
Monday, December 28, 2020

Onomastic Highlights 2020

 Just like last two years (2019, 2018), I decided to sum up the most interesting onomastic highlights of the outgoing year. Fisrt, I've counted together all visits on my blog e-Onomastics, all reactions on ICOS Facebook and all engagements on ICOS Twitter. Thereto, I've added comments and likes. Then, I divided all post into categories and made an overall rating.

Let's have a look how rich the "pandemic" year of 2020 was (within brackets you may see ranking points. The postponing of events added much more attention to them. They reflect the online impact, which the corresponding events got in social media) :

TOP 20 Onomastic Events (postponed and cancelled included)

(2.517) ICOS 2020 (Poland)
(1.534) Конференция „Антропоними и антропонимни изследвания в началото на XXI век“ (Bulgaria)
(1.341) Names Society of Southern Africa Congress 2020 (South Africa)
(860) Tagung 2020 "Werbende Namen" (Germany)
(782) 54th Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Studies of Names (Canada)
(743) Міжнародная канферэнцыя «Сучасныя праблемы анамастыкі» (Belarus)
(661) XXV Convegno Internazionale di Onomastica & Letteratura (Italy)
(641) Atelier "Le millefeuille onomastique"(United Arab Emirates)
(633) XIXe Colloque d'Onomastique (France)
(607) Onomastic Conference ACTA 60 (Czechia)
(569) 29th SNSBI Spring Conference (UK)
(550) XIII Jornada d'Onomàstica de l’AVL (Spain)
(479) International Online Conference "Spatiality and Temporality"
(466) Online seminar "Why study Onomastics for the sake of Old Norse Mythology?"
(385) "Names as Borders" Session at the International Medieval Congress 2020 (UK)
(360) XVIII Международная конференция "Ономастика Повольжья" (Russia)
(289) V Xornada de Onomástica Galega (Spain)
(259) 23rd Finnish Conference of Onomastics (Finland)
(240) 7th Panhellenic Conference of Onomastics (Greece)
(221) SNSBI Autumn Zoom Conference (UK)

TOP 7 Toponymic Events (postponed and cancelled included)

(417) Colloque “Nommer les lieux : Questions interdisciplinaires ...” (Switzerland)(356) Session on Toponymy at 34th IGU Intern. Geographical Congress (Turkey)
(350) Lecture "Place-names, narratives and … history of Iceland" (UK)
(340) 3rd Symposium “Permanence, transformation, substitution and oblivion of geographical names” (Italy)
(299) Scottish Place-Name Society's Spring Day Conference 2020 (UK)
(290) Conference "Mapping Space / Mapping Time / Mapping Texts" (UK)
(266) Zoom Lecture "Scottish Place-Names: Past, Present and Future"


(172)     95 - Boris Moiseev, Toponymist from Orenburg, Russia. 
(430)     70 - Marja Kallasmaa, Onomastician at the Institute of the Estonian Language

Organisations and societies
(284)     40 - Societat d'Onomàstica
(184)     60 - Українська ономастична комісія напередодні 60-річного ювілею

TOP 6 Books and Works

(492)   L’Empreinte des lieux” par Stéphane Gendron
(272)   Onomastyczna analiza dyskursu by M. Rutkowski and K. Skowronek
(270)   Nazwy geograficzne w polskich przekładach Nowego Testamentu ...
(124)   Dictionnaire historique de l’anthroponymie romane Vol.III/2
(124)   The Birds of KwaZulu-Natal and their Zulu Names by N. Turner, A. Koopman and R. Porter

TOP 6 Awards, grants and prizes

(2.169) Alexandra Petrulevich (by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond)
(411)    Wojciech Włoskowicz (Prime Minister Prize)
(241)    Emma Heywood (SNSBI' Essay Prize)
(211)    Maria Löfdahl (by the Royal Gustavus Adolphus Academy)
(144)    Luis Fernández (premio del VIII Concurso de Recogida de Toponimia)
(135)    Assumpció Rehues (III Premi Ramon Amigó)

TOP 10 Journals

(3.368) Onoma 53 (2018, published 2020)
(2.954) Onoma 54 (2019, published 2020)
(938)    Nordic Journal of Socio-Onomastics (launched 2020)
(830)    Onomástica desde América Latina 1(1/2) (launched 2020)
(568)    Voprosy onomastiki  (Вопросы ономастики) 17 (2/3)
(522)    Onomastica LXIV
(246)    NomsRevista de la Societat d’Onomàstica 13 
(196)    Onomastica Uralica 15
(147)    Nomina Africana 34

Friends and colleagues we lost in 2020 (no ranking, chronological order)

Germà Colón i Doménech (1928 – 2020), Spanish philologist, Catalan toponymist 
Ankica Čilaš Šimpraga (1970-2020), head of the Department of Croatian Onomastics
Michael Smart (1931-2020), Execut. Secretary of the Ontario Geographic Names Board
Barbara Czopek-Kopciuch (1952-2020), head of the Department of Polish Onomastics
Gumar Sattarov (1932-2020), Tatar onomast, Kazan Federal University
Xavier Ravier (1930 - 2020), Professeur de toponymie occitane
Nicolae Felecan (1941-2020), Romanian onomast, University of Baia Mare
Todor Balkansky (1944-2020), head of the Department of Bulgarian Onomastics
Νικολάου Γ. Κοντοσόπουλου (1929-2020), former Vice-President of the Greek Society of Onomastics

Online data and media 

(881) e-Onomastics: first onomastic blog to get over 1 Million views
(514) Портал по ономастике Института языкознания РАН
(509) Galloway Place-Names database launched
(282) Interactive display of surnames distributions (Great Britain)
(223) Icelandic Placename Database launched
(130) Neue Webseite der Namenberatungsstelle (Leipzig)
(126) Nouvelle version du site "Dictionnaire topographique de la France"

Projects and networks

(440) NameExoWorlds: Naming planets
(368) Hesperia project
(257) Projekt „Živá jména
(235) "Iona's Namescape" Project
(235) Systematization of names (historical-diachronic method) in Kazakhstan
(222) Project Polska Onomastyka 2.0

Most expected events 2021

(2.518) ICOS 2021 (Poland) 
(1.705) 6th biennial international symposium on place names (South Africa)
(1.364) American Name Society Conference 2021 (USA)
(293)    XIХ Международная конференция «Ономастика Поволжья» (Russia)
(155)    55ème Réunion annuelle de la Société canadienne d'onomastique (Canada)


  1. It would be wonderful if the launch of the Icelandic placename database nafnið.is (also at for those who don’t have a ð on their keyboard) could be added to your overview. The launch was streamed on December 18th and can be watched again here But otherwise, thank you for this excellent summary of the year in names, Emily

    1. Thank you Emily, it's up to date now. Thank you for your help. Happy New Year!!!
