Monday, November 30, 2020

Book explaining meaning of the Zulu names of 550 bird species


THE Northglen News is giving away a copy of, The Birds of KwaZulu-Natal and their Zulu Names, a fully illustrated bird field guide. The book explains the derivation and meaning of the individual Zulu names of 550 bird species. Through sound linguistic principles, the book adds new names for the 67 per cent of birds that had no names in Zulu. 

The Birds of KwaZulu-Natal and their Zulu Names comes from the Zulu Bird Name project, which spanned over six years, led by authors, Professor Noleen Turner, Professor Adrian Koopman and Roger Porter. Together with 18 Zulu-speaking bird experts from various regions of KwaZulu-Natal, the authors have created the first field guide of this nature.  

Koopman who is a professor of Zulu at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is the author of Zulu Names (2002), Zulu Plant Names (2015) and Zulu Bird names and Bird Lore (2019). Porter is a retired wildlife ecologist and conservation planner at the Natal Parks Board and KZN Wildlife. A bird enthusiast, Porter has also travelled extensively to view birds in Africa, Madagascar and India. Turner is an honorary research professor in the African Languages Department at UKZN whose research areas include Zulu Oral Studies and Onomastics.

“In this book we go through KwaZulu-Natal to record the existing names of birds and for those that were absent, we have held workshops to create names for the birds,” said Turner. 

The book was launched at the Flanders Mall in Mount Edgecombe on Tuesday, 27 October.

“We can’t thank the guides enough who were involved in the workshops who gave so freely of their knowledge to help us write these books. The guides said ‘take it and write it down in a book as we want that knowledge for our children as well. We won’t have it unless it is written down somewhere’,” said Turner at the launch.

The Birds of KwaZulu-Natal and their Zulu names, which boasts a collection of photographs aims to inspire greater interest and awareness.  

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Zoom Lecture "Scottish Place-Names: Past, Present and Future"


Date And Time: Tue, 8 December 2020, 18:30 – 20:00 CET

Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow, with the Centre for Scottish and Celtic Studies, is delighted to present this seminar with Dr Simon Taylor as part of the Angus Matheson Memorial Lecture series. The annual Angus Matheson Memorial Lecture was founded by Celtic & Gaelic in 2006 to commemorate the appointment of the first Professor of Celtic at the University of Glasgow in 1956. We are pleased to invite all interested parties to attend.

Attendees will be provided the Zoom meeting link to the event immediately after registering on Eventbrite.

Speaker Profile

Dr Taylor is the foremost living expert on Scottish place-names. One of the founders of the Scottish Place-Name Society, he has pioneered the revival of serious place-name surveys in Scotland. The five volumes of The Place-Names of Fife (with Gilbert Márkus) appeared 2006-12, and since then he has been the main author on The Place-Names of Kinross-shire (2017) and The Place-Names of Clackmannanshire (2020). He is founding editor of The Journal of Scottish Name Studies. He has supervised many recent Ph.D. theses on Scottish place-names, and supported local initiatives and individual toponymic researchers throughout Scotland. In this year's Matheson Lecture he will reflect on the study of Scotland's place-names.

Tha Roinn na Ceiltis is na Gàidhlig aig Olithigh Ghlaschu, comhla ri Ionad Eòlas na h-Alba is na Ceiltis, air leth toilichte an seiminear seo leis an Dr Simon Taylor a thaisbeanadh mar phàirt de shreath Òraid Bhliadhnail mar Chuimhneachan air Aonghas MacMhathain. Chaidh Òraid Chuimhneachaidh Aonghais MhicMhathain a stèidheachadh leis an Roinn ann an 2006 mar chuimhneachan air ciad Ollamh na Ceiltis aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu ann an 1956. Tha sinn toilichte cuireadh a thoirt do dhuine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh ann a bhith an làthair.

Gheibhear ceangal coinneamh Zoom airson an tachartais dìreach às dèidh clàradh.

An Neach-labhairt

’S e Dr Simon Taylor am prìomh eòlaiche air ainmean-àite na h-Alba. Bha e air aon den fheadhainn a stèidhich Comann Ainmean-àite na h-Alba agus tha e air a bhith aig cridhe ath-bheòthachadh ann am fìor sgrùdaidhean ainmean-àite ann an Alba. Chaidh còig leabhraichean The Place-Names of Fife (le Gilbert Márkus) fhoillseachadh bho 2006-12 agus bhon uair sin tha e air a bhith na phrìomh ùghdar air The Place-Names of Kinross-shire (2017) agus The Place-Names of Clackmannanshire (2020). Tha e na neach-deasachaidh stèidheachaidh air The Journal of Scottish Name Studies. Tha e air stiùireadh a thoirt air mòran thràchdasan PhD air ainmean-àite na h-Alba, agus thug e taic do dh’iomairtean ionadail agus luchd-rannsachaidh ainmichte fa leth air feadh Alba. Ann an Òraid MhicMhathain na bliadhna seo bidh e a’ meòrachadh air sgrùdadh ainmean-àite na h-Alba.

Toponymes Coups de Coeur 2020


«Lac Shkuessnekep» est l’un des 12 Toponymes coups de cœur choisis par la Commission de toponymie en 2020. Découvrez la signification du nom de ce lac situé dans la région de la Côte-Nord.

Lac Shkuessnekep est l’un des 12 Toponymes coups de cœur 2020 de la Commission de toponymie. Le lieu qu’il désigne se trouve dans la région de la Côte-Nord. Ce lac d’une longueur de 610 m est situé, plus précisément, à quelque 60 km au nord-ouest de Baie-Comeau et à environ 1 km au nord du lac du Domaine de l’Orignal.

D’origine innue, son nom signifie « site de campement d’une femme » et se prononce chkouess-nekèp. Le nom fait référence à la dernière nomade innue de la communauté de Pessamit, surnommée « la reine des bois ».

C’est grâce à sa capacité d’inspirer des idées, des interrogations ou des images fortes et riches, à sa relation pertinente avec le lieu qu’il désigne et à sa mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel que le toponyme Lac Shkuessnekep a pu se distinguer des quelque 1 300 noms de lieux officialisés en 2019.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Welcome to "Iona's Namescape" Project


Welcome to the website for Iona’s Namescape: Place-Names and their dynamics in Iona and its environs.

This is a three-year project funded by the AHRC and based in Celtic & Gaelic at the University of Glasgow. The core objective of the project is a survey of the place-names of Iona and the nearby island of Staffa. This will be presented in the form of an interactive web resource in due course on this site (planned to be ready for 2022); and in the form of a volume in the Survey of Scottish Place-Name series.

We will also be researching the early records for the topography of Iona; the names of Iona’s monuments; and the relationship between Iona and Mull. A key part of our research involves trying to understand the dynamism of names and naming in Iona, both over the centuries, and among the different constituent communities who live on and interact with the island in the present.

We are partnered with the two heritage bodies in whose care Iona and Staffa sit: the National Trust for Scotland and Historic Environment Scotland.

Iona is a site of exceptional historical, archaeological, and religious interest, and has been since its foundation as a monastery c.563. Despite the multiple ways in which Iona has been of interest, its complex legacy of place-names has never been the subject of sustained scholarly investigation.

This 3-year project, funded by the AHRC,  interrogates the dynamics of the namescape (the historical and changing landscape of names) of Iona and its environs, shedding light on its past and its complex present, and proposing new ways of curating place-names as part of heritage management.

What were, and are, the dynamics of the namescape of Iona and its environs?

Specific questions propelling this research will be:

–What is the history and evolution of the namescape of Iona and its environs?

–What does this namescape reveal about distinct periods in Iona’s settlement history ?

–To what extent does this namescape reflect distinct groups of naming agents in Iona’s history and its contemporary use (for instance: ecclesiastics; the Gaelic-speaking crofting community; antiquarians, travellers and tourists; modern heritage organisations)?

–What are the implications of this complex namescape for theoretical and practical onomastics, specifically in relation to where the authority lies in name-giving, and the nature of ‘authenticity’ in naming?

