Saturday, March 28, 2020

Swedish Regional Distribution of Names

Nordic Names Blog

Names are typically distributed differently within the regions of a country. For Sweden, they have now performed an analysis, based on peoples' places of birth in the 19th century.

Nordic Names analysed the regional usage of almost 750 names in Sweden and published the results here on their blog.
Quite interestingly, the usage range differs widely over the country not only for those names typically thought of as a "southern name" or a "northern name", but for nearly every name - even the very common ones.
They created maps with a colour grading relative to the region with the highest rate of occurrence of the name and put in the percentages as well for a more precise orientation (see the examples of Britta and Brita above).

Analysed Names

You can find an alphabetic list of all the names they analysed here: Names with Swedish Region Maps. On the respective name pages you will find the maps with the regional distribution on the bottom of the pages.

Names by Region

With the results of our analysis they were now able to add a lot of new names to their regions lists: Swedish Regions. If you are looking for names which are typical for a certain region, this is where you can find them!

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