Sunday, February 25, 2024

CfP "Onomastics of the Northern Regional type of Greek pronunciation"



The Board of Directors of the Greek Onomastic Society unanimously decided to publish a commemorative volume of «ΟΝΟΜΑΤA» journal in honor of the spiritual memory of the recently deceased Haralambos P. Symeonidis, this great Linguist, Dialectologist, and Onomastician who undoubtedly marked linguistic studies in Greece with his rich and multifaceted work. 

The theme of the volume will be "Onomastics of the Northern Regional type of Greek pronunciation". 

The Greek Onomastic Society invites its members and any other researcher interested to submit for approval, by September 30, 2024, an original scientific article of onomastic content, referring to areas of Greece where Northern phonetics prevail, in order to be published in the aforementioned commemorative volume. The article, accompanied by the contact details of the authors (full name, affiliation, contact phone, and email address), must be sent to the members of the Editorial Committee.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Naming and Labelling Contexts of Cultural Importance in Africa


Special issue of the International Journal of Language and Culture 10:2 (2023)

ORCID logoNico Nassenstein | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Sambulo Ndlovu | University of Eswatini
ORCID logoSvenja Völkel | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
[International Journal of Language and Culture, 10:2]  Expected May 2024.  ca. 150 pp.
Publishing status: In production

XVI Jornada d'Onomàstica (Hidronímia) is on YouTube


Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Project "Your name is your history: Personal names as common cultural heritage of the V4 region"

 We would like to invite you to our presentation about the international onomastic project "Your name is your history: Personal names as common cultural heritage of the V4 region"

Saturday, February 17, 2024

The earliest journal on toponymy and its spin-off effects on place-name research

 My new article has been published in the latest Onoma's issue. 

Enjoy !!! 

My study briefly outlines the history of the first toponomastic journal worldwide and the first journal devoted to Dutch toponymy, Nomina Geographica Neerlandica, which was launched in 1884. It presents the creation, objectives, editorial boards, evolutionary paths and inevitable end. The final part focuses on its decisive influence on the development of place-name research in the Netherlands and Belgium until 2011.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

5th Aleksandras Vanagas’ Conference “Language and Culture Dialogue in 21st Century Onomastics”


Dear Colleagues,

We invite you to participate in the 5th International Scientific Aleksandras Vanagas’ Conference “Language and Culture Dialogue in 21st Century Onomastics”.

The Conference will be held on November 7–8, 2024. Venue: The Institute of the Lithuanian Language, P. Vileišio St. 5, LT-10308 Vilnius and in Zoom platform.

Suggested Topics

Onyms as a research object in Lithuanian, Baltic, and Indo-European studies ▪ Onyms at the intersection of languages and cultures ▪ Signs of national identity in onyms ▪ Between old onomasticon and the written ▪ Links between the historical onomasticon and cultural context ▪ The current coverage of traditional and modern onomastic research ▪ Naming tendencies of people, places, and other entities.

Keynote Speakers

Dr. hab. prof. UŁ Artur Gałkowski (University of Lodz, Poland), Assoc. prof. dr. Olena Fomenko (Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine), Dr. Sanda Rapa (Institute of Latvian Language, University of Latvia, Latvia), Dr. Christian Zschieschang (Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), Germany).

Conference languagesLithuanian, Latvian, English.  Duration of plenary session reports – 30 mins. Duration of reports – 20 mins.


Conference fee:

80 EUR, before October 1, 2024. 100 EUR, before November 4, 2024. Online participation is free of charge.


Please transfer your participation fee to the following account: 

Lietuvių kalbos institutas

Vileišio Str. 5, LT-10308 Vilnius, Lithuania

Reg. no 111955023

„Swedbank" AB


IBAN: LT58 7300 0100 0245 3597

Please indicate: AVK2024, conference fee, Name, Surname 

Conference fee includes cultural events.

Important Dates

The deadline for submission of participant forms and abstracts  – is June 1, 2024Notification of acceptance – September 1, 2024. Publication of the conference program – October 1, 2024.



1500–2000 characters with spaces.