This project will research and bring to fruition a series of outputs:

  • An online interactive web resource which will both act as the repository for research data, and also allow both the public and researchers to engage with the rich history of Iona’s namescape (scehduled to be available in 2022).
  • full survey of the place-names of Iona and the nearby island of Staffa, to be published in the Survey of Scottish Place-Names [SSPN] series (scheduled to be published in 2023).
  • popular guide to the place-names of Iona and Staffa, designed for visitors to the islands, based on the data uncovered in our research.
  • An essay collection, based on a conference on ‘The Curation of Names: Authority and Authenticity’ considering the situation of Iona and comparable locations internationally.
  • The project will also produce a series of articles relating to aspects of Iona’s namescape, based on our research.

We hope to host two conferences during the course of the project: one on St Columba and Iona in early December 2021; and one on ‘The Curation of Names: Authority and Authenticity’, in 2022.

An important further objective of the project is to enhance awareness of place-names as historical, human artefacts, and argue for their attentive ‘curation’ by heritage bodies. As such our intended outreach will include workshops with our key partners, the National Trust for Scotland (NTS) and Historic Environment Scotland (HES), the public bodies with main responsibility for Iona, Staffa and parts of Mull, as well as knowledge exchange events with local communities, on Iona and on Mull.

We will be producing regular blogs on our research which you can consult here.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Calling students interested in toponomastics 'Dispersed Settlement in the West Midlands'


Calling students interested in archaeology/history/geography/toponomastics - *Call for PhD Studentship Application* - 'Dispersed Settlement in the West Midlands' Severn Valley: an Interdisciplinary Approach. Deadline 11th December 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lecture "Name - symbol or onomastic code of culture"

Продвигаем ономастику в массы! 😊 Научно-популярная лекция Робустовой в рамках открытого лектория Российского научного фонда

Friday, November 20, 2020

Webinar "Nom de domaine : stratégie de surveillance et de protection"


Rendez-vous le 24 novembre prochain à 10h pour assister à notre webinar intitulé : Nom de domaine : les clés d’une stratégie de surveillance et de protection (cybercriminalité, cybermenaces, …).

Lors de ce webinar, découvrez en quoi le nom de domaine est un actif clé pour votre société, comprenez quelle est sa valeur, quelles sont les formes de cyber-risques qui pèsent sur cet actif et comment mettre en place une stratégie de surveillance et de protection.

De la valorisation financière, aux recommandations techniques (DNS / HTTPS / SSO etc.), en passant par le monitoring, nos experts vous présenteront un panorama complet des bonnes pratiques à mettre en place pour défendre efficacement votre territoire numérique.

Ce webinar sera animé par :

  • Christophe GERARDSecurity Product Manager
  • Lucie LOOSDirectrice Marketing Experte cybersécurité

Pour y assister, il faudra au préalable vous inscrire sur la plateforme Webikeo (inscription gratuite) puis réserver votre place pour ce webinar. Vous pourrez ainsi participer en live à cette web-conférence et poser vos questions en direct.

Vous ne serez pas disponible ? Pas d’inquiétude, ce webinar sera également disponible en replay.

Journée des noms géographiques 2020


Testez vos connaissances géographiques!

Le 17 novembre, la Commission de toponymie célèbre la Journée des noms géographiques, qui vise à sensibiliser le public à l’importance des noms de lieux en tant que points de repère et éléments du patrimoine culturel. À cette occasion, un jeu-questionnaire vous est proposé. Répondez aux cinq questions qui vous sont posées et testez vos connaissances sur les noms de lieux du Québec!

Parmi toutes les participantes et tous les participants de 18 ans et plus, dix auront la chance de gagner un ensemble-cadeau de deux ouvrages publiés par la Commission de toponymie.

Литературные имена-фамилии. Из какого произведения этот герой?


Тест для книгочеев. Во многих литературных произведениях герои носят звучные запоминающиеся имена и фамилии.

Сможете ли Вы вспомнить в какой сказке, рассказе или романе Вы познакомились с тем или иным героем?

