Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Place-Based Histories: An Interdisciplinary Workshop for Early Career Researchers


Event type
People, Place and Community
Sheffield Hallam UniversityCentre for RegionalEconomic and Social ResearchCharles Street Building
Event dates
10:00AM - 3:45PM
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Placenames Workshop on placenames and trees


Ceardlann Logainm 2024

Cad a dhéanfaidh muid feasta gan adhmad? Ceardlann Logainmneacha
Placenames Workshop on placenames and trees

Tá ceardlann á reáchtáil ag Gaois (Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, DCU) agus an Brainse Logainmneacha (An Roinn Turasóireachta, Cultúir, Ealaíon, Gaeltachta, Spóirt agus Meán) chun plé a dhéanamh ar na naisc idir na logainmneacha agus na crainn. Beidh an plé dírithe ar stair na gcrann in Éirinn agus an rian a d’fhág siad ar an léarscáil. Beidh an cheardlann á reáchtáil trí Ghaeilge agus trí Bhéarla. Reáchtálfar an cheardlann ar Champas na Naomh Uile. 

Cláraigh anseo ar Eventbrite

Beidh Comhdháil Earraigh an Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland (SNSBI) á hóstáil ar Champas na Naomh Uile ar an Aoine agus an Satharn 11 agus 12 Bealtaine. Faigh amach faoi sin anseo agus cláraigh anseo

Teagmhálaí: Úna Bhreathnach, una.bhreathnach@dcu.ie

Gaois (Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, DCU) and the Placenames Branch (The Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media) are holding a workshop to discuss the links between placenames and trees. The discussion will focus on the history of trees in Ireland and the trace they have left on the map. The workshop will be held through Irish and through English. The workshop will be held on the All Hallows Campus.

You can register here on Eventbrite. 

The Spring Conference of the Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland (SNSBI) will be hosted on the All Hallows Campus on Friday and Saturday 11 and 12 May. You can find out about that here and register here

Contact: Úna Bhreathnach, una.bhreathnach@dcu.ie


Sceideal an lae (dréacht)

9.30-10.15: Cuairt treoraithe ar Gharraithe Náisiúnta na Lus, ag díriú ar chrainn na hÉireann/ Guided walk around the National Botanic Gardens, looking at native Irish trees

11.00-1.00: Seisiún 1 Cathaoirleach: Úna Bhreathnach

- Conchubhar Ó Crualaoich (Príomhoifigeach Logainmneacha/Chief Placename Officer, An Brainse Logainmneacha/The Placenames Branch): ‘Sceach, Muine, Moling agus Suibhne Geilt’

- Aengus Ó Fionnagáin (UL): ‘Rian na gcoilte agus na gcrann in ainmneacha páirce’

- Diarmaid Ó Maoileoin (Gaois, Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge, DCU): ‘Lorg na gcrann - Sracfhéachaint ar shráidainmneacha’

- Foireann Gaois: ‘Forbairtí nua ar Meitheal Logainm.ie’

1.00-2.00: lón/lunch

2.00-3.30: Session 2 Chair: Gearóid Ó Cleircín

- Liam Mac Mathúna: ‘Wooded Areas, trees and placenames in the Irish landscape: An introductory survey’

- Kay Muhr: Bile 'landmark tree': place names and  traditions

- Paul Tempan: ‘Eochaill – “yew-wood” or “promontory, look-out point”?’

3.30-4.15: Caife, crann á chur le Niamh Ní Dhúill/ Coffee, tree-planting with Niamh Ní Dhúill, Learning About Ecosystems & Forests (LEAF Ireland

4.15-6.00: Session 3

- Jonny Dillon (National Folklore Collection, UCD): ‘Trees in Irish folk tradition’ 

- Gaois researchers: ‘New developments in Logainm.ie’

- Discussion

6.00: Gloine fíona/wine reception

Monday, April 29, 2024

Honoring Navalny: 7 examples of Renaming Streets as Symbols of Courage and Democracy

In the wake of Alexei Navalny's tragic passing, the world has been captivated by his unwavering commitment to democracy and human rights. From the bustling streets of New York City to the diplomatic corridors of Ottawa, activists and politicians alike are mobilizing to immortalize his legacy through a simple yet profound gesture: renaming streets in his honor.

