Sunday, January 29, 2023

3rd Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names


"Strengthening relationships, links and connections in geographical names standardization and for sustainable development and pandemic recovery"

The 2023/third session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) will be convened from 1 to 5 May 2023 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. There will be 10 meetings of the 2023 session and each meeting will be three hours: 10 -1 a.m. and 3-6 p.m.


UNGEGN sessions provide a forum where experts from the interrelated fields of geography, cartography, geospatial information, linguistics and history, from across the world come together to learn and share best practices and norms, new developments in geographical names administration and standardization. The session also highlights the Group's role as an enabler in preserving cultural heritage and where appropriate support relevant aspects of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This session will address the theme "Strengthening relationships, links and connections in geographical names standardization and for sustainable development and pandemic recovery". This theme is not only aligned to the theme of the 2023 ECOSOC High-level Political Forum on sustainable development, but also to UNGEGN's Strategic Plan and Programme of Work 2021-2029, Strategy 2: Relationships, links and connections. Good relationships, links and connections are fundamental to all UNGEGN's strategies and are at the heart of the work of the United Nations. Therefore, it is beneficial to encourage focus on this topic and create a platform through the 2023 session to explore the various types of relationships (formal/informal, organizational/individual) employed by Member States to achieve their goals, and in turn support UNGEGNs vision.

Work Programme

The Group of Experts has a robust work programme anchored in its Strategic Plan and Programme of Work 2021-2029. The following are some major topics to be addressed during the session: - place names supporting sustainable development, toponymic data management and gazetteers, romanization systems, diversity and inclusion, capacity building in toponymy and geographical names as cultural heritage.

Other Activities

A series of side events consisting of working groups and divisional meetings, special workshops and an orientation session for new attendees will be held prior to and during the session. We are committed to keeping you, our national representatives, observers and special interest groups informed on the progress of session arrangements. Therefore, we encourage you to continue to monitor this website for updates and announcements.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

"Ономастика и топонимија - Заврши код Фоче"

Journalist, columnist and long-term member of the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS), Milenko Mišo Todović, published the book "Onomastics and Toponymy - Finish at Foča". This book is a unique linguistic treasure because it interprets the original language concepts.

As Milenko Todović says, the book is a struggle to preserve the original names, which were almost lost over time. 

Новинар, публициста и вишегодишњи члан Удружења новинара Србије (УНС) Миленко Мишо Тодовић објавио је књигу "Ономастика и топонимија - Заврши код Фоче". Ова књига представља јединствену језичку ризницу јер се у њој тумаче изворни језички појмови.

У лексичком смислу, како каже Миленко Тодовић, књига је борба да се сачувају изворни називи, који су се временом готово изгубили.

У књизи су обухваћени називи планина, брда, пећина и јама, водотокова, река, потока, језера и више лековитих извора, о којима се мало зна. Попис домаћих животиња, опис заборављених заната и навођење назива мера за тежину, дужину и време само су неке од свари које је аутор уврстио у ову збирку текстова.

Тодовић се у књизи бавио различитим појмовима у језичком, историјском и географско‒привредном погледу.

Поред тога, књига садржи више од 5500 имена људи, презимена, породичних и личних надимака. 

Издавачи су аутор и Народна библиотека „Шклопотницаˮ из Ријеке код Фоче. Тираж књиге је 100 примерака, а ИСБН је 978-26-901962-2-3.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Welcome to ICOS 2024 in Helsinki!

Congress website: Organization website: ~ Video credits ~ Photos and videos: Lasse Hämäläinen, Wikimedia Commons, University of Debrecen Editing: Lasse Hämäläinen Reader: Frank Boyle Subtitle translations: Yolanda G. López Franco, Peter Jordan

e-Onomastics is on the Libarary of Congress Website !

I am so proud to find my blog e-Onomastics on the Website of the Library of Congress!!! 

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Special issue of journal Genealogy on family names


Dear Colleagues,

We propose to jointly guest-edit a Special Issue of the online periodical Genealogy on the topic of Family Names and Naming. This is a call for papers. Updated deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 September 2023 

Relatively little is published globally on this topic. We therefore consider that it would be timely to bring together contributions from as many as possible of the different disciplines which have an established or potential professional interest in personal naming at the family level: linguistics/onomastics, lexicography, history, genealogy, social psychology, anthropology, human biology, genetics, computer science and AI, marketing, etc.,  and from as many geographical, linguistic and cultural areas as possible. Much published work involving family names is genealogical (therefore highly specific) and lexicographical (therefore essentially summarizing a current state of historical knowledge).