Мы Вам поможем – предложим 4 варианта ответа, из которых лишь один верный.

Напрягите память и получите удовольствие от прохождения теста.

Seminar "Why study Onomastics for the sake of Old Norse Mythology"

Thursday, November 19, 2020

First onomastic blog to get over 1 Million Views !


Today, I reached a milestone in my blog e-Onomastics: I had my one MILLIONTH visit!! HOO WOO !!! 

Last year, I was kind of occupied with other things (in the pic.) but I tried to post regulary. 

Thank you to everyone who is reading this, from the long term readers (3100 posts!) who have been there since the beginning in 2012 to the ones who just found me today.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Antonio Sciarretta's Toponymy


Hello everybody. I am Antonio Sciarretta. This site will contain my researches in the field of toponymy and topography. The site has three main sections:This second section will be published in English.

This is the cover of my book (in Italian) - The site is permanently growing: Check the News - Contribute to the Feedback

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Trump vs Biden : une bataille onomastique ?



« Les noms propres ont joué un rôle pendant la campagne électorale, et tout du long de cette longue nuit d’élections américaines. »


Une autre forme de bataille, plus feutrée mais significative, peut être décelée à travers les noms propres des deux candidats. L’onomastique, l’étude ou science des noms propres, et spécialement des noms de personnes, n’est pas une science exacte. On sait cependant, depuis l’utilisation qu’en font les auteurs comiques, de Shakespeare à Molière, ou les romanciers comme Dickens, qu’elle peut révéler tel ou tel trait de caractère par rapport à telle ou telle situation donnée. Les noms propres ont joué un rôle pendant la campagne électorale, et tout du long de cette longue nuit d’élections américaines.

Une nuit étrange, démesurément allongée, où s’égrenait, sur fond d’étoiles du drapeau, comté par comté, État par État, la beauté des noms de pays d’Amérique : Grand Rapids, La Crosse, Des Moines, Columbus, Allegheny County, Savannah, Tucson, Las Vegas – dont le nom signifie « les prairies », « les prés », ou « les vallées fertiles ». Ainsi, à mesure où le scrutin se resserrait, où le suspense augmentait, le sort de l’Amérique semblait pouvoir dépendre de telle bourgade de Pennsylvanie ou de Géorgie, de tel village dans les Adirondacks – et les noms Indiens peuplaient la carte électronique de CNN comme pour rappeler que l’espace américain ne fait qu’un avec ses origines. Dans son discours de victoire, Biden a rendu hommage aux minorités ethniques et autochtones du pays, aussitôt salué par Jonathan Nez, le président de la nation Navajo.

« Fidèle à son nom propre, et à son propre nom, Trump a ainsi cherché à fabriquer [trumped] une autre élection, une élection fantasmée. »

lisez la suite en suivant le lien ci-dessus 

Ономастика 5-класс (Тарых)

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Neue Webseite der Namenberatungsstelle ist online!


Es ist soweit: Die neue Webseite der Namenberatungsstelle ist online! Im neuen Design drückt sie die Zugehörigkeit zur Universität Leipzig aus. Weiterhin können Familiennamen- und Vornamen-Gutachten über die Webseite bestellt werden, Kurzgutachten für das Standesamt können angefragt werden und im Blog erfahrt ihr Aktuelles aus der Welt der Namen.
Die neue Domain lautet, jedoch seid ihr weiterhin über auffindbar, denn ihr werdet einfach umgeleitet.

El nom és l'Alcúdia - 40 anys del canvi de denominació oficial

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"Seigneurie" dans la toponymie du Québec

Que sont devenues les 240 seigneuries qui ont été concédées sur le territoire correspondant au Québec d’aujourd’hui, à partir des années 1620?

Ces seigneuries étaient établies le long du fleuve Saint-Laurent et des rivières Richelieu et Chaudière.