The Netherlands: A Symbol of Solidarity

In the Netherlands, activists are rallying to rename the street housing the Russian Embassy after Navalny. With over 66,000 signatures collected, the proposal to rename the street to "Alexei Navalny’s Street" is gaining traction. Despite potential political backlash, the initiative stands as a symbol of solidarity with Navalny's fight for justice and transparency.

France: Avenue Alexeï Navalny

The avenue Chantemesse in Paris, a street next to the Russian Embassy, will be named after Alexei Navalny, Lʼavenue Alexeï Navalny. Deputies of the 16th district of the French capital voted unanimously for the renaming. An art monument will also be placed at the intersection of two boulevards, in Navalnî's memory.

Germany: Rename Behrenstraße in Berlin to Alexei Navalny Street!

The Demokrati-JA e​.​V. launched the petition, which aims to pay tribute to the Navalny's fight for democracy, and to recognize in his person the immeasurable contribution to this fight of all victims of the Russian regime. They propose renaming the section of Behrenstraße between Glinka and Wilhelm Streets to Alexei Navalny Street. This section is home to the Consulate of the Russian Federation and the residences of Russian diplomats.

Romania: Proposal in Bucharest Council

The Bucharest branch of the USR party said it would propose to the capital's General Council a resolution that would change the name of Tuberozelor Street in District 1, which houses the consular section of the Russian Embassy, to Alexei Navalny Street.  According to the party, this initiative represents an important step in support of democratic values and human rights, reaffirming solidarity with those fighting for freedom and justice worldwide. Citizens who support this project can sign the petition online here.

Malta: A Call for Liberty

In Malta, Foreign Affairs Shadow Minister Fenech Adam has proposed renaming Triq I-Ciefa, adjacent to the Russian Embassy, in honor of Navalny. Parliament's solemn minute of silence pays homage to Navalny's unwavering love for Russia and his steadfast dedication to liberty. This poignant gesture not only condemns authoritarianism but also serves as a reminder of Navalny's enduring legacy.

New York City: A Beacon of Resistance

In the heart of Manhattan's Upper East Side lies East 91st Street, home to the Consulate General of the Russian Federation. By renaming this street after Navalny, New Yorkers aim to send a powerful message of solidarity to those fighting against autocracy worldwide. This symbolic act stands as a testament to Navalny's courage and resilience in the face of oppression.

Ottawa, Canada: A Tribute to Bravery

In Ottawa, Ontario, a petition has been initiated to rename a segment of Charlotte Street, where the Russian Embassy is located, as "Navalny Street." This proposal, encompassing only the embassy grounds, serves as a poignant reminder of Navalny's bravery in the pursuit of democracy. By renaming this street segment, Canadians hope to honor Navalny's legacy and stand in solidarity with those advocating for freedom and human rights.

A Global Tribute

These efforts to rename streets in honor of Alexei Navalny transcend geographical boundaries and political affiliations. They represent a global tribute to a man who fearlessly fought against injustice and oppression. Each renamed street serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the enduring power of courage and the universal desire for liberty.

Monday, April 22, 2024

"Union of Onomasts" in Kazakhstan

Dear readers, I stumbled upon an organisation in Kazakhstan: "Union of Onomasts" ( in Kazakh "Ономастар одағы" қоғамдық бірлестігі, in Russian Общественное объединение "Союз ономастов"), which was founded in 2022 by Prof. Gulnara Bekenova from the Eurasian Humanities Institute in Astana.

Their email is soyuz.onomastov@mail.ru

Gulnara Bekenova is a scholar with a keen interest in onomastics. Holding a Ph.D. in Philology and the academic title of Associate Professor, she graduated from the Shakarim State University of Semey in 1989 with a specialization in Kazakh language and literature. Bekenova defended her doctoral dissertation in 2000, focusing on Kazakh language. 

