Saturday, September 11, 2021

Conference 'Les problemàtiques patronímiques a la Catalunya del Nord i la francesització dels cognoms (segles XV-XXI)'


Conference 6: Wednesday 22nd September

4 - 5:30 pm. Conference 'Les problemàtiques patronímiques a la Catalunya del Nord i la francesització dels cognoms (segles XV-XXI)' (Patronymic Issues in Roussillon and the Francisation of Surnames [15th-21st Centuries]).

Conference given by Joan Peytaví Deixona.

Abstract: The presentation shall provide an historic overview of patronyms in Roussillon between the middle ages (when surnames were set) and the early 21st century. It will look at the assignation of patronyms, feminisation, double surnames and passing on surnames by women, amongst other specificities shared in many Catalan-speaking areas. There will also be a section explaining and illustrating how the change of state in the 17th century arising from the Treaty of the Pyrenees and the partition of Catalonia had repercussions on surnames not just from the 18th century. It will discuss how progressive francisation from the 19th century and subsequent linguistic break and replacement in the last third of the 20th century have changed the pronunciation of local and imported Catalan surnames in the last 100 years. In addition to identity problems, divergence and lack of knowledge of history and language, Catalan surnames from the beyond the Albera Massif have undergone changes in several ways.

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