Lisez la suite: lien

Senior Scientist mit Forschungstätigkeit in Onomastik wird gesucht


Senior Scientist mit Doktorat (Ersatzkraft)
Chiffre PHIL-KULT-11580


  • ab 15.02.2021
  • bis 17.11.2026, längstens jedoch bis zur Rückkehr der Stelleninhaberin/des Stelleninhabers


  • Germanistik


  • Ersatzkraft - 20 Stunden/Woche


  • Lehre im Bereich Germanistische Linguistik
  • Forschung im Bereich Germanistische Linguistik
  • Mitarbeit in der Verwaltung

Erforderliche Qualifikation:

  • abgeschlossene Promotion in der Germanistischen Linguistik sowie weitere einschlägige Publikationen und Vorträge in der Dialektologie bzw. angrenzenden Teildisziplinen mit einem Fokus auf Dialekten im süddeutschen Sprachraum
  • gewünschte Zusatzqualifikationen: Erfahrung in Erhebung und/oder Bearbeitung von Dialektdaten (z. B. Dialektlexika oder Sprachatlanten); Erfahrung in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit; weitere Forschungstätigkeit in einem der folgenden linguistischen Teilbereiche: Onomastik, Gesprächsforschung, Soziolinguistik; ausgezeichnete didaktische Fähigkeiten
  • Teamfähigkeit, Selbstständigkeit und hohe kommunikative Kompetenz


Die Beschreibung der mit dieser Stelle verbundenen Aufgaben und Anforderungen finden Sie unter:


Für diese Position ist ein Entgelt von brutto € 1.945 / Monat (14 mal)* vorgesehen. Darüber hinaus bietet die Universität zahlreiche attraktive Zusatzleistungen (

*Stand 2020


Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Onlinebewerbung bis 25.11.2020.

Die Universität Innsbruck strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Dies gilt insbesondere für Leitungsfunktionen sowie für wissenschaftliche Stellen. Bei Unterrepräsentation werden Frauen bei gleicher Qualifikation vorrangig aufgenommen.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Westmeath Field Name Project Update


An update on the Westmeath Field Names Recording Project and some of the interesting names recorded is available at link .

The project began in the summer of 2018 with two community groups, Taghmon Women’s Group and Drumraney Heritage Society. Over 700 field names were collected in that first year, some of which have been discussed in our first project booklet (available on line: Westmeath-Field-Names-Recording-Project-Booklet.pdf). Since 2019 we have worked with a further eleven groups, from all over the county: Fore, Collinstown, Kinnegad, Mount Temple, Rochfortbridge, Rosemount, Ballymore, Loughnavalley, Multyfarnham, Tang, and Coole. 20 meetings with community groups were held in 2019 and a further fourteen have taken place to date in 2020. In total, over 100 volunteers have been involved in the project in 2019-20, and 1400 field names have been collected from 70 townlands. Additionally, a further 80 field names have been transcribed from historic estate maps (18th-19th centuries), the Registry of Deeds, local newspapers and other sources. Unfortunately, all group meetings had to cease in March 2020 due to the Coronavirus Outbreak but collection of names from individuals in various parts of the county has resumed, as circumstances allow.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Historical Anthroponymy and Toponymy of the Eastern Tolmin

 (in Slovenian) link 

V monografiji je obravnavanih 194 še prisotnih in 88 izumrlih vzhodnotolminskih priimkov ter imena 45 vzhodnotolminskih naselij in 82 njihovih zaselkov. Območje obravnave obsega Baško dolino z Ljubinjem, Bukovo z Zakojco, Šentviško planoto s Policami, obe Trebuši, Slap ob Idrijci in Idrijo pri Bači. Namen antroponimskega dela raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kdaj in kako so se na obravnavanem območju formirali priimki, kako so se v stoletjih zaradi glasovnega razvoja spreminjali, kako so zaradi teh sprememb in ob poknjiženju nastale njihove nove različice. Slabi dve tretjini danes živih avtohtonih priimkov je bilo izpričanih že v virih 1515–1523, ostala tretjina pa se je pojavila z redkimi izjemami že do konca 16. stoletja.