She has been recognized with awards such as the Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the badge "Pedagogue-Innovator" from the Kazakh Academy of Education, and a Letter of Thanks from the Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata. Her scholarly work spans 25 publications, including studies on contemporary Kazakh language, lexicology, and onomastics. Bekenova's research interests lie in linguistics, particularly in the study of contemporary Kazakh language and toponymy.

Conference "Terminology, onomastics: society and time" was held in Kyrgyzstan

The principles of restoration of historical names (toponyms and hydronyms) and unification of controversial issues in terminology were discussed on April 19, 2024, at the international conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region, the 55th anniversary of the Kyrgyz Encyclopedia and the 35th anniversary of the adoption of the Law on the State Language of the Kyrgyz Republic

Important issues such as unification of terms, translation of foreign words, creation of new normative grammar for modern dictionaries were discussed at the event. The most important thing is the issue of turning the state language into the main language of education.

Жер-суу аталыштарынын тарыхый аттарын калыбына келтирүү жана терминологиядагы талаштуу маселелерди бирдейлештирүү принциптери Кара-Кыргыз автономиялуу облусунун түзүлгөндүгүнүн 100 жылдыгына жана Кыргыз энциклопедиясынын 55 жылдыгына арналган эл аралык конференцияда талкууланды. Иш чарада терминдерди бирдейлештирүү, сырттан кирген сөздөрдү которуп активдештирүү, заманбап сөздүктөрдү жаңы ченемдик грамматиканы түзүү сыяктуу маанилүү маселелер козголду. Эң негизгиси, мамлекеттик тилди билим берүүнүн негизги тилине айландыруу маселеси, кесиптик тилди калыптандырууга багытталган билим берүү стандарттарын, окуу-методологиялык комплекстерин өркүндөтүү жөнүндө бир катар пикирлер сунушталды.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Seminar "National Onomastics: Research and Experience" was held in Kazakhstan

There, the issue of changing the names of settlements that are outdated from the point of view of policy and ideology was discussed, and the road map for 2022-2025 was reviewed.

«Ұлттық ономастика: Ізденіс пен тәжірибе» атты республикалық семинар өтті. Онда жер-су және идеологиялық тұрғыдан ескірген елді мекендер атауларын ауыстыру жайы талқыланып, 2022-2025 жылдарға арналған жол картасы қаралды.

В Туркестане проходит республиканский семинар «Национальная ономастика: поиск и практика». С докладом выступил председатель Комитета по архивам, документации и книжному делу Министерства культуры и информации РК Рустам Али. «Каждое название – это исторический документ. Ономастические имена - это культурная ценность, отражающая духовную память нации. Министерством создана республиканская рабочая группа, которая совместно с местными акиматами реализовала ряд мер. Члены рабочей группы совместно с учеными институтов страны всесторонне проработали и актуализировали действующие списки исторических лиц, географических названий и традиционных наименований Центрального государственного архивного учреждения. 

В прошлом году было проведено четыре заседания республиканской ономастической комиссии с присвоением новых наименований. Министерство предпринимает большой проект по изучению коренных исторических названий населенных пунктов. В рамках проекта будет разработана электронная карта топонимов Казахстана в 3D-формате. Есть предложение, что в дальнейшем такие работы будут проводиться и со стороны местных акиматов», - сказал председатель Комитета. 

В работе семинара приняли участие члены республиканской ономастической комиссии - депутат Мажилиса Парламента РК Жанарбек Ашимжан, академик Серик Негимов, государственный и общественный деятель Дархан Мынбай, руководитель управления ономастики Комитета по архиву, документации и книжному делу Елерке Торехан, директор Института языкознания имени А. Байтурсынова Анар Фазылжанова, председатель правления общественного объединения «Союз ономастов» Гульнара Бекенова, руководители соответствующих центральных государственных органов и региональных органов, заместители акимов районов и городов Туркестанской области. С докладом выступил заместитель акима области Бейсенбай Тажибаев, который ознакомил с проводимой работой в регионе. «Сегодняшнее мероприятие имеет большое значение, связывая государственную идеологию с национальной основой. В прошлом году на Национальном курултае в Туркестане был затронут вопрос ономастики, и Президент Касым-Жомарт Токаев отметил, что ономастическая сфера является важным идеологическим инструментом модернизации исторического сознания. 

