Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Українська ономастична комісія напередодні 60-річного ювілею: підсумки роботи й перспективи діяльності


JournalMovoznavstvo (Vol.2019, No. 1)

Publication Date

Authors : ;

Page : 61-70

Keywords : Ukrainian Onomastic Commissionbulletin «Report of the Ukrainian Onomastic Commission»Onomastics Department of Ukrainian Language Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraineonomastic studiosand the names of the centers.;


The article analyzes the activity of the Ukrainian Onomastic Commission (UOC) since its inception — 1960 and to this day. It is specially noted the main directions of scientific and organizational work of this institution at the department of literature, language and art studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the coordination of research on onomastics between different Ukrainian institutes; organization of conferences on various issues of onomastic theory and practice; consultations to the organs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, ministries and departments of the republic for solving various practical problem that arise during the preparation of political division books, encyclopedias, dictionaries and geographic atlases, addressing issues of renaming streets and settlement names. The purpose and tasks of the published organ of the Commission — the bulletin «Report of the Ukrainian Onomastic Commission» are determined. It is deals with the composition of UOC in different periods of its activity. The importance of the further work of the Ukrainian Onomastic Commission and the prospects of its work is emphasized in view of the development of the Onomastic Science and the increasing interest in society in various aspects of the functioning of its own names.

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