Večina naselbinskih imen je nastala s transonimizacijo iz ledinskih, gorskih, vodnih in stanovniških imen. S pomensko-motivacijskega vidika so imena naselij nastala iz geografskih pojmov (26), iz rastlinskih imen (5), s človekovo prisotnostjo pa je povezanih 12 imen. Imena zaselkov pa so nastala iz geografskih pojmov, rastlinskih imen in imen živali (54), 13 je povezanih s človekovo dejavnostjo in še 8 je izpeljanih iz osebnih imen, med njimi vsaj 6 predkrščanskih.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Place names of North Lewis


Author: Ness Historical Society 
Editorial Team with Dr. Rachel Barrowman

Pre order your copy of "Place names of North Lewis" publication now by contacting / phone 810 377 or contact Acair on / phone 703020

The book will be priced at £25.00

Ness Historical Society has created a rich archive of place-names, the information having been provided by over fifty contributors between 1966 and 2018, and this book is the result. The book is separated into all the villages in Ness in order to highlight the cultural and historical importance of place-names and is a record of the names as the people of the area say and spell them. The photographs of contributors inside display the vitality of sharing and culminating knowledge about place-names from Ness to Ballantrushal, in the northwest of the Isle of Lewis.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Silvo Torkar: Zgodovinska antroponimija in toponimija vzhodne Tolminske

V monografiji je obravnavanih 194 še prisotnih in 88 izumrlih vzhodnotolminskih priimkov ter imena 45 vzhodnotolminskih naselij in 82 njihovih zaselkov. Območje obravnave obsega Baško dolino z Ljubinjem, Bukovo z Zakojco, Šentviško planoto s Policami, obe Trebuši, Slap ob Idrijci in Idrijo pri Bači. Namen antroponimskega dela raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kdaj in kako so se na obravnavanem območju formirali priimki, kako so se v stoletjih zaradi glasovnega razvoja spreminjali, kako so zaradi teh sprememb in ob poknjiženju nastale njihove nove različice. Slabi dve tretjini danes živih avtohtonih priimkov je bilo izpričanih že v virih 1515–1523, ostala tretjina pa se je pojavila z redkimi izjemami že do konca 16. stoletja.

Večina naselbinskih imen je nastala s transonimizacijo iz ledinskih, gorskih, vodnih in stanovniških imen. S pomensko-motivacijskega vidika so imena naselij nastala iz geografskih pojmov (26), iz rastlinskih imen (5), s človekovo prisotnostjo pa je povezanih 12 imen. Imena zaselkov pa so nastala iz geografskih pojmov, rastlinskih imen in imen živali (54), 13 je povezanih s človekovo dejavnostjo in še 8 je izpeljanih iz osebnih imen, med njimi vsaj 6 predkrščanskih.


1 Mesto antroponimov in toponimov v sistemu lastnih imen
1.1 O lastnih imenih
1.2 Zgodovina onomastičnih raziskav na Slovenskem
1.3 Pogled v zgodovino antroponimov
1.4 O slovenskem rojstnoimenskem fondu in formiranju priimkov
1.5 Predmet raziskave
1.6 Kratek pregled zgodovine Tolminske
1.7 Pisava

2 Klasifikacija antroponimov po pomenski motivaciji
2.1 Priimki iz osebnih imen
2.2 Priimki iz krajevnih (pokrajinskih, etničnih) imen
2.3 Priimki iz poimenovanj poklicev oz. dejavnosti
2.4 Priimki iz vzdevkov
2.5 Nejasni priimki
2.6 Številčni prikaz obravnavanih priimkov
2.7 Jezikovna podstava živih 194 priimkov z obravnavanega območja

3 Motivacijsko-tvorbena analiza obravnavanih priimkov
3.1 Brezpriponski priimki (priimek = motivirajoči leksem)
3.2 Priponski priimki (priimek = podstava oz. motivirajoči leksem + patronimična pripona)
3.3 Priimki nejasnega izvora (X)

