It presents a diverse range of articles exploring various facets of onomastics. Here is a brief overview of each article:
Reverse Onymic Dictionary Across 15 Years (Реверсивний онімний словник за 15 років): This study compares two reverse onymic associative dictionaries from 2006 and 2021, revealing significant shifts in the mental onomastic landscape over time.
22nd Slovak Onomastic Conference "PRODUKCIA A PERCEPCIA ONYMICKÝCH SYSTÉMOV" (XXII Словацька ономастична конференція "PRODUKCIA A PERCEPCIA ONYMICKÝCH SYSTÉMOV"): A report on the conference held at Trnava University, focusing on the production and perception of onymic systems.
All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference "Ukrainian Philology in the Context of European Scientific Thought" (Всеукраїнська наукова конференція "Українська філологія в контексті європейської наукової думки"): An overview of the conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Professor Dmytro Buchko, highlighting discussions on Ukrainian philology and onomastics.
Karpenko Readings (Карпенківські читання): A summary of the international readings held in honor of the renowned linguist and founder of the Odesa Onomastic School, Yuri Olexandrovich Karpenko.
Associative Experiment as a Factor in the Study of Proper Names (Асоціативний експеримент як фактор у вивченні власних назв): This article examines the use of associative experiments to explore the semantic structures of proper names, emphasizing their cultural significance.
Specificity of English Virtual Mythotoponyms (Специфіка англійських віртуальних міфотопонімів): An analysis of modern computer games from an onomastic perspective, studying the motivation and role of mythotoponyms in electronic discourse.
Motivational Structure of Zoonyms and Their Origins (Мотиваційна структура зоонімів та їхнє походження): The article investigates the motivational parameters of animal names, highlighting the processes of onimization and transonymization across different languages.
These articles showcase the diversity and depth of contemporary onomastic research, emphasizing the intersection of language, culture, and naming practices.
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