Sunday, January 5, 2025

Onomástica desde América Latina (2025) Vol. 6(1)


The latest issue of "Onomástica desde América Latina" presents a diverse collection of articles exploring the rich tapestry of onomastics across the Latin American region.

1. "Toponímia e identidade cultural: um estudo sobre os nomes de lugares no Brasil"

This article delves into the relationship between place names and cultural identity in Brazil, examining how toponyms reflect the nation's historical and social evolution.

2. "Antroponímia indígena no Peru: preservação e transformação"

The study focuses on indigenous personal names in Peru, analyzing the preservation of traditional naming practices amidst societal changes and external influences.

3. "Nomes comerciais na Argentina: estratégias de marketing e identidade corporativa"

This research investigates the use of commercial names in Argentina, highlighting how businesses employ naming strategies to establish brand identity and market presence.

4. "A influência da colonização espanhola na toponímia da América Central"

The article explores the impact of Spanish colonization on Central American place names, revealing the layers of historical and cultural significance embedded in the region's toponyms.

5. "Nomes de rua em Bogotá: memória histórica e dinâmica urbana"

This study examines street names in Bogotá, Colombia, discussing how they serve as markers of historical memory and reflect the city's urban dynamics.

Each article offers a unique perspective on the significance of names within Latin American societies, contributing to a deeper understanding of the region's linguistic and cultural landscapes.

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