Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Conference 'L’onomàstica de la Torre de l’Espanyol, l’inventari'


Conference 7: Wednesday 6th October

4 - 5:30 pm. Conference 'L’onomàstica de la Torre de l’Espanyol, l’inventari' (Onomastics in Torre de l'Espanyol: the Inventory).

Conference given by Sílvia Veà Vila.

Abstract: Producing onomastic inventories is an urgent task today. With the move away from tilling the land in favour of other work, oral transmission of placenames is stifled and most toponyms could disappear alongside the last people who harvest the local lands. For this reason, work needs to get underway to collect and commit to paper all information at risk of disappearing shortly if nothing is done. This information is not just related to a few names, but rather refers to our language, landscape, history, society, worldview and a long list of other diverse areas of knowledge.

Onomàstica de la Torre de l’Espanyol, winner of the first Ramon Amigó i Anglès Research Award (2016-2018), came from a desire to preserve toponyms and anthroponyms in towns and cities in Catalan-speaking regions.

This presentation will look at how to produce an onomastic inventory, the work that the Ramón Amigó i Anglès Research Award wishes to develop and some of the toponyms and anthroponyms collected in the town of Torre de l'Espanyol, in Ribera d'Ebre county.

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