Friday, July 5, 2024

CfP: 5th Czech Onomastic Conference (COK 2025)


We would like to invite you to the 5th Czech Onomastic Conference, which will be held in Prague from April 7 to 10, 2025. More detailed information can be found on the conference website available at

Conference Theme and Sections:

Onomastics is usually considered a linguistic area overlapping markedly with other disciplines. Most frequently, the connections with history, geography, sociology and ethnology are mentioned. However, the link of onomastics to archaeology and history of settlement is also of importance. Literary onomastics is closely intertwined with literary studies. The links between onomastics and natural sciences, e.g. botany or geology, have not been fully established yet.

Conference contributions focused on the relationships between onomastics and other sciences and studies are welcomed. Attention will also be paid to the interdisciplinary nature of onomastics within linguistics, which means the cooperation and linkage between onomastics and linguistic areas such as dialectology, diachronic linguistics and etymology, corpus linguistics, grammar, and stylistics.

Depending on the interest of the participants and the submitted contributions, the preliminary suggestion of the conference sections is following:

  • Onomastics and Natural Sciences
  • Onomastics and Informatics
  • Onomastics and Cartography
  • Onomastics and Social Sciences (Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy, Political Science, Ethnology and Cultural and Social Anthropology, Demography and Social Geography, Economics, Law and Legislation)
  • Onomastics and History + Archeology
  • Onomastics and Literary Studies
  • Onomastics and Stylistics
  • Onomastics and Grammar (in the broad sense, incl. Lexicology and Phonology)
  • Onomastics and Orthography + Orthoepy
  • Onomastics and Corpus Linguistics + Quantitative Linguistics
  • Onomastics and Diachronic Linguistics + Etymology
  • Onomastics and Dialectology

Conference languages: English, Czech and other West Slavic languages (Slovak, Polish, Sorbian)

Participation: in-person only


Registration and abstract submission 1 July – 15 October 15, 2024

Notification of acceptance 15 December, 2024

Payment of the registration fee 1 January – 28 February, 2025

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