Thursday, October 27, 2022

8th Panhellenic Onomastic Congress "Onomastics of the Peloponnese"

 Invitation Letter in Greek 

The Hellenic Onomastic Society is pleased to announce the decision of the Board of Directors to organize the 8th Panhellenic Congress, which will be held in Andritsaina (Peloponnese, Greece) with the organizational assistance and sponsorship of Administration of Western Greece Region, Public Historical Library of Andritsaina, Swiss Association of Friends of the Public Historical Library of Andritsaina, Olympia Province's Federation of Cultural Associations,Youth Association of Andritsaina "Parrasioi" and G. & F. Kanellopoulos Heirs Foundation .

The theme of the Congress is "Onomastics of the Peloponnese", which concern the names of the wider Peloponnesian Area (forenames, surnames, eponyms, toponyms, etc.), without excluding papers focused on broader theoretical onomastic points.

The overall objective of the congress is to promote the science of Onomastics in Greece and multiple possibilities for broader cooperation and interaction with such sciences as Ethnolinguistics, Classical Philology, Folklore, History, Archaeology, Literature, Linguistics, Geography, etc. The main aim of the congress is to collect, classify, analyse, study and present Peloponnesian names, which have not received the attention of researchers so far.

The Congress will be held at the Public Historical Library of Andritsaina from 28 to 30th  July 2023.

Researchers interested in participating at the congress are invited to submit electronically by 31 January 2023, through sending title and abstract (up to 200 words) of their paper, as well as their full name, title, contact telephone number and e-mail address, to the members of the organising committee: (Xenophon Tzavaras) (Maria Vrachionidou)

The duration of each presentation will be 20 minutes and additional 15 minutes will be allowed for discussion at the end of each session. The official languages are Greek and English. 

The Proceedings of the Congress will be published in the 25th volume of the journal Ονόματα.

The members of the Congress Committees are the following:

Organizing Committee:                        Scientific Committee:

Vlachousi Antonia                                   Vrachionidou Maria

Vrachionidou Maria                                Georgiadis Gerasimos

Papadopoulou Eleni                                Dalkos Christos 

Roumeliotis Andreas                               Papadopoulou Eleni 

Tzavaras Xenophon                                Roumeliotis Andreas

                                                                      Sergis Manolis

                                                                        Tzavaras Xenophon

                                                             Hidiroglou Alkistis


  1. Dear colleagues of ICOS, on behalf of the organising committee of the congress and of the Hellenic Onomastic Society, I would like to invite you to the above congress. It would be a pleasure for us if any of you, the international onomatologists, would like to participate so we cordially encourage you to do so. With our best wishes for fruitful collaborations!

    1. Thank you so much, I will forward your invitation to the ICOS members ! It would be great to launch a fruitful collaboration.

  2. I enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing
