indexes of a dynamic and complex “mapping” of the divine. In this regard, many points have been proposed: Space as an onomastic trait, Naming the space of the gods, The ways of presenting the gods in space, Putting the gods and places in equation, Sanctuaries and the emergence of towns, Urban “religions”.

Conference coordination: Élodie Guillon
Deadline for submission of proposals: 14th of June, 2019, 12:00 (Paris time)
to the following address:
Scientific committee
Toulouse, 25th-27th March 2020
Organised by the ERC Advanced Grant “Mapping Ancient Polytheisms. Cult Epithets as an Interface between Religious Systems and Human Agency” (MAP - 741182), the conference Naming and Mapping the gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries hopes to bring together the competences and specialties of multiple disciplines – archaeology, history, geography, anthropology, history of religions, philology, reception, social network analysis – in order to consider new documentation corpora concerning the intersection between the divine and space. Among other things, the conference aims to propose an innovative angle of approach: the intersection between the spaces and designations of the gods.
The Antiquity is a world full of gods. Far from being confined to their sanctuaries, the gods are rooted in the human environment in multiple ways: the towns, the crossroads, the borders and boundaries, the forests, the mountains, the sea and many other spaces where they continue to dwell. Equally, they colonise imagined spaces, when poets and authors evoke their living areas or those that they move through on their different adventures. It is therefore logical that specialists on the Antiquity have studied the inscription of the divine in space for a long time already. In this perspective, the conference Naming and Mapping the gods in the Ancient Mediterranean. Spaces, Mobilities, Imaginaries hopes to bring together the competences and specialties of multiple disciplines – archaeology, history, geography, anthropology, history of religions, philology, reception, social network analysis – in order to consider new documentation corpora concerning the intersection between the divine and space. Subsequently, this intersection invokes a multitude of questions, which are given in the lines of approach below. Furthermore, the conference aims to differentiate itself by proposing an innovative angle of approach, inspired by the themes of the ERC MAP project: the intersection between the spaces and designations of the gods. The ways of naming the divine powers, given that they are envisaged as ways to define, characterise, differentiate, but also to connect, effectively constitute many indexes of a dynamic and complex “mapping” of the divine. In this regard, many points have been proposed: Space as an onomastic trait, Naming the space of the gods, The ways of presenting the gods in space, Putting the gods and places in equation, Sanctuaries and the emergence of towns, Urban “religions”.

Conference coordination: Élodie Guillon
Deadline for submission of proposals: 14th of June, 2019, 12:00 (Paris time)
to the following address:
Scientific committee
- Sandrine Agusta-Boularot (UMR3140-ASM, University of Montpellier 3)
- Nicole Belayche (UMR 8210-ANHIMA)
- Corinne Bonnet (PLH-ERASME, ERC-MAP, University of Toulouse 2)
- Laurent Bricault (PLH-ERASME, University of Toulouse 2)
- Pierre Brulé (University of Rennes 2)
- Thomas Galoppin (ERC MAP, University of Toulouse 2)
- Élodie Guillon (ERC-MAP, University of Toulouse 2)
- Adeline Grand-Clément (PLH-ERASME, University of Toulouse 2)
- Martine Joly (UMR 5608-TRACES, University of Toulouse 2)
- Sylvain Lebreton (ERC-MAP, University of Toulouse 2)
- Max Luaces (EHESS, UMR 5608-TRACES)
- Fabio Porzia (ERC-MAP, University of Toulouse 2)
- Jörg Rüpke (University of Erfurt)
- Christoph Uehlinger (University of Zurich)
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