Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Italian and German Surnames in South America


Distribution of the Italian and German Surnames in South America: 

This map mirrors the amount of immigrants that moved to the region: Italians greatly outnumbered Germans in arriving migrants so Italians show up in a lot more places, specially the already densely populated ones like São Paulo and Buenos Aires, while Germans only show up in significant amounts in the previously sparsely populated territories of the Brazilian and Argentine Pampas.

At least, in Argentina Germans tended to concentrate between them founding colonies and villages while Italians mixed in the already stablished cities: for example, in the province of Entre Ríos, there's hundreds of villages that were founded by German immigrants and the people still looks very German-like, some maintained the language for the first generations and some traditions, this happened in other parts of the country, too.

Besides that, the Germans tended to form closed communities, especially in Argentina. They not only spoke a very different language but also and most importantly had a different faith. Just as an example, Buenos Aires' largest cemetery doesn't have an Italian sector, because they were as Catholic as the locals, but it does have a British and a German secluded area with their own chapel.

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