- blog on e-Onomastics - digital onomastics - e-Science about proper names
- blogue sur e-Onomastique - onomastique numérique - e-Science sur les noms propres
- Blog über e-Onomastik - digitale Onomastik - e-Wissenschaft über die Namenkunde
- блог по oномастике
Join us on Friday, 3 December from 5.30pm, when Dr Nollaig Ó Muraíle, MRIA, will launch The Oxford Dictionary of Family Names of Ireland, written by Dr Kay Muhr and Dr Liam Ó hAisibéil (Roinn na Gaeilge, NUI Galway), and published by Oxford University Press.
The in person launch on the University campus will be subject to the latest Public Health advice for the sector and may be required to switch to an online only format at short notice. Registered attendees will be advised of this by email.
In person attendees must possess a valid COVID Certificate to gain admission to the venue, and wear a face mask at all times.
Online attendees will receive a Zoom link by email on Thursday, 2 December 2021.
The dictionary is available for partial-preview online (Google Books) and copies can be ordered from this address: https://bit.ly/3pSf4DC. Please note that a discount code (offering 30% off the recommended retail price) is currently available [Code: AAFLYG6].
Министерство культуры и спорта Республики Казахстан проводит 26 ноября 2021 года в г.Павлодар республиканский конкурс «Ұлттық ономастика – Ел айнасы».
Цель конкурса – активизация работы отделов, занимающихся вопросами ономастики в местных исполнительных органах, моральное и материальное стимулирование работников, ответственных за ономастику как часть языковой политики, выявление сильных специалистов в сфере ономастики, повышение интереса к этой сфере, пропаганда топонимики Казахстана, содействие укреплению единства, солидарности и патриотизма нашего народа.
В конкурсе принимают участие лучшие команды из числа специалистов управления, отдела, занимающихся языковой политикой (ономастикой) в местных исполнительных органах регионов, а их работы и знания оценивает жюри из числа известных ученых-ономастов.
В конкурсе, который в этом году пройдет во 2-й раз, в этот раз примут участие лучшие команды из 11 регионов страны.
Участники должны посмотреть на фотографии популярного в стране места (например, Окжетпес, Каркаралы и др.) и найти его название, местонахождение, ответить на вопросы по нормативным правовым актам, регулирующим сферу ономастики и викторины по сфере. Кроме того, в соответствии с Правилами конкурса будут выставлены оценки и по материалам, отражающим работу, проделанную участниками в области ономастики в своих регионах.
Организаторами предусмотрены денежные призы победителям и лауреатам конкурса.
В связи с этим, на церемонии подведения итогов республиканского конкурса «Ұлттық ономастика – Ел айнасы» будет организовано награждение победителей и дан концерт. Место проведения: г. Павлодар, здание партии «Нұр Отан».Телефон: 8 778 343 56 92, 8 776 820 66 86.
Toponímia i antroponímia del seu territori històric.
Dissabte 20 novembre 2021
Espai St. Domènec. Tortosa
La Jornada Onomàstica a Tortosa es va cloure amb la presentació del "Manual per a l'elaboració de reculls onomàstics", a càrrec dels seus autors Mar Batlle, Òscar Bagur i Pere Navarro, de la Societat d'Onomàstica. #JornadaOnomàsticaTortosapic.twitter.com/4TmrzQWvja
La Dra. Sílvia Veà (URV-Societat d'Onomàstica) presenta la ponència "L'onomàstica ens parla de la cultura fluvial": barca, ille(te)s, sénia, mitjana, galatxo, platja. #JornadaOnomàsticaTortosapic.twitter.com/7z1Hnpyb0j
Ara, Xavier Ribas presenta "Una base de dades de toponímia del delta de l'Ebre". Recull un total de 494 topònims, el més antic dels quals és de 1147 (un any abans de la conquesta d'estes terres als àrabs). #JornadaOnomàsticaTortosapic.twitter.com/1IKCVwpukF
En marxa les Jornades d'Onomàstica a Tortosa. Ara, la Dra. M. Dolores Gimeno exposa "El projecte de toponímia del Govern d'Aragó: el cas de la Franja matarranyenca." pic.twitter.com/QqexeQhwqX
Happy to share here list of 16 articles to be presented in the 40th Annual Congress of The Place Names Society of India on 25th-26th November 2021.