В 2021 году было принято историческое решение - в области был создан 17-й район с присвоением ему названия «Сауранский». В области частных школ. Предлагаю обсудить на заседании комиссии вопрос присвоения предпринимателями наименований школам, которые они построили, по своему усмотрению. Есть также предложение вносить список дополнительные поправки один раз в год, учитывая увеличение количества безымянных улиц из-за высокой концентрации населения. Затем, на основании запросов местного населения, есть просьбы включить имена героев Великой Отечественной войны и жертв политических репрессий в список «исторических личностей» в ходе его актуализации», - сказал Б. Тажибаев. Вопросы списков «Исторические лица», «Топонимы» и «Традиционные наименования», методические рекомендации, а также широко используемые среди населения навигационные карты (Yandeх, 2gis) будут рассмотрены совместно со всеми регионами. 

Также на семинаре были приняты во внимание меры, направленные на проведение исследовательской и разъяснительной работы среди населения по историческим названиям населенных пунктов и их составных частей. Отметим, что совещание, организованное акиматом Туркестанской области и Министерством культуры и информации РК с целью обсуждения актуальных вопросов в области ономастики и выработки предложений по совершенствованию деятельности регионов в этой сфере, продлится до вечера. А на второй день участникам покажут достопримечательности и сакральные места. Пресс-служба акима Туркестанской области

Источник: ГУ "Аппарат акима Туркестанской области"

Түркістанда ономастика саласына қатысты бірқатар мәселе қаралды

Түркістан облысында «Ұлттық ономастика: ізденіс пен тәжірибе» - атты республикалық семинар басталды. Ауқымды жиынның алғашқы күнінде ономастика саласына қатысты бірқатар мәселе қаралды. Бұған дейін Атырауда өткен ұлттық құрылтайда мемлекет басшысы ономастика саласы тарихи сана-сезімді жаңғыртудың маңызды идеологиялық құралы екенін атап өткен. Шарада Президент пәрменің жүзеге асыру тетіктері жан-жақты талқыланды.

Национальная ономастика: поиск и практика

В Туркестанской области стартовал республиканский семинар «Национальная ономастика: поиск и практика». В первый день масштабного мероприятия были рассмотрены ряд вопросов, касающихся ономастики. Ранее на национальном курултае в Атырау глава государства отметил, что сфера ономастики является важным идеологическим инструментом модернизации исторического сознания. На мероприятии Президент подробно обсудил механизмы реализации задач, связанных с этим. Также в рамках семинара были отмечены 5 регионов страны, которые хорошо поработали в области ономастики. В числе которых и управление по развитию языков Алматинской области.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