4 Sklepi
4.1 Razvojna razlaga v primerjavi s sinhrono
4.2 Razmerje med hišnimi imeni in priimki
4.3 Proces formiranja priimkov
4.4 Narečne (neknjižne) prvine
4.5 Primeri patronimičnih izpeljav iz priimkov
4.6 Primerjava antroponimov v virih 1515 in 1523 glede na način zapisovanja
4.7 Primerjava antroponimov iz tolminskih urbarjev 1377 in 1515–1523
4.8 Najstarejša plast tolminskih priimkov, izpričana v virih pred 1515 nа Tolminskem ali tudi drugod po slovenskem ozemlju (Goriška, Trst, loško ozemlje)
4.9 Stratifikacija priimkov po priponah glede na čas njihove pojavitve oz. glede na produktivnost
4.10 Nekateri sklepi o migracijskih procesih na obravnavanem območju po podatkih priimkov v historičnih virih
4.11 Domnevna ali zanesljivo ugotovljena žarišča posameznih priimkov na Tolminskem

5 Slovar vzhodnotolminskih priimkov

6 Klasifikacija toponimov po pomenski motivaciji
6.1 Imena naselij glede na motivacijo nastanka
6.2 Imena zaselkov glede na motivacijo nastanka

7 Motivacijsko-tvorbena struktura vzhodnotolminskih toponimov

8 Sklepi
8.1 Razvrstitev toponimov glede na vrsto transonimizacije
8.2 Izvor toponimov

9 Slovar vzhodnotolminskih toponimov

10 Povzetek

11 Summary

12 Резюме

13 Seznam krajšav

14 Viri in literatura

15 Priloge

16 Imensko kazalo

Onomastyczna analiza dyskursu (The Onomastic Discourse Analysis, 2020)


by Mariusz Rutkowski and Katarzyna Skowronek

The book named "Onomastic discourse analysis" (by Rutkowski and Skowronek) wishes to show the general outline of this concept, presents its theoretical background, and indicates a few possible and interesting ways of research. This is an attempt to detail certain methodological paths, indicated or signalled in their earlier works devoted to discursive onomastics. They are striving to develop a relatively stable method of describing proper names, which will take into account research postulates, objectives and tools appropriate for discourse analysis, and, in particular , critical discourse analysis (CDA). This method should provide an instrumentarium for the analysis of all onymic spheres (naming categories) in the scope of their discourse functions as well as socio-communication determinants of proper names.

typ publikacji: monografia

ISBN: 978-83-66364-22-6

Czym się różni Jan Paweł II od Karola Wojtyły? Co dla współczesnych Polaków znaczy Smoleńsk, co przywodzi na myśl twarz Kim Kardashian i skąd właściwie się wziął Hans Timmermans? Takie i podobne pytania stanowią przedmiot dociekań dwojga językoznawców, Mariusza Rutkowskiego z Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie i Katarzyny Skowronek z krakowskiej Akademii Górniczo-Hutniczej, którzy próbują zmierzyć się z istotą nazw własnych wplecionych w strukturę tekstu i dyskursu.

Ta książka stanowi zwieńczenie ich kilkunastoletnich badań. Autorzy prezentują w niej zwarty, spójny i udokumentowany licznymi przykładami pogląd na temat funkcji nazw w dyskursie. Twierdzą oni mianowicie, że wgląd w nazewnictwo określonego zbioru tekstów odsłania nierzadko ukryte i nie zawsze uświadamiane systemy wartości, ideologie, przekonania i grupowe stereotypy, tak istotne dla całej sfery publicznej, nie tylko w Polsce. Jest to jednocześnie prezentacja oryginalnej metody interpretacji współczesnych przekazów kulturowych - onomastycznej analizy dyskursu. Sytuuje się ona na styku onomastyki, lingwistyki kulturowej, nauk o komunikacji, tekstologii i krytycznej analizy dyskursu. Przedstawiając konkretne przykłady, pochodzące z różnych odmian polskiego dyskursu publicznego (np. politycznego czy marketingowego), autorzy zarówno kreślą teoretyczne założenia tej metody, jak i pokazują możliwości jej praktycznego zastosowania. Udowadniają, że nazwy własne mają istotne własności perswazyjne i sprawcze.