The exact program schedule will be updated soon.
The Place Name Society of India was started in 1977. They publish their research in "Studies in Indian Place Names: Journal of the Place Names Society in India" The Journal of the Place Names Society of India, Vol. I, 1979 briefs about the importance of the study of place names, the establishment of the Society, its main aims and objectives.
They are already to be found on Twitter:
Prof. D. Javare Gowda, the founder President of The Place Names Society of India, in his President’s note in Studies in Indian Place Names (Bharatiya Sthalanama Patrika):
listopada, godz. 8.15 meet.google.com/rji-otnp-mtd Seminarium pt. „Реєстр Війська Запорозького 1649 року - унікальна пам'ятка української історичної антропонімії” poprowadzi doc. dr Lubov Ostash, Lwowski Uniwersytet Narodowy im. Iwana Franki
grudnia 2021 r., godz. 8.15 meet.google.com/sph-asmr-eki Seminarium pt. „Imiona chrzestne i ich warianty na pograniczu polsko-ukraińskim (w perspektywie diachronicznej)” poprowadzi dr hab. Marcin Kojder, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie.
From now on, you may find the most extensive list of the name-related periodicals on the ICOS Website under “Links” ! The list contains names, publisher and/or expertise, years of publication, policy of full open access and languages in which the articles are to be accepted.
Of course, the list given here cannot be exhaustive with respect to all languages and names’ types. That is why, do not hesitate to contact the Webmaster and Information Officer Dr. Eugen Schochenmaier who catalogued all those journals, newsletters, newspapers, and other serial editions with the help of onomastic editors and IBOS members.
The researcher of Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (AÀA) (national advisory partnership for Gaelic place-names in Scotland), Jake King, will be giving a talk on Gaelic place-names in the Central Belt at 6:30pm on Wednesday the 24th of November on Zoom.
If you are interested in attending please email anclascamelon@gmail.com for further information.
Prof. Edgar Hoffmann passed away unexpectedly at the age of only 64 on October 30, 2021.
His academic teacher was the internationally renowned Slavist and co-founder of the Leipzig Onomastic School Ernst Eichler. After his studies in Leipzig in 1984, he defended his PhD on the history of Slavic onomastics in Germany.
He has been working at the Institute for Slavic Languages at the Vienna University of Economics and Business since 1991. There, he obtained his habilitation in September 2015. His research activities in Vienna have focused on Slavic business languages, but also on the history of Slavic onomastics and the role of names in business communication.
The publications in the famous international series such as "Onomastica Slavogermanica" edited alternately in Berlin and Wrocław and the Leipzig journal "Namenkundliche Informationen/Journal of Onomastics" justify the quality of Edgar Hoffmann's research.
Since 1993, he has been focusing on the name formation and name usage in Russian business advertising. In 1999, his research about the Russian Names has been collected and published under the title „Neue onymische Räume in Russland“ (New Onymic Spaces in Russia). His last work about Personal Names as Components of Names in the Russian Economy is going to be published in the 14th volume of "Onomastica Lipsiensia".
Datum: 3:e mars 2022 Plats: Institutet för språk och folkminnen, Uppsala
Workshopen ska behandla hur språkkontakt kan komma till uttryck i historiska personnamn från olika historiska språkstadier och i olika källtextsorter. Målet med workshopen är för det första att sammanställa de teoretiska ansatser som finns på området och att diskutera dessa med utgångspunkt i deltagarnas aktuella forskning. För det andra kommer olika ingångar till metodologiska spörsmål att diskuteras. Dessa kommer att behandlas utifrån källtextsorternas olika filologiska och kontextuella premisser. Dessutom kommer möjligheten att finnas att presentera pågående, planerade eller tänkta projekt inom området.