Seeing just how little is published in comparison with work in toponymy, given-naming and business and institutional naming, for example, we consider that a useful step would be to bring together work of disparate types without a single overarching theme in order to expose scholars in the various fields to the full richness of current thinking about family names and possible directions for further research and cross-disciplinary collaboration. For the purposes of this issue, the Guest Editors will understand “family name” (or “surname”) to include names which perform an analogous role in a range of cultures, such as patronyms and metronyms, clan names, nasab and nisba, etc.—any name, in fact, which explicitly positions the individual within a larger social structure. Lack of family name is also a topic of interest. The Guest Editors will be pleased to consider submissions from any disciplinary area, whether oriented to history, praxis or theory, but will look especially favourably on papers that endeavour to make links across conventional disciplinary boundaries or seek to establish new methodological approaches to the study of family names. We expect submissions may fall into five broad areas:

  1. Projects and methods in family name research;
  2. Systematic aspects of family names and naming;
  3. Linguistic aspects of family names and naming;
  4. Praxis in relation to family naming;
  5. Studies relating to individual family names (in which the focus should be on the  name itself rather than on wider genealogical matters).

We offer a range of references below as an indication of some of the directions that might be followed by contributors, but without seeking to limit submissions to predefined topic areas.

We request that, prior to submitting a manuscript, interested authors initially submit a proposed title and an abstract of 400–600 words, in English, summarizing their intended contribution, within one month of this call for papers. Please send it to the Guest Editors ( and or to Genealogy editorial office ( Abstracts will be reviewed by the Guest Editors for the purposes of ensuring proper fit within the scope of the Special Issue. Full manuscripts will undergo double-blind peer-review.

For those for whom it is relevant, the policy of Genealogy on article fees is set out at:

We look forward to hearing from you. Please pass on this call to any scholar you think might wish to contribute.


Darlu, Pierre, and 17 other authors (2012) The family name as socio-cultural feature and genetic metaphor: from concepts to methods. Human Biology 84.2, 169-214.

Farkas, Tamás (2012) The history and practice of the regulations for changing one's family name in Hungary. Onoma 47, 35–56.

Hanks, Patrick (2003) Americanization of European family names in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. Onoma 38, 119-154.

Hanks, Patrick, and others (2022) Introduction to the Dictionary of American family names (new edition). New York: Oxford University Press.

Hanks, Patrick, and Harry Parkin (2016) Family names. In Carole Hough, with Daria Izdebska, ed., The Oxford handbook of names and naming. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 214-236. [In the same book, the chapter by George Redmonds on Personal names and genealogy (279-291), and Section 19.2.] Book:

Hanks, Patrick, Richard Coates and Peter McClure, eds (2016) Introduction to the Oxford dictionary of family names in Britain and Ireland. Oxford: Oxford University Press.;jsessionid=BC712D4AF2CB313B21171C53DF5B8553. [Additionally, a version in the Concise edition, ed. Harry Parkin (2021).]

Kohlheim, Rosa, and Volker Kohlheim (2005) Familiennamen: Herkunft und Bedeutung von 20000 Nachnamen. Mannheim: Duden.

Krüger, Dietlind (2011) Familiennamen ostslawischer Herkunft im Deutschen. In: Karlheinz Hengst and Dietlind Krüger, eds., Familiennamen im Deutschen: Erforschung und NachschlagewerkeJürgen Udolph zum 65. Geburtstag zugeeignet. Leipzig, 227-249.

Morlet, Marie-Thérèse (1997) Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de famille. Paris: Perrin.

Parkin, Harry (2015) The fourteenth-century poll tax returns and the study of English surname distribution. Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 48.1, 1-12.

Peters, Eleanor (2018) The influence of choice feminism on women’s and men’s attitudes towards name changing at marriage. Names 66.3, 176-185.

Picard, Marc (2009) Genealogical evidence and the Americanization of European family names. Names 57.1, 30-51.

Picard, Marc (2015) On the origin of hagionyms in North American French surnames. Names 63.1, 37-43.

Pilcher, Jane, Zara Hooley and Amanda Coffey (2020) Names and naming in adoption: birth heritage and family‐making. Child & Family Social Work 25.3, 568-575.

Plant, John S. (2005) Modern methods and a controversial surname: Plant. Nomina 28, 115-133.  