To Translate or not to Translate: The Case of Arabic and Foreign Shop Names

"To Translate or not to Translate: The Case of Arabic and Foreign Shop Names" by Reima Al-Jarf (King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) The translatability of shop names constitutes a problem for translation students. To find out the status of shop name translation in Saudi Arabia, a corpus of 500 shop names (clothing, accessories, beauty products, restaurants, cafes… etc.) was collected and analyzed to find out which shop names are translated, which are not, and which should be translated. Results showed that 24% of the shops have pure Arabic names, 25% have international brand names such as Starbucks, Burger King, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Monsoon, Zara, Sony which are not translated, i.e., used as they are. 39% have English names created by the shop owners such as أو ﺑ ﺮﯾ ﺸﻦ ﻓ ﻼﻓ ﻞ , ﺑﺮ اﻧﺪ ﺳﻨﺘﺮ , ﺑﯿﺒ ﻲ ﺷ ﻮ ب which were not translated. Some foreign shop names were transliterated using Arabic letters although such names have Arabic equivalents as in دﻛ ﺘ ﻮرﻧﯿ ﻮﺗ ﺮﯾ ﺸﻦ , ﻧﺎﺗ ﺸ ﺮ ا ل ﺗﺎﺗ ﺶ , ﻧﺴﻜﺎﻓﯿﮫ دوﻟ ﺲ ﻗ ﻮﺳﺘ ﻮ , أد ﻓﻨﺘ ﻮرا , ﺟﺎ رﻟﯿ ﺸﻮز ﻻو ﻧ ﺞ , أﻣ ﯿ ﺮﯾ ﻜﺎ ن إﯾ ﺠﻞ أ وﺗﻔﺘ ﺮز , ﻛﯿ ﺴﺮ ي ﻛﺎﻓﯿ ﮫ , إﺳ ﺒ ﺮﯾ ﺖ , أﻛﺴﺴﻮرﯾ ﺰ , ﺑﺎﯾ ﻠﯿ ﺲ , ﺑﺎر ﺑ ﻜﯿ ﻮﺗ ﻮﻧﺎﯾ ﺖ . Names in this category should be translated as they were difficult for the subjects to decode. However, subjects could decode ﻣﺎ ﻛﺪوﻧﺎﻟ ﺪ ر، ﺑﯿ ﺮﻏﺮ ﻛﯿﻨ ﺞ، ھﺎ ردﯾ ﺰ، ﻛﻮﺳﺘﺎ، ﺳﺎ رﺑ ﻜ ﺲ . . Shop workers believe that use of foreign names without translation is more prestigious, attracts shoppers' attention more than Arabic names, and more customers can be reached. They also gave globalization factors that affect the preference for foreign words to Arabic equivalents and poor knowledge of Arabic equivalents, especially for new coinages. Guidelines for translating foreign and native shop names will be given based on the views of a sample of translation students and instructors. Biography: Prof. Reima Al-Jarf is professor of English and translation studies. She has 700 publications and conference presentations in 70 countries. She reviews Ph.D. theses, promotion works, conference and grant proposals, and articles for numerous peer-reviewed international journals including Web of Science and Scopus journals. She presented at ANS and CNS twice.

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Concept of “UL” (son, child) in Kazakh Anthroponomy

"The Concept of “UL” (son, child) in Kazakh Anthroponomy" by Zhazira Agabekova (Nazarabayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan) In the Kazakh language, there are many names with the root "ul" (meaning “son”, “child”), such as Ulbosyn (let it be a son), Ulzhalgas (next will be a son), Ultusyn (wishing to give birth to a son). These names are given if a family had only daughters, and with the intention that after several girls born in a family, the next child will be a boy (names that indicated the family's expectation of having boys). This is because historically, the boy was treated as the main breadwinner of the family and the protector of the people, the continuation of the generation, and the birth of a son in the family was important. This shows that the concept of patriarchy still prevails in Kazakh culture. Beyond that lies gender inequality. Although the number of names in the "ul" (son) context has decreased somewhat, the process has not stopped. This article hypothesizes that the use of names in the context of "ul" indicates that the role of men in the Kazakh society is higher than that of women. In order to prove it, linguistic lexemes and proverbs in the culture of the people are considered as the main linguistic facts. The number of these names changes in the different regions of Kazakhstan. These differences (frequency) are based not only on the population density, but also depends on the fact of observing Kazakhs traditions. The findings of this research will help better understand the concept of “ul”, and the analysis shows the importance of studying Kazakh names with root “ul”, which refers to existing gender inequality and gender norms in Kazakh society. Biography: Zhazira Agabekova is Assistant Professor of Nazarbayev University, Candidate of Philological Sciences. Her scientific area is Turkic Studies, Linguistics, Onomastics, Gender studies. Currently, Zhazira is focused on gender issues in onomastics. She is a member of the Onomastic Commission under the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ludic Representation of Toponyms in Riddles