Personnamn och migration under medeltiden och tidigmodern tid. En workshop rörande historisk personnamnsforskning och kontaktonomastik
Förslag på möjliga frågeställningar att diskutera: • Hur återgivs utlänningars namn i historiska källor? • Vilka namn/vilken typ av namn ger invandrare sina barn? • Vilka mönster avseende formalspråkliga integrationsfenomen återfinns i personnamnen? • Vilka variationsmönster finns bland personnamn som förekommer i flerspråkiga kontexter eller flera olika källtexter och hur kan dessa förklaras?
Anmälan senast den 30:e november 2021 till kontakt.hist.pn@gmail.com. Ange i anmälan om du har tänkt att presentera ett projekt (ange i så fall titel) eller om du vill delta utan presentation.
El proper dijous 25 de novembre, a les 19, a la Biblioteca Fages de Climent de Figueres hi haurà la presentació del llibre d’Antoni Egea Codina, Toponímia històrica del terme de Figueres. Jean-Paul Escudero, dialectòleg, Ventura Castellvell, de la SdO, i el regidor de Cultura i Turisme, Alfons Martínez, acompanyaran l’autor en aquesta presentació.
Themes detailed in the conference description include Jewish languages and cultures in North Africa, and the history of Jews in Morocco.
Rabat - Agadir-based international university Universiapolis is hosting a conference from November 23-25 on the political and social significance of Morocco’s Jewish heritage.
The conference, titled “Jewish Onomastics in Morocco: Political, Economic, and Territorial Implications,” will be organized by the doctoral department of the Agadir’s Universiapolis.
The conference aims to tackle the intricate relationship between Onomastics, the origin of names, and political, economic, and territorial constraints. The main argument of the conference is that Jewish names in spelling and pronunciation are conditioned by economic, political, and territorial factors.
This year, 2021, the researcher Anatol Eremia turns 90 years old. He is the personality who remained faithful during his entire scientific career to the Institute of Romanian Philology “Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu“, in its various forms of existence so far. He dedicated his life to onomastics research, demonstrating a special predilection for the phenomena of toponymy.
Evolving in his career at all levels of the academic hierarchy, from laboratory in the field of Onomastics to scientific coordinator and scientific consultant, he managed to gather scientific information and make relevant analyzes by publishing 25 monographs, dictionaries, guides and 465 scientific articles and popularization of science.
Among the most famous works signed by Anatol Eremia are: Names of localities. Toponymy study, 1970; The secrets of geographical names, 1986; The unity of the Romanian onomastic patrimony, 2001; Cahul in time and space, 2007; Chisinau. History and current affairs, 2012; The Romanian toponymic treasure. Republic of Moldova. Cantemir area, 2016; Leova. Localities, people, traditions, 2018 etc.
He has had and continues to work in several commissions, councils, editorial boards dealing with issues of onomastics (toponymy, anthroponymy): UN Expert Group for Standardization of Geographical Names of International Circulation, Scientific Council of the Institute of Romanian Philology, Interdepartmental Commission for Study the state and development of the Romanian language, the Republican Commission for the regulation and protection of national onomastics, the Commission for the regulation of urbanism of Chisinau, the Editorial Board of the dedicated journal.
Anatol Eremia is a patrimonial personality for onomastic and toponymic research, who became, in time, a “guardian” of toponymy, as he had once been a “guardian” in the Romanian school of Cahul.
Chères et chers collègues, chères et chers ami·e·s de l'onomastique suisse,
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer le Colloque Onomastique Suisse #10, Saint-Gall 2022. La rencontre aura lieu le vendredi 11 février 2022 dans la Musiksaal dans le quartier du monastère de Saint-Gall et durera de 10h à 14h environ. Elle sera suivie d'un programme culturel dans les Archives de l'Abbaye (fin vers 16h). Le thème du colloque 2022 sera: "Peuplement et dénomination: approches onomastiques". Un programme détaillé vous parviendra ultérieurement.