Rabanus, Stefan, and Haykanush Barseghyan (2018) Wortbildung der Familiennamen Armeniens. Beiträge zur Namenforschung 53.1, 47-66.

Rambousek, Adam, Ales Horak and Harry Parkin (2018) Software tools for big data resources in family name dictionaries. Names 66.4, 246-255.

Sykes, Bryan, and Catherine Irven (2000) Surnames and the Y-chromosome. American Journal of Human Genetics 66, 1417-1419.     

Tüm, Gülden (2021) Turkish patronymic surnames ending with -oğlu ‘son of’: a corpus linguistic investigation. Names 69.2, 20-32.

Voracek, M., S. Reider, S. Stieger, V. Swami and S. Rieder (2015) What’s in a surname? Physique, aptitude, and sports type comparisons between Tailors and Smiths. PLoS ONE 10 (7), e0131795.

Wikstrøm, Solveig (2012) Surnames and identities. In Botolv Helleland, Christian-Emil Ore and Solveig Wikstrøm, eds., Names and Identities. Oslo: University of Oslo. OSLa (Oslo Studies in Language), 257-272.

Please note that some of these texts may be accessible online on other sites. Some sites mentioned are paywall-protected.

Dr. Harry Parkin
Prof. Dr. Richard Coates
Guest Editors

Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website. Once you are registered, click here to go to the submission form. Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All submissions that pass pre-check are peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website.

Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a double-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instructions for Authors page. Genealogy is an international peer-reviewed open access quarterly journal published by MDPI.

Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a manuscript. The Article Processing Charge (APC) for publication in this open access journal is 1200 CHF (Swiss Francs). Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good English. Authors may use MDPI's English editing service prior to publication or during author revisions.


  • onomastics
  • anthroponomastics
  • anthroponymy
  • family names
  • surnames

Published Papers

This special issue is now open for submission.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Toponymic studies on Brazilian Sign Language

This talk aims to offer an overview of toponymic studies on Brazilian Sign Language, Libras, and to present a morphological analysis of Brazilian Sign Language signs that name 51 of the 75 Curitiba neighborhoods. Specifically, we will show the results of a study carried out by Xavier and Ferreira (2021) on the lexical creation processes through which some Libras toponyms were formed. The corpus for this research was constituted from data collected by Ferreira and Xavier (2019) and videos made available on CAS-Curitiba’s YouTube channel. From these sources, 75 toponymic forms and phonological variants for seven of them were collected. We analyzed those forms based on works on word-formation processes in spoken languages (Vellupilai, 2012) and in signed languages (Meir, 2012). As a result, we have identified 16 different patterns of lexical formation and four toponymic families, that is, four sets of signs that share the same articulation place, and, presumably, a semantic feature related to it. The analysis of these toponymic signs also reveals the occurrence of phonological, morphological and lexical variation. Finally, we will present a research project involving public universities from eight Brazilian states that aims to create a toponymic atlas for Libras.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Paul Fabre (1935 - 2023)


Originaire de Nizas, le linguiste distingué que fut Paul Fabre, à l'Université Paul-Valéry de Montpellier, vient de tirer sa révérence.

Un érudit affable, originaire de Nizas, vient de disparaître à l’âge de 87 ans. En effet, le professeur émérite des Universités Paul Fabre fait partie de ces Alésiens dont les travaux de recherches témoignent d’une activité intellectuelle soutenue. Grammairien et maître de la chaire de philologie romane à l’Université Paul-Valéry de Montpellier, il a formé de nombreux étudiants aux subtilités et évolutions de la langue française depuis le Moyen-Âge. Tout au long de sa vie, il publiera de nombreux ouvrages spécialisés sur la sémantique, la grammaire occitane ancienne, l’origine des noms de lieux et de personnes, ainsi que plusieurs romans à caractère régionaliste.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Third Season of "Chinese Place Names Conference" Show is Back


The Ministry of Civil Affairs and China Media Group have launched the third season of "China Place Names Conference" in an effort to promote China's superb place name culture. It will begin airing on CCTV-4 on December 17th at 17:30 on every Saturday and Sunday.

The program builds on the strengths of the previous two seasons by analyzing the Chinese wisdom concealed in place names, using knowledge of place names as the carrier to deeply explore the main theme of "seeing culture from place names and seeing China from culture," focusing on helping the audience understand the essence of Chinese culture, perceive the rich connotation of place name stories, and experience the real, three-dimensional world around them, exhibiting the self-assurance of Chinese culture virtually while showcasing the rich history of Chinese place names culture and socialist fundamental values.

