Monday, March 17, 2025

XVII Jornada d’Onomàstica de l’AVL (report + video + photos)

 The XVII Jornada d'Onomàstica, organized by the Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua (AVL), took place on March 14 and 15, 2025, focusing on the theme "Onomàstica i repoblació. Toponímia i antroponímia de la Marina". This event delved into the impact of historical repopulation processes on place names (toponymy) and personal names (anthroponymy) in the Marina region of Valencia.

Day 1: La Nucia

Hosted at the Seu Universitària de La Nucia, the first day commenced with an opening address by AVL President Verónica Cantó. The inaugural lecture by Vicent Terol examined the Balearic influence on the repopulation of the Kingdom of Valencia, highlighting the significant role of settlers from the Balearic Islands in shaping the region's demographic and cultural landscape. 

Subsequent presentations included:

  • Robert Pocklington discussed the reliability of Arab etymologies by Escolano and their relevance to the toponymy of La Marina.

  • Josep Andrés explored 17th-century toponymy of Pedreguer, focusing on the correlation between migration patterns and place names.

  • Joan Ivars analyzed the onomastics of the Barony of Parcent, encompassing Parcent, Benigembla, and Vernissa as of 1612.

  • Maite Mollà, AVL's Onomastics Technician, presented recent developments in the field of onomastics.

  • Ramón Ferrer and Emili Casanova discussed the influence of post-Morisco expulsion migrations on Valencian anthroponymy.

  • Maribel Guardiola highlighted the importance of toponymy in the legends of the Marina regions.

  • Xavier Llorca addressed the traditional toponymy of the Marina and new population processes.

Day 2: Tàrbena

The second day unfolded at the Casa de Cultura de Tàrbena, featuring:

  • Josep Martines presented a novel approach to the toponymy of the Serra Gelada, offering fresh insights into the region's place names.

  • Josep Mas provided a perspective on the influence of 17th-century Balearic repopulation on Valencian anthroponymy, particularly between the Benicadell and Xúquer regions.

  • Joan Lluís Monjo discussed the toponymy of the Marina, the Safor, and the Vall d'Albaida, shedding light on the linguistic heritage of these areas.

The event concluded with a gastronomic session, emphasizing the culinary legacy of Mallorcan settlers in the Marina Baixa region. This segment underscored the enduring influence of historical migrations on local cuisine, reflecting the deep-seated cultural exchanges between the Balearic Islands and mainland Valencia.

The XVII Jornada d'Onomàstica not only highlighted the intricate relationship between migration and onomastics but also celebrated the rich tapestry of cultural and linguistic influences that have shaped the Marina region over the centuries.


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