En marge des présentations nous organisons une exposition de posters. La manifestation est plurilingue – italien, allemand, français – et multidisciplinaire; les posters peuvent aussi être en anglais. Nous espérons qu’un grand nombre de projets en cours ou achevés pourront être présentés. Veuillez nous contacter si vous souhaitez présenter un poster.
Merci de réserver la date ! Nous espérons vous voir nombreux au Colloque Onomastique à Saint-Gall. Nous nous tenons à votre disposition pour tous renseignements. Vous pouvez envoyer vos questions et vos inscriptions aux posters à l'adresse électronique suivante: namenkolloquiumsg@ds.uzh.ch.
Avec nos meilleures salutations,
le groupe du projet de recherche du FNS "Die Flurnamen des Kantons St. Gallen".
Heinrich Tiefenbach is a German philologist who specialized in Germanic studies
Heinrich Tiefenbach was born in Orsoy, Germany on 17 September 1944. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Bonn in 1970, and completed his habilitation at the University of Münster in 1984 with Rudolf Schützeichel with the thesis „Xanten, Essen, Köln. Untersuchungen zur Nordgrenze des Althochdeutschen an niederrheinischen Personennamen des 9.-11. Jahrhunderts“. Until his retirement, Tiefenbach was Professor of German Philology at the Institute for Germanic Studies at the University of Regensburg.
From 1993 to 2015, he chaired the "Arbeitskreis für Namenforschung" (Working Group for Name Research), which is equally important for name researchers and historians.
He founded research group "NAMEN" at the University of Regensburg in 2003. For many years Tiefenbach was co-editor of the journal "Beiträge zur Namenforschung".
His final resting place is in the Protestant cemetery in Duisburg-Meiderich.
Организаторы: ГОУ ВПО «Горловский институт иностранных языков»
Направления работы семинара
1. Имя литературного героя в произведениях русских и зарубежных писателей. 2. Роль географических названий в художественном мире произведений. 3. Фольклор и литературная ономастика. 4. Античные герои в русской и мировой литературе. 5. Собственное имя в драматургии. 6. Имя собственное в сравнительном литературоведении. 7. Актуальные вопросы ономастики и поэтонимологии. 8. Язык художественного произведения.
По окончании семинара все участники получат сертификаты.
Els propers 20 i 21 de novembre Tortosa acull, a l’Espai Sant Domènec i amb la col·laboració de la SdO, una Jornada onomàstica amb l’objectiu de mostrar diversos estudis de toponímia i antroponímia del seu territori històric.
The session focuses on Philippine geographic names as symbols of claiming and reclaiming voices and viewpoints.
To accommodate the increasing public demand, an additional 1000 slots are made available starting at 5:00 PM today, 18 October 2021. All 13 Sessions of the Philippine International Quincentennial Conference can now accommodate 2000-attendees each! Register now here https://nqc.gov.ph/piqc!
PIQC is a collaborative project of the National Quincentennial Committee and 15 other agencies, universities, and professional national historical societies. Around 100 Filipino and foreign scholars, diplomats, officials, artists, and scientists will deliver lectures encapsulating the theme “Situating the Filipino and the Philippines in 1521.” Learn more about the conference here: https://nqc.gov.ph/en/piqc/ Conference Schedule and Briefer [https://bit.ly/PIQC-Session-and-Schedule] Our Partner Institutions [https://nqc.gov.ph/en/piqc/logo/] For queries, please contact: Philippine International Quincentennial Conference Secretariat c/o National Quincentennial Committee Secretariat 2nd Floor, National Historical Commission of the Philippines Bldg., T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila secretariat@nqc.gov.ph | (+63) (02) 5335-1200 loc. 145