The cultural variety performance "China Place Names Conference" is well-liked by the audience, inclusive of all people, and committed to sustainable growth. The third season included new ideas and enhanced the presentation, content, and competition structure of the show. In terms of the competition system, the combination of team battles and individual battles enables players to obtain individual victories through individual efforts in addition to team honors, giving each player a greater sense of contribution and value. 

In terms of content, this season will concentrate on the understanding of place names that the audience is familiar with but not fully adept at, in order to pique their interest and encourage participation, enhance the output quality of place name knowledge, and fully illustrate the positive pattern of "emphasizing science and emphasizing practicality" in the current development of place name culture in China. Regarding presentation techniques, it is conveyed through a short film set in a very aesthetically striking setting that also extracts information on place names' cultural, geographic, and historical contexts, showcasing the grandeur and beauty of China.

To create a stunning visual impression and a novel approach to question framing, the program also employs a variety of techniques such as XR technology, fascinating animations, interactive objects, and special product tasting.

Use the place name as a guide to help you find your route; mark the location and keep an eye on the future. The third season of "China Place Names Conference" explores the historical changes, enduring cultural influences, and contemporary design motifs that have influenced Chinese place names in various ways. It also acknowledges the listeners' journeys that place names take them on as they visit far-off cultural locales.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Etymology of Field Names on Open Street Map

Adding the origin of fieldnames to OpenStreetMap is a great opportunity for people interested in local history to record the history of their place in an easily accessible place and helps other people understand some of the more obscure fieldnames. Many thanks to all the people who have already tirelessly added fieldnames to OpenStreetMap!!! 00:00 Introduction 03:05 Naming by shape 04:05 Naming by size 04:47 Naming by crop or farm animal 09:25 Former owners' names 11:17 Naming after man made structures (lime kilns, castles, graveyards...) 29:30 Natural features (waterbodies, wildlife, changes in altitude...)

Conférence « Artus de Bretagne : onomastique et littérature »


Lundi 16 janvier 2023 à 17 h
Archives nationales

« Artus de Bretagne : onomastique et littérature »

par Christine Ferlampin-Acher,
membre honoraire de l’IUF et professeur de langue et littérature françaises du Moyen Âge

(Université de Rennes 2, CELLAM)

À partir d’un roman arthurien tardif, Artus de Bretagne, composé vers 1300, seront envisagées quelques-unes des problématiques que posent l’édition de textes romanesques médiévaux et leur étude littéraire : instabilité des traditions manuscrites, intertextualité complexe, réseau de senefiance, datation et attribution de textes anonymes non datés, questions de réception (des manuscrits à la Collection de romans de chevalerie d’Alfred Delvau). La conférence proposera un bilan autour de quelques exemples ayant déjà donné lieu à publication.


Spécialiste du roman arthurien tardif, Christine Ferlampin-Acher a mené des recherches sur Perceforest et sur Artus de Bretagne et dirigé le projet LATE, « Littérature Arthurienne Tardive en Europe » (1270-1530). Elle a co-organisé à Rennes un séminaire sur l’onomastique littéraire médiévale : Par le non conuist an l’ome. Études d’onomastique littéraire médiévale, éd. C. Ferlampin-Acher, F. Pomel et E. Egedi-Kovàcs (dir.), Budapest, 2021 et en ligne :


Les conférences se tiennent aux Archives nationales, site de Paris :

CARAN — salle d’albâtre
11 rue des Quatre-Fils
75003 Paris

Accès libre et gratuit dans la limite des places disponibles.

Found in translation: the Welsh place-names of the Cambrian Mountains


online talk by Dylan Foster Evans !!!

Names of hills, valleys and scattered signs of human presence give layers of insight into the people who've lived and worked the uplands

When and where

Date and time



About this event

The apparent emptiness of the Cambrian Mountains today belies a long and deep history of human settlement and activity. Every hill, common, stream, track, standing stone and cairn has a name, not to mention many fields and the more recent features of chapels, mines, farms (standing and ruined). To non-Welsh speakers, these names - hard to pronounce and so hard to remember - are more likely to hinder an understanding of the landscape than help it. To those who can follow the Welsh descriptions and decipher the old names, however, they act as an encyclopoedia of information about the events, imaginings and relationships of the people who conferred the names on the landscape.