"Ludic Representation of Toponyms in Riddles" by Olga Chesnokova (RUDN University, Moscow, Russia) Each culture possesses riddles about toponyms. The hypothesis of this study is that riddles about cities and their names create a ludic image of toponyms, and each riddle text acts as a topographical image and a sign of collective memory, actively developing nowadays on the internet. The investigation of Spanish, Argentinian and Russian riddles about cities proves that they form a system of internal architectonics and create a ludic image in the range from the direct question “What city”: What city is located on 101 islands? (Saint-Petersburg), to diverse metaphors and personifications: En el mapa de Argentina ¿cuál es la provincia que nunca camina?’ (Salta), and complex sound symbols riddles with a fictional plot: El rey Alí /Fue con su can/A tomar té/¿a qué ciudad? (Alicante). Riddles about cities typically praise the cities; no critical or derogatory features of the ludic descriptions were found. The city image in riddles is always positive and combines real topographical features, elements of touristic discourse, cultural associations; all together creating a system of topographic images on the principles of direct questions, polysemy, homonymy, folk etymology, sound symbolism, and allusions to well-known proverbs. Descriptive riddles are typical for all studied cultures; however, a greater diversity was found for the Spanish and Argentinian cultures. Riddles based on sound symbolism are also more characteristic of the Hispanic tradition, which is obviously due to the letter-sound structure of the Spanish place names. Biography: Olga Chesnokova (Doctor in Romance Philology) is Full-time Spanish Professor at the Department of Foreign Languages at RUDN University and author of more than 200 publications on Hispanic Onomastics, Literary Text translation, and particularities of Spanish in Latin America.

American and Russian Nicknames of Persons

"American and Russian Nicknames of Persons, Motivated by a Combination of Linguistic and Extralinguistic Factors" by Anna Tsepkova (Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Russia) Nicknames of persons coined by means of mixing linguistic and extralinguistic motives form a unique group of unconventional anthroponyms performing identifying and characterizing functions by means of combining a person’s official name with lexemes referring to qualities, attributes, situations associated with nickname-bearers. These nicknames are formed by means of: a) substituting a name by an appellative sounding similar (false etymology): Madison from Maddie + “always mad at something” (US); Парадокс / Paradox from Paradovsky + an irregular person (Rus); b) substituting a last name by an appellative reviving its etymology: Blood from Trueblood + “a cool head under stressful situations” (US); Goose from Goosev + appearance (Rus); c) blending a name with an appellative: Encyclo'pete'ia from Pete + “no matter what you talked about he thought he was an expert on it...” (US); Olgushonok from Olga + lyagushka [frog]: cold limbs (Rus); d) inevitable associations with a famous name / person: Marco Polo from Mark + “always looking for an adventure” (US); e) meaningful abbreviations of first, middle/patronymic, last names: M&M: “because I love M&Ms and m is the first letter in my first and last name” (US); ОМ from initials of the teacher of physics / reference to Ohm (Rus). If small in number (46 nicknames / 5.5% in the American sample; 54 / 1.5% in the Russian sample), this group is the most diverse in terms of coinage patterns, demonstrating the phenomenon of linguistic creativity, aimed at catching and carrying multifaceted audio-visual and emotional experiences of human interaction. Biography: Anna Tsepkova is an Associate Professor in the English Language Department at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Siberian region of Russia) and has a PhD in Philology. She is a Fulbright Alumna, a member of ICOS and the ANS. She is currently working on “A Cross-Cultural Dictionary of American and Russian Nicknames”

I Jornadas de Onomástica y Toponimia de Albacete


Los nombres de los parajes, ciudades, pueblos, ríos, etc. no son sólo nombres, sino también signos de identificación e identidad. Cada uno tiene un origen, una etimología, una motivación, un significado. En ellos encontramos el rastro de otros pueblos, hoy desaparecidos, de los usos que dieron a esos lugares, de la manera de ver el mundo y de vivir, de la vegetación o plantas que crecían, del vínculo afectivo entre sociedades humanas y la naturaleza, etc. Tienen un valor cultural, tanto como parte de nuestro léxico como por la información añadida que nos pueden aportar. Así cada nombre tiene un significado, aunque a menudo lo desconocemos, ya que, en muchos casos, su origen se remonta a lenguas ancestrales, actualmente en desuso o desaparecidas. La toponimia se encarga de descifrarnos todos estos secretos. Y además la toponimia es patrimonio inmaterial de la humanidad desde 2015 que hemos de preservar y cuidar.

           Por ello hemos de recoger los nombres de lugar o topónimos de viva voz de nuestros padres y madres, situarlos en un mapa y estudiarlos diacrónicamente a través de la documentación de nuestros archivos: un trabajo arduo pero reconfortante por los descubrimientos de todo tipo que haremos.

Inscripción gratuita (del 2 al 12 de abril del 2024). Para la asistencia presencial (aforo máximo 30 personas) será necesaria la remisión de un correo a la dirección programasculturales@iealbacetenses.com con los datos personales (nombre, apellidos, teléfono y correo electrónico).

What’s in a Divine Name? Religious Systems and Human Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean


What’s in a Divine Name?

Religious Systems and Human Agency in the Ancient Mediterranean

  • Edited by: Alaya Palamidis and Corinne Bonnet
  • In collaboration with: Julie Bernini Enrique Nieto Izquierdo and Lorena Pérez Yarza

About this book

Open Access

Divine Names are a key component in the communication between humans and gods in Antiquity. Their complexity derives not only from the impressive number of onomastic elements available to describe and target specific divine powers, but also from their capacity to be combined within distinctive configurations of gods.

The volume collects 36 essays pertaining to many different contexts – Egypt, Anatolia, Levant, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome – which address the multiple functions and wide scope of divine onomastics. Scrutinized in a diachronic and comparative perspective, divine names shed light on how polytheisms and monotheisms work as complex systems of divine and human agents embedded in an historical framework. Names imply knowledge and play a decisive role in rituals; they move between cities and regions, and can be translated; they interact with images and reflect the intrinsic plurality of divine beings.

This vivid exploration of divine names pays attention to the balance between tradition and innovation, flexibility and constraints, to the material and conceptual parameters of onomastic practices, to cross-cultural contexts and local idiosyncrasies, in a word to human strategies for shaping the gods through their names.

Author / Editor information

Alaya Palamidis and Corinne Bonnet, Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, Toulouse, France.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Stéphane Gendron: Les animaux dans la toponymie française

The lecture series Onomastics Online continued on 10 April 2024 with a presentation given by Stéphane Gendron with the title "Les animaux dans la toponymie française : entre réel et imaginaire ". 0:00 - 3:15 Introduction 3:15 - 44:15 Presentation 44:15 - 54:06 Discussion

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Lecture 'Swords and Swine: the character of river-names in Welsh and English'


Conférence par Stéphane Gendron sur les zootoponymes


le 10 avril 2024, Mercredi, 17h (France), 3:00 PM (UTC): Stéphane Gendron “Les animaux dans la toponymie française : entre réel et imaginaire”

Résumé : Dans la toponymie française, les noms de lieux évoquant les animaux, qu’ils soient sauvages ou domestiques, sont à la fois fréquents et d’une grande variété. Mais au-delà des apparences, leur interprétation n’est pas sans poser quelques problèmes. Par exemple, les animaux domestiques occupentils une place spécifique par rapport aux animaux sauvages ? L’étude de la toponymie peut-elle, sur ce point, apporter quelques lumières ? Dans quelle mesure tel toponyme est-il le signe de la présence réelle d’un animal ou d’une espèce ? De même que les noms d’animaux sont fréquemment utilisés dans la langue courante pour désigner des réalités éloignées du règne animal, les toponymes ont-ils parfois une valeur purement métaphorique ? Ces zootoponymes – que nous distinguons des zoonymes, noms que l’on donne aux animaux – font à la fois appel à des connaissances traditionnelles, impliquent que le chercheur soit tout particulièrement attentif aux modes de relations et d’échanges que les populations ont entretenus avec le milieu naturel. Il se doit également d’être attentif aux représentations des hommes à l’égard des animaux, souvent très éloignés de notre regard actuel.