Just like last year (here), I decided to sum up the most interesting onomastic highlights of the outgoing year. Fisrt, I've counted together all visits on my blog e-Onomastics, all reactions on ICOS Facebook and all engagements on ICOS Twitter. Thereto, I've added comments and likes. Then, I divided all post into
categories and made an overall rating.
Let's have a look how rich the year of 2019 was (within brackets you may see ranking points. They reflect the online impact, which the corresponding events got in social media) :
TOP 20 Events
(2.179) 1st
ICOS Summer School (Finland)
(1.608) ХVIII Міжнародна ономастична конференція (Ukraine)
(1.595) 21st Slovak Onomastic Conference (Slovakia)
(1.503) 5th
International Conference on Onomastics “Name and Naming” (Romania)
(1.462) Conference
“Personal Names and Cultural Reconstructions” (Finland)
(1.252) 1st
Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (USA)
(1.128) Конференция
"Апелатив и онома. Аспекти на научното изследване" (Bulgaria)
(1.097) 8ème Colloque Onomastique Suisse (Switzerland)
(1.072) Names in the Economy 6 (Sweden)
(956) 4-ая
конференция "Этнолингвистика. Ономастика. Этимология" (Russia)
(861) 4th
A.Vanagas’ Conference “Onyms in Space and Space in Onyms” (Lithuania)
(860) 53rd
Annual Meeting of Canadian Society for the Studies of Names (Canada)
(790) 21st Finnish Conference of Onomastics (Finland)
(683) Jornada d’Onomàstica Hispànica (Spain)
(679) 28th
SNSBI Spring Conference (England)
(673) GeoNames19
Simposium (Austria)
(381) XXIV Convegno Internazionale di Onomastica & Letteratura (Italy)
(2.053) 90 - Alexandra Superanskaya (1929-2013) Russian Academy of Sciences
(462) 90 - Afat Qurbanov (1929-2009, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University)
(381) 80 - Aydın Paşayev (Baku State University)
(312) 85 - Karlheinz Hengst (German Society of Onomastics)
(305) 80 - Ludwig Selimski (Veliko Tarnovo University of Cyril and Methodius)
(237) 70 - Peter Jordan (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Organisations and
(866) 50 -
Austrian Board on Geographical Names
(305) 65 - Jahre Sprachforschung zu Namen in Leipzig
(256) 25 - Flurnamenatlas Baden-Württemberg
(119) 45 -
Societat d’Onomàstica
TOP 10 Books and Works
(1.118) Proceedings
of the 26th ICOS Congress
(464) Onomastyka -neohumanistyka - nauki społeczne (2018)
(438) Grammar ofnames (Language Typology and Universals, Vol. 72)
(369) The Surnames of Cornwall
TOP 7 Awards and prizes
(512) Best Onomastic Article 2018 (by American Name Society)
(487) Prof. Terhi Ainiala (by the Helsinki City)
(430) Associazione Toponomastica femminile (EESC Civil Society Prize)
(361) Jean Germain (by Société Française d'Onomastique)
(329) DOC scholarship for Magdalena Schwarz (by Austrian Academy of Sciences)
(324) Welsh Place-Name Society (lottery grant)
(274) Ville de Matane (Mérite du français en toponymie)
TOP 10 Journals
(757) Voprosy onomastiki (Вопросы ономастики) 16 (1/2/3)
(692) Nouvelle Revue d'Onomastique Nr. 61
(583) Onoma 51/52
(443) Noms. Revista de la Societat d’Onomàstica (11)
(370) Acta Onomastica LX
(321) The Journal of Literary Onomastics 7(1)
(266) Namn och bygd (2018)
(175) Beiträge zur Namenforschung 54(3)
Friends and colleagues we lost in 2019 (no ranking, chronological order):
Dragoş Moldovanu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Romania (1941-2019)
Alan Rayburn, Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names, Canada (1932-2019)
John Algeo, American Name Society, USA (1930-2019)
Bogusław Nowowiejski, University of Białystok, Poland (1954-2019)
Karol Zierhoffer, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland (1924-2019)
Don Orth, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographic Names, USA (1925-2019)
Stefan Warchoł, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland (1930–2019)
Markus Ramseier, Stiftung für Orts- und Flurnamen-Forschung Basel, Swizterland (1955-2019)
Don Orth, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographic Names, USA (1925-2019)
Stefan Warchoł, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland (1930–2019)
Markus Ramseier, Stiftung für Orts- und Flurnamen-Forschung Basel, Swizterland (1955-2019)
Software, online data or apps
(361) Database
"Toponyms of Pisidia and Lycia"
(259) Nimisampo (software
for place-name datasets)
(137) Verbreitungskarten für Namen (CompGen)
Projects and networks
(986) Piuronomastica,
i luoghi di Piuro
(721) Research
network "New trends in Nordic Socio-onomastics"
(239) Kazakhstan’s
project « School of Onomastics »
(1.695) New website
of ONOMA Journal
(899) e-Onomastics 800.000 visits and 7 years old
(744) New website
(668) Onomastics
on Twitter (report)
(541) Onomastics
on Facebook (report)
(445) Logainm, series
exploring Irish toponyms
(277) Facebook
Group of ICOS 2020
Most expected events 2020
(3.225) ICOS 2020 (Poland)
(1.912) ACTA60 Onomastic Conference + 3rd Ostrava Onomastic Meeting Event (Czechia)
(857) Interdisciplinary
conference "Mapping Space Mapping Time Mapping Texts" (UK)
(714) XIXe Colloque d'Onomastique (France)
(527) ANS Annual Conference (USA)
(403) 29th SNSBI Annual Conference (UK)