In this webinar, Dylan Foster Evans, the Chair of the Welsh Place-Name Society, will discuss what we can learn from the place-names of the Cambrians about the languages, landscape, history and culture of the country. 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Modeling Historical Place Names

talk for Methods In Sinology Ruth Mostern @PittTweet "Modeling Historical Place Names: The Digital Gazetteer of the Song Dynasty and the World Historical Gazetteer" Thank you Lu Wang for Chairing

Coca Cola: the Most Lawed Name

Coca Cola- what a name! We talk about Coca Cola's iconic wordmark/s.

49è Col·loqui de la Societat d’Onomàstica (a Eivissa i a Formentera)


Organitzat per la Societat d’Onomàstica amb la col·laboració de: 

- Oficina d’Onomàstica (Secció Filològica de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans). 

- Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs i Consell Insular d’Eivissa. 

- Obra Cultural Balear de Formentera i Consell Insular de Formentera. 

- Gabinet d’Onomàstica de la Universitat de les Illes Balears.

El darrer col·loqui a Eivissa organitzat per la Societat d’Onomàstica fou el 1999. Aquest col·loqui va ajudar a impulsar l’estudi de l’onomàstica a les Pitiüses. Tant a Eivissa com a Formentera hi ha estudiosos que han treballat l’onomàstica, especialment fent reculls de toponímia, però no hi ha un pla de l’Administració que planifiqui la seva recollida sistemàtica i organitzada, com si que es fa en altres zones. Aquest col·loqui pretén: 

a) Fer conèixer i incentivar la recerca dels noms de lloc i persona a Eivissa i a Formentera. 

b) Promoure l’estudi de l’onomàstica i del seu valor com a patrimoni immaterial. 


Toponímia costanera i / o insular. 


Les propostes de comunicació al Col·loqui s’han de fer arribar per correu electrònic des d’ara i fins al 15 de març de 2023 a la Secretaria del Col·loqui ( Els interessats hi han d’indicar les seves dades personals (nom i cognoms, adreça de correu electrònic i tel. de contacte) i enviar un text amb el títol i el resum de la comunicació d’una extensió entre 500 i 2.000 caràcters. 

Per a la posterior publicació de les actes del col·loqui, el text definitiu haurà de tenir una extensió màxima de 35.000 caràcters amb espais. I s’haurà d’ajustar als criteris editorials que apareixen en aquest enllaç . 


Mar Batlle, Enric Ribes i Marí, Pere Navarro i Josep Ramon Santiago Peset. 

Comitè científic 

Maribel Guardiola (Universitat d’Alacant), 

Javier Giralt (Universitat de Saragossa) i Josep Ramon Santiago Peset (Universitat de les Illes Balears). 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Sektion "Namen in Krisenzeiten / Namenkrisen / Namen in der Krise" (XV. IVG-Kongress 2025)

 PDF + Kongress

Organisatorisches Einreichung: 

ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Peter Ernst (Wien), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Michael Prinz (Uppsala), PD Dr. habil. Barbara Aehnlich (Bremen), Dr. Christian Zschieschang (Cottbus) 


Wie lässt sich der Begriff ‘Krise’ sinnvoll konzeptualisieren und onomastisch breit nutzbar machen? Ganz allgemein wird unter einer Krise eine eskalatorische Entwicklung individueller oder kollektiver Natur verstanden, die unterschiedlichste Lebensbereiche und Sprachgebrauchsdomänen betreffen kann. Das Spektrum reicht dabei von persönlichen Lebenskrisen und Beziehungskrisen bis hin zu (politisch, wirtschaftlich oder sozial bedingten) gesellschaftlichen Krisen. Solche Krisen eröffnen in der Regel unterschiedliche Handlungsoptionen, die entweder zu einer weiteren Verschärfung (bis hin zur Katastrophe) führen können oder Chancen zur bewussten Deeskalation und letztlich zur Lösung von Konflikten bieten. 

Das onomastische Potenzial des Themas ist dabei ein zweifaches: Zum einen stellt sich die Frage, wie bestimmte Krisen sich auf onymische Einheiten und/oder Namensysteme auswirken: Auf welche Art und in welchem Umfang reflektieren Namen krisenhafte Entwicklungen und stellen gewissermaßen sedimentiertes Wissen über historische Krisen dar? Wie reagiert das Namensystem dynamisch auf laufende Krisen? Zugleich können Namen aber natürlich auch für eine solche Dynamik konstitutiv sein. Namen besitzen ein inhärentes Konfliktpotenzial, welches für die Entstehung und die Entwicklung einer Krise wesentlich sein kann. So kann etwa in einer Sprechergemeinschaft eine aus einem ethnischen Konflikt resultierende Krise zur Vermeidung ethnisch markierter Rufnamen oder zum freiwilligen Familiennamenwechsel führen. Gleichzeitig kann aber die aus politischen Machtstrukturen resultierende fehlende Sichtbarkeit von z.B. minderheitssprachlichen Orts- und Straßennamen im öffentlichen Raum auch ein Katalysator für die Entwicklung einer Krise sein. 

Angesichts der Vielgestaltigkeit des Phänomens sind unterschiedliche onomastische Themenfelder für den IVG-Kongress denkbar: 

a) Persönliche Krisen: z.B. psychische Lebenskrisen (aufgrund von Schicksalsschlägen, Krankheiten o.ä.), Beziehungskrisen, familiäre Krisen (Beispielthemen: Namenswechsel aufgrund von Identitätskrisen [vgl. Schmidt-Jüngst 2020], Traumata, Flucht oder Vertreibung; Beziehungskrisen und Kosenamen; Pränatalname [vgl. Zastrow 2021] und Fehlgeburt / Benennung von “Sternenkindern”; Pubertät als Krise)

b) Politische und ökonomische Krisen: z.B. Corona als Personen- und Produktname; Wirtschaftskrise der 90er und die Vergabe ostdeutscher Personennamen; Religiös motivierte Diskriminierung aufgrund des Namens; Rufnamen und Flucht; Kriege als Auslöser von Namenwechsel; Namenkonflikte (Eller et al. 2008); Globalisierung als Krise in der Personennamengebung; Schandnamen

c) Ökologische Krisen: z.B. onymisches Greenwashing und Produktnamen; “Absturz” des Vornamens Greta seit 2020; der Spiegel ökologischen Wandels in den geografischen Namen  

d) Epistemische Krisen: Etablierte Wissensbestände (z.B. religiöse oder wissenschaftliche) können durch die Konfrontation mit neuem Wissen eine Krise auslösen, die dann z.B. zu einer religiösen Häresie oder einer wissenschaftlichen Revolution im Stile eines Paradigmenwechsels führen (Beispielthemen: Konfessionelle Namengebung; Humanistennamen (vgl. Kroiß 2021); Namen wissenschaftlicher Theorien)

e) Namenforschung in der Krise: In der Onomastik zeigen sich ebenfalls Krisen. So ist ein starker Rückgang der Ehrenamtlichen zur Erhebung der Namen zu verzeichnen und es stellt sich die Frage, wie der Generationenwechsel in der traditionellen Orts- und Flurnamenforschung vollzogen werden kann. Die toponomastische Forschung wird vor allem im deutschsprachigen Raum kaum noch gefördert und ist kaum noch Bestandteil von germanistischen Lehrstühlen und Professuren (vgl. Prinz 2021). Hier stellt sich die Frage, wie mit dieser Verdrängung aus dem universitären Kontext umzugehen ist.

Für die Sektion sind zwei Tagungstage vorgesehen. Eine Liste potenzieller Referent*innen, die angefragt werden sollen, hängt an, wobei ein Auswahlverfahren anhand einer Themen- und Abstracteinreichung durch die Sektionsverantwortlichen geplant ist.

Mögliche Referent*innen 

1. Peter Ernst (Wien) 

2. Michael Prinz (Uppsala) 

3. Christian Zschieschang (Cottbus) 

4. Barbara Aehnlich (Bremen) 

5. Daniel Kroiß (Mainz) 

6. Miriam Lind (Mainz) 

7. Inga Siegfried-Schupp (Zürich) 

8. Peter Jordan (Wien) / Ross Purves (Zürich) 

9. Anne Zastrow (Rostock) 

10. Martin Graf (Zürich) 

11. Simone Berchtold (Zürich) 

12. Elwys De Stefani (Leuven) / Susanne Günthner / Pepe Droste (Münster) 

13. Michelle Waldispühl (Göteborg) 

14. Volker Kohlheim (Bayreuth) 

15. Martina Heer (Bern) 

16. Erika Windberger-Heidenkummer (Graz) 

17. Helen Christen (Fribourg) 

18. Angela Bergermayer (Wien) 

19. Thomas Lindner (Salzburg) 

20. Márta Müller (Budapest) 

21. Claudia Posch (Innsbruck) 

22. Gerhard Rampl (Innsbruck) 

23. Hubert Bergmann (Wien) 

24. Veronika Štěpánová (Prag)


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