The latest issue of STYLISTYKA brings together a diverse range of articles that delve into the
intersections of language, culture, and identity. Scholars from various disciplines contribute to this rich edition, offering insights into historical linguistics, onomastics, stylistics, and cultural expressions. Here's a glimpse into the fascinating contents of this new issue.
"Śląsk austriacki i Śląsk pruski w prasie galicyjskiej w latach 1916–1922" / "Austrian Silesia and Prussian Silesia in Galician Press Between 1916–1922"
- By Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa
This article examines the portrayal of Silesian regions in Galician press during a pivotal historical period, offering insights into the linguistic and cultural narratives of the time.
- By Mirosława Sagan-Bielawa
"Językowo-kulturowy obraz wsi i jej mieszkańców utrwalony w wiejskich toponimach" / "The Linguistic-Cultural Image of Villages and Their Inhabitants Preserved in Rural Toponyms (Based on the Commune of Wręczyca Wielka in Kłobuck County)"
- By Tomasz Jelonek
A detailed analysis of how rural place names reflect the cultural and linguistic heritage of their communities.
- By Tomasz Jelonek
"Pomirki, Kamarka, Pietrus, Radiów – o etymologii ludowej i naukowej wybranych mikrotoponimów z obszaru dawnej Łemkowszczyzny" / "Pomirki, Kamarka, Pietrus, Radiów – On Folk and Scientific Etymology of Selected Microtoponyms in Former Lemkivshchyna"
- By Robert Słabczyński
This article uncovers the rich etymological layers behind microtoponyms in the culturally significant Lemko region.
- By Robert Słabczyński
"Nazwy odantroponimiczne jako ekspresywne znaki pamięci wiejskiej wspólnoty językowo-kulturowej" / "Anthroponym-Derived Names as Expressive Markers of Memory in Rural Linguistic-Cultural Communities"
- By Anna Piechnik
A look at how anthroponym-based place names preserve the collective memory of rural communities.
- By Anna Piechnik
"Pamulorze, Cebulorze, Grzybki, Rabarbary, czyli o pewnej kategorii przezwisk gwarowych" / "Pamulorze, Cebulorze, Grzybki, Rabarbary: A Study of a Certain Category of Dialectal Nicknames"
- By Tomasz Kurdyła
An engaging exploration of colorful dialectal nicknames and their cultural underpinnings.
- By Tomasz Kurdyła
"Nazwy telewizyjnych programów sportowych z komponentem wartościującym" / "Names of TV Sports Programs with Evaluative Components (Based on Canal+ Sport)"
- By Katarzyna Burska
This article investigates how evaluative language in sports program titles shapes audience perception.
- By Katarzyna Burska
"Grill&Gulasz, czyli o nazwach imprez kulinarnych" / "Grill&Gulasz: On the Names of Culinary Events"
- By Lidia Przymuszała and Dorota Świtała-Trybek
A linguistic-cultural study of naming conventions for culinary events, blending tradition and creativity.
- By Lidia Przymuszała and Dorota Świtała-Trybek
"Zástupné a opisné pomenovania v onlinovej publicistike ako nosiče komunikačných stratégií" / "Substitutive and Descriptive Names in Online Journalism as Carriers of Communication Strategies"
- By Vladimír Patráš
An analysis of naming strategies used in online journalism to convey meaning and persuasion.
- By Vladimír Patráš
"W stronę badań nad tytułami albumów fonograficznych: tzw. albumy eponimiczne" / "Toward Research on the Titles of Phonographic Albums: The So-Called Eponymous Albums"
- By Radosław Marcinkiewicz
A unique study of how eponymous album titles contribute to artistic identity.
- By Radosław Marcinkiewicz
"Analiza porównawcza tytułów podręczników do nauki języka hiszpańskiego i języka polskiego jako obcego" / "Comparative Analysis of Textbook Titles for Teaching Spanish and Polish as Foreign Languages"
- By Anna Andrzejewska
This article offers a comparative perspective on how textbook titles reflect linguistic and pedagogical strategies.
- By Anna Andrzejewska
"Urbanonimy motywowane frazeologizmami jako forma gry onimicznej" / "Phraseologically Motivated Urbanonyms as a Form of Onymic Play in Agnieszka Zimnowodzka’s Children’s Literature"
- By Izabela Łuc
A fascinating look at the playful use of urbanonyms in children’s literature to inspire young readers.
- By Izabela Łuc
"Ekspresjonizm i jego sposoby nazywania świata" / "Expressionism and Its Ways of Naming the World"
- By Paweł Graf
A study of how expressionist art and literature create innovative naming practices.
- By Paweł Graf
"Rudolfu Šrámkovi k 90. narozeninám" / "Rudolf Šrámek’s 90th Birthday"
- By Žaneta Dvořáková
"Jubileusz 95-lecia Profesora Feliksa Pluty" / "The 95th Jubilee of Professor Feliks Pluta"
- By Krzysztof Lisiecki
"XXIII Międzynarodowa i Ogólnopolska Konferencja Onomastyczna pt. „Onomastyka kulturowa”" / "The 23rd International and National Onomastic Conference 'Cultural Onomastics'"
- By Danuta Lech-Kirstein
This issue of STYLISTYKA offers a compelling journey through the multifaceted world of names, titles, and linguistic-cultural practices. From historical toponymy to modern naming conventions in media and art, the journal showcases the power of language to shape identity, memory, and meaning. Don't miss this diverse and thought-provoking collection!
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