Scientific Committee

Akad. prof. habil. dr. Grasilda Blažienė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language (chairperson), Dr. Laimutis Bilkis, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, PD habil. dr. Harald Bichlmeier, Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Leipzig, Germany, Assoc. prof. dr. Katharina Leibring, Uppsala University, Sweden, Prof. dr. Aleksandr Iliadi, K. D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University, Ukraine, Doc. habil. dr. Ilja Lemeškin, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Prof. dr. Daiva Sinkevičiūtė-Villanueva Svensson, Vilnius University, Dr. Anta Trumpa, Institute of Latvian Language, University of Latvia, Latvia.

Organizing Committee

Dr. Darius Ivoška, Institute of the Lithuanian Language  (chairperson), Dr. Pavel Skorupa, Institute of the Lithuanian Language (vice-chairperson), Dr. Alma Ragauskaitė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Dr. Dovilė Tamulaitienė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Mgr. Alisa Stunžaitė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Mgr. Dalia Sviderskienė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Dokt. Marius Glebus, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Povilas Bialoglovis, Institute of the Lithuanian Language


Please submit participant forms and abstracts here:

For more information, please visit  or contact

Pagarbiai / Sincerely

Konferencijos organizatoriai / Conference Organizers 

Gerbiamieji Kolegos,

Maloniai kviečiame dalyvauti 5-ojoje tarptautinėje mokslinėje Aleksandro Vanago konferencijoje „Kalbos ir kultūros dialogas XXI amžiaus onomastikoje“.
Konferencija vyks 2024 m. lapkričio 7–8 d. Lietuvių kalbos institute, P. Vileišio g. 5, LT-10308 Vilnius ir Zoom platformoje.

Siūlomos pranešimų temos

Tikriniai žodžiai kaip lituanistikos, baltistikos ir indoeuropeistikos tyrimų objektas ▪ Tikriniai žodžiai kalbų ir kultūrų sandūroje ▪ Tautinio tapatumo ženklai tikriniuose žodžiuose ▪ Tarp senojo vardyno ir raštijos ▪ Istorinio vardyno ir kultūrinio konteksto sąsajos ▪ Šiandieninių tradicinės ir moderniosios onomastikos tyrimų aprėptis ▪ Žmonių, vietų ir kitų realijų įvardijimo polinkiai.

Kviestiniai pranešėjai

Dr. hab. prof. UŁ Artur Gałkowski (Lodzės universitetas, Lenkija), Assoc. prof. dr. Olena Fomenko (Kijevo nacionalinis Taraso Ševčenkos universitetas, Ukraina), Dr. Sanda Rapa (Latvijos universiteto Latvių kalbos institutas, Latvija), Dr. Christian Zschieschang (Rytų Europos Leibnico istorijos ir kultūros institutas (GWZO), Vokietija)


Konferencijos kalbos: lietuvių, latvių, anglų.   Plenarinio posėdžio pranešimų trukmė – 30 min. Pranešimų trukmė – 20 min.

Konferencijos dalyvio mokestis:

80 EUR, jeigu mokama iki 2024 m. spalio 1 d., 100 EUR, jeigu mokama iki 2024 m. lapkričio 4 d. Dalyvavimas nuotoliniu būdu – nemokamas.

Dalyvio mokestį prašome pervesti į šią sąskaitą:

Lietuvių kalbos institutas

Vileišio Str. 5, LT-10308 Vilnius, Lithuania

Reg. Nr. 111955023

„Swedbank" AB


IBAN: LT58 7300 0100 0245 3597

Mokėjimo paskirtyje, prašome nurodyti: AVK2024, konferencijos mokestis, vardas, pavardė

 Į dalyvio mokestį įskaičiuota: kultūriniai renginiai.

Svarbios datos

Pranešėjų anketos ir  tezės – iki 2024 m. birželio 1 d. Patvirtinimas apie priimtas tezes – iki 2024 m. rugsėjo 1 d. Konferencijos programos paskelbimas – iki 2024 m. spalio 1 d.


Pageidavimai dėl tezių

Apimtis – 1500–2000 spaudos ženklų.

Mokslinis komitetas

Akad. prof. dr. Grasilda Blažienė, Lietuvių kalbos institutas (pirmininkė), Dr. Laimutis Bilkis, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, PD habil. dr. Harald Bichlmeier, Saksonijos mokslų akademija Leipcige, Vokietija, Assoc. prof. dr. Katharina Leibring, Uppsalos universitetas, Švedija, Prof. dr. Aleksandr Iliadi, Pietų Ukrainos nacionalinis pedagoginis K. D. Ušinskio vardo universitetas, Doc. habil. dr. Ilja Lemeškin, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Prof. dr. Daiva Sinkevičiūtė-Villanueva Svensson, Vilniaus universitetas, Dr. Anta Trumpa, Latvijos universiteto Latvių kalbos institutas.

Organizacinis komitetas

Dr. Darius Ivoška, Lietuvių kalbos institutas  (pirmininkas), Dr. Pavel Skorupa, Lietuvių kalbos institutas (pirmininko pavaduotojas), Dr. Alma Ragauskaitė, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Dr. Dovilė Tamulaitienė, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Mgr. Alisa Stunžaitė, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Mgr. Dalia Sviderskienė, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Dokt. Marius Glebus, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Povilas Bialoglovis, Lietuvių kalbos institutas.


Pranešėjų anketas ir tezes prašome pateikti čia:

Daugiau informacijos ir e. paštu

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Programme for the upcoming SNSBI Spring Conference

The 2024 SNSBI Spring conference will take place from May 10 to 13 at the All Hallows Campus of Dublin City University (DCU) at Drumcondra. Accommodation will be provided by DCU on the Glasnevin Campus. Both are in the northern suburbs of Dublin, easily accessible from the airport.

Call for papers: contributions are welcome on a range of topics, both place- and personal names. If you are interested in giving a paper please email a title and abstract to by January 25th.

For more information, and booking details, please see the first circular.

Kolloquium Namenforschung Schweiz #12



Wann? 12. April 2024
Wo? Universität Bern, Hallerstraße 6, 3012 Bern

Am 12. April 2024 findet das Kolloquium Namenforschung Schweiz #12: „Namenforschung zwischen Tradition und Moderne“ in der Universität Bern, Hallerstraße 6, 3012 Bern, statt. Das Programm finden Sie in Kürze unter: ; um Anmeldung wird bis zum 24. März 2024 gebeten. Die Veranstaltung wird vom Redaktionsteam des Familiennamenatlas der Deutschschweiz (FDS) organisiert.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Patrick Hanks (1940-2024)

On February 1, 2024, the world bid farewell to Patrick Hanks, a distinguished English Lexicographer, Corpus Linguist, and Onomastician who failed to recover from long COVID. His passing marks a profound loss for the international field of name research, where he played a pivotal role as a leading figure.

Patrick Hanks, renowned for his academic contributions, served as a computer scientist at Masaryk University in Brno, the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics at Charles University in Prague, and notably at the Bristol Centre for Linguistics at the University of the West of England. His research focused on the origin, history, and geographical distribution of family names in the United Kingdom.

Beyond his academic pursuits, Patrick Hanks was an esteemed editor of significant name dictionaries, and from 1990 to 2000, he held the position of Chief Editor of English dictionaries at the Oxford University Press (OUP). One of his magnum opuses was the Dictionary of American Family Names (DAFN), first published in a three-volume edition in 2003. In 2022, a substantially revised and expanded version of this monumental work was presented, now comprising five volumes, a collaborative effort with Simon Lenarčič and contributions from Peter McClure.

The Dictionary of American Family Names stands as the most extensive name book in the world, offering practical overviews of various naming systems. This indispensable work deserves a place in every major library. 

Patrick Hanks's legacy is intricately intertwined with this significant namebook, ensuring that his name will endure through the ages. Fond memories of his pleasant and stimulating personality, transcending the professional realm, resonate with all those fortunate enough to have crossed paths with him. In honoring Patrick Hanks, we recognize not only a scholar of great distinction but a person whose impact extended far beyond